(PHP 4, PHP 5)
setlocale — Setzt Locale Informationen
Setzt Locale-Informationen.
category ist eine benannte Konstante (oder Zeichenkette), die die Kategorie der von den lokalen Einstellungen (Locales) betroffenen Funktionen angibt:
Ist locale NULL oder der leere String "", werden die Namen der Locales von den Werten der Umgebungsvariablen gleichen Namens wie die obigen Kategorien oder von "LANG" bestimmt.
Ist locale "0", sind keine lokalen Einstellungen betroffen, und es wird die aktuelle Einstellung zurückgegeben.
Ist locale ein Array oder folgen weitere Parameter, dann wird jedes Arrayelement bzw. jeder Parameter versucht als neuer Locale-Wert zu setzen, bis es gelingt. Dies ist dann sinnvoll, wenn eine Locale-Angabe auf unterschiedlichen Systemen unter verschiedenen Namen bekannt ist oder auch als Fallback für eine eventuell nicht vorhandene Locale-Angabe.
Gibt die neue Locale-Einstellung oder FALSE zurück, wenn die Locale-Funktionalität von Ihrer Plattform nicht unterstützt wird, die angegebene Locale nicht existiert oder der Kategorie-Name ungültig ist.
Ein ungültiger Kategorie-Name erzeugt zusätzlich eine Warnmeldung. Kategorien- und Locale-Namen können sie unter » RFC 1766 und » ISO 639 nachlesen. Unterschiedliche Systeme verwenden differierende Namensräume für die Locales.
Der Rückgabewert von setlocale() ist von dem System abhängig, auf dem PHP läuft. Es wird genau das zurückgegeben, was die Systemfunktion setlocale zurückgibt.
Version | Beschreibung |
5.3.0 | Die Funktion wirft nun eine E_DEPRECATED-Notice, wenn ein String statt einer der LC_*-Konstanten an den Parameter category übergeben wird. |
4.3.0 | Die Übergabe mehrerer Locales wurde möglich. |
4.2.0 | Die Übergabe von category als Zeichenkette wird als deprecated gekennzeichnet, verwenden Sie daher immer die obigen Konstanten. Das Übergeben der Konstanten als String (also in Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen) führt zu einer Warnmeldung. |
Beispiel #1 setlocale()-Beispiele
/* locale auf Holländisch setzen */
setlocale (LC_ALL, 'nl_NL');
/* Ausgabe: vrijdag 22 december 1978 */
echo strftime ("%A %e %B %Y", mktime (0, 0, 0, 12, 22, 1978));
/* versuche verschiedene mögliche locale Namen für Deutsch ab PHP 4.3.0 */
$loc_de = setlocale (LC_ALL, 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge');
echo "Preferred locale for german on this system is '$loc_de'";
Beispiel #2 setlocale()-Beispiele for Windows
/* locale auf Holländisch setzen */
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nld_nld');
/* Ausgabe: vrijdag 22 december 1978 */
echo strftime("%A %d %B %Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 22, 1978));
/* versuche verschiedene mögliche locale Namen für Deutsch ab PHP 4.3.0 */
$loc_de = setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'deu_deu');
echo "Preferred locale for german on this system is '$loc_de'";
Die Locale-Informationen wirken auf den Prozess, nicht auf den Thread. Sofern Sie PHP mit einer Multithreaded Server API wie IIS oder Apache unter Windows einsetzen, rechnen Sie mit unerwarteten Änderungen der Locale-Einstellungen zur Laufzeit des Skripts, auch wenn das Skript selbst keinen setlocale()-Aufruf durchführt. Dies passiert, da andere Skripte in verschiedenen Threads des selben Prozesses zur selben Zeit prozessweit die Locale-Einstellungen mittels setlocale() ändern.
Windowsuser finden weitergehende Informationen über locale-Strings auf Microsofts MSDN-Webseite. Unterstützte Language-Strings können Sie unter » http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclib/html/_crt_language_strings.asp, Country/Region-Strings unter » http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclib/html/_crt_country_strings.asp nachschlagen. Windowssysteme unterstützen Drei-Buchstaben-Codes für Länder/Regionen-Angaben entsprechend ISO 3166-Alpha-3, die Sie auf der » Unicode Website finden.
Regarding dash'es in locale, it appears they should be omitted entirely.
In /etc/locale.gen I have
da_DK.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15
but locale -a gives
which is the format setlocale() wants.
Anyone looking for a getlocale() function like me, here it is.
If you want change locale for a part of your code and then you want to restore the original locale (and you don't know what it was) this is how you can do it:
function getlocale($category) {
return setlocale($category, NULL);
$old_locale = getlocale(LC_ALL);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE");
// now use the geman locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, $old_locale);
// now use the original locale
For a php Mysql query, you could also use, for french canadian, in this example :
$query = 'SET lc_time_names = "fr_CA"';
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");
$query = 'SELECT @@lc_time_names';
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");
$query = 'SELECT id, created, YEAR(created) as year, MONTH(created) as month,' .
' CONCAT_WS(" ", MONTHNAME(created), YEAR(created)) as archive' .
' FROM #__TABLE as e' .
' GROUP BY archive' .
Your data will be displayed in any locale setting you want. You may even $_GET[lc_time_name] from your multilanguage website.
On Linux/Apache, when you install and try to use a new locale, the setlocale() function with the new locale will fail sometimes, but not always. To furthermore complicate, setlocale() will always complete with any of the previously installed locales. This would seem a really weird behaviour, which you can fix by restarting Apache, as Kari Sderholm aka Haprog mentioned, but I felt it needed to be properly pointed out.
It took me a while to figure out how to get a Finnish locale correctly set on Ubuntu Server with Apache2 and PHP5.
At first the output for "locale -a" was this:
I had to install a finnish language pack with
"sudo apt-get install language-pack-fi-base"
Now the output for "locale -a" is:
The last thing you need to do after installing the correct language pack is restart Apache with "sudo apache2ctl restart". The locale "fi_FI.utf8" can then be used in PHP5 after restarting Apache.
For setting Finnish timezone and locale in PHP use:
setlocale(LC_ALL, array('fi_FI.UTF-8','fi_FI@euro','fi_FI','finnish'));
It is correct as stated below that it is common that the UTF-8 should be used without the dash. However on some systems (e.g. MacOS 10.4) the dash is essential.
Pay attention to the syntax.
- UTF8 without dash ('-')
- locale.codeset and not locale-codeset.
Stupid newbie error but worth knowing them when starting with gettext.
$codeset = "UTF8"; // warning ! not UTF-8 with dash '-'
// for windows compatibility (e.g. xampp) : theses 3 lines are useless for linux systems
bind_textdomain_codeset('mydomain', $codeset);
// set locale
bindtextdomain('mydomain', ABSPATH.'/locale/');
setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang.'.'.$codeset);
where directory structure of locale is (for example) :
and ABSPATH is the absolute path to the locale dir
further note, under linux systems, it seems to be necessary to create the locale at os level using 'locale-gen'.
For Apache on Windows (wamp), or Linux RedHat (lampp):
if you expect the locale from the environment of PHP process instead of defining it by your code, you shall request the value of locale with setlocale and a null value.
On windows it is defined in system, not as an env variable, so you cannot see it with getenv(), but the behavior is the same : print with a decimal number with "," if requesting the locale, with "." otherwise.
This is different from the red warning above about locale set by another thread.
It seems that unless you request the setlocale, the locale conv array is not set with the environment. As a result the formatting of numbers is not following the locale in environment.
print getenv("LANG");
print $_ENV['LANG'];
print "calling localeconv() directly\n";
print "\ncalling setlocale() before localeconv()\n";
calling localeconv() directly
[decimal_point] => .
[thousands_sep] =>
[int_curr_symbol] =>
[currency_symbol] =>
[mon_decimal_point] =>
[mon_thousands_sep] =>
[positive_sign] =>
[negative_sign] =>
[int_frac_digits] => 127
[frac_digits] => 127
[p_cs_precedes] => 127
[p_sep_by_space] => 127
[n_cs_precedes] => 127
[n_sep_by_space] => 127
[p_sign_posn] => 127
[n_sign_posn] => 127
[grouping] => Array
[mon_grouping] => Array
calling setlocale() before localeconv()
[decimal_point] => ,
[thousands_sep] =>
[int_curr_symbol] => EUR
[currency_symbol] => €
[mon_decimal_point] => ,
[mon_thousands_sep] =>
[positive_sign] =>
[negative_sign] => -
[int_frac_digits] => 2
[frac_digits] => 2
[p_cs_precedes] => 0
[p_sep_by_space] => 1
[n_cs_precedes] => 0
[n_sep_by_space] => 1
[p_sign_posn] => 1
[n_sign_posn] => 1
[grouping] => Array
[0] => 3
[mon_grouping] => Array
[0] => 3
For debian/ubuntu, don't forget the charset UFT8.
// Works on Ubuntu 8.04 Server
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr_FR.UTF8', 'fr.UTF8', 'fr_FR.UTF-8', 'fr.UTF-8');
I had the problem (Debian), that the language de_DE was installed, but setlocale always returned false. I installed the language AFTER compiling PHP - that was the point. If you add some languages afterwards, you have to recompile php ;)
Edwin Martin wrote already a note for Debian users, but it didn't work for me.
What DID work was this:
apt-get install locales-all
which installs more than the same apt-get without the '-all'
With 'locales-all' I got all languages running well.
Setting locale that is not supported by your system will result in some string operations returning a question mark "?" in your strings where it needs to perform transliteration.
1) Always check the return of setlocale() to ensure it has set to something supported
2) on Linux you can use the "locale -a" command to find a list of supported locales
A generalization for mk (26-Jan-2004) and totu (09-Sep-2002). The issue is not restricted to MySQL. For instance, when PHP needs to cast a floating point variable to string, it obeys the LC_NUMERIC settings:
$foo = 29.95;
echo "Locale: " . setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0) . "\n";
echo "Foo: $foo\n";
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'Spanish_Spain.28605');
echo "Locale: " . setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0) . "\n";
echo "Foo: $foo\n";
Under Windows, this code prints:
Locale: C
Foo: 29.95
Locale: Spanish_Spain.28605
Foo: 29,95
This will works for Indonesian on all platform (Windows, Linux and others Nix server):
echo '<pre>' . "\n";
//Add english as default (if all Indonesian not available)
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'id_ID.UTF8', 'id_ID.UTF-8', 'id_ID.8859-1', 'id_ID', 'IND.UTF8', 'IND.UTF-8', 'IND.8859-1', 'IND', 'Indonesian.UTF8', 'Indonesian.UTF-8', 'Indonesian.8859-1', 'Indonesian', 'Indonesia', 'id', 'ID', 'en_US.UTF8', 'en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US.8859-1', 'en_US', 'American', 'ENG', 'English');
//will output something like: Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008
echo strftime("%A, %d %B %Y") . "\n";
echo '</pre>' . "\n";
Please take heed and read the warning above if you are running on a XAMPP or any other Windows apache server! It just took me far too long to figure this out; and all the while there was a warning right on the page.
If you're experiencing shifting locale settings (check with setlocale(LC_ALL,0), returning the current locale stuff) and you're running a windows server, then it's not just you! Again, I urge everyone to read the red, but oh so easy not to read, warning message on this page.
Note about using UTF-8 locale charset on Windows systems:
According to MSDN, Windows setlocale()'s implementation does not support UTF-8 encoding.
Citation from "MSDN setlocale, _wsetlocale" page (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x99tb11d.aspx):
The set of available languages, country/region codes, and code pages includes all those supported by the Win32 NLS API except code pages that require more than two bytes per character, such as UTF-7 and UTF-8. If you provide a code page like UTF-7 or UTF-8, setlocale will fail, returning NULL.
So basically, code like
<?php setlocale(LC_ALL, 'Czech_Czech Republic.65001'); // 65001 is UTF-8 codepage ?>
does not work on Windows at all.
(written in time of PHP 5.2.4)
I experienced the behavior stated in the above Warning box: Running PHP5 on a multithreaded Apache made the current locale change sometimes all of a sudden within a script, so strftime() output wasn't in the required format.
I recompiled Apache with the prefork MPM and now it works like a charm. Took me a long time to find out the reason as I overlooked the warning box searching for either a bug report or a programming error of mine...
On Ubuntu, you have to take p.e. "de_DE.utf8", all available languages you can get with:
locale -a
To set locale to 'de_DE' on my Debian 4 machine I had to:
- uncomment 'de_DE' in file /etc/locale.gen and afterwards
- run locale-gen from the shell
Posting this in the hope it might be useful to others, as I could find very little info anywhere. If you want to use a Welsh locale and have the suitable language support installed, you pass 'cym' (abbreviated form of Cymraeg) to setlocale:
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'cym');
$welsh= gmstrftime("%A, %B %Y - %H:%M",time());
echo $welsh;
The above certainly applies to Windows systems, but should also apply to Unix if the required support is installed.
There is a new PECL extension under development called intl (it will be available in PHP5.3). Meanwhile all who rely on the setlocale() and friends should be aware about the limitations of them as covered in this post on the onPHP5.com blog: http://www.onphp5.com/article/22
In *some* Windows systems, setting LC_TIME only will not work, you must either set LC_ALL or both LC_CTYPE and LC_TIME. BUT if you have already set LC_TIME using setlocale earlier in the script, dates will not be affected! For example:
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'greek');
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'greek');
will not work, while
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'greek');
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'greek');
will do the job.
To complement Sven K's tip about debian:
You can also install the package locales-all
That one holds all the locales there are in compiled form.
For those of you who are unfortunate enough (like me) to work in Windows environment, and try to set the locale to a language _and_ to UTF-8 charset, and were unable to do it, here is a workaround.
For example to output the date in hungarian with UTF-8 charset, this will work:
$dateString = "%B %d., %A";
echo(iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $res));
If anybody knows how to set the locale on Windows to the equivalent of "hu_HU.UTF-8" on unix, please do tell me.
if your server is an ubuntu (debian like)
you need to install the locales you want (default is english and your language) go to aptitude and install -language-pack-*-base it will resolve dependencies and will try to install a suggested package, remove it if you don't care and proceed.
If you already have all the locales installed and "locale -a" is only showing a few languages, then edit /etc/locale.gen and add a line, e.g., es_MX ISO-8859-1. After you add the line, run the command locale-gen for it to generate the locales based on those settings.
If your system doesn't show any installed locales by "locale -a", try installing them by "dpkg-reconfigure locales" (on debian).
The example from bruno dot cenou at revues dot org below shows the possibility, but I want to spell it out: you can add charset info to setlocale.
Into my utf-8-encoded page I want to insert the name of the current month, which happens to be March, in German "März" - with umlaut. If you use
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE');
echo strftime("%B");
this will return "März", but that html-entity will look like this on a utf-8 page: "M?rz". Not what I want.
But if you use
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE.UTF8'); // note the charset info !
echo strftime("%B");
this returns "M√§rz", which, on utf-8, looks like it should: "März".
A little function to test available locales on a sytem :
function list_system_locales(){
system('locale -a');
$str = ob_get_contents();
return split("\\n", trim($str));
$locale = "fr_FR.UTF8";
$locales = list_system_locales();
if(in_array($locale, $locales)){
echo "yes yes yes....";
echo "no no no.......";
Debian users: Addition to Gabor Deri's note: if setlocale doesn't work in your locale and you're on Debian, and Gabor Deri's note doesn't work, you have to install the locales package.
As root, type: "apt-get install locales" and it will be installed.
In most Unix/Linux system, you could use:
locale -a
This will list all available locales on the server.
When i tried to get the current locale (e.g. after i set the lang to german with setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE'); ), the following did not work on my suse linux 9.0-box:
$currentLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);
This code did a reset to the server-setting.
$currentLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, 0); works perfectly for me, but the manual says NULL and 0 are equal in this case, but NULL seems to act like "".
The "locale" always depend on the server configuration.
When trying to use "pt_BR" on some servers you will ALWAYS get false. Even with other languages.
The locale string need to be supported by the server. Sometimes there are diferents charsets for a language, like "pt_BR.utf-8" and "pt_BR.iso-8859-1", but there is no support for a _standard_ "pt_BR".
This problem occours in Windows platform too. Here you need to call "portuguese" or "spanish" or "german" or...
Maybe the only way to try to get success calling the function setlocale() is:
setlocale(LC_ALL, "pt_BR", "pt_BR.iso-8859-1", "pt_BR.utf-8", "portuguese", ...);
But NEVER trust on that when making functions like date conversions or number formating. The best way to make sure you are doing the right thing, is using the default "en_US" or "en_UK", by not calling the setlocale() function. Or, make sure that your server support the lang you want to use, with some tests.
Remember that: Using the default locale setings is the best way to "talk" with other applications, like dbs or rpc servers, too.
On Novell Netware, the language codes require hyphens, not underscores, and using anything other than LC_ALL doesn't work directly.
So... (from their support list)....
You have to set TIME, NUMERIC etc. info in two steps as given below rather than one. This is due to the limitation of setlocale function of LibC.
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'es-ES');
$loc = setlocale(LC_TIME, NULL);
echo strftime("%A %e %B %Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 22, 1978));
// jeuves 22 diciembre 1978
This should work.
or of course, reset LC_ALL...
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'es-ES');
echo strftime("%A %e %B %Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 22, 1978));
setlocale(LC_ALL, '');
// jeuves 22 diciembre 1978
On some systems (at least FreeBSD 4.x) the format for a `locale' is, for example, ro_RO.ISO8859-2. If you use ro_RO instead setlocale will return FALSE. Just browse in /usr/share/locale and see what is the name of the directory holding your `locale' and use that name in your scripts:
$pos = strrpos ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "/");
$fisier = substr ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], $pos + 1);
$result = filemtime ($fisier);
$local = setlocale (LC_TIME, 'ro_RO.ISO8859-2');
if ($local == "ro_RO.ISO8859-2") {
$modtime = strftime '%e %B %Y %H:%M', $result);
} else {
$modtime = strftime ('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M', $result);
printf ("Ultima actualizare: %s\\n", $modtime);
Be carefull - setting a locale which uses commas instead of dots in numbers may cause a mysql db not to understand the query:
$price = 1234 / 100; // now the price looks like 12,34
$query = mysql_query("SELECT Id FROM table WHERE price='".$price."'");
Even if there is a price 12.34 - nothing will be found
be careful with the LC_ALL setting, as it may introduce some unwanted conversions. For example, I used
setlocale (LC_ALL, "Dutch");
to get my weekdays in dutch on the page. From that moment on (as I found out many hours later) my floating point values from MYSQL where interpreted as integers because the Dutch locale wants a comma (,) instead of a point (.) before the decimals. I tried printf, number_format, floatval.... all to no avail. 1.50 was always printed as 1.00 :(
When I set my locale to :
setlocale (LC_TIME, "Dutch");
my weekdays are good now and my floating point values too.
I hope I can save some people the trouble of figuring this out by themselves.
I needed to compile and install some extra locales to get this to work on RH7.3. Probably just me not doing a proper installation, but this is what it took to fix it:
localedef -ci no_NO -f ISO_8859-1 no_NO
In FreeBSD I had to use no_NO.ISO8859-1 instead of just no_NO..
setlocale (LC_ALL, 'no_NO.ISO8859-1');
echo strftime ("%A %e %B %Y", time());
Under FreeBSD, locale definitions are stored in the /usr/share/locale/ directory. Danish time formats and weekdays, for instance, are stored in /usr/share/locale/da_DK.ISO_8859-1/LC_TIME.
On windows:
Control Panel->International Settings
You can set your locale and customize it
And locale-related PHP functions work perfectly
check /usr/share/locale/ if you want more info about the locale available with your *NIX box
there is also a file called /usr/share/locale/locale.alias with a list of aliases
such as swedish for sv_SE
so on all boxes i have accounts on (rh 6.0 and slack 3.4) you can just use setlocale("LC_ALL","swedish"); or other prefered language in plain english.
However, the weekdays were in all lowercase :(
Note: export LC_ALL=swedish made a lot of programs swedish for me, it's also possible to make them russian or japanese :)
The Open Group has an excellent document available on the setlocale() library function, most of which applies to the PHP function of the same name.
WARNING: This document might be a little too complex for people who came from HTML to PHP.
If you migrated from the world of C programming you'll be a locale master after reading this document.