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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Funktionen zur Behandlung von Variablen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

is_intPrüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ int ist


bool is_int ( mixed $var )

Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ integer ist.


Um zu testen, ob eine Variable eine Zahl oder eine numerische Zeichenkette ist (wie zum Beispiel Formularangaben, die immer Zeichenketten sind), müssen Sie is_numeric() verwenden.



Die auszuwertende Variable.


Gibt TRUE zurück, wenn var vom Typ int ist, sonst FALSE.


Beispiel #1 is_int()-Beispiel

if (is_int(23)) {
"is integer\n";
} else {
"is not an integer\n";

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

is integer

Siehe auch

  • is_bool() - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ boolean ist
  • is_float() - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ float ist
  • is_numeric() - Prüft, ob eine Variable eine Zahl oder ein numerischer String ist
  • is_string() - Prüft, ob Variable vom Typ string ist
  • is_array() - Prüft, ob die Variable ein Array ist
  • is_object() - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ object ist

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andre dot roesti at 7flex dot net
27.07.2010 14:51
With this function you can check if every of multiple variables are int. This is a little more comfortable than writing 'is_int' for every variable you've got.

function are_int ( ) {
$args = func_get_args ();
    foreach (
$args as $arg )
        if ( !
is_int ( $arg ) )

// Example:
are_int ( 4, 9 ); // true
are_int ( 22, 08, 'foo' ); // false
27.03.2010 17:22
Keep in mind that is_int() operates in signed fashion, not unsigned, and is limited to the word size of the environment php is running in.

In a 32-bit environment:

( 2147483647 );           // true
is_int( 2147483648 );           // false
is_int( 9223372036854775807 );  // false
is_int( 9223372036854775808 );  // false

In a 64-bit environment:

( 2147483647 );           // true
is_int( 2147483648 );           // true
is_int( 9223372036854775807 );  // true
is_int( 9223372036854775808 );  // false

If you find yourself deployed in a 32-bit environment where you are required to deal with numeric confirmation of integers (and integers only) potentially breaching the 32-bit span, you can combine is_int() with is_float() to guarantee a cover of the full, signed 64-bit span:

= 2147483647;         // will always be true for is_int(), but never for is_float()
$big = 9223372036854775807// will only be true for is_int() in a 64-bit environment

if( is_int($small) || is_float($small) );  // passes in a 32-bit environment
if( is_int($big) || is_float($big) );      // passes in a 32-bit environment
thierryreeuwijk at hotmail dot com
14.01.2010 11:04
If you only want integer values like 23 or 0155, or form/string integer values like "23" or "0155" to be valid, this should work just fine.


function int($int){
// First check if it's a numeric value as either a string or number
if(is_numeric($int) === TRUE){
// It's a number, but it has to be an integer
if((int)$int == $int){

// It's a number, but not an integer, so we fail
// Not a number

"\"I'm 155\"".int("I'm 155")."<br>");

The above returns:

155        TRUE
15.5       FALSE
"155"      TRUE
"15.5"     FALSE
"0155"     TRUE
"I'm 155"  FALSE
"test"     FALSE
""         FALSE
me at rexxars dot com
16.09.2009 14:23
I was looking for the fastest way to check for an unsigned integer which supported large numbers like 4318943448871348 or 0xFFFFFFFF.

Fastest I came up with is this:
function is_unsigned_int($val) {
ctype_digit((string) $value));

Will return true on 1515, 0xFFFFFFFF, '3515' and '1365158185855141'.
Will return false on 0.1515, '415.4134' and '-616'.

Be aware though, before PHP 5.1.0 this will return true on an empty string.

According to my benchmarks this is about 30% faster than the regex ^\d+$.
Roberto Rama
21.07.2009 20:39
Use this instead if you wanna know if a string is explicitly a number:


function isint( $mixed )
    return (
preg_match( '/^\d*$/'  , $mixed) == 1 );

var_export( isint( '123' ) ); //This will return true

var_export( isint( 123 ) ); //This will return true

var_export( isint( 'asd' ) ); //This will return false

var_export( isint( '123asd123' ) ); //This will return false

corey at effim dot com
9.06.2009 22:21
If you're concerned with speed, you can save yourself about 50% of the time it takes to check whether or not something is an integer pretty easily...

Running through 10,000 iterations of each of the following 3 methods outputs fairly consistently...

= is_int($i);
// 0.0032429695129395 seconds

$foo = ((int) $i) == $i;
// 0.0020270347595215 seconds

$foo = ((int) $i) === $i;
// 0.001600980758667 seconds

So if you want the best performance and know you're not going to be passed a string that needs to be typed as an integer, use === to compare the type as well.
3.06.2009 17:39
Typecasting will return false if a string has leading zeroes. If you prefer '023' return true, try:

function really_is_int($val)
func_num_args() !== 1)
__FUNCTION__.'(): not passed 1 arg');

    return (
$val !== true) && ((string)abs((int) $val)) === ((string) ltrim($val, '-0'));
e dot sand at elisand dot com
9.04.2009 17:27
Simon Neaves was close on explaining why his function is perfect choice for testing for an int (as possibly most people would need).  He made some errors on his ctype_digit() output though - possibly a typo, or maybe a bug in his version of PHP at the time.

The correct output for parts of his examples should be:

(ctype_digit(23)); //bool(false)
var_dump(ctype_digit("23")); //bool(true)
var_dump(ctype_digit(23.5)); //bool(false)
var_dump(ctype_digit(NULL)); //bool(false)
var_dump(ctype_digit("")); //bool(false)

As you can see, the reason why using *just* ctype_digit() may not always work is because it only returns TRUE when given a string as input - given a number value and it returns FALSE (which may be unexpected).
leonix at motd dot ru
16.12.2008 9:08
another_is_int() is almost perfect, but it treats boolean true as int because
1 == (int) true == (string) true == '1'.

Fixed version:

 * Checks if the given value represents integer
function int_ok($val)
    return (
$val !== true) && ((string)(int) $val) === ((string) $val);
paulo dot koch at g_mail dot com
17.10.2008 21:30
Don't over-engineer it.

function another_is_int($a){
    return ((string)
$a) === ((string)(int) $a);
Wryel Covo - ryryel[at]gmail[dot]com
14.10.2008 20:53
function onlyNumbers($string){
//This function removes all characters other than numbers
    //Esta função limpa a url e conserva apenas os numeros
$string = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $string);
    return (int)

$test = onlyNumbers("as87d68a6db8a7d686dx8a6dx"); //2147483647
echo "<br/>";
onlyNumbers("xn89d9x797d9a8x7-"); //899797987
echo "<br/>";
"Is int ! - É inteiro !"; // This OK !
} else {
"Not int ! - Não é inteiro";
mark at codedesigner dot nl
26.06.2008 15:34
updated version from Simon Neaves

function isInteger($input){
preg_match('@^[-]?[0-9]+$@',$input) === 1;

this function checks if the string:
- starts with a - sign (optional)
- ends with 1 or more numeric chars
Julien Picalausa
11.05.2008 11:44
To check if a string ($s) is a representation of an integer (including representations is scientific notation and negative numbers), you can use the following test, provided that you don't expect values that are out of bounds for an integer.

is_numeric($s) && floatval($s) == intval(floatval($s))

If the test returns true, the string is a representation of an integer.
is_numeric (if it works as intended) protects from strings that are not proper numbers.
The comparison filters anything that is non_integer

If, for performance reasons, you want to avoid converting to float twice, it can also be written:
is_numeric($s) && ($f = floatval($s)) == intval($f)

If you plan to get values that cannot be representated with an integer and are ready to deal with a float, you can use floor instead of intval, as long as you are ready to deal with floats. Even so, that method will become unreliable when the precision of the float becomes insufficient for getting to the fractional part of the number
Simon Neaves
29.04.2008 20:14
I've found that both that is_int and ctype_digit don't behave quite as I'd expect, so I made a simple function called isInteger which does. I hope somebody finds it useful.

function isInteger($input){

var_dump(is_int(23)); //bool(true)
var_dump(is_int("23")); //bool(false)
var_dump(is_int(23.5)); //bool(false)
var_dump(is_int(NULL)); //bool(false)
var_dump(is_int("")); //bool(false)

var_dump(ctype_digit(23)); //bool(true)
var_dump(ctype_digit("23")); //bool(false)
var_dump(ctype_digit(23.5)); //bool(false)
var_dump(ctype_digit(NULL)); //bool(false)
var_dump(ctype_digit("")); //bool(true)

var_dump(isInteger(23)); //bool(true)
var_dump(isInteger("23")); //bool(true)
var_dump(isInteger(23.5)); //bool(false)
var_dump(isInteger(NULL)); //bool(false)
var_dump(isInteger("")); //bool(false)
qlimmax at gmail dot com
7.04.2008 19:58
function is_natural($natural,$zero=true)
        if((string)$natural_test !== $natural) return false;
        else return true;
    else return true;
else return false;   

true for ("0","1","2","3",...) false for("-1","01","adS","#@!$%^&*-...","0.7","0,7", "0x12",...)
if $zero=false
true for("0","00","1","01",...) false("-1","#@!$%^&*-...","adS","0.7","0,7", "0x12",...)
wes9999 a myfastmail com
30.11.2007 18:28
a small modification to the isInt checks provided by lclkk at urbanvagabond dot net to make them work for scientific notation integers that are provided in string form:

function myIsInt ($x) {
    return (is_numeric($x) ? intval($x+0) == $x : false);

function Test($x) {
    echo "$x is " . ( myIsInt($x) ? ('an integer. The integer value is ' . intval($x+0)) : 'not an integer.');
    echo "\n";

Note the additional adding of 0 to $x in both functions.

This would allow the following tests to return true:
Test('53.45e2'); // 5345
Test('53.45e3'); // 53450

and this one to return false:
Test('53.45e1'); // 534.5
tudor at tudorholton dot com
5.07.2007 3:27
Please note this from the Integer datatype page:

"The size of an integer is platform-dependent, although a maximum value of about two billion is the usual value (that's 32 bits signed). PHP does not support unsigned integers. Integer size can be determined from PHP_INT_SIZE, maximum value from PHP_INT_MAX since PHP 4.4.0 and PHP 5.0.5."

This is particularly important if you are doing validation of large keys or any number larger than 2,000,000,000 (e.g. telephone numbers)
Ender at soldat dot nl
16.02.2006 12:38
Be aware that is_numeric (mentioned in this article as the proper way to validate string numbers) also allows numbers in scientific and hexadecimal annotation. Thus DO NOT USE that function to validate user input that will be used as id number for in a query for example, this could cause mysql errors. Use ctype_digit instead.
ludvig dot ericson at gmail dot com
6.01.2006 22:00
I would like to say that is_int() is pretty helpfull when looking for neat proper ways to check functions that return either integers or booleans (false) on failure (strpos, socket_select, etc.)
function mySelect() {
$ret = socket_select($someSockets, $o = array(), $e = array(), 0);
    if (!
return true;    // Return true if the function proceeded as expected.
The point of doing this is that if you put this in a while() loopo, you'll break it when the select fails.
while (mySelect());

Hope you get the point
 - toxik
lclkk at urbanvagabond dot net
16.09.2003 4:24
I think the function below is a robust test for integers working on all datatypes. It works by first checking that a number can be evaluated numerically, and then secondly that the integer evaluation matches the original number.

Test cases are included.

function myIsInt ($x) {
    return (
is_numeric($x) ? intval($x) == $x : false);

Test($x) {
"$x is " . ( myIsInt($x) ? ('an integer. The integer value is ' . intval($x)) : 'not an integer.');

"These should be integers...\n";

"\nThese should not be integers...\n";
Test(true); // watch out, this displays as '1'
Test(""); // empty string
Test(dir('.')); // object
gabe at websaviour dot com
14.07.2003 20:08
Although this can be inferred from the documentation, beware of numeric strings.  I ran into the problem in a MySQL app where I would either SELECT an INT PRIMARY KEY or INSERT a new record and use mysql_insert_id() to get the KEY before continuing onto the new section. 

I used is_int() to make sure the subsequent queries wouldn't break when using the key variable.  Unfortunately I failed to realize that while mysql_insert_id() returns an int, mysql_result() always returns a string even if you are SELECTing from an INT field.

Spent at least 30 minutes trying to figure out why existing records weren't getting linked, but new records would link fine.  I ended up using intval() on mysql_result() to make sure subsequent queries still always work.
logan at logannet dot net
11.02.2003 0:42
[[Editors note: Or you can simply use is_numeric()]]

Some people have offered their ways to find out if a string from a form is an integer or not, here's my way:

if(ereg("^[0-9]+$", $_POST["number"])) $_POST["number"] = (int)$_POST["number"];

In psuedo code:
if you are a string full of numbers then convert yourself to an integer

So instead of just checking if its a string full of numbers you check and then convert it, which means you can use the standard is_int. You can also do:

if(ereg("^[0-9]+$", $_POST["number"])) $_POST["number"] += 0;

I think the first way i mentioned is better because your coding what you want to do, rather than the second way that uses a side effect of adding 0 to convert the string.

The first way also may make your code ever so slightly faster (nothing noticeable) as php does not need to add 0 to the number after it converts it.

Also note an integer is full numbers (1, 2, 3 etc) not decimal numbers (1.1, 2.4, 3.7 etc), to convert decimal numbers you could use something like:

if(ereg("^[.0-9]+$", $_POST["number"])) $_POST["number"] = (float)$_POST["number"];


if(ereg("^[.0-9]+$", $_POST["number"])) $_POST["number"] += 0;

But note that these would not work with is_int(), because they are not integers.

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