Here is a simple number digit counter function, I used it to check if a number is a palindrome or not, Plus a Distance function, slope formula, sum from one to an integer, sum of odd numbers from one to specified number, and last but not least the sum of the squares of the values of the sine of x, and the cosine of y.
function digit_count($num){
$num_digits = $i+1;
return $num_digits;
function distance($x_1,$y_1,$x_2,$y_2){
return sqrt(pow($x_1-$x_2,2)+pow($y_1-$y_2,2));
function slope($x_1,$y_1,$x_2,$y_2){
return ($y_2-$y_1)/($x_2-$x_1);
// example sum(20)=210=1+2+3+...+20
function sum($x){
return ($x)($x+1)/2;
// example odd(15)=225=1+3+5+7+9+...+15
function odd($x){
if(($x%2) == 0){
return pow($y,2); //Same as $y*$y;
function ($x,$y){
echo "(Sine of $x)^2 + (Cosine of $y)^2=1";
$value = 1;
$value = pow(sin($x),2)+pow(cos($y),2);
return $value;
This is the only function I searched that I did not find anywhere on the Internet. This function calculates standard normal cumulative distribution for a particular value. This is NORMSDIST(x) in MS-Excel or Calc program.
function normalDist($zScore) {
$p = floatval(0.2316419);
$b1 = floatval(0.319381530);
$b2 = floatval(-0.356563782);
$b3 = floatval(1.781477937);
$b4 = floatval(-1.821255978);
$b5 = floatval(1.330274429);
$t = 1/(1 + ($p * floatval($zScore)));
$zx = (1/(sqrt(2 * pi())) * (exp(0 - pow($zScore, 2)/2)));
$px = 1 - floatval($zx) * (($b1 * $t) + ($b2 * pow($t, 2)) + ($b3 * pow($t, 3)) + ($b4 * pow($t, 4)) + ($b5 * pow($t,5)));
return $px;