PHP Doku:: Ermittelt den Index-Wert der angegebenen Farbe - function.imagecolorexact.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

GD- und Image-Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imagecolorexact Ermittelt den Index-Wert der angegebenen Farbe


int imagecolorexact ( resource $im , int $red , int $green , int $blue )

Gibt den Index der angegebenen Farbe in der Farb-Palette des Bildes im zurück.

Existiert die Farbe in der Bild-Farb-Palette nicht, wird -1 zurück gegeben.

Siehe auch imagecolorclosest().

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jbr at ya-right dot com
18.02.2006 21:38
A few notes about this function...

This function will only work on images where the palette is 256 colors or less. You also can not use imagetruecolortopalette() to reduce the palette on a true color PNG image that has greater than 256 colors in it's palette, then call this function. If you try to do this imagecolorexact() will report colors not being in the image when they are in the image!

1. works on png(s) 8bit/256 colors or less.
2. works on all gif(s)
3. does not work on any type of jpg/jpeg image.
info at educar dot pro dot br
16.11.2005 20:14

= "../images/pic.gif";

$red = 9;
$green = 9;
$blue = 4;

$pic0026 = imagecreatefromgif ( $src );

$ind = imagecolorexact ( $pic, $red, $green, $blue );

'<img src="../images/pic.gif" border="0" alt="pic" title="View pic" /><br /><br />';

"RED ( " . $red . " ) GREEN ( " . $green . " ) BLUE ( " . $blue . " )<br />-> Palette Index = " . $ind;

if (
$ind != -1 )
"<br />[ The color exists! ]";
"<br />[ The color does not exist! ]";

imagedestroy ( $pic );


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