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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Funktionen zur Behandlung von Variablen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

issetPrüft, ob eine Variable existiert und ob sie nicht NULL ist


bool isset ( mixed $var [, mixed $var [, $... ]] )

Prüft, ob eine Variable existiert und nicht NULL ist.

Wenn eine Variable mittels unset() zurückgesetzt wird, gilt sie nicht länger als existent. isset() wird FALSE zurückgeben, wenn eine überprüfte Variable auf NULL gesetzt ist. Beachten Sie außerdem, dass das Null-Byte ("\0") nicht äquivalent ist zur PHP-Konstante NULL.

Wenn mehrere Parameter übergeben werden, gibt isset() nur dann TRUE zurück, wenn alle Parameter belegt sind. Die Auswertung geht von links nach rechts und wird abgebrochen, sobald eine Variable nicht belegt ist.



Die zu überprüfende Variable.


Eine weitere Variable ...



Gibt TRUE zurück, wenn var existiert, andernfalls FALSE.


Beispiel #1 isset()-Beispiele



// Dieser Ausdruck wird zu TRUE ausgewertet, also wird der Text angezeigt
if (isset($var)) {
"Die Variable ist gesetzt, also wird etwas ausgegeben.";

// In den nächsten Beispielen wird var_dump() benutzt, um den Rückgabewert von
// isset() auszugeben.

$a "test";
$b "anothertest";

var_dump(isset($a));     // TRUE
var_dump(isset($a$b)); // TRUE

unset ($a);

var_dump(isset($a));     // FALSE
var_dump(isset($a$b)); // FALSE

$foo NULL;
var_dump(isset($foo));   // FALSE


Die funktioniert ebenfalls für Arrayelemente:


= array ('test' => 1'hallo' => NULL);

var_dump(isset($a['test']));            // TRUE
var_dump(isset($a['foo']));             // FALSE
var_dump(isset($a['hallo']));           // FALSE

// Der Schlüssel 'hallo' hat den Wert NULL, daher wird sein Inhalt nicht betrachtet
// Wenn Sie herausfinden wollen, ob ein Schlüssel mit dem Wert NULL vorhanden
// ist, verwenden Sie:
var_dump(array_key_exists('hallo'$a)); // TRUE




isset() funktioniert nur mit Variablen, da der Aufruf mit etwas anderem einen Parse-Error verursacht. Um zu überprüfen, ob Konstanten gesetzt sind, sollte die Funktion defined() benutzt werden.

Hinweis: Da dies ein Sprachkonstrukt und keine Funktion ist, können Sie dieses nicht mit Variablenfunktionen verwenden.


Bei Aufruf von isset() auf nicht-öffentliche Objekteigenschaten wird die überladene Methode __isset aufgerufen, falls deklariert.

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57 BenutzerBeiträge:
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francois vespa
23.12.2010 4:21
Now this is how to achieve the same effect (ie, having isset() returning true even if variable has been set to null) for objects and arrays


// array


return isset(
$array['foo']) || array_key_exists('foo',$array)
true : false ; // return true

return isset($array['inexistent']) || array_key_exists('inexistent',$array)
true : false ; // return false

// static class

class bar


return isset(
bar::$foo) || array_key_exists('foo',get_class_vars('bar'))
true : false ; // return true

return isset(bar::$inexistent) || array_key_exists('inexistent',get_class_vars('bar'))
true : false ; // return false

// object

class bar

$bar=new bar();

return isset(
$bar->foo) || array_key_exists('foo',get_object_vars($bar))
true : false ; // return true

return isset($bar->inexistent) || array_key_exists('inexistent',get_object_vars($bar))
true : false ; // return true

// stdClass

$bar=new stdClass;

return isset(
$bar->foo) || array_key_exists('foo',get_object_vars($bar))
true : false ; // return true

return isset($bar->inexistent) || array_key_exists('inexistent',get_object_vars($bar))
true : false ; // return true

Raphael Campos
6.07.2010 13:10
Keep in mind that an empty string is not null, and an empty GET or POST field returns an empty string instead of NULL, thus...


= '';
$b = NULL;

$a); // => TRUE
isset($b); // => FALSE
(isset($a) && $a === ''); // => TRUE

With that in mind, one probably would use isset() to check if a variable has been declared somehow and it's value is not the special value NULL. If you want to check if the value is an empty string, it's probably a better idea to check it literally:

(isset($a) && $a == '') // => TRUE
i [at] nemoden [dot] com
15.06.2010 8:48
Simple, but very useful:

function issetOr($var, $or = false) {
  return isset(
$var) ? $var : $or;

Some examples:
= '1';
$b = '2';
issetOr($a,issetOr($b,3)); // 1
= '2';
issetOr($a,issetOr($b,3)); // 2
echo issetOr($a,issetOr($b,3)); // 3
senthil sent222 at gmail dot com
26.05.2010 16:14
just as note: if you want to check isset() with string variables
='string value';
$var['somekey']){          //it will be treated as true
echo 'This will be printed';
mohd at bahrain dot bz
10.01.2010 13:02
HTML table to displays how different variables are evaluated ..
= array(
'|NULL' => NULL,
'|"NULL"' => "NULL",
'|false' => false,
'|true' => true,
'|TRUE' => TRUE,
'|"false"' => "false",
'|"true"' => "true",
'|0' => 0,
'|1' => 1,
'|"0"' => "0",
'|"1"' => "1",
'|NotExsist' => $notexist,
'|""' => "",
'|array()' => array(),
'|array("A", "B")' => array("A", "B"),
'|$_GET' => $_GET,
'|$_POST' => $_POST,
'|count($_GET)' => count($_GET),
'|count($_POST)' => count($_POST),
'|1.5' => 1.5,
'|1e7' => 1e7,
'|-14' => -14,
'|005' => 005,
'|(object) "Halo"' => (object) "Halo",
'|fopen("php://stdin")' => fopen("php://stdin", "r")
$CASE = array(
'$var != ""',
'$var != NULL',
'$var !== NULL',
'$var != true',
'$var !== true',
'$var != false',
'$var !== false',

$T = 'TRUE'; $F = 'FALSE';

/* CSS */
$lf = "\r\n"; $ds = "  "; $gt = '>'; $q = '"'; $ac = ' align="center"';
$t = ' style='; $b = 'background-'; $c = 'color:'; $c1 = $t.$q.$b.$c.'#EBEBEB'.$q;
$w = 'white-space:nowrap;';
$br = '<br />'; $s1 = '<span'; $s2 = '</span>';
$T = $s1.$t.$q.$c.'#0000FF'.$q.$gt.$T.$s2; $F = $s1.$t.$q.$c.'#FF0000'.$q.$gt.$F.$s2;
$t1 = '<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5"'.$t.$q;
$t1 .= 'font-weight:bold; font-size:9px; font-family:Tahoma,Arial;'.$q.$gt;
$t2 = '</table>'; $r1 = '<tr'; $r2 = '</tr>'; $d1 = '<td'; $d2 = '</td>';

$K = array_keys($TEST_VAR); $n = count($K); $m = count($CASE);

$da = $ds.$ds.$d1.$ac.$gt;
$dz = $d2.$lf;


$v = 14;
for (
$i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
if ( (
$i != ($n-1)) && ($v > 13) ) {
    for (
$j=0; $j<$m; $j++) {
$v = 0;
$v += 1;



/* ($var != "")? */
echo $da
.(( $TEST_VAR[($K[$i])] != "" ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!isset($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !isset($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_null($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_null($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* ($var != NULL)? */
echo $da
.(( $TEST_VAR[($K[$i])] != NULL ) ? $T:$F)
/* ($var !== NULL)? */
echo $da
.(( $TEST_VAR[($K[$i])] !== NULL ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!empty($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !empty($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* ($var != true)? */
echo $da
.(( $TEST_VAR[($K[$i])] != true ) ? $T:$F)
/* ($var !== true)? */
echo $da
.(( $TEST_VAR[($K[$i])] !== true ) ? $T:$F)
/* ($var != false)? */
echo $da
.(( $TEST_VAR[($K[$i])] != false ) ? $T:$F)
/* ($var !== false)? */
echo $da
.(( $TEST_VAR[($K[$i])] !== false ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_bool($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_bool($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_numeric($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_numeric($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_int($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_int($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_float($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_float($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_array($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_array($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_object($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_object($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)
/* (!is_resource($var))? */
echo $da
.(( !is_resource($TEST_VAR[($K[$i])]) ) ? $T:$F)



n0t($var=false) {
    return (( (!isset(
$var)) || ((!$var) && ($var !== "0")) )? true: false);
Robert dot VanDell at cbs dot com
8.01.2010 23:19
Here's a nice little function that I use everywhere that'll help with setting alternate values so you don't have a bunch of situations like:

$b = $a;
$b = "default";

isset_or(&$check, $alternate = NULL)
    return (isset(
$check)) ? $check : $alternate;

// Example usage:
$first_name = isset_or($_POST['first_name'], "Empty");
$total        = isset_or($row['total'], 0);

Anl zselgin
15.08.2009 0:30
Note: Because this is a language construct and not a function, it cannot be called using variable functions.

So why it is under "Variable handling Functions". Maybe there should be some good documentation field for language constructs.
alexander dot holmback at gmail dot com
23.03.2009 11:48
= 'test';

$abc is not an array, but you can use the brackets to reach a single byte in the string using numbers.

[0] = 't'        //first letter in 'test'
$abc[1] = 'e'        //second letter in 'test'
$abc[2] = 's'        //third letter in 'test'
$abc[3] = 't'        //fourth letter in 'test'

When using $abc['astring'], php will cast any string to 0 (see type juggling) which result in the letter 't' which indeed is set.

isset($abc['astring'] = isset($abc[0]) = true.
yarco dot w at gmail dot com
18.03.2009 9:30
just following what edsko said, it is very amazing when you use isset to check a string. look at what i found:

[yarco@localhost ~]$ php -a
Interactive shell

php > $abc = 'test';
php > print isset($abc['e']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
php > print isset($abc['d']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
php > print isset($abc['aaaaaaa']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
php > print isset($abc[23]) ? 'yes' : 'no';

If you use string as index, isset would always return true.
(but i don't think it should return true)
8.12.2008 22:05
Note that array keys are case sensitive.

['w'] = true;


will report:
bool(true) bool(false)
jwvdveer at gmail dot com
10.11.2008 19:29
Here a short note on the function tomek wrote:
Don't use it, because it is still better to use !$var than !is($var).

Some comments on the body of the function:
function is($var)
if (!isset(
$var)) return false; # Variable is always set... Otherwise PHP would have thrown an error on call.
if ($var!==false) return true; # So, 0, NULL, and some other values may not behave like isNot? And what about the difference between a class and NULL?
return false;

The reason why you shall not use this function:
Notice: Undefined variable: {variablename} in {file} on line {__LINE__}

It's me as plain as the nose on your face that the piece of code hasn't been tested with E_NOTICE.

So my advice in this case is: don't use the above function, but simply use !, and functions such like is_null in the situation they are made for.
26.10.2008 15:48
Here's a simple function to test if the variable is set:

function is($var)
if (!isset(
$var)) return false;
if (
$var!==false) return true;

Now instead of very popular (but invalid in many situations):

if (!$var) $var=5;

you can write:

if (!is($var)) $var=5;
a dot schaffhirt at sedna-soft dot de
12.10.2008 17:01
You can safely use isset to check properties and subproperties of objects directly. So instead of writing

    isset($abc) && isset($abc->def) && isset($abc->def->ghi)

or in a shorter form

    isset($abc, $abc->def, $abc->def->ghi)

you can just write

    isset ($abc->def->ghi)

without raising any errors, warnings or notices.

= (object) array("def" => 123);
var_dump(isset($abc));                // bool(true)
var_dump(isset($abc->def));           // bool(true)
var_dump(isset($abc->def->ghi));      // bool(false)
var_dump(isset($abc->def->ghi->jkl)); // bool(false)
var_dump(isset($def));                // bool(false)
var_dump(isset($def->ghi));           // bool(false)
var_dump(isset($def->ghi->jkl));      // bool(false)

var_dump($abc);                       // object(stdClass)#1 (1) { ["def"] => int(123) }
var_dump($abc->def);                  // int(123)
var_dump($abc->def->ghi);             // null / E_NOTICE: Trying to get property of non-object
var_dump($abc->def->ghi->jkl);        // null / E_NOTICE: Trying to get property of non-object
var_dump($def);                       // null / E_NOTICE: Trying to get property of non-object
var_dump($def->ghi);                  // null / E_NOTICE: Trying to get property of non-object
var_dump($def->ghi->jkl);             // null / E_NOTICE: Trying to get property of non-object
5.10.2008 13:13
It has been remarked by various people that isset is the opposite of is_null "in all but buggy cases". This is not true:

= "hi";


mark dot fabrizio at gmail dot com
16.09.2008 4:01
I know this is probably not the recommended way to do this, but it seems to work fine for me. Instead of the normal isset check to extract variables from arrays (like $_REQUEST), you can use the @ prefix to squelch any errors.

For example, instead of:
= isset($_REQUEST['test']) ? $_REQUEST['test'] : null;
you can use:
= @$_REQUEST['test'];

It saves some typing, but doesn't give the opportunity to provide a default value. If 'test' is not an assigned key for $_REQUEST, the assigned value will be null.
mandos78 AT mail from google
29.07.2008 11:40
Careful with this function "ifsetfor" by soapergem, passing by reference means that if, like the example $_GET['id'], the argument is an array index, it will be created in the original array (with a null value), thus causing posible trouble with the following code. At least in PHP 5.

For example:

= array();
ifsetor($a["unsetindex"], 'default');

will print

    [unsetindex] =>

Any foreach or similar will be different before and after the call.
soapergem at gmail dot com
2.07.2008 22:34
It is possible to encapsulate isset() calls inside your own functions if you pass them by reference (note the ampersand in the argument list) instead of by value. A prime example would be the heavily-requested "ifsetor" function, which will return a value when it is set, otherwise a default value that the user specifies is used.


function ifsetor(&$val, $default = null)
    return isset(
$val) ? $val : $default;

//    example usage
$id = intval(ifsetor($_GET['id'], 0));

soapergem at gmail dot com
4.06.2008 23:19
Below a user by the name of Scott posted an isval() function; I just wanted to point out a revision to his method since it's a bit lengthy for what it does. The trick is to realize that a boolean AND clause will terminate with false as soon as it encounters anything that evaluates to false, and will skip over any remaining checks.

Instead of taking up the space to define isval(), you could just run inline commands for each variable you need to check this:


= isset($_POST['var']) && !empty($_POST['var']);


Also be warned that if you try to encapsulate this into a function, you might encounter problems. It's meant to stand alone.
John A. Bilicki III
10.03.2008 20:08
I was attempting to use isset to detect if a class existed or not and kept having an error...

Call to a member function get() on a non-object...

For example I have some pages where I want to disable my own error reporting for non-existent HTTP queries. The HTTP query error handling file was merely included in my templates though now I can declare a class that uses that template system, declare an error class, and have the template system not serve the error handling when I will be using a large array of queries that I will not be tracking...
<?php if (!class_exists('error')) {include("includes.php");} ?>
anonymousleaf at gmail dot com
25.02.2008 19:16
isset expects the variable sign first, so you can't add parentheses or anything.

= 1;
$foo))) { // Syntax error at isset((
$foo = 2;
muratyaman at gmail dot com
7.02.2008 13:40
To organize some of the frequently used functions..


 * Returns field of variable (arr[key] or obj->prop), otherwise the third parameter
 * @param array/object $arr_or_obj
 * @param string $key_or_prop
 * @param mixed $else
function nz($arr_or_obj, $key_or_prop, $else){
$result = $else;
$result = $arr_or_obj[$key_or_prop];
$result = $arr_or_obj->$key_or_prop;

 * Returns integer value using nz()
function nz_int($arr_or_obj, $key_or_prop, $else){
intval(nz($arr_or_obj, $key_or_prop, $else));

$my_id = nz_int($_REQUEST, 'id', 0);
$my_id > 0){
packard_bell_nec at hotmail dot com
25.12.2007 20:18
Note: isset() only checks variables as anything else will result in a parse error. In other words, the following will not work: isset(trim($name)).

isset() is the opposite of is_null($var) , except that no warning is generated when the variable is not set.
sam b
13.11.2007 19:51
Check out this ifsetor function. If $var is set, do nothing, otherwise $var = $default.


= ifsetor($name, 'default name') ;

ifsetor(&$var, $default)
        return isset(
$var) ? $var : $default) ;
contact at scottbyrns dot com
8.11.2007 2:51
If you have for example a variable in your URL say url.php?var= and some one types in %00 the variable will pass isset. For post and get variables I wrote this function to filter out varables that are set but empty.

function isval($inp){
        $len = strlen($inp);
        if($len > 0){
            return true;
            return false;
        return false;
14.10.2007 20:22
I've come up with a little not-so-clean but useful function to avoid checking if a variable is set before reading its value, specially useful for $_REQUEST and the like:

function toLocal( $source, &$dest, $default = null )
    if( isset(
$source ) )
$dest = $source;
$dest = $default;

and then call it this way:
@toLocal( $_REQUEST['item_id'], $item_id, 0 );

It checks wether the variable is set, copies it to a local variable, and if it wasn't set, it assigns the new variable a default value, all in one line, preventing you to have to always check for isset() before trying to read its value.
Gotta call it with @ because if the variable is not set, then trying to pass it as an argument will yield a warning.

phpnotes dot 20 dot zsh at spamgourmet dot com
22.09.2007 11:50
Note that isset is lazy -- the first undefined variable causes it to return. Have a look at this example:

class Foo {
    public function
__isset($varname) {
"ZOMG! isset was called on my $varname!\n";
$foo = new Foo;
// bar will never get checked
var_dump(isset($foo->foo, $foo->bar));

// Output:
// ZOMG! isset was called on my foo!
// bool(false)
codeslinger at compsalot dot com
14.08.2007 5:31
The behavior of isset is complex and the results are sometimes not what people expected -- to their peril.

After dealing with isset() for awhile and peppering my code with additional checks for edge cases.  I eventually got to know and love  empty()

Most of the places that you are using isset(), empty() would do a better job.

And when you are dealing with arrays what you probably want to use instead of isset() is   array_key_exists()

These days, I almost never use isset() and I write a lot of code.
13.08.2007 17:30
In PHP 5.2.3, really returns true if the variable is set to null.
black__ray at myway dot com
3.07.2007 13:40

elseif($_GET['act']== 'v_qanda' && !(isset($_GET['rq'])))
beuc at beuc dot net
1.01.2007 10:56
Beware that the chk() function below creates the variable or the array index if it didn't existed.

function chk(&$var) {
  if (!isset(

$a = array();

// Gives:
// array
//   empty
// array
//   'b' => null
beuc at beuc dot net
16.12.2006 21:35
"empty() is the opposite of (boolean) var, except that no warning is generated when the variable is not set."

So essentially
if (isset($var) && $var)
is the same as
if (!empty($var))
doesn't it? :)

!empty() mimics the chk() function posted before.
roberto at spadim dot com dot br
4.12.2006 7:04

for (

for (
for (
for (


the interesting result:
isset is the fastest
php at bagnara dot org
30.11.2006 0:14
See also property_exists() which allows detection of protected variables existing in a class even if they are NULL.
randallgirard at hotmail dot com
27.09.2006 20:51
The unexpected results of isset has been really frustrating to me. Hence, it doesn't work how you'd think it would, (as documented) a var currently in the scope with a null value will return false.

Heres a quick solution, perhaps there are better ways of going about this, but heres my solution...

function is_set( $varname, $parent=null ) {
  if ( !
is_array( $parent ) && !is_object($parent) ) {
$parent = $GLOBALS;
array_key_exists( $varname, $parent );

Hence, $varname should be a mixed value of var's to check for, and $parent can be an array or object, which will default to the GLOBAL scope. See the documentation of array_key_exists for further information.

This will allow to check if a var is in the current scope, object, or array... Whether it's a null, false, true, or any value. It depends on ARRAY_KEY_EXISTS for it's functionality which also works with Objects. Feel free to improve on this anyone ;D
DerSpezialist at Hotmail dot com
29.08.2006 19:09
Note that isset() doesnt recognize $_FILES - Arrays.. additionally, i think it doesnt recognize Arrays in general at all (untested, but logical)!
Checking $_FILES will always result in Boolean FALSE i think, at least it caused my Script to calculate false Positives / Negatives... Solution: Use empty() or !empty() :-)
Tee Cee
20.08.2006 14:20
In response to 10-Feb-2006 06:02, isset($v) is in all (except possibly buggy) cases equivalent to !is_null($v). And no, it doesn't actually test if a variable is set or not by my definition "$v is set if unset($v) has no effect".

unset($c); //force $c to be unset
var_dump($a=&$c); // NULL, but this actually sets $a and $c to the 'same' NULL.
var_dump(isset($c)); // bool(false)
var_dump($a = 5); // int(5)
var_dump($c); // int(5)

var_dump($a=&$c); // NULL
var_dump(isset($c)); // bool(false)
var_dump($a = 5); // int(5)
var_dump($c); // NULL

In the following example, we see an alternate method of testing if a variable is actually set or not:
(array_key_exists('c',get_defined_vars())); // false
var_dump(isset($c));                                // also false
var_dump($c);                                       // manipulate $c a bit...
var_dump(array_key_exists('c',get_defined_vars())); // ... still false
var_dump($c = NULL);                                // this sets $c
var_dump(array_key_exists('c',get_defined_vars())); // true!
var_dump(isset($c));                                // false; isset() still says it's unset
unset($c);                                          // actually unset it
var_dump(array_key_exists('c',get_defined_vars())); // false
var_dump(array_key_exists('c',get_defined_vars())); // true!
unset($c);                                          // unset it again
var_dump(&$c);                                      // &NULL
var_dump(array_key_exists('c',get_defined_vars())); // true!

Obviously, null values take up space (or they wouldn't show up in get_defined_vars). Also, note that &$v sets $v to NULL if it is unset.
17.08.2006 9:13
you *cannot* do assignments inside of the isset() function. although you *can* while inside of other functions such as is_null().

if (isset($var = $_GET['key'])) echo 'whatever'; //this will throw an error :(

if (is_null($var = $_GET['key'])) echo 'whatever'; //this will not :)

hope someone finds this useful.
16.08.2006 14:26
If you don't want to bother checking every single var with isset or empty, use this function on every var you use:


function chk( & $var )
    if ( !isset(
$var) )


It takes ANYTHING as argument, and returns the exact same thing, but without Notice if the var doesn't actually exist

21.07.2006 16:08
I tried the example posted previously by Slawek:

$foo = 'a little string';
echo isset($foo)?'yes ':'no ', isset($foo['aaaa'])?'yes ':'no ';

He got yes yes, but he didn't say what version of PHP he was using.

I tried this on PHP 5.0.5 and got:  yes no

But on PHP 4.3.5 I got:  yes yes

Apparently, PHP4 converts the the string 'aaaa' to zero and then returns the string character at that position within the string $foo, when $foo is not an array. That means you can't assume you are dealing with an array, even if you used an expression such as isset($foo['aaaa']['bbb']['cc']['d']), because it will return true also if any part is a string.

PHP5 does not do this. If $foo is a string, the index must actually be numeric (e.g. $foo[0]) for it to return the indexed character.
soywiz at php dot net
14.04.2006 15:12
Sometimes you have to check if an array has some keys. To achieve it you can use "isset" like this: isset($array['key1'], $array['key2'], $array['key3'], $array['key4'])
You have to write $array all times and it is reiterative if you use same array each time.

With this simple function you can check if an array has some keys:

function isset_array() {
    if (
func_num_args() < 2) return true;
$args = func_get_args();
$array = array_shift($args);
    if (!
is_array($array)) return false;
    foreach (
$args as $n) if (!isset($array[$n])) return false;

Use: isset_array($array, 'key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'key4')
First parameter has the array; following parameters has the keys you want to check.
9.03.2006 19:27

//ask, if is set
$number = isset($_GET['number']) ? $_GET['number'] : '';
$age = isset($_GET['age']) ? $_GET['age'] : '';
$street = isset($_GET['street']) ? $_GET['street'] : '';

After: --> it's easier to read

//ask, if is set
 $parameter = array('number', 'age', 'street');
 foreach($parameter as $name)
    $$name = isset($_GET[$name]) ? $_GET[$name] : '';
red at iklanumum dot com
10.02.2006 7:02
This could be viewed as a philosophy. I wonder why a NULL variabel is being considered FALSE rather than TRUE while in isset, because if the variable has been unset it becomes undefined but a NULL variabel is still defined although it has no value. Or, perhaps, it's based on the memory usage, if it is how about $x="" ? Is empty value use memory too? This leads me to another thinking that the isset isn't have family relationship with unset although both of it are a language construct and have 'set' word :)
Slawek Petrykowski
29.11.2005 12:06
= 'a little string';
echo isset(
$foo)?'yes ':'no ', isset($foo['aaaa'])?'yes ':'no ';

results with unexpected values:
yes yes

, it is necessary to check type of $foo first !
Peter Beckman
21.09.2005 9:16
Based on the previous post, I've found this code even more useful:

function isset_sum(&$var, $val) {
    if (isset(
$var))  $var += $val;
$var  = $val;

Now instead of:

if (isset($foo[$bar][$baz][$fooz])) $foo[$bar][$baz][$fooz] += $count;
$foo[$bar][$baz][$fooz] = $count;

No more "Undefined variable" warnings, and you save your fingers and sanity!  Thanks to the previous poster for inspiration.

14.09.2005 12:41
I don't know if you guys can use this but i find this piece of code pretty useful (for readabillity at least):

function isset_else( $&v, $r )
    if( isset( $v ))
        return $v;
        return $r;

This way you can go:

$a = 4;

$c += isset_else( $a, 0 );
$c += isset_else( $b, 0 );

echo $c;

Of course, this code would work anyway, but you get the point.
onno at itmaze dot com dot au ##php==owh
12.08.2005 9:33
In PHP4, the following works as expected:

if (isset($obj->thing['key'])) {
  unset($obj->thing['key']) ;

In PHP5 however you will get a fatal error for the unset().

The work around is:

if (is_array($obj->thing) && isset($obj->thing['key'])) {
  unset($obj->thing['key']) ;
richard william lee AT gmail
11.06.2005 8:38
Just a note on the previous users comments. isset() should only be used for testing if the variable exists and not if the variable containes an empty "" string. empty() is designed for that.

Also, as noted previosuly !empty() is the best method for testing for set non-empty variables.
darkstar_ae at hotmail dot com
25.05.2005 10:03
isset doesn't reliably evaluate variables with blank strings (not necessarily NULL).
$blankvar = ""; // isset will return true on this.

This is a very common pitfall when handling HTML forms that return blank text fields to the script. You're better off doing this:

if ($var != "")
return true;
return false;

This more of a programming practice rather than the function's shortcomings. So if you have a habit of initializing variables you're likely to run into problems with isset() if your code or php project become very large.
Andrew Penry
11.05.2005 17:17
The following is an example of how to test if a variable is set, whether or not it is NULL. It makes use of the fact that an unset variable will throw an E_NOTICE error, but one initialized as NULL will not.


function var_exists($var){
    if (empty(
$GLOBALS['var_exists_err'])) {
    } else {

var_existsHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
$GLOBALS['var_exists_err'] = true;

$l = NULL;
set_error_handler("var_existsHandler", E_NOTICE);
echo (
var_exists($l)) ? "True " : "False ";
echo (
var_exists($k)) ? "True " : "False ";


True False

The problem is, the set_error_handler and restore_error_handler calls can not be inside the function, which means you need 2 extra lines of code every time you are testing. And if you have any E_NOTICE errors caused by other code between the set_error_handler and restore_error_handler they will not be dealt with properly. One solution:


function var_exists($var){
   if (empty(
$GLOBALS['var_exists_err'])) {
   } else {

var_existsHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
$filearr = file($errfile);
    if (
strpos($filearr[$errline-1], 'var_exists') !== false) {
$GLOBALS['var_exists_err'] = true;
    } else {

$l = NULL;
set_error_handler("var_existsHandler", E_NOTICE);
echo (
var_exists($l)) ? "True " : "False ";
echo (
var_exists($k)) ? "True " : "False ";


True False
Notice: Undefined variable: j in filename.php on line 26

This will make the handler only handle var_exists, but it adds a lot of overhead. Everytime an E_NOTICE error happens, the file it originated from will be loaded into an array.
phpnet dot 5 dot reinhold2000 at t spamgourmet dot com
10.04.2005 17:33
if you want to check whether the user has sent post vars from a form, it is a pain to write something like the following, since isset() does not check for zero-length strings:

if(isset($form_name) && $form_name != '') [...]

a shorter way would be this one:

if($form_name && $form_message) [...]

but this is dirty since you cannot make sure these variables exist and php will echo a warning if you refer to a non-existing variable like this. plus, a string containing "0" will evaluate to FALSE if casted to a boolean.

this function will check one or more form values if they are set and do not contain an empty string. it returns false on the first empty or non-existing post var.

function postvars() {
func_get_args() as $var) {
$_POST[$var]) || $_POST[$var] === '') return false;

example: if(postvars('form_name','form_message')) [...]
yaogzhan at gmail dot com
20.03.2005 13:52
in PHP5, if you have

class Foo
$data = array('bar' => null);

        if( isset(
$this->data[$p]) ) return $this->data[$p];

= new Foo;
echo isset(
will always echo 'false'. because the isset() accepts VARIABLES as it parameters, but in this case, $foo->bar is NOT a VARIABLE. it is a VALUE returned from the __get() method of the class Foo. thus the isset($foo->bar) expreesion will always equal 'false'.
dubmeier aaattt Y! daht calm
2.03.2005 0:13
Here are some handy wrappers to isset that I use when I need to do common evaluations like: this variable is set and has a length greater than 0, or: I want the variables value, or a blank, if not set.

 * isset_echo()
 * Accomplishes the following w/o warnings:
 *    echo $x;
 *    echo $x[$y];
 *    echo $x[$y][$z];
 * FIXME: make this recursive so it works for N args?
function isset_echo($x, $y=Null, $z=Null)
    if (is_array($x)) {
        if (array_key_exists($y, $x)) {
            if (is_array($x[$y])) {
                if (array_key_exists($z, $x[$y])) { echo $x[$y][$z]; }
            else { echo $x[$y]; }
    else { echo $x; }

 * isset_value()
 * As above, but returns value instead of echoing
function isset_value(&$x, $y=Null)
    if (is_array($x)) {
        if (array_key_exists($y, $x)) { return $x[$y]; }
    else { return $x; }

 * isset_and_equals()
 * As above, but ...
 * Returns true if variable (or array member) is set and equaL to the first parameter
function isset_equals($val, $w, $x=null, $y=null, $z=null) {
    if (is_array($w)) {
                if (array_key_exists($x, $w)) {
                if (is_array($w[$x])) {
                        if (array_key_exists($y, $w[$x])) {
                                    if (is_array($w[$x][$y])) {
                                        if(array_key_exists($z, $w[$x][$y])) {
                                                return ($w[$x][$y][$z] == $val) ? true : false;
                                    } else {
                                        return ($w[$x][$y] == $val) ? true : false;
                    } else {
                        return ($w[$x] == $val) ? true : false;
    } else {
                return ($w == $val) ? true : false;

 * isset_gt0()
 * As above, but returns true only if var is set and it's length is > 0
function isset_gt0(&$x)
    if (isset($x) && strlen($x) > 0) { return true; }
    else { return false; }
codeslinger at compsalot dot com
7.02.2005 7:21
according to the docs -- "isset() will return FALSE if testing a variable that has been set to NULL."

That statment is not always correct, sometimes isset() returns TRUE for a NULL value.  But the scenarios are obtuse.  There are a tons of bugs on this subject, all marked as bogus.

Problems occur when NULLs are in named fields of arrays and also when vars are passed by reference.

do lots of testing and code defensively.

is_null()   is your friend...
pianistsk8er at gmail dot com
10.12.2004 3:23
This function is very useful while calling to the URL to specify which template to be used on certain parts of your application.

Here is an example...


= $_GET['c'];
$id = $_GET['id'];   
$error = 'templates/error.tpl';

    if( isset(
        if( isset(
$var = 'templates/pics/' . $cat . '-' . $id . '.tpl';
            if (
$var = 'templates/pics/' . $cat . '.tpl';       
            if (


You can see several uses of the isset function being used to specify wheter a template is to be called upon or not.  This can easily prevent other generic PHP errors.
jc dot michel at symetrie dot com
15.11.2004 11:35
is useful, but be careful!
doesn't work as one could expect, if $array['key'] is a string it seems that 'subkey' is converted to (integer) 0 and $array['key']['subkey'] is evaluated as the first char of the string.
The solution is to use
  is_array($array['key']) && isset($array['key']['subkey'])

Here is a small code to show this:

= array('one' => 'val1','two' => 'val2');
'$ex = ';print_r($ex);
"<br />";

" isset(\$ex['one']['three']) : ";
if (isset(

"<br />";
"is_array(\$ex['one']) &&  isset(\$ex['one']['three']) : ";
if (
is_array($ex['one']) && isset($ex['one']['three']))

$ex = Array ( [one] => val1 [two] => val2 )
isset($ex['one']['three']) : true
is_array($ex['one']) && isset($ex['one']['three']) : false
7.12.2003 19:19
Since PHP will check cases in order, I often end up using this bit of code:

if (isset($var) && $var) {
// do something

In short, if you have error reporting on, and $var is not set, PHP will generate an error if you just have:

if ($var) { // do something }

...but, as noted elsewhere, will return True if set to False in this case:
if (isset($var)) { // do something }

Checking both to see if $var is set, and that it equals something other than Null or False is something I find very useful a lot of times.  If $var is not set, PHP will never execute the second part of "(isset($var) && $var)", and thus never generate an error either.

This also works very nice for setting variable as well, e.g.:
= (isset($var) && $var) ? $var : 'new value';
flobee at gmx dot net
8.09.2003 23:16
just as note: if you want to check variables by boolean value: true or false , "isset" has a different meaning!
// sample 1
if($var) {
// if true or another value exept "false" , "null": go on here
echo "1. var is true or has a value $var<br>";
} else {
"1. var is &quot;false&quot; or &quot;null&quot;<br>";

$var) {
// if false or "null": go on here
echo "2. var has no value $var<br>";
} else {
"2. var is &quot;false&quot; or &quot;null&quot;<br>";

// sample 2
$var =false;
$var)) {
// $var is false so it is set to a value and the execution goes here
echo "3. var has value: $var<br>";

$var)) {
// $var is null (does not exist at this time) and the execution goes here
echo "4. var was not set $var<br>";

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