(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5)
pathinfo — Liefert Informationen über einen Dateipfad
pathinfo() gibt ein assoziatives Array mit Informationen über einen Dateipfad (path) zurück.
Der zu prüfende Dateipfad.
Sie können mit dem optionalen Parameter options angeben, welche Elemente zurückgeben werden. Verwenden können Sie die Konstanten PATHINFO_DIRNAME, PATHINFO_BASENAME, PATHINFO_EXTENSION und PATHINFO_FILENAME. Standardmäßig werden alle Elemente zurückgegeben.
Die folgenden assoziativen array-Elemente werden zurückgegeben: dirname, basename, extension (falls vorhanden) und filename.
Falls options genutzt wird, gibt diese Funktion einen string zurück sofern nicht alle Elemente angefordert werden.
Version | Beschreibung |
5.2.0 | Die PATHINFO_FILENAME-Konstante wurde hinzugefügt. |
Beispiel #1 pathinfo()-Beispiel
$path_parts = pathinfo('/www/htdocs/inc/lib.inc.php');
echo $path_parts['dirname'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['basename'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['extension'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['filename'], "\n"; // seit PHP 5.2.0
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:
/www/htdocs/inc lib.inc.php php lib.inc
Informationen über das Wiederauffinden der aktuellen Pfadinformation finden Sie unter Vordefinierte Variablen.
pathinfo() berücksichtigt die locale-Einstellung. Um den Pfad mit Multibyte-Zeichen korrekt parsen zu können, muss die entsprechende locale mit der setlocale()-Funktion gesetzt werden.
Sometimes we want to get an array of each component in the pathname associated with the correspondent path to that directory. We need it for creating breadCrumbs and stuff like that. So here it goes:
/* Function parsePathComponents
* parse through all path components
* resolves the cross platform slash issue
* eliminates extra redundant slashes
* @return associative array: ComponentName=>CorrespondentPath
/* Array */ function parsePathComponents($path,$endSlash=true,$base=false)
$path = trim($path),
$slash = strstr(PHP_OS,'WIN') ? '\/' : '/',
$retArray = array(),
$str = $temp = "",
$x = 0;
$char = @$path{$x}; $x++)
if(!strstr($slash,$char)) $temp .= $char;
$str .= $temp;
$retArray[$temp] = $str.($endSlash ? $slash{0} : '');
$str .= $slash{0};
$temp = "";
$base&&$temp and $retArray[$temp] = $str.$temp;
return $retArray;
// Testing in WINDOWS
// NOTE: UNIX will return paths with normal slashes
// return array with path names ending with a slash
$path = '/my//stupid//path/to///some/file.php';
$pathComps = parsePathComponents($path);
//Array ( [my] => my\ [stupid] => my\stupid\ [path] => my\stupid\path\ [to] => my\stupid\path\to\ [some] => my\stupid\path\to\some\ )
$path = 'my/other//path/';
// return paths not ending with slash
// Array ( [my] => my [other] => my\other [path] => my\other\path )
$path = 'my//other/path/to///file.php';
// use third argument = true: for capturing the "file.php" base
//Array ( [my] => my\ [other] => my\other\ [path] => my\other\path\ [to] => my\other\path\to\ [file.php] => my\other\path\to\file.php )
any type of url parse_url can handle this will get the extension of
pathinfo() which can be used with UTF filenames.
function pathinfo_utf($path)
if (strpos($path, '/') !== false) $basename = end(explode('/', $path));
elseif (strpos($path, '\\') !== false) $basename = end(explode('\\', $path));
else return false;
if (empty($basename)) return false;
$dirname = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - strlen($basename) - 1);
if (strpos($basename, '.') !== false)
$extension = end(explode('.', $path));
$filename = substr($basename, 0, strlen($basename) - strlen($extension) - 1);
$extension = '';
$filename = $basename;
return array
'dirname' => $dirname,
'basename' => $basename,
'extension' => $extension,
'filename' => $filename
Here is a simple function that gets the extension of a file. Simply using PATHINFO_EXTENSION will yield incorrect results if the path contains a query string with dots in the parameter names (for eg. &x.1=2&y.1=5), so this function eliminates the query string first and subsequently runs PATHINFO_EXTENSION on the clean path/url.
function extension($path) {
$qpos = strpos($path, "?");
if ($qpos!==false) $path = substr($path, 0, $qpos);
$extension = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
return $extension;
A little compat for < 5.2
function pathinfo_filename($file) { //file.name.ext, returns file.name
if (defined('PATHINFO_FILENAME')) return pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
if (strstr($file, '.')) return substr($file,0,strrpos($file,'.'));
For a good example of how platform independent this function is have a look at the different return values that Lostindream and I experienced. Mine is above and Lostindream's is below:
[dirname] => /www/psychicblast/images/1
[basename] => my three girlfriends.jpg
[extension] => jpg
[dirname] => /www/htdocs
[basename] => index.html
[extension] => html
[filename] => index
A warning: this function varies depending on the platform it is being run on. For example, pathinfo('C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe') will return a different result when run through a winOS PHP platform (local development) vs. a server's UNIX-based OS. A bit like the Locale settings, but unexpected.
at example from "qutechie at gmail dot com" you can only replace function 'strpos' with 'strrpos'. (strrpos — Find position of last occurrence of a char in a string)
It's simple. For example:
function filePath($filePath)
$fileParts = pathinfo($filePath);
{$fileParts['filename'] = substr($fileParts['basename'], 0, strrpos($fileParts['basename'], '.'));}
return $fileParts;
$filePath = filePath('/www/htdocs/index.html');
Output will be:
[dirname] => /www/htdocs
[basename] => index.html
[extension] => html
[filename] => index
qutechie at gmail dot com wrote a fix for support for filename in PHP 4; however it gets it wrong whenever you have a filename with a . in it (so foo.bar.jpg would return foo instead of foo.bar).
A fix would be:
$reversed_filename = strrev( $path_parts['basename'] );
$path_parts['filename'] = strrev( substr( $reversed_filename, strpos( $reversed_filename, '.' ) + 1 ) );
The idea is that you reverse the string and create a substring that starts after the first '.' and then reverse the result.
Quick fix for lack of support for 'filename' in php4
$path_parts = pathinfo('/www/htdocs/index.html');
echo $path_parts['dirname'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['basename'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['extension'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['filename'], "\n"; // since PHP 5.2.0
// if php4
$path_parts['filename'] = substr($path_parts['basename'], 0,strpos($path_parts['basename'],'.'));
if you call pathinfo with a filename in url-style (example.php?with=parameter), make sure you remove the given parameters before, otherwise they will be returned as part of the extension.
extension => php?with=parameter
Note that this function seems to just perform string operations, and will work even on a non-existent path, e.g.
which will output:
[dirname] => /no/where
[basename] => file.txt
[extension] => txt
[filename] => file
Building on David Blinco's function, the following will:
1. Return the correct protocol for secure requests (https)
2. Throw an exception for invalid files
3. Ensure the returned url separates directories with forward slashes (David's will not on Windows systems).
function mapPath ($filepath) {
$realpath = realpath($filepath);
// Verify that the path passed is real and harvest the bottom directory
if (is_file($realpath)) {
$dir = dirname($realpath);
elseif (is_dir($realpath)) {
$dir = $realpath;
else {
throw new Exception('File does not exist: ' . $realpath);
// Make sure the path is not lower than the server root
if (strlen($dir) < strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))
throw new Exception("Cannot create http path below server http root.");
$path = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off') ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . substr($realpath, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']));
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
return $path;
This function is not perfect, but you can use it to convert a relative path to a URL.
Please email me if you can make any improvements.
function mapURL($relPath) {
$filePathName = realpath($relPath);
$filePath = realpath(dirname($relPath));
$basePath = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
// can not create URL for directory lower than DOCUMENT_ROOT
if (strlen($basePath) > strlen($filePath)) {
return '';
return 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . substr($filePathName, strlen($basePath));
If you have filename with utf-8 characters, pathinfo will strip them away:
.. will display:
[dirname] => /mnt/files
[basename] => .mp3
[extension] => mp3
[filename] =>
Note that in PHP 4 (if you're stuck using it), pathinfo only provides dirname, basename, and extension, but not filename. This function will not split a file's stem and extension for you.
Heres a funciton to get the same results from php 4+ but you will have to call pathinfo_filename() instead of pathinfo().
if(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.0", "<")) {
function pathinfo_filename($path) {
$temp = pathinfo($path);
$temp['filename'] = substr($temp['basename'],0 ,strlen($temp['basename'])-strlen($temp['extension'])-1);
return $temp;
} else {
function pathinfo_filename($path) {
return pathinfo($path);
You shouldn't assign values as it is described in previous post
// wrong:
list( $dirname, $basename, $extension, $filename ) = array_values( pathinfo($file) );
if $file has no extension, you get wrong variable values: $extension would be assigned with 'filename' array element of pathinfo() result, but $filename - would be empty.
If you want to easily assign the values returned by pathinfo to separate variable names, list isn't enough. You can use array_values() first to convert the associative array into the indexed array that list() expects:
// throws notices, variables aren't set
list( $dirname, $basename, $extension, $filename ) = pathinfo($file);
// works
list( $dirname, $basename, $extension, $filename ) = array_values( pathinfo($file) );
Sometimes, it's interessant to get the basename without extension.
So, I appended a new entry 'basenameWE' (Basename Without Extension) to the returned array.
// pathinfo improved
function pathinfo_im($path) {
$tab = pathinfo($path);
$tab["basenameWE"] = substr($tab["basename"],0
,strlen($tab["basename"]) - (strlen($tab["extension"]) + 1) );
return $tab;
$my_path = "/var/www/html/example.html";
echo "<pre>\n";
print_r( pathinfo_im($my_path) );
echo "</pre>\n";
Out :
[dirname] => /var/www/html
[basename] => example.html
[extension] => html
[basenameWE] => example
It is true that if you put a directory into pathinfo, usually the extension is empty. But, if the directory name is /www/example.com/ for example, you will have the following output:
[dirname] => /www
[basename] => example.com
[extension] => com
So, it is the same as a file.
If a file has more than one 'file extension' (seperated by periods), the last one will be returned.
For example:
$pathinfo = pathinfo('/dir/test.tar.gz');
echo 'Extension: '.$pathinfo['extension'];
will produce:
Extension: gz
and not tar.gz
If you want only the file extension, use this:
$extension = substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 1);
This is many times faster than using pathinfo() and getting the value from array.
Further to my previous post.
This affects servers that run PHP as a cgi module
If you have your own server:
You can use the AcceptPathInfo directive to force the core handler to accept requests with PATH_INFO and thereby restore the ability to use PATH_INFO in server-side includes.
Further information:
Convert a URL to the local file path and vice versa, convert a local file path to a URL.
// this sets the sytem / or \ :
strstr( PHP_OS, "WIN") ? $slash = "\\" : $slash = "/";
// This is the location of the php file that contains this
// function. Usually this request is made to files/folders
// down the directory structure, so the php file that
// contains these functions is a good "where am i"
// reference point:
$WIMPY_BASE['path']['physical'] = getcwd();
$WIMPY_BASE['path']['www'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
function url2filepath($theURL){
global $WIMPY_BASE, $slash;
$AtheFile = explode ("/", $theURL);
$theFileName = array_pop($AtheFile);
$AwimpyPathWWW = explode ("/", $WIMPY_BASE['path']['www']);
$AtheFilePath = array_values (array_diff ($AtheFile, $AwimpyPathWWW));
$theFilePath = $slash.implode($slash, $AtheFilePath).$slash.$theFileName;
} else {
$theFilePath = implode($slash, $AtheFilePath).$slash.$theFileName;
return ($WIMPY_BASE['path']['physical'].$theFilePath);
function filepath2url ($theFilepath){
global $WIMPY_BASE, $slash;
$AtheFile = explode ($slash, $theFilepath);
$theFileName = array_pop($AtheFile);
$AwimpyPathFILE = explode ($slash, $WIMPY_BASE['path']['physical']);
$AtheFilePath = array_values (array_diff ($AtheFile, $AwimpyPathFILE));
$thFileURL = implode("/", $AtheFilePath)."/".$theFileName;
return ($WIMPY_BASE['path']['www']."$thFileURL");
This code is to work in index.php/var/var
if(isset($PATH_INFO)) {
$viewcode = explode('/', $PATH_INFO);
$num = count($viewcode);
if($num % 2 == 0) {
$viewcode[] = '';
for($i = 1; $i < $num; $i += 2) {
$$viewcode[$i] = $viewcode[$i+1];
And, of course, to account for the problem noted in the first post whereby calling a directory, not a file, messes with the output of pathinfo(), you can include the following test:
if($pathinfo[extension] == "") {
Ooops...sorry for missing that.
Here's a neat wee function to grab the relative path to root (especially useful if you're using mock-directories to pass variables into scripts with mod_rewrite). The function simply iterates through every occurence of "/" within the REQUEST_URI environment variable, appending "../" to the output for every instance:
function path_to_root($path) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($path);
$deep = substr_count($pathinfo[dirname], "/");
$path_to_root = "./";
for($i = 1; $i <= $deep; $i++) {
$path_to_root .= "../";
return $path_to_root;
If you run this on a directory, basename is the last directory in the path, dirname is the path before the final directory and extension is empty.