PHP Doku:: Lädt einen neuen Font - function.imageloadfont.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

GD- und Image-Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imageloadfontLädt einen neuen Font


int imageloadfont ( string $file )

ImageLoadFont() lädt einen vom Benutzer definierten Bitmap-Font und gibt einen Zeiger auf diesen zurück. Dessen Wert ist immer größer als 5, um Konflikte mit den eingebauten Fonts zu vermeiden.

Das Font-Datei-Format unterliegt binären Abhängigkeiten und ist von Rechner-Typ zu Rechner-Typ unterschiedlich. Das bedeutet, dass Sie die Font-Dateien immer auf dem Rechner-Typ erzeugen müssen, auf dem diese Verwendung finden.

Byte-Position C Daten-Typ Beschreibung
Byte 0-3 int Anzahl der Zeichen des Font
Byte 4-7 int Wert des ersten Zeichens des Fonts (meist 32 für Leerzeichen)
Byte 8-11 int Pixel-Breite jedes Zeichens
Byte 12-15 int Pixel-Höhe jedes Zeichens
Byte 16- Zeichen Zeichen-Daten als Array, ein Byte je Pixel für jedes Zeichen; in der Summe also (Anzahl-Zeichen * Breite * Höhe)-Bytes.

Siehe auch imagefontwidth() und imagefontheight().

7 BenutzerBeiträge:
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siker at norwinter dot com
29.08.2005 3:37
Working under the assumption that the only 'architecture dependant' part of the font files is endianness, I wrote a quick and dirty Python script to convert between the two. It has only been tested on a single font on a single machine so don't bet your life on it working. All it does is swap the byte order of the first four ints.

#!/usr/bin/env python

f = open("myfont.gdf", "rb");
d = open("myconvertedfont.gdf", "wb");

for i in xrange(4):
        b = [ for j in xrange(4)];


I successfully used this script to convert anonymous.gdf, from one of the font links below, into something useable on Mac OS X.
matthew at exanimo dot com
15.08.2005 19:28
Remember - GD fonts aren't antialiased.  If you're planning on using a pre-existing (TrueType) font, you may want to consider using imagettftext() instead of phillip's function.
alex at bestgames dot ro
2.07.2005 14:01
Confirmation code generation for preventing automated registrations on a website.

Function arguments are:
$code - the code that you shall random generate
$location - relative location of the image that shall be generated
$fonts_dir - relative location for the GDF fonts directory

This function will create an image with the code given by you and will save it in the directory specified with the name formed by MD5 hash of the code.

You may insert as many font types in the fonts directory as you wish, with random names.

function generate_image($code, $location, $fonts_dir)
$image  = imagecreate(150, 60);          
imagecolorallocate($image, rand(0, 100), rand(100, 150), rand(150, 250));
$fonts = scandir($fonts_dir);
$max = count($fonts) - 2;
$width = 10;
     for (
$i = 0; $i <= strlen($code); $i++)
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$rand = rand(2, $max);
$font = imageloadfont($fonts_dir."/".$fonts[$rand]);
$fh = imagefontheight($font);
$fw = imagefontwidth($font);

imagechar($image, $font, $width, rand(10, 50 - $fh), $code[$i], $textcolor);    
$width = $width + $fw;
imagejpeg($image, $location."/".md5($code).".jpg", 100);

puremango dot co dot uk at gmail dot com
22.04.2005 14:54
I've written an online tool in PHP that allows you to create GD fonts from PNG images.

much usefulness for custom font creation, I feel.

see the tool@
(source available online)
null at phpmix dot com
22.12.2004 18:59
Sometime ago I wrote a small tutorial on how to create dynamic signatures using gd_fonts. I also uploaded some gd_fonts...

You can check it out here, if you wish:

Hope that helps
widget at oneblacksheep dot com
5.06.2004 14:41
After noting the gd fonts page from dryes58 above was down I contacted the him and have put the pages up at hows about that then =)
angryziber at mail dot com
23.08.2000 16:23
You all should look at the GD image library site for information on extra fonts, it can be found at

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