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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





(PHP 4, PHP 5)

filesizeLiefert die Größe einer Datei


int filesize ( string $filename )

Gibt die Größe einer Datei in Bytes zurück, oder FALSE wenn ein Fehler auftrat.

Das Ergebnis dieses Funktionsaufrufes wird zwischengespeichert. Siehe clearstatcache() für weitere Einzelheiten.

Diese Funktion ist nicht für remote Dateien geeignet, die zu prüfende Datei muss über das Dateisystem des Servers verfügbar sein.

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jasondblount (at gmail)
15.10.2010 17:41
Find filesize of any file ( >2GB works fine )

function ffilesize($file){
$ch = curl_init($file);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
    if (
$data === false)
    if (
preg_match('/Content-Length: (\d+)/', $data, $matches))
      return (float)
joaoptm78 at gmail dot com
24.09.2010 20:26
And this is my short and very clever simple function. Faster than some of the examples below.


function format_bytes($size) {
$units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB');
    for (
$i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 4; $i++) $size /= 1024;
round($size, 2).$units[$i];


You can add more units to the $units array and change the number 4 in "$i < 4" accordingly.

But if you want it really fast try this not-so-neat function:


function format_bytes($bytes) {
   if (
$bytes < 1024) return $bytes.' B';
   elseif (
$bytes < 1048576) return round($bytes / 1024, 2).' KB';
   elseif (
$bytes < 1073741824) return round($bytes / 1048576, 2).' MB';
   elseif (
$bytes < 1099511627776) return round($bytes / 1073741824, 2).' GB';
   else return
round($bytes / 1099511627776, 2).' TB';


I guess you can do it in 1000 different ways :)
eric heudiard
11.08.2010 16:37
It's very interesting but I can't stand the decimals for bytes and KB so here's another example :

function format_size($size) {
$sizes = array(" Bytes", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB", " ZB", " YB");
      if (
$size == 0) { return('n/a'); } else {
      return (
round($size/pow(1024, ($i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), $i > 1 ? 2 : 0) . $sizes[$i]); }
biolanor at googlemail dot com
20.07.2010 14:49
This is a short and very clever function to get filesizes.

function format_size($size) {
$sizes = array(" Bytes", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB", " ZB", " YB");
      if (
$size == 0) { return('n/a'); } else {
      return (
round($size/pow(1024, ($i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), 2) . $sizes[$i]); }
martinjohn dot sweeny at gmail dot com
17.06.2010 22:12
Here is a quick function for getting a nicer filesize from a number:


function formatBytes($b,$p = null) {
     * @author Martin Sweeny
     * @version 2010.0617
     * returns formatted number of bytes.
     * two parameters: the bytes and the precision (optional).
     * if no precision is set, function will determine clean
     * result automatically.
$units = array("B","kB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB");
$p && $p !== 0) {
$units as $k => $u) {
$b / pow(1024,$k)) >= 1) {
$r["bytes"] = $b / pow(1024,$k);
$r["units"] = $u;
number_format($r["bytes"],2) . " " . $r["units"];
    } else {
number_format($b / pow(1024,$p)) . " " . $units[$p];

formatBytes(81000000);   //returns 77.25 MB
echo formatBytes(81000000,0); //returns 81,000,000 B
echo formatBytes(81000000,1); //returns 79,102 kB


Feel free to email me if you can think of improvements!
jbudpro at comcast dot net
20.04.2010 0:58
Get a real filesize value, return as a string, this way it will not have the same effect as filesize() returning an integer that will be limited by 32-bit php systems. Return can be cast to a (float) to work perfectly for files over 2GB
// str ntfs_filesize( str $filename );
DESCRIPTION: returns the filesize of a large file in string format to...
... prevent 32-bit integer walls using windows command line.
function ntfs_filesize($filename)
            for %v in (\""
.$filename."\") do @echo %~zv
// str perl_filesize( str $filename );
DESCRIPTION: returns the filesize of a large file in string format to...
... prevent 32-bit integer walls  using perl through linux command line.
function perl_filesize($filename)
            perl -e 'printf \"%d\n\",(stat(shift))[7];' "

// WARNING: For files over 2GB casting integers may give false values, to prevent this cast to a (float):

$file = "C:/my6GBmovie.avi"; // proper filesize: 6442450944 bytes
var_dump(ntfs_filesize($file); // output: string(10) "6442450944"
var_dump((int)ntfs_filesize($file)); // output: int(2147483647)
var_dump((float)ntfs_filesize($file)); // output: float(6442450944)

itsrool at gmail dot com
12.11.2009 9:36
My solution for calculating the directory size:

 * Get the directory size
 * @param directory $directory
 * @return integer
function dirSize($directory) {
$size = 0;
RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory)) as $file){
25.07.2009 11:05
Here's the best way (that I've found) to get the size of a remote file. Note that HEAD requests don't get the actual body of the request, they just retrieve the headers. So making a HEAD request to a resource that is 100MB will take the same amount of time as a HEAD request to a resource that is 1KB.

= '';
$ch = curl_init($remoteFile);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); //not necessary unless the file redirects (like the PHP example we're using here)
$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (
$data === false) {
'cURL failed';

$contentLength = 'unknown';
$status = 'unknown';
if (
preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.[01] (\d\d\d)/', $data, $matches)) {
$status = (int)$matches[1];
if (
preg_match('/Content-Length: (\d+)/', $data, $matches)) {
$contentLength = (int)$matches[1];

'HTTP Status: ' . $status . "\n";
'Content-Length: ' . $contentLength;


HTTP Status: 302
Content-Length: 8808759
Svetoslav Marinov
23.07.2009 19:24
This is an updated version of my previous filesize2bytes.
The return type now it's really an int.

 * Converts human readable file size (e.g. 10 MB, 200.20 GB) into bytes.
 * @param string $str
 * @return int the result is in bytes
 * @author Svetoslav Marinov
 * @author
function filesize2bytes($str) {
$bytes = 0;

$bytes_array = array(
'B' => 1,
'KB' => 1024,
'MB' => 1024 * 1024,
'GB' => 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
'TB' => 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
'PB' => 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,

$bytes = floatval($str);

    if (
preg_match('#([KMGTP]?B)$#si', $str, $matches) && !empty($bytes_array[$matches[1]])) {
$bytes *= $bytes_array[$matches[1]];

$bytes = intval(round($bytes, 2));

nak5ive at DONT-SPAM-ME dot gmail dot com
11.06.2009 19:59
a quick way to convert bytes to a more readable format can be done using this function:

function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) {
$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
$bytes = max($bytes, 0);
$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
$pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);
$bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);
round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow];
16.05.2009 11:49
Shortest solution to get filesize of a remote website


= file_get_contents("");

$handle = fopen("example-com.html", "w+");

fwrite($handle, $content);


size . ': ' . filesize('example-com.html') . ' bytes';

hedora at web dot de
7.02.2009 15:23
reliably, quick & dirty:

function getdirsize($path)
$result=explode("\t",exec("du -hs ".$path),2);
    return (
$result[1]==$path ? $result[0] : "error");
bs_hck at bk dot ru
27.01.2009 20:06
Fix 4Gb limit. ( Now limit 8 Gb ;))

function GetRealSize($file) {
// Return size in Mb
$INT = 4294967295;//2147483647+2147483647+1;
$size = filesize($file);
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END);
        if (
ftell($fp)==0) $size += $INT;
        if (
$size<0) $size += $INT;
7r6ivyeo at mail dot com
22.11.2008 2:36
I use the CLI version of PHP on Windows Vista and work with large (~ 10G) Virtual Machine files.  Here's how to get a NTFS file's size without the 4G limit:

function dos_filesize($fn) {

    if (
exec('FOR %A IN ("'.$fn.'") DO @ECHO %~zA');

This should work on any Windows OS that provides DOS shell commands.
16.09.2008 23:23
Another way for remote files -> strlen(join('',file(';
30.06.2008 12:38
function getSizeFile($url) {
    if (
substr($url,0,4)=='http') {
$x = array_change_key_case(get_headers($url, 1),CASE_LOWER);
        if (
strcasecmp($x[0], 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK') != 0 ) { $x = $x['content-length'][1]; }
        else {
$x = $x['content-length']; }
    else {
$x = @filesize($url); }


In case of you have a redirection in the server (like Redirect Permanent in the .htaccess)

In this case we have for exemple:
    [content-length] => Array


            [0] => 294          // Size requested file

            [1] => 357556     // Real Size redirected file

ronnie at logicalt dot com
3.03.2008 3:02
Another workaround for the >2GB "stat failed" in Linux is to call the systems stat as follows:

$size = exec ('stat -c %s '. escapeshellarg ($file_path));
jason dot whitehead dot tas at gmail dot com
8.02.2008 12:14
I have created a handy function, using parts of code from kaspernj at gmail dot com and md2perpe at gmail dot com, which should get file sizes > 4GB on Windows, Linux and Mac  (at least).

function getSize($file) {
$size = filesize($file);
        if (
$size < 0)
            if (!(
strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN'))
$size = trim(`stat -c%s $file`);
$fsobj = new COM("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
$f = $fsobj->GetFile($file);
$size = $file->Size;
webmaster at eclipse org
7.11.2007 16:30
On 64-bit platforms, this seems quite reliable for getting the filesize of files > 4GB

= fopen($filename, 'r');
fseek($a, 0, SEEK_END);
$filesize = ftell($a);
MagicalTux at gmail dot com
16.10.2007 7:58
filesize() acts differently between platforms and distributions.

I tried manually compiling PHP on a 32bit platform. Filesize() would fail on files >2G.

Then I compiled again, adding CFLAGS=`getconf LFS_CFLAGS` in front of configure.

Then filesize() would success, but the result would be converted to a 32bit signed integer...

However on 64bit systems, PHP's integers are 64bit signed, and this would work just well...

So now the question is : should linux distributions (Debian, etc) define LFS_CFLAGS or not ? Doing so makes PHP be able to open/seek such files, but makes its behaviour buggy (stat() is supposed to fail if file size is >32bit and appl does not support such integers)...
md2perpe at gmail dot com
17.07.2007 11:29
Another way to get a filesize > 2GB on Linux:
= trim(`stat -c%s $file_path`);
Robin Leffmann
26.06.2007 14:49
Here's a dodgy little snippet I made to find out how much disk space (in 1K-blocks) any chosen node - file or directory - occupies in the file system..

function nodesize( $node )
    if( !
is_readable($node) ) return false;
$blah = exec( "/usr/bin/du -sk $node" );
substr( $blah, 0, strpos($blah, 9) );

The character I search for with strpos() is a tab, as this is what 'du' on OpenBSD uses to separate size and node in the output - this might be whitespaces in other *nixes/distributions.
Josh Finlay
12.11.2006 9:22
I know there has been alot of remote filesize snippets posted, but I'll post mine also.

It supports HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS and detects which type it should use. It needs --enable-ftp for the FTP/FTPS functions.

I hope this works for someone.

function remotefsize($url) {
$sch = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
        if ((
$sch != "http") && ($sch != "https") && ($sch != "ftp") && ($sch != "ftps")) {
        if ((
$sch == "http") || ($sch == "https")) {
$headers = get_headers($url, 1);
            if ((!
array_key_exists("Content-Length", $headers))) { return false; }
        if ((
$sch == "ftp") || ($sch == "ftps")) {
$server = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$port = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PORT);
$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
$user = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_USER);
$pass = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PASS);
            if ((!
$server) || (!$path)) { return false; }
            if (!
$port) { $port = 21; }
            if (!
$user) { $user = "anonymous"; }
            if (!
$pass) { $pass = "phpos@"; }
            switch (
$sch) {
$ftpid = ftp_connect($server, $port);
$ftpid = ftp_ssl_connect($server, $port);
            if (!
$ftpid) { return false; }
$login = ftp_login($ftpid, $user, $pass);
            if (!
$login) { return false; }
$ftpsize = ftp_size($ftpid, $path);
            if (
$ftpsize == -1) { return false; }
rico at ws5 dot org
8.08.2006 9:41
To get the size of files above 2GB you can use the linux-command filesize like this:

function real_filesize_linux($file) {
exec("filesize $file",$out,$ret);
        if (
$ret <> '0' ) return FALSE;
        else return(
kaspernj at gmail dot com
18.07.2006 15:43
If you want to get the actual filesize for a size above 2 gb in Windows, you can use the COM-extensions in PHP.

An example is as follows:

function knj_filesize($file){
        if (
$fsobj = new COM("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
$file = $fsobj->GetFile($file);
$var = ($file->Size) + 1 - 1;
"File does not exist.\n";

This will return the corrent filesize. And it is very useful with PHP-GTK applications, where you want to use the filesize for larger files.

This example also works for files over a Windows-network. Try this example with the function:

echo knj_filesize("//mycomputer/music/Track1.mp3");

Happy hacking :)
core58 at mail dot ru
14.04.2006 17:21
some notes and modifications to previous post.
refering to RFC, when using HTTP/1.1 your request (either GET or POST or HEAD) must contain Host header string, opposite to HTTP/1.1 where Host ain't required. but there's no sure how your remote server would treat the request so you can add Host anyway (it won't be an error for HTTP/1.0).
host value _must_ be a host name (not CNAME and not IP address).

this function catches response, containing Location header and recursively sends HEAD request to host where we are moved until final response is met.
(you can experience such redirections often when downloading something from php scripts or some hash links that use apache mod_rewrite. most all of dowloading masters handle 302 redirects correctly, so this code does it too (running recursively thru 302 redirections).)

[$counter302] specify how much times your allow this function to jump if redirections are met. If initial limit (5 is default) expired -- it returns 0 (should be modified for your purposes whatever).0
ReadHeader() function is listed in previous post
(param description is placed there too).

function remote_filesize_thru( $ipAddress, $url, $counter302 = 5 )
$socket = fsockopen( "", 8080 );
    if( !
$socket )
// failed to open TCP socket connection
        // do something sensible here besides exit();
echo "<br>failed to open socket for [$ipAddress]";
// just send HEAD request to server
$head = "HEAD $url HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n";
// you may use HTTP/1.1 instead, then your request head string _must_ contain "Host: " header
fwrite( $socket, $head );
// read the response header
$header = ReadHeader( $socket );
    if( !
$header )
// handle empty response here the way you need...
Header( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" );
fclose( $socket );
// check for "Location" header
$locationMarker = "Location: ";
$pos = strpos( $header, $locationMarker );
$pos > 0 )
$counter302 < 0 )
// redirect limit (5 by default) expired -- return some warning or do something sensible here
echo "warning: too long redirection sequence";

// Location is present -- we should determine target host and move there, like any downloading masters do...
            // no need to use regex here
$end = strpos( $header, "\n", $pos );
$location = trim( substr( $header, $pos + strlen( $locationMarker ), $end - $pos - strlen( $locationMarker ) ), "\\r\\n" );
// extract pure host (without "http://")
$host = explode( "/", $location );
$ipa = gethostbyname( $host[2] );
// move to Location
return remote_filesize_thru( $ipa, $location, $counter302 );
// try to acquire Content-Length within the response
$regex = '/Content-Length:\s([0-9].+?)\s/';
$count = preg_match($regex, $header, $matches);
// if there was a Content-Length field, its value
    // will now be in $matches[1]
if( isset( $matches[1] ) )
$size = $matches[1];
$size = 0;
core58 at mail dot ru
10.04.2006 14:09
this is "raw" version of remote_filesize() function.
according to RFC, HTTP servers MUST implement at least GET, POST and HEAD requests, so the function just opens TCP socket connection, sends HEAD request and receives response, parsing length of the resource.
[$ipAddress] is the ip address of remote server.
[$url] is the name of file which size you want to determine.

the code was tested under Apache 2.0.43 and IIS 6.0 and it works correctly in both cases.
i wish the code can save someone's time :)

$ipa = gethostbyname( "" );
$url = "/docs/somedocument.pdf";

$fsize = remote_filesize2( $ipa, $url );



function ReadHeader( $socket )
$header = "";
true && $i<20 )
// counter [$i] is used here to avoid deadlock while reading header string
        // it's limited by [20] here cause i really haven't ever met headers with string counter greater than 20
        // *
$s = fgets( $socket, 4096 );
$header .= $s;

strcmp( $s, "\r\n" ) == 0 || strcmp( $s, "\n" ) == 0 )
$i >= 20 )
// suspicious header strings count was read
        // *
return false;


remote_filesize2( $ipAddress, $url )
$socket = fsockopen( $ipAddress, 80 );
    if( !
$socket )
// failed to open TCP socket connection
        // do something sensible here besides exit();
        // ...

// just send HEAD request to server
    // *
fwrite( $socket, "HEAD $url HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n" );
// read the response header
    // *
$header = ReadHeader( $socket );
    if( !
$header )
Header( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" );

// try to acquire Content-Length within the response
    // *
$regex = '/Content-Length:\s([0-9].+?)\s/';
$count = preg_match($regex, $header, $matches);
// if there was a Content-Length field, its value
    // will now be in $matches[1]
if( isset( $matches[1] ) )
$size = $matches[1];
$size = 0;
fclose( $socket );

mkamerma at science dot uva dot nl
12.03.2006 15:12
When read/writing binary files you often cannot rely on the feof() function being of much use, since it doesn't get triggered if the pointer is at the eof but hasn't tried to read one more byte. In this case you instead need to check if the file pointer is at filesize yet, but if you don't have the filename handy, you need to pluck it out fstat all the time. Two simple functions that would be nice to have natively in PHP:

function fpfilesize(&$fp) { $stat = fstat($fp); return $stat["size"]; }

fpeof(&$fp) { return ftell($fp)==fpfilesize($fp); }
aidan at php dot net
13.07.2005 6:01
This function quickly calculates the size of a directory:

You can convert filesizes to a human readable size using:

For a faster (unix only) implementation, see function.disk-total-space, note #34100

Also of interest is this wikipedia article, discussing the difference between a kilobyte (1000) and a kibibyte (1024).
bkimble at ebaseweb dot com
20.11.2004 0:33
In addition to the handy function Kris posted, here is an upgraded version that does basic http authentication as well.

* (mixed)remote_filesize($uri,$user='',$pw='')
* returns the size of a remote stream in bytes or
* the string 'unknown'. Also takes user and pw
* incase the site requires authentication to access
* the uri
function remote_filesize($uri,$user='',$pw='')
// start output buffering
// initialize curl with given uri
$ch = curl_init($uri);
// make sure we get the header
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
// make it a http HEAD request
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
// if auth is needed, do it here
if (!empty($user) && !empty($pw))
$headers = array('Authorization: Basic ' base64_encode($user.':'.$pw)); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
$okay = curl_exec($ch);
// get the output buffer
$head = ob_get_contents();
// clean the output buffer and return to previous
    // buffer settings
// gets you the numeric value from the Content-Length
    // field in the http header
$regex = '/Content-Length:\s([0-9].+?)\s/';
$count = preg_match($regex, $head, $matches);
// if there was a Content-Length field, its value
    // will now be in $matches[1]
if (isset($matches[1]))
$size = $matches[1];
$size = 'unknown';

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