(PHP 4, PHP 5)
iptcembed — Embeds binary IPTC data into a JPEG image
Embeds binary IPTC data into a JPEG image.
The data to be written.
Path to the JPEG image.
Spool flag. If the spool flag is over 2 then the JPEG will be returned as a string.
If success and spool flag is lower than 2 then the JPEG will not be returned as a string, FALSE on errors.
Beispiel #1 Embedding IPTC data into a JPEG
// iptc_make_tag() function by Thies C. Arntzen
function iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value)
$length = strlen($value);
$retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);
if($length < 0x8000)
$retval .= chr($length >> 8) . chr($length & 0xFF);
$retval .= chr(0x80) .
chr(0x04) .
chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) .
chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) .
chr($length & 0xFF);
return $retval . $value;
// Path to jpeg file
$path = './phplogo.jpg';
// We need to check if theres any IPTC data in the jpeg image. If there is then
// bail out because we cannot embed any image that already has some IPTC data!
$image = getimagesize($path, $info);
die('Error: IPTC data found in source image, cannot continue');
// Set the IPTC tags
$iptc = array(
'2#120' => 'Test image',
'2#116' => 'Copyright 2008-2009, The PHP Group'
// Convert the IPTC tags into binary code
$data = '';
foreach($iptc as $tag => $string)
$tag = substr($tag, 2);
$data .= iptc_make_tag(2, $tag, $string);
// Embed the IPTC data
$content = iptcembed($data, $path);
// Write the new image data out to the file.
$fp = fopen($path, "wb");
fwrite($fp, $content);
Diese Funktion benötigt die GD-Bibliothek nicht.
For everybody having issues with unicode (UTF-8) text in IPTC fields, set the "Coded Character Set"-field in the envelop (1:90, see http://www.iptc.org/std/IIM/4.1/specification/IIMV4.1.pdf).
This can be accomplished by starting the $data-block with the following lines:
// These two lines ensure that UTF8-Encoding will work (set the 1:90 field in the envelop)
// @see http://cpanforum.com/threads/2114 for a hint
$utf8seq = chr(0x1b) . chr(0x25) . chr(0x47);
$length = strlen($utf8seq);
$data = chr(0x1C) . chr(1) . chr('090') . chr($length >> 8) . chr($length & 0xFF) . $utf8seq;
After that you can continue like in the example:
foreach($iptc as $tag => $string)
$tag = substr($tag, 2);
$data .= iptc_make_tag(2, $tag, $string);
If you want just to copy the IPTC data, eg. at the thumbnail creation, you don't have to parse the binary IPTC data into array and back; just do this:
$fullPathThumb = 'photo1thumb.jpg';
$imagesize = getImageSize($fullFilePath, $info);
$content = iptcembed($info['APP13'], $fullPathThumb);
$fw = fopen($fullPathThumb, 'w');
fwrite($fw, $content);
A class I recently wrote for manipulating IPTC data in an jpeg images. It does the job for editing exisiting data too, in easy manner. It is just a compilation of examples into single class.
IPTC EASY 1.0 - IPTC data manipulator for JPEG images
All reserved www.image-host-script.com
Sep 15, 2008
class iptc {
var $meta=Array();
var $hasmeta=false;
var $file=false;
function iptc($filename) {
$size = getimagesize($filename,$info);
$this->hasmeta = isset($info["APP13"]);
$this->meta = iptcparse ($info["APP13"]);
$this->file = $filename;
function set($tag, $data) {
$this->meta ["2#$tag"]= Array( $data );
function get($tag) {
return isset($this->meta["2#$tag"]) ? $this->meta["2#$tag"][0] : false;
function dump() {
function binary() {
$iptc_new = '';
foreach (array_keys($this->meta) as $s) {
$tag = str_replace("2#", "", $s);
$iptc_new .= $this->iptc_maketag(2, $tag, $this->meta[$s][0]);
return $iptc_new;
function iptc_maketag($rec,$dat,$val) {
$len = strlen($val);
if ($len < 0x8000) {
return chr(0x1c).chr($rec).chr($dat).
chr($len >> 8).
chr($len & 0xff).
} else {
return chr(0x1c).chr($rec).chr($dat).
chr(($len >> 24) & 0xff).
chr(($len >> 16) & 0xff).
chr(($len >> 8 ) & 0xff).
chr(($len ) & 0xff).
function write() {
if(!function_exists('iptcembed')) return false;
$mode = 0;
$content = iptcembed($this->binary(), $this->file, $mode);
$filename = $this->file;
@unlink($filename); #delete if exists
$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
fwrite($fp, $content);
#requires GD library installed
function removeAllTags() {
$img = imagecreatefromstring(implode(file($this->file)));
@unlink($this->file); #delete if exists
Example read copyright string:
$i = new iptc("test.jpg");
Update copyright statement:
$i = new iptc("test.jpg");
echo $i->set(IPTC_COPYRIGHT_STRING,"Here goes the new data");
NOTE1: Data may be anything, even a binary file. I have so far tested and embedded an MS-Excel file directly to jpeg and it worked just perfect.
NOTE2: The writing purpose, it uses GD Library.
Further imporvements / changes may be followed at www.image-host-script.com
I hope it helps.
If you have a file without any IPTC record, you can add a new, empty one by calling iptcembed with an empty string as first argument, like this:
$buffer = iptcembed("",$imagename,0);
$fp = fopen($imagename,"w");
In Thomas's wonderful code snippet below, the second parameter needs to be changed to "$filename", otherwise the script has no write the file. So the code should read:
//This function removes all header data from a JPG
function remove_XMP($image_in, $filename) {
$filename_in = addslashes($image_in);
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename_in);
$image_dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename_in);
imagecopyresampled($image_dest, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height,$width, $height);
imagejpeg($image_dest, $filename);
here is a small code to remove all header from a jpg file, including IPTC, Exif, XMP...
function remove_XMP($image_in, $image_dest) {
$filename_in = addslashes($image_in);
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename_in);
$image_dest = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename_in);
imagecopyresampled($image_dest, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height,
$width, $height);
imagejpeg($image_dest, $filename);
the problem comes from Photoshop CS cannot read IPTC if XMP is present.
removing XMP and other header _before_ adding IPTC with iptcembed is a good way.
Pay attention not add codes with length of value equal to 0; the behavior could be strange...
(e.g. $iptc_old["2#015"][0] = "")
You might have noticed that several metadata fields in Photoshop are not available via IPTC.
Also, Photoshop now uses XMP for it's primary metadata, meaning IPTC is only read by Photoshop if XMP is not present.
I have written a library "PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit" which bypasses this problem as it allows reading, writing and interpreting of virtually any type of metadata, including XMP, IPTC and EXIF.
Try it out, and download it at:
Yep it's me again :-) After some time I spent searching around for other possibilities to write IPTC fields to JPEG files I found this one:
This one seems to work pretty fine, remember that you have to install PEAR to get this running (Debian package php4-pear).
I've spent a whole day debugging my code (that was based on the example below, posted by knut) until I found out, that iptcembed() only works if the image specified in jpeg_file_name already has IPTC fields included.
That means that you cannot write IPTC fields in a jpeg file without preexisting IPTC information in it.
Updating of IPTC fields also worked only with a few files, I don't really know what it depends on whether it works or not. (Well, it depends on the IPTC header, that's for sure :-)
I'm using PHP 4.2.1, maybe this is fixed in more recent versions, but I don't believe...
Nevertheless, here's some piece of code I tried:
I replaced the line
$iptc_old = iptcparse ($info["APP13"]);
from knut's example below with
$iptc_old["2#000"][0] = chr(0) . chr(2);
This creates just an empty "Header" according to the IPTC spec. This one also is included when getting IPTC info using iptcparse(). So my intention was to create a fully new header, but when using iptcembed() afterwards, the file size of the new file was a little smaller than the original but without any IPTC info stored in it.
I've a problem with the ltrim fucntion: sometimes it remove more characters than it must, so it's better to delete the line
// $image = rtrim ($image, $endchar);
in the XMP_remove_from_jpeg function
Reading and changing IPTC make no problem with the PEAR function, but recent Adobe software add XMP datas on JPEG files and read them instead of IPTC datas. If you need to change IPTC on a JPEG file and want Adobe PS7 read them, you have two solutions:
- writing XMP and IPTC datas
- writing IPTC datas and removing XMP datas
Because I've not enough time to work on XMP datas, I've choosen the second solution. Here is the result of this work:
// removing XMP datas from a JPEG file
// (c) Patrick Premartin 19/02/2004
function XMP_remove_from_jpeg (&$image) {
$xmp_str = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/";
$xmp_end = "<?xpacket end='w'?>";
$n_str = strpos ($image, $xmp_str);
$n_end = strpos ($image, $xmp_end);
if (($n_str !== false) && ($n_end !== false) && ($n_str < $n_end)) {
$n_str -= 4; // FF E1 .x. .y. (xy is the length of the XMP block -> first char of this block
$n_end += strlen ($xmp_end)-1; // last char of this block
$endchar = $image [$n_str-1];
if ($endchar == " ") {
$endchar = "A";
} else {
$endchar = " ";
$xmp_len = $n_end-$n_str+1;
$img_len = strlen ($image);
$len = $img_len - $xmp_len;
for ($i = $n_str; $i < $img_len; $i ++) {
if ($i < $len) {
$image [$i] = $image [$i+$xmp_len];
} else {
$image [$i] = $endchar;
$image = rtrim ($image, $endchar);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function XMP_remove_from_jpegfile ($filename_in, $filename_out="") {
if (""==$filename_out) {
$filename_out = $filename_in;
if ((""!=$filename_in) && (file_exists ($filename_in)) && (($len_in = filesize ($filename_in)) > 0)) {
// chargement du fichier en mémoire
$f_in = fopen ($filename_in, "rb");
$img = fread ($f_in, $len_in);
fclose ($f_in);
// suppression du XMP de l'image
if (XMP_remove_from_jpeg ($img)) {
// enregistrement du fichier sur disque
$f_out = fopen ($filename_out, "wb");
fwrite ($f_out, $img, strlen ($img));
fclose ($f_out);
XMP_remove_from_jpegfile ("ps7_hr.jpg", "ps7_hr_.jpg"); // create a new picture without XMP datas
XMP_remove_from_jpegfile ("ps8_hr.jpg"); // replace the existing file
In the future, I'll work on changing XMP datas and IPTC in the same way and will publish it ther or as a in PEAR.
May the force be with us :-)
I confirm: Photoshop 7 and other recent Adobe programs use XMP instead of IPTC. They write datas in IPTC format only for compatibility with older programs, but use only XMP.
I'm working on a program that write XMP and IPTC together and probably post it here as soon as possible.
Regarding issues with photoshop IPTC... Photoshop actually prefers a different embedded metadata format, XMP, which is RDF-based. When Photoshop manages metadata via File Info, what you're actually doing is manipulating RDF in a "photoshop" namespace as well as the standard Dublin Core (dc) namespace, and a couple others. When a file is written that supports IPTC, the equivalent fields e.g. copyright, keywords, etc. are serialized into the IPTC block.
So, if one manipulates the IPTC block of a Photoshop-generated image and leaves the XMP block alone, it's my guess that Photoshop will treat data from the XMP as authoritative.
HTH, jerritt
I found out, that iptcembed does not overwrite the full IPTC-Tags from Photoshop.
If you modify the IPTC-Tag with iptcembed, Photoshop will still show you the old IPTC-Tag.
Programs like Fotostation works fine.
The above example doesn't handle keywords properly. The 'create string' code needs to be modified to cater for the array:
$c = count ($iptc_old[$s]);
for ($i=0; $i <$c; $i++)
$iptc_new .= iptc_maketag(2, $tag, $iptc_old[$s][$i]);
Windows makes a distinction between 'text' and 'binary' files. So if you run the above code on a windows platform, it will produce a garbled image. To overcome this problem put the file mode in fopen() as 'wb' instead of 'w'.
Cheerio !!
Example to read IPTC text from an image, changing the text an write to a new file using the functions iptcparse and iptcembed.
Also a list of the most common IPTC fields.
// original file name
$image_name_old = "test.jpg";
// New file name
$image_name_new = "test2.jpg";
// Reads the IPTC text in to the array '$iptc'
// The number after the '#' is the IPTC field
// Ex: $iptc["2#120"][0] is Caption
// $iptc["2#055"][0]; is Creation date
$size = GetImageSize ("$image_name_old",&$info);
$iptc_old = iptcparse ($info["APP13"]);
// Adding or replacing IPTC text
// This ex. replace the original category or create it if it dos not exist
$iptc_old["2#015"][0] = "Sport";
// .. and adding more text to the original caption
$iptc_old["2#120"][0] .= " More caption text";
// Making the new IPTC string
foreach (array_keys($iptc_old) as $s){
// Finds the IPTC numbers
$tag = str_replace("2#", "", $s);
// Creating the string
$iptc_new .= iptc_maketag(2, $tag, $iptc_old[$s][0]);
// The original file and the new IPTC Text into $content
// Mode 0 - puts the image file into $content
// Mode 1 - puts the image file into $content and directly to the web client
// Mode 2 - puts the image file to web client
$mode = 0;
$content = iptcembed($iptc_new, $image_name_old, $mode);
// writes the new file
$fp = fopen($image_name_new, "w");
fwrite($fp, $content);
// Function to format the new IPTC text, (thanks to Thies C. Arntzen)
function iptc_maketag($rec,$dat,$val){
$len = strlen($val);
if ($len < 0x8000)
return chr(0x1c).chr($rec).chr($dat).
chr($len >> 8).
chr($len & 0xff).
return chr(0x1c).chr($rec).chr($dat).
chr(($len >> 24) & 0xff).
chr(($len >> 16) & 0xff).
chr(($len >> 8 ) & 0xff).
chr(($len ) & 0xff).
--- The most common IPTC Fileds
005 - Object Name
007 - Edit Status
010 - Priority
015 - Category
020 - Supplemental Category
022 - Fixture Identifier
025 - Keywords
030 - Release Date
035 - Release Time
040 - Special Instructions
045 - Reference Service
047 - Reference Date
050 - Reference Number
055 - Created Date
060 - Created Time
065 - Originating Program
070 - Program Version
075 - Object Cycle
080 - Byline
085 - Byline Title
090 - City
095 - Province State
100 - Country Code
101 - Country
103 - Original Transmission Reference
105 - Headline
110 - Credit
115 - Source
116 - Copyright String
120 - Caption
121 - Local Caption