PHP Doku:: Zeichnen einer Linie - function.imageline.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

GD- und Image-Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imagelineZeichnen einer Linie


int imageline ( resource $im , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $col )

ImageLine() zeichnet eine Linie von der x1 / y1 Koordinate bis zur Kordinate x2 / y2 (die Koordinate 0 / 0 ist die obere linke Ecke von im). Die Linienfarbe wird durch col festgelegt.

Siehe auch imagecreate() und imagecolorallocate().

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kingofnumbers at windowslive dot com
14.10.2010 19:39
a function to draw a circle :)

function imagecircle($source,$r,$x,$y,$color){
$i = 0;$i<=2*pi();$i+=(pi()/180)){


function imagecircle($source,$r,$x,$y,$color){
$i = 0;$i<=2*pi();$i+=(pi()/180)){
$im_width = 200;
$im_height = 200;
$source = imagecreate($im_width,$im_height);
$w = imagecolorallocate($source,235 ,235,235);
$blue = imagecolorallocate($source,00,00,255);
header("Content-Type: image/png");
allenn at hot dot ee
31.05.2010 23:55
Function drawing of a line by a brush uses midpoint circle algorithm..., if dullness I agree to remove :)))

//function drawLine(resource$image,int $x0,int $y0,int $x1,int $y1,int $lineWidth,int $color)
function drawLine($image,$x0, $y0,$x1, $y1,$radius,$color)
$f = 1 - $radius;
$ddF_x= 1;
$ddF_y = -2 * $radius;
$x= 0;
$y = $radius;
imageline($image,$x0, $y0 + $radius,$x1, $y1 + $radius,$color);
imageline($image,$x0, $y0 - $radius,$x1, $y1 - $radius,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 + $radius, $y0,$x1 + $radius, $y1,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 - $radius, $y0,$x1 - $radius, $y1,$color);

$x< $y)
$f >= 0)
$ddF_y += 2;
$f += $ddF_y;
$ddF_x+= 2;
$f += $ddF_x;
imageline($image,$x0 + $x, $y0 + $y,$x1 + $x, $y1+ $y,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 - $x, $y0 + $y,$x1 - $x, $y1 + $y,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 + $x, $y0 - $y,$x1 + $x, $y1 - $y,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 - $x, $y0 - $y,$x1 - $x, $y1 - $y,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 + $y, $y0 + $x,$x1 + $y, $y1 + $x,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 - $y, $y0 + $x,$x1 - $y, $y1 + $x,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 + $y, $y0 - $x,$x1 + $y, $y1 - $x,$color);
imageline($image,$x0 - $y, $y0 - $x,$x1 - $y, $y1 - $x,$color);

header ('Content-type: image/png');
$img = imagecreatetruecolor(600,600);
$col = imagecolorallocate($img,0,255,252);
//use the function
rasterCircle($img,50, 50,540,540,40,$col);
sbm007 at gmail dot com
15.11.2009 12:17
Here is a analog clock representation of the system time along with digits for hours and little dots for minutes/seconds:

= imagecreatetruecolor(450, 450);

$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
$red = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
$black = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
$grey = imagecolorallocate($img, 211, 211, 211);

imagefill($img, 0, 0, $white);
imagearc($img, 224, 224, 400, 400, 0, 0, $black);
imagefilledarc($img, 224, 224, 15, 15, 0, 0, $black, IMG_ARC_PIE);

for (
$zz = 0; $zz < 60; $zz++) {
$digitCoords['x'][] = 175 * cos(deg2rad(($zz-10) * (360/60))) + 224;
$digitCoords['y'][] = 175 * sin(deg2rad(($zz-10) * (360/60))) + 224;

for (
$zz = 0; $zz < 60; $zz++) {
    if (
$zz % 5 == 0)
imagestring($img, 5, $digitCoords['x'][$zz] - 4, $digitCoords['y'][$zz] - 6, ($zz/5) + 1, $black);
imagefilledarc($img, $digitCoords['x'][$zz], $digitCoords['y'][$zz], 3, 3, 0, 0, $grey, IMG_ARC_PIE);

$seconds = date('s');
$minutes = date('i') + ($seconds/60);
$hours = date('h') + ($minutes/60);

$r_sec = 175;
$r_min = 175;
$r_hr = 125;

$x_sec = $r_sec * cos(deg2rad(($seconds-15) * (360/60))) + 224;
$y_sec = $r_sec * sin(deg2rad(($seconds-15) * (360/60))) + 224;

$x_min = $r_min * cos(deg2rad(($minutes-15) * (360/60))) + 224;
$y_min = $r_min * sin(deg2rad(($minutes-15) * (360/60))) + 224;

$x_hr = $r_hr * cos(deg2rad(($hours-3) * (360/12))) + 224;
$y_hr = $r_hr * sin(deg2rad(($hours-3) * (360/12))) + 224;

imageline($img, 224, 224, $x_sec, $y_sec, $red);
imagesetthickness($img, 3);
imageline($img, 224, 224, $x_min, $y_min, $black);
imagesetthickness($img, 5);
imageline($img, 224, 224, $x_hr, $y_hr, $black);

header("Content-type: image/png");

Robert Lozyniak
5.11.2009 10:24
This code shows the current time as on a 24-hour analog clock. (I used Universal Time so as not to muck about with the time libraries.)


= time();

$cradius = 90;
$cmargin = 2;
$ccenter = $cradius + $cmargin;
$im = imagecreate($ccenter * 2 + 1, $ccenter * 2 + 1);

$bgcolor   = imagecolorallocate($im,255,255,255); // white background
$figscolor = imagecolorallocate($im,0,0,255); // blue figures on face
$handcolor = imagecolorallocate($im,0,0,0); // black hands
$seccolor  = imagecolorallocate($im,255,0,0); // red second hand

function myround($x) {
  if (
x>0) return (int)($x+0.5);
  return (int)(

mysin($x,$r) {

mycos($x,$r) {

// draw text on face
imagestring ($im, 4, $ccenter-11, myround($ccenter-($cradius*0.5)), "UTC", $figscolor);

// draw numbers on face
for ($i=0; $i<24; $i++) {
$x = $ccenter + mysin($i/24,$cradius*0.9);
$y = $ccenter - mycos($i/24,$cradius*0.9);
imagestring ($im, 4, $x-7, $y-7, substr('0'.$i,-2), $figscolor);

// draw hands
imagesetthickness($im, 3);
$x = $ccenter + mysin($t/86400,$cradius*0.7);
$y = $ccenter - mycos($t/86400,$cradius*0.7);
imageline($im, $ccenter, $ccenter, $x, $y, $handcolor);
$x = $ccenter + mysin($t/3600,$cradius*0.95);
$y = $ccenter - mycos($t/3600,$cradius*0.95);
imageline($im, $ccenter, $ccenter, $x, $y, $handcolor);
imagesetthickness($im, 1);
$x = $ccenter + mysin($t/60,$cradius*0.95);
$y = $ccenter - mycos($t/60,$cradius*0.95);
imageline($im, $ccenter, $ccenter, $x, $y, $seccolor);

header('Content-type: image/png');


12.07.2009 22:16
Here's another way of modifying likavcan's code to display filled arrows. This makes use of imagefilledpolygon(...) instead of recursive function calls.

function arrow($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $alength, $awidth, $color) {
$distance = sqrt(pow($x1 - $x2, 2) + pow($y1 - $y2, 2));

$dx = $x2 + ($x1 - $x2) * $alength / $distance;
$dy = $y2 + ($y1 - $y2) * $alength / $distance;

$k = $awidth / $alength;

$x2o = $x2 - $dx;
$y2o = $dy - $y2;

$x3 = $y2o * $k + $dx;
$y3 = $x2o * $k + $dy;

$x4 = $dx - $y2o * $k;
$y4 = $dy - $x2o * $k;

imageline($im, $x1, $y1, $dx, $dy, $color);
imagefilledpolygon($im, array($x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4), 3, $color);
ca dot ddy at gmx dot de
31.03.2009 15:17
I've modified the Arrow function of likavcan.

This arrowFunction draws the arrow filled :

function arrow($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $alength, $awidth, $color) {

$alength > 1 )
arrow( $im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $alength - 1, $awidth - 1, $color );

$distance = sqrt(pow($x1 - $x2, 2) + pow($y1 - $y2, 2));

$dx = $x2 + ($x1 - $x2) * $alength / $distance;
$dy = $y2 + ($y1 - $y2) * $alength / $distance;

$k = $awidth / $alength;

$x2o = $x2 - $dx;
$y2o = $dy - $y2;

$x3 = $y2o * $k + $dx;
$y3 = $x2o * $k + $dy;

$x4 = $dx - $y2o * $k;
$y4 = $dy - $x2o * $k;

imageline($im, $x1, $y1, $dx, $dy, $color);
imageline($im, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $color);
imageline($im, $x3, $y3, $x2, $y2, $color);
imageline($im, $x2, $y2, $x4, $y4, $color);

7.12.2008 21:12
Little function I made to draw faaaaat lines...

 * imageBoldLine function
 * this function allows you to draw faaaat lines.
 * To keep the function a bit more flexible, it's possible to change the function which draw the lines
 * @param resource $resource
 * @param int $x1
 * @param int $y1
 * @param int $x2
 * @param int $y2
 * @param int $Color
 * @param int $BoldNess (1 = thin, 2=bold, 1000 = extreme fat)
 * @param string $func Functionname. Notice that the function must got the same signature.
 * @return void
 * @author Nicolas 'keksnicoh' Heimann <>
 * @date nov08
 * <code><?php
 * imageBoldLine($res, 0, 0, 100, 100, $col, 5);
 * ?></code>
function imageBoldLine($resource, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $Color, $BoldNess=2, $func='imageLine')
$x1 -= ($buf=ceil(($BoldNess-1) /2));
$x2 -= $buf;
$i=0;$i < $BoldNess;++$i)
$func($resource, $x1 +$i, $y1, $x2 +$i, $y2, $Color);
huirong dot jin at gmail dot com
1.02.2008 17:10
An example to draw Lissajous Curve (
x = a1 * cos(t/T1);
y = a2 * sin(t/T2);

You can easily modify the codes to create your own oscilloscope application!

("Content-type: image/png");

$T1 = 20;
$T2 = 30;

$myImage = @imagecreatetruecolor(640, 480)
      or die(
"Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($myImage, 255, 255, 224);
$poly_color = imagecolorallocate($myImage, 124, 120, 224);

//calculate x-value and y-value point by point
$points = array();
for (
$i=0; $i<1000; $i=$i+1)
//define curve's function
$x = 310*cos($i/$T1); //define x-value
$y = 230*sin($i/$T2);//define y-value
    //move the coordinate, append a point's x-value and y-value
$points[] = 320+$x; //x-value
$points[] = 240-$y//y-value

//count points
$totalPoints = count($points)/2;

//drawing title
$title = "Final Plot ($totalPoints points)";
imagestring($myImage, 3, 5, 5$title, $text_color);

/** drawing points one by one, notice if there
 * are 10 points, we need to draw 9 lines:
 * 1) point 0 to 1;
 * 2) point 1 to 2;
 * ...
 * ...
 * 9) point 8 to 9;
for ($i=0; $i<$totalPoints-1; $i++)
imageLine($myImage, $points[2*$i], $points[1+2*$i], $points[2+2*$i], $points[3+2*$i], $poly_color);   

huirong dot jin at gmail dot com
31.01.2008 22:57
An example to draw Amplitude Modulation curve: y = c * sin (x/a) * sin (x/b) . You can easily modify the codes to create your own oscilloscope application!

("Content-type: image/png");
$myImage = @imagecreatetruecolor(640, 480)
      or die(
"Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($myImage, 255, 255, 224);
$poly_color = imagecolorallocate($myImage, 124, 120, 224);

//calculate x-value and y-value point by point
$points = array();
for (
$i=1; $i<640; $i=$i+1)
//define curve's function
$x = $i; //define x-value, which is $i itself
$y = 150*sin($x/80)*sin($x/5);//define y-value
    //append a point's x-value and y-value
$points[] = $x; //x-value
$points[] = 240-$y//y-value

//count points
$totalPoints = count($points)/2;

//drawing title
$title = "Final Plot ($totalPoints points)";
imagestring($myImage, 3, 5, 5$title, $text_color);

/** drawing points one by one, notice if there
 * are 10 points, we need to draw 9 lines:
 * 1) point 0 to 1;
 * 2) point 1 to 2;
 * ...
 * ...
 * 9) point 8 to 9;
for ($i=0; $i<$totalPoints-1; $i++)
imageLine($myImage, $points[2*$i], $points[1+2*$i], $points[2+2*$i], $points[3+2*$i], $poly_color);   

admin at xpmail dot net
1.05.2007 2:45
example of a Simple grid...
bool imagegrid ( resource $image, int $width, int $Height, int $size, mixed $color )

("Content-type: image/png");

$img = ImageCreateTrueColor($Width, $Height);

$bg = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bg);

$grid = imagecolorallocate($img, 225, 245, 249);

imagesetstyle($img, array($bg, $grid));
imagegrid($img, $Width, $Height, 10, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
//makegrid($img, $Width, $Height, 10, $grid);


imagegrid($image, $w, $h, $s, $color)
$iw=1; $iw<$w/$s; $iw++){imageline($image, $iw*$s, 0, $iw*$s, $w, $color);}
$ih=1; $ih<$h/$s; $ih++){imageline($image, 0, $ih*$s, $w, $ih*$s, $color);}
Jonathan W.
27.04.2007 10:15
I've modified the previous entry for drawing on a polar coordinate system to better represent angles based on a 360º whole circle bearing.


function imagepolarline($image,$x1,$y1,$length,$angle,$color)
$x2 = $x1 + sin( deg2rad($angle) ) * $length;
$y2 = $y1 + cos( deg2rad($angle+180) ) * $length;


Ian B
7.11.2006 12:59
Here's a function to plot a line on a polar coordinate system:


function imagepolarline($image,$x1,$y1,$length,$angle,$color)
$x2 = $x1 + sin( deg2rad($angle+90) ) * $length;
$y2 = $y1 + cos( deg2rad($angle+90) ) * $length;



x1,y1 are the coordinates for the central point. If you want the orientation to be like a compass i.e. 90 degrees = East, 180 = South etc, then use the following:

$x2 = $x1 + cos( deg2rad($angle-90)) * $length;
$y2 = $y1 + sin( deg2rad($angle-90)) * $length;
pb_2001 at haefft dot de
4.03.2006 23:41
This is a function to make a dotted line. It accepts (it actually requires) 7 parameters and returns 1 if everything went OK and 0 if there was a problem.

int imagelinedotted ( resource im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dist, int col )

imagelinedotted() draws a line from x1, y1 to x2, y2 (top left is 0, 0) in image im of colour col where dist defines the distance (measured in pixels) between one dot and another.

function imagelinedotted ($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $dist, $col) {
$transp = imagecolortransparent ($im);
$style = array ($col);
    for (
$i=0; $i<$dist; $i++) {
array_push($style, $transp);        // Generate style array - loop needed for customisable distance between the dots
imagesetstyle ($im, $style);
    return (integer)
imageline ($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
imagesetstyle ($im, array($col));        // Reset style - just in case...
fatpratmatt at gmail dot com
30.01.2006 20:43
Here is a function which draws lines that cross at a specific point [It may need some tweaking]:

// Image Cross by Matt Evans
// $im - image resource
// $x - x coordinate where the lines should cross
// $y - y coordinate where the lines should cross
// $size - the length of each line
// $colour - the colour of the cross

function imagecross($im, $x, $y, $size = 5, $colour) {
imageline($im, $x+$size/2, $y+$size/2, $x-$size/2, $y-$size/2, $colour);
imageline($im, $x-$size/2, $y+$size, $x+$size/2, $y-$size, $colour);

// Example
imagecross($im, 50, 50, 5, $crosscolour);

21.10.2005 16:30
imageline coordinate variables are documented as int ,  a value in decimal format will be truncated.

This may be useful when, for example, applying a non-integer scaling factor in generating an image.

Care should be taken to ensure this does not create significant errors that affect the quality of the image. For example :


the first line will be straight , the second will have a step. Use round() where appropriate.
meid at gmx dot at
7.09.2005 19:39
Some simple code to draw lines with specific thickness using "imagefilledpolygon". Useful if your gdlib does not support "imagesetthickness".

function dickelinie($img,$start_x,$start_y,$end_x,$end_y,$color,$thickness)
$angle=(atan2(($start_y - $end_y),($end_x - $start_x)));

$p1x=ceil(($start_x + $dist_x));
$p1y=ceil(($start_y + $dist_y));
$p2x=ceil(($end_x + $dist_x));
$p2y=ceil(($end_y + $dist_y));
$p3x=ceil(($end_x - $dist_x));
$p3y=ceil(($end_y - $dist_y));
$p4x=ceil(($start_x - $dist_x));
$p4y=ceil(($start_y - $dist_y));
imagefilledpolygon ( $img, $array, (count($array)/2), $color );
// Example:
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$img = ImageCreate (210, 210) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream ");
$backgroundcolor = ImageColorAllocate ($img, 255, 255, 255);
$orange = ImageColorAllocate($img, 252, 102, 4);
dickelinie($img, 10, 10, 10, 200,$orange,2);
dickelinie($img, 10, 200, 200, 10,$orange,2);   
dickelinie($img, 200, 10, 200, 200,$orange,2);

d [AT] sprid [DOT] de
6.09.2005 12:12
Here my function do clear all problems. With this, you can draw firstly smooth lines (basic code adapted from code_couturier at graffiti dot net, with some performance changes). The special is, you can define the alpha-value of the line (0 = normal smooth line, 127 = fully transparent). Change whatever you want to make it better, but post your results ;)

 * function imageSmoothAlphaLine() - version 1.0
 * Draws a smooth line with alpha-functionality
 * @param   ident    the image to draw on
 * @param   integer  x1
 * @param   integer  y1
 * @param   integer  x2
 * @param   integer  y2
 * @param   integer  red (0 to 255)
 * @param   integer  green (0 to 255)
 * @param   integer  blue (0 to 255)
 * @param   integer  alpha (0 to 127)
 * @access  public
 * @author  DASPRiD <>
function imageSmoothAlphaLine ($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $r, $g, $b, $alpha=0) {
$icr = $r;
$icg = $g;
$icb = $b;
$dcol = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $icr, $icg, $icb, $alpha);
  if (
$y1 == $y2 || $x1 == $x2)
imageline($image, $x1, $y2, $x1, $y2, $dcol);
  else {
$m = ($y2 - $y1) / ($x2 - $x1);
$b = $y1 - $m * $x1;

    if (
abs ($m) <2) {
$x = min($x1, $x2);
$endx = max($x1, $x2) + 1;

      while (
$x < $endx) {
$y = $m * $x + $b;
$ya = ($y == floor($y) ? 1: $y - floor($y));
$yb = ceil($y) - $y;
$trgb = ImageColorAt($image, $x, floor($y));
$tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
imagesetpixel($image, $x, floor($y), imagecolorallocatealpha($image, ($tcr * $ya + $icr * $yb), ($tcg * $ya + $icg * $yb), ($tcb * $ya + $icb * $yb), $alpha));
$trgb = ImageColorAt($image, $x, ceil($y));
$tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
imagesetpixel($image, $x, ceil($y), imagecolorallocatealpha($image, ($tcr * $yb + $icr * $ya), ($tcg * $yb + $icg * $ya), ($tcb * $yb + $icb * $ya), $alpha));
    } else {
$y = min($y1, $y2);
$endy = max($y1, $y2) + 1;

      while (
$y < $endy) {
$x = ($y - $b) / $m;
$xa = ($x == floor($x) ? 1: $x - floor($x));
$xb = ceil($x) - $x;
$trgb = ImageColorAt($image, floor($x), $y);
$tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
imagesetpixel($image, floor($x), $y, imagecolorallocatealpha($image, ($tcr * $xa + $icr * $xb), ($tcg * $xa + $icg * $xb), ($tcb * $xa + $icb * $xb), $alpha));
$trgb = ImageColorAt($image, ceil($x), $y);
$tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
imagesetpixel ($image, ceil($x), $y, imagecolorallocatealpha($image, ($tcr * $xb + $icr * $xa), ($tcg * $xb + $icg * $xa), ($tcb * $xb + $icb * $xa), $alpha));
$y ++;
// end of 'imageSmoothAlphaLine()' function
2.05.2005 20:50
// Here's a function for drawing a rotated gradient Rectangle (based on a previous note)

// Create An Image 255x255
$img = ImageCreateTrueColor(255, 255);


echo "<br><img src=\"test.png\">";

function GradientRect($img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $wdt) {
  $alpha = atan2($y2-$y1,$x2-$x1);
  $real_wdt = $wdt*sin($alpha);
  $real_hgt = $wdt*cos($alpha);
  echo "real wdt:".$real_wdt;
  echo "<br>real hgt:".$real_hgt;
  echo "<br>angle: ".($angle*180/pi());
  $plotD = 0;

  $dy = $real_hgt/$wdt;
  $dx = $real_wdt/$wdt;
  $drgb= 256/$wdt;
  while($i++ < $wdt) {
    // Draw a line and move it down and make it lighter to get the gradient effect
    ImageLine($img, $x1-$i*$dx, $y1+$i*$dy, $x2-$i*$dx, $y2+$i*$dy, ImageColorAllocate($img, $i*$drgb, 0, 0));
    ImageLine($img, $x1-$i*$dx+1, $y1+$i*$dy, $x2-$i*$dx+1, $y2+$i*$dy, ImageColorAllocate($img, $i*$drgb, 0, 0));

ajreading at classixshop dot com
23.04.2005 16:28
// An easy bit of code showing how you can use the ImageLine() function to create gradients

// Create An Image 255x255
$img = ImageCreateTrueColor(255, 255);

$plotD = 0;
$plotD < 256)
// Draw a line and move it down and make it lighter to get the gradient effect
ImageLine($img, 0, $plotD , 255, $plotD, ImageColorAllocate($img, $plotD, $plotD, $plotD));
Header("Content-type: image/png");
eviloverlord at gmail dot com
27.01.2005 16:50
This code is used to draw a board of hexagons (for games, classes, etc.)

//Draws a hexagonal board

// User-defined values
$maxTiles = 7;                    //The number of tiles at the center (widest part) of the board
$minTiles = 4;                    //The number of tiles at the edges of the board
$side = 30;                        //The length of the sides of the tiles in pixels
$bgColor = array(0, 0, 0);        //The background color in RGB format
$fgColor = array(255, 255, 255);//The foreground color in RGB format

//Calculated values
$widthInTiles = range($maxTiles, $minTiles);            //In our example: 7, 6, 5, 4
$rowsInTiles = count($widthInTiles)*2-1;                //the total number of rows on our board
$xSide = $side*sin(deg2rad(60));                        //the length of the x-part of the angled sides
$ySide = $side*sin(deg2rad(30));                        //the length of the y-part of the angled sides
$boardWidth = $xSide*$widthInTiles[0]*2;                //The entire width of the board
$boardHeight = $rowsInTiles*($side + $ySide) + $ySide;    //The entire height of the board

// create a blank image and allocate the foreground, background colors
$image = imagecreate($boardWidth, $boardHeight);
$bg = imagecolorallocate($image, $bgColor[0], $bgColor[1], $bgColor[2]);
$fg = imagecolorallocate($image, $fgColor[0], $fgColor[1], $fgColor[2]);

// draw the board
$row = 0;
$widthInTiles as $tiles)
    for (
$i = 0; $i < $tiles+1; $i++)
$x1 = $row*$xSide + $i*$xSide*2;
$y1 = $boardHeight/2;
$y1Dif = ($side/2) + $row*($side+$ySide);

$x2 = $x1 + $xSide;
$y2 = $y1;
$y2Dif = $ySide;

$x3 = $x2 + $xSide;

        if (
$i < $tiles)
imageline($image, $x1, $y1 - $y1Dif, $x2, $y2 - $y1Dif - $y2Dif, $fg);
imageline($image$x1, $y1 + $y1Dif, $x2, $y2 + $y1Dif + $y2Dif, $fg);
imageline($image, $x2, $y2 - $y1Dif - $y2Dif, $x3, $y1 - $y1Dif, $fg);
imageline($image, $x2, $y2 + $y1Dif + $y2Dif, $x3, $y1 + $y1Dif, $fg);
imageline($image, $x1, $y1 - $y1Dif, $x1, $y1 - $y1Dif + $side, $fg);           
imageline($image, $x1, $y1 + $y1Dif, $x1, $y1 + $y1Dif - $side, $fg);           

// output the picture
header("Content-type: image/png");
likavcan at NOSPAN sturak nospan dot sk
6.06.2004 0:56
This function draws arrow.

function arrow($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $alength, $awidth, $color) {

    $distance = sqrt(pow($x1 - $x2, 2) + pow($y1 - $y2, 2));

    $dx = $x2 + ($x1 - $x2) * $alength / $distance;
    $dy = $y2 + ($y1 - $y2) * $alength / $distance;

    $k = $awidth / $alength;

    $x2o = $x2 - $dx;
    $y2o = $dy - $y2;

    $x3 = $y2o * $k + $dx;
    $y3 = $x2o * $k + $dy;

    $x4 = $dx - $y2o * $k;
    $y4 = $dy - $x2o * $k;

    imageline($im, $x1, $y1, $dx, $dy, $color);
    imageline($im, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $color);
    imageline($im, $x3, $y3, $x2, $y2, $color);
    imageline($im, $x2, $y2, $x4, $y4, $color);

Lionel Van Bemten
23.05.2004 0:41
here is a code to draw a "degraded" ... :
("Content-type : image/jpeg");

$image = @ImageCreate(200, 100)
  or die (
"Erreur de création de l'image");

$lignes_colorees = 1;
$couleur_fond = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);

$rouge_depart = 100;
$vert_depart = 255;
$bleu_depart = 0;

$rouge_fin = 0;
$vert_fin = 100;
$bleu_fin = 0;

$lignes = 100; //nb de lignes de l'image

$vert_diff = $vert_fin - $vert_depart;
$vert1 = $vert_diff / $lignes;

$bleu_diff = $bleu_fin - $bleu_depart;
$bleu1 = $bleu_diff / $lignes;

$rouge_diff = $rouge_fin - $rouge_depart;
$rouge1 = $rouge_diff / $lignes;

while (
$lignes_colorees <= 100)
$rouge2 = $lignes_colorees * $rouge1;    $rouge3 = $rouge_depart + $rouge2;
$rouge = round($rouge3);
$vert2 = $lignes_colorees * $vert1;
$vert3 = $vert_depart + $vert2;
$vert = round($vert2);
$bleu2 = $lignes_colorees * $bleu1;
$bleu3 = $bleu_depart + $bleu2;
$bleu = round($bleu2);
$y1 = $lignes_colorees;
$y2 = $lignes_colorees;
$x1 = 1;    $x2 = 200;
$couleur = ImageColorAllocate($image, $rouge, $vert, $bleu);
//dessine la ligne
ImageLine($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $couleur);    $lignes_colorees ++;

//dessine l'image
ruturaj_v at yahoo dot com
14.05.2004 17:48
here is a function that helps you create arrows...

function get_arrowheads ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $arrhead, $arrang) {
$debug = false;
    if ((
$x2-$x1)==0) {
        if (
$y1 == 0) {
$slope = 0;
        } else {
$slope = INFINITE;
    } else {
$slope = -($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1);

//$slope = number_format($slope, 2, '.','');
if ($slope == 'INFINITE') {
$ang = 90;
    } else {
$ang = atan ($slope);
$ang = ($ang * 180)/pi();
//$ang = number_format($ang, 2, '.', '');
    //echo ($ang);

    //convert the angle
$arrang1 = ($ang - $arrang);
$arrangdeg1 = ($ang - $arrang);
//echo ($arrang1);exit;
$arrang1 = ($arrang1*pi())/180;

$arrang2 = ($ang + $arrang);
$arrangdeg2 = ($ang + $arrang);
$arrang2 = ($arrang2*pi())/180;
//echo ($arrang1);

$arx1 = (floor(cos($arrang1)*$arrhead));
$ary1 = (floor(sin($arrang1)*$arrhead));
$arx2 = (floor(cos($arrang2)*$arrhead));
$ary2 = (floor(sin($arrang2)*$arrhead));
    if (
$debug) {
        echo (
"Values of arx1.. before add/sub</br>");
        echo (
    if (
$ang==0) {
        if (
$x2 > $x1) {
$arx1 = $x2 - $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 - $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 - $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 - $ary2;
        } elseif (
$x2 < $x1) {
$arx1 = $x2 + $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 - $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 + $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 - $ary2;
    if (
$ang > 0 && $ang < 90) {
        if ((
$x2 > $x1) && ($y2 < $y1)) {
$arx1 = $x2 - $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 + $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 - $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 + $ary2;
        } elseif ((
$x2 < $x1) && ($y2 > $y1)) {
$arx1 = $x2 + $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 - $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 + $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 - $ary2;
    if (
$ang==90) {
        if ((
$y2 > $y1)) {
$arx1 = $x2 - $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 - $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 - $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 - $ary2;
        } elseif ((
$y2 < $y1)) {
$arx1 = $x2 - $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 + $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 - $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 + $ary2;
    if (
$ang > -90 && $ang < 0) {
        if ((
$x2 > $x1) && ($y2 > $y1)) {
$arx1 = $x2 - $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 + $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 - $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 + $ary2;
        } elseif ((
$x2 < $x1) && ($y2 < $y1)) {
$arx1 = $x2 + $arx1;    $ary1 = $y2 - $ary1;
$arx2 = $x2 + $arx2;    $ary2 = $y2 - $ary2;

    if (
$debug) {
        echo (
"Angle of line is (".$ang*180/pi().")</br>");
        echo (
"Angle of line1 is $arrangdeg1</br>");
        echo (
"Angle of line2 is $arrangdeg2</br>");
        echo (
        echo (
$array_arrows = array (
'x1' =>$arx1,
'y1' => $ary1,
'x2' => $arx2,
'y2' => $ary2


$x1 = 200; $y1 = 200;
$x2 = 400; $y2 = 100;
$arrhead = 15; //10px
$arrang = 10; //10 deg

$ar_arrws = get_arrowheads ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $arrhead, $arrang);

$im  = imagecreate (400, 400);
$w   = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
$red = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 0, 0);

//creates the base line
imageline ($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $green);
imageline ($im, $x1+1, $x2+1, $y1+1, $y2+1, $red);
imageline ($im, $x2, $y2, $ar_arrws['x1'], $ar_arrws['y1'], $green);
imageline ($im, $x2, $y2, $ar_arrws['x2'], $ar_arrws['y2'], $green);

yl at sota dot ch
14.04.2004 18:44
Simple function to create border for jpg-images:

function createImageBorder($imgName){

     $img     =  substr($imgName, 0, -4); // remove fileExtension
     $ext     = ".jpg";
     $quality = 95;
     $borderColor = 255;  // 255 = white
     a                         b
     |          IMAGE          
     c                         d  
    $scr_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($img.$ext);
    $width   = imagesx($scr_img);
    $height  = imagesy($scr_img);
        // line a - b
        $abX  = 0;
        $abY  = 0;
        $abX1 = $width;
        $abY1 = 0;
        // line a - c
        $acX  = 0;
        $acY  = 0;
        $acX1 = 0;
        $acY1 = $height;
        // line b - d
        $bdX  = $width-1;
        $bdY  = 0;
        $bdX1 = $width-1;
        $bdY1 = $height;
        // line c - d
        $cdX  = 0;
        $cdY  = $height-1;
        $cdX1 = $width;
        $cdY1 = $height-1;
       // DRAW LINES   
      // create copy from image   
        imagejpeg($scr_img, $img."_border.jpg", $quality);
XxXoldsaltXxX at hotmail dot com
14.02.2004 19:50
Script to draw a grid of lines, which make the entire side of the picture look like a quarter circle.. very cool :)
= imagecreate(1000,1000);
$backcolor = imagecolorallocate($img_disp,0,0,0);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($img_disp,255,0,0);
$x1 = 0;
$y1 = 0;
$x2 = 0;
$y2 = 1000;
$y1 = $y1 + 20;
$x2 = $x2 + 20;
if (
$y1 == 1000){
header("Content-type: image/png");
imagepng($img_disp); // Draw the image
imagedestroy($img_disp); // Delete the image from the server's memory
mueller at inf dot ufsc dot br
5.01.2004 21:26
an algorithm to draw a bezier spline



$t = 1 / $steps;
$temp = $t * $t;
$ret = array();
$f = $p[0];
$fd = 3 * ($p[1] - $p[0]) * $t;
$fddd = $fddd_per_2 + $fddd_per_2;
$fdd = $fdd_per_2 + $fdd_per_2;
$fddd_per_6 = $fddd_per_2 * (1.0 / 3);
    for (
$loop=0; $loop<$steps; $loop++) {
$f = $f + $fd + $fdd_per_2 + $fddd_per_6;
$fd = $fd + $fdd + $fddd_per_2;
$fdd = $fdd + $fddd;
$fdd_per_2 = $fdd_per_2 + $fddd_per_2;

$by = bezier($y,$segmentos);
$bx = bezier($x,$segmentos);
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$tam = 200;
$im = imagecreate($tam,$tam);
$background_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 200, 200, 200);
$tc = imagecolorallocate ($im, 233, 14, 91);
code_couturier at graffiti dot net
18.10.2003 8:56
# antialiased draw_line function 1.1 (faster)

# here is a drawLine() posted by nanobot at chipx86 dot com
# on and enhanced/optimized by myself :)

# here are some changes i made:
# 1. changed for true-color images (no index_var used)
# 2. changed rgb extraction to logical shift
# 3. reducing function call's

function drawQSLine ($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$r,$g,$b) {
 $dcol = ImageColorAllocate ($image,$icr,$icg,$icb);
 if ($y1 == $y2) imageline ($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y1,$dcol);
 else if ($x1 == $x2) { 
   imageline ($image,$x1,$y1,$x1,$y2,$dcol);
 } else {
 $m = ($y2 - $y1) / ($x2 - $x1);
 $b = $y1 - $m * $x1;

 if (abs ($m) <2) {

 $x = min ($x1,$x2);
 $endx = max ($x1,$x2)+1;

 while ($x < $endx) {
 $y=$m * $x + $b;
 $y == floor ($y) ? $ya = 1 : $ya = $y - floor ($y);
 $yb = ceil ($y) - $y;
 $trgb = ImageColorAt($image,$x,floor($y));
 $tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
 $tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
 $tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
 imagesetpixel ($image,$x,floor ($y),imagecolorallocate ($image,($tcr * $ya + $icr * $yb),
($tcg * $ya + $icg * $yb),
($tcb * $ya + $icb * $yb)));

 $trgb = ImageColorAt($image,$x,ceil($y));
 $tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
 $tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
 $tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
 imagesetpixel ($image,$x,ceil ($y),imagecolorallocate ($image,($tcr * $yb + $icr * $ya),
($tcg * $yb + $icg * $ya),
($tcb * $yb + $icb * $ya)));

 $x ++;
 } # while_x_end
 } # if_end
 else { # else_abs_end

 $y = min ($y1,$y2);
 $endy = max ($y1,$y2)+1;

 while ($y < $endy) {
 $x=($y - $b) / $m;
 $x == floor ($x) ? $xa = 1 : $xa = $x - floor ($x);
 $xb = ceil ($x) - $x;

 $trgb = ImageColorAt($image,floor($x),$y);
 $tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
 $tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
 $tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
 imagesetpixel ($image,floor ($x),$y,imagecolorallocate ($image,($tcr * $xa + $icr * $xb),
($tcg * $xa + $icg * $xb),
($tcb * $xa + $icb * $xb)));

 $trgb = ImageColorAt($image,ceil($x),$y);
 $tcr = ($trgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
 $tcg = ($trgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
 $tcb = $trgb & 0xFF;
 imagesetpixel ($image,ceil ($x),$y,imagecolorallocate ($image, ($tcr * $xb + $icr * $xa),
($tcg * $xb + $icg * $xa),
($tcb * $xb + $icb * $xa)));

 $y ++;
 }# while_y_end
 }# else_abs_end
 }# else_y=y_x=x_end
}# drawOSLine_end
code_couturier at graffiti dot net
2.10.2003 6:33
# antialiased lines with true-type-fonts !?
# yip, it works - not very good - but faster
# (below 3 sec) than other routines (~7 sec)
# i saw here.

# the antialiased effect is minimal and only
# at the top of the line - but, as better as
# nothing ;)

# here is a drawLine routine from Logan Gunthorpe
# (logang at deltatee dot com) posted by nanobot at chipx86 dot com
# on and enhanced/optimized by myself :)

function drawSoftLine ($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $r,$g,$b) {

$fontfile="arial.ttf"; # the font for the dot
$str="·" ; # the point_char for the dot
$size=12; # the point for the dot_size

 $color = ImageColorAllocate ($image, $r,$g,$b);

 if ($x2 == $x1) {
 $tmp = $x1; $x1 = $y1; $y1 = $tmp;
 $tmp = $x2; $x2 = $y2; $y2 = $tmp;
 $swapx = true;

 $m = (float)(( $y2 - $y1 ) / ( $x2 - $x1 ));
 $b = (float)($y1 - $m*$x1);

 $strx = min ( $x1 , $x2 );
 $endx = max ( $x1 , $x2 );

# the original loop was based on one for_loop
# with the if_swap inside. to speed up this loop
# i double it, to keep off the permanent if_call's.

if (!$swapx) {
 for ($x = $strx; $x <= $endx; $x++) {
   $y = (int)($m*$x + $b); 
   imagettftext($image, $size, 0, $x, $y,
   $color, $fontfile,$str);
} else {
 for ($x = $strx; $x <= $endx; $x++) {
   $y = (int)($m*$x + $b); 
   imagettftext($image, $size, 0, $y, $x,
   $color, $fontfile,$str);

nanobot at chipx86 dot com
17.06.2003 14:28
Here is a function for making antialiased lines:

 function imagesmoothline ( $image , $x1 , $y1 , $x2 , $y2 , $color )
  $colors = imagecolorsforindex ( $image , $color );
  if ( $x1 == $x2 )
   imageline ( $image , $x1 , $y1 , $x2 , $y2 , $color ); // Vertical line
   $m = ( $y2 - $y1 ) / ( $x2 - $x1 );
   $b = $y1 - $m * $x1;
   if ( abs ( $m ) <= 1 )
    $x = min ( $x1 , $x2 );
    $endx = max ( $x1 , $x2 );
    while ( $x <= $endx )
     $y = $m * $x + $b;
     $y == floor ( $y ) ? $ya = 1 : $ya = $y - floor ( $y );
     $yb = ceil ( $y ) - $y;
     $tempcolors = imagecolorsforindex ( $image , imagecolorat ( $image , $x , floor ( $y ) ) );
     $tempcolors['red'] = $tempcolors['red'] * $ya + $colors['red'] * $yb;
     $tempcolors['green'] = $tempcolors['green'] * $ya + $colors['green'] * $yb;
     $tempcolors['blue'] = $tempcolors['blue'] * $ya + $colors['blue'] * $yb;
     if ( imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) == -1 ) imagecolorallocate ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] );
     imagesetpixel ( $image , $x , floor ( $y ) , imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) );
     $tempcolors = imagecolorsforindex ( $image , imagecolorat ( $image , $x , ceil ( $y ) ) );
     $tempcolors['red'] = $tempcolors['red'] * $yb + $colors['red'] * $ya;
      $tempcolors['green'] = $tempcolors['green'] * $yb + $colors['green'] * $ya;
     $tempcolors['blue'] = $tempcolors['blue'] * $yb + $colors['blue'] * $ya;
     if ( imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) == -1 ) imagecolorallocate ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] );
     imagesetpixel ( $image , $x , ceil ( $y ) , imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) );
     $x ++;
    $y = min ( $y1 , $y2 );
    $endy = max ( $y1 , $y2 );
    while ( $y <= $endy )
     $x = ( $y - $b ) / $m;
     $x == floor ( $x ) ? $xa = 1 : $xa = $x - floor ( $x );
     $xb = ceil ( $x ) - $x;
     $tempcolors = imagecolorsforindex ( $image , imagecolorat ( $image , floor ( $x ) , $y ) );
     $tempcolors['red'] = $tempcolors['red'] * $xa + $colors['red'] * $xb;
     $tempcolors['green'] = $tempcolors['green'] * $xa + $colors['green'] * $xb;
     $tempcolors['blue'] = $tempcolors['blue'] * $xa + $colors['blue'] * $xb;
     if ( imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) == -1 ) imagecolorallocate ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] );
     imagesetpixel ( $image , floor ( $x ) , $y , imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) );
     $tempcolors = imagecolorsforindex ( $image , imagecolorat ( $image , ceil ( $x ) , $y ) );
     $tempcolors['red'] = $tempcolors['red'] * $xb + $colors['red'] * $xa;
     $tempcolors['green'] = $tempcolors['green'] * $xb + $colors['green'] * $xa;
     $tempcolors['blue'] = $tempcolors['blue'] * $xb + $colors['blue'] * $xa;
     if ( imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) == -1 ) imagecolorallocate ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] );
     imagesetpixel ( $image , ceil ( $x ) , $y , imagecolorexact ( $image , $tempcolors['red'] , $tempcolors['green'] , $tempcolors['blue'] ) );
     $y ++;

EDITOR: My previous code contained bugs. Please use this one instead.
kramesch_NOSPAM_ at _nospam_idsolutions dot at
26.02.2002 22:44
Here is a simple code to draw a line with an arbitrary stroke. The parameter aStroke is treated as a cyclic boolean array where true equals "set a point"
e.g. $aDotStroke = array(true,false);

function ImageStrokeLine($im,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$farbe, $aStroke)
    $deltax = abs($x2 - $x1);       
    $deltay = abs($y2 - $y1);       
    $x = $x1;                      
    $y = $y1;                      
    if ($x2 >= $x1)                
      $xinc1 = 1;
      $xinc2 = 1;
      $xinc1 = -1;
      $xinc2 = -1;
    if ($y2 >= $y1)                
      $yinc1 = 1;
      $yinc2 = 1;
      $yinc1 = -1;
      $yinc2 = -1;
    if ($deltax >= $deltay) 
      $xinc1 = 0;                
      $yinc2 = 0;                
      $den = $deltax;
      $num = $deltax / 2;
      $numadd = $deltay;
      $numpixels = $deltax;
      $xinc2 = 0;            
      $yinc1 = 0;            
      $den = $deltay;
      $num = $deltay / 2;
      $numadd = $deltax;
      $numpixels = $deltay;
    for ($curpixel = 0; $curpixel <= $numpixels; $curpixel++)
      if ($iStrokeCount >= count($aStroke))
        $iStrokeCount = 0;
      if ($aStroke[$iStrokeCount++])
        ImageSetPixel($im,$x, $y,$farbe);           
      $num += $numadd;           
      if ($num >= $den)            
        $num -= $den;              
        $x += $xinc1;              
        $y += $yinc1;              
      $x += $xinc2;                
      $y += $yinc2;                
darren at php4hosting dot com
28.10.2000 19:48
It does work (With a bit of editing)
save the following as graph.php (You dont need any directorys)

("Content-type: image/png");

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