(PHP 4, PHP 5)
tmpfile — Erstellt eine temporäre Datei
Erstellt eine temporäre Datei mit einem eindeutigen Dateinamen im Lese-Schreib-Modus (w+) und gibt einen Dateizeiger zurück.
Die Datei wird automatisch gelöscht, wenn sie geschlossen wird (mit fclose()), oder wenn das Skript beendet wird.
Für Details lesen Sie bitte die Dokumentation zur tmpfile(3)-Funktion und die stdio.h-Header-Datei.
Gibt einen Dateizeiger für die neue Datei zurück, der ähnlich zu dem Zeiger ist, den fopen() zurückgibt. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben..
Beispiel #1 tmpfile()-Beispiel
$temp = tmpfile();
fwrite($temp, "schreiben in Temporärdatei");
fseek($temp, 0);
echo fread($temp, 1024);
fclose($temp); // dies entfernt die Datei
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:
schreiben in Temporärdatei
Remember, that open_basedir affects this function. You will get an error:
Warning: tmpfile() [function.tmpfile]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): ....blablabla =)
No, the fseek() is necessary - after writing to the file, the file pointer (I'll use "file pointer" to refer to the current position in the file, the thing you change with fseek()) is at the end of the file, and reading at the end of the file gives you EOF right away, which manifests itself as an empty upload.
Where you might be getting confused is in some systems' requirement that one seek or flush between reading and writing the same file. fflush() satisfies that prerequisite, but it doesn't do anything about the file pointer, and in this case the file pointer needs moving.
-- Josh
I am fairly sure that the seek just flushes the data from the memory buffers to the file. fflush() should give you the same effect.
By the way, this function is really useful for libcurl's CURLOPT_PUT feature if what you're trying to PUT is a string. For example:
/* Create a cURL handle. */
$ch = curl_init();
/* Prepare the data for HTTP PUT. */
$putString = "Hello, world!";
$putData = tmpfile();
fwrite($putData, $putString);
fseek($putData, 0);
/* Set cURL options. */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.example.com");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PUT, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $putData);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, strlen($putString));
/* ... (other curl options) ... */
/* Execute the PUT and clean up */
$result = curl_exec($ch);
fseek() is important because if you forget about it you will upload empty file...
i had sth like that ^_^
I found this function useful when uploading a file through FTP. One of the files I was uploading was input from a textarea on the previous page, so really there was no "file" to upload, this solved the problem nicely:
# Upload setup.inc
$fSetup = tmpfile();
if (!ftp_fput($ftp,"inc/setup.inc",$fSetup,FTP_ASCII)) {
echo "<br /><i>Setup file NOT inserted</i><br /><br />";
The $setup variable is the contents of the textarea.
And I'm not sure if you need the fseek($temp,0); in there either, just leave it unless you know it doesn't effect it.