PHP Doku:: Entfernt HTML- und PHP-Tags aus einem String - function.strip-tags.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





(PHP 4, PHP 5)

strip_tagsEntfernt HTML- und PHP-Tags aus einem String


string strip_tags ( string $str [, string $allowable_tags ] )

Diese Funktion versucht, einen String zurückzugeben, der die um alle HTML- und PHP-Tags reduzierte Version von str darstellt. Sie verwendet die gleiche Engine zum Entfernen der Tags wie fgetss().



Die Eingabezeichenkette.


Sie können den optionalen zweiten Parameter verwenden, um die Tags anzugeben, die nicht entfernt werden sollen.


HTML-Kommentare und PHP-Tags werden ebenfalls entfernt. Dieses Verhalten ist hartkodiert und kann nicht mittels allowable_tags verändert werden.


Gibt die reduzierte Zeichenkette zurück.


Version Beschreibung
5.0.0 Die Funktion strip_tags() ist jetzt Binary safe.
4.3.0 HTML-Kommentare werden ab jetzt immer entfernt.


Beispiel #1 strip_tags()-Beispiel

'<p>Test-Absatz.</p><!-- Kommentar --> <a href="#fragment">Anderer Text</a>';

// <p> und <a> zulassen
echo strip_tags($text'<p><a>');

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

Test-Absatz. Anderer Text
<p>Test-Absatz.</p> <a href="#fragment">Anderer Text</a>



Da strip_tags() HTML nicht wirklich validiert, kann es passieren, dass bei unvollständigen oder unkorrekten Tags mehr Text/Daten gelöscht werden als erwartet.


Diese Funktion modifiziert keine Attribute bei Tags, die via allowable_tags erlaubt wurden, dies betrifft auch style und onmouseover Attribute, die ein böswilliger User verwenden kann, um einen Text zu posten, der von anderen Usern gesehen werden soll.

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frank at silverwolf media ddoott comm
19.11.2010 11:30
Note that strip_tags may stumble when it encounters two consecutive quotes. Regardless of whether that's a bug or a feature (different PHP versions seem to behave differently) here's a workaround:

= '
    <p>First line</p>
    <a href=\"foo">bar</a>
    <p>Second line</p>
    <a href=\"foo\"">bar</a>
    <p>Third line</p>
'Raw: ' . $wtf . "\n";
'strip_tags(): ' . strip_tags ($wtf);
'Regexp: ' . preg_replace ('/<[^>]*>/', '', $wtf);

Raw output:

  <p>First line</p>
  <a href=\"foo">bar</a>
  <p>Second line</p>
  <a href=\"foo\"">bar</a>
  <p>Third line</p>

strip_tags() output:

  First line
  Third line

preg_replace() output:

  First line
  Second line
  Third line
gagomat at gmail dot com
22.09.2010 17:06
here's the improved strip_only function (originally submitted by LWC / steve).
This one can distinguish between <bla> and <blas>

function strip_only_tags($str, $tags, $stripContent=false) {
$content = '';
is_array($tags)) {
$tags = (strpos($str, '>') !== false ? explode('>', str_replace('<', '', $tags)) : array($tags));
end($tags) == '') array_pop($tags);
$tags as $tag) {
        if (
$content = '(.+</'.$tag.'(>|\s[^>]*>)|)';
$str = preg_replace('#</?'.$tag.'(>|\s[^>]*>)'.$content.'#is', '', $str);
tom at cowin dot us
28.08.2010 4:04
With most web based user input of more than a line of text, it seems I get 90% 'paste from Word'. I've developed this fn over time to try to strip all of this cruft out. A few things I do here are application specific, but if it helps you - great, if you can improve on it or have a better way - please - post it...


function strip_word_html($text, $allowed_tags = '<b><i><sup><sub><em><strong><u><br>')
//replace MS special characters first
$search = array('/&lsquo;/u', '/&rsquo;/u', '/&ldquo;/u', '/&rdquo;/u', '/&mdash;/u');
$replace = array('\'', '\'', '"', '"', '-');
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
//make sure _all_ html entities are converted to the plain ascii equivalents - it appears
        //in some MS headers, some html entities are encoded and some aren't
$text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
//try to strip out any C style comments first, since these, embedded in html comments, seem to
        //prevent strip_tags from removing html comments (MS Word introduced combination)
if(mb_stripos($text, '/*') !== FALSE){
$text = mb_eregi_replace('#/\*.*?\*/#s', '', $text, 'm');
//introduce a space into any arithmetic expressions that could be caught by strip_tags so that they won't be
        //'<1' becomes '< 1'(note: somewhat application specific)
$text = preg_replace(array('/<([0-9]+)/'), array('< $1'), $text);
$text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags);
//eliminate extraneous whitespace from start and end of line, or anywhere there are two or more spaces, convert it to one
$text = preg_replace(array('/^\s\s+/', '/\s\s+$/', '/\s\s+/u'), array('', '', ' '), $text);
//strip out inline css and simplify style tags
$search = array('#<(strong|b)[^>]*>(.*?)</(strong|b)>#isu', '#<(em|i)[^>]*>(.*?)</(em|i)>#isu', '#<u[^>]*>(.*?)</u>#isu');
$replace = array('<b>$2</b>', '<i>$2</i>', '<u>$1</u>');
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
//on some of the ?newer MS Word exports, where you get conditionals of the form 'if gte mso 9', etc., it appears
        //that whatever is in one of the html comments prevents strip_tags from eradicating the html comment that contains
        //some MS Style Definitions - this last bit gets rid of any leftover comments */
$num_matches = preg_match_all("/\<!--/u", $text, $matches);
$text = preg_replace('/\<!--(.)*--\>/isu', '', $text);
cyex at hotmail dot com
8.07.2010 12:40
I thought someone else might find this useful... a simple way to strip BBCode:


= "Here is some [b]bold text[/b] and some [color=#FF0000]red text[/color]!";

$plain_text = strip_tags(str_replace(array('[',']'), array('<','>'), $bbcode_str));

//Outputs: Here is some bold text, and some red text!

php at wizap dot com
17.04.2010 1:58
This could be overkill but this strips all HTML tags and gives you the option to preserve the ones you define. It also takes into account tags like <script> removing all the javascript, too! You can also strip out all the content between any tag that has an opening and closing tag, like <table>, <object>, etc.

Have fun. Let me know what you think.

function remove_HTML($s , $keep = '' , $expand = 'script|style|noframes|select|option'){
/**///prep the string
$s = ' ' . $s;
/**///initialize keep tag logic
if(strlen($keep) > 0){
$k = explode('|',$keep);
$s = str_replace('<' . $k[$i],'[{(' . $k[$i],$s);
$s = str_replace('</' . $k[$i],'[{(/' . $k[$i],$s);
//begin removal
        /**///remove comment blocks
while(stripos($s,'<!--') > 0){
$pos[1] = stripos($s,'<!--');
$pos[2] = stripos($s,'-->', $pos[1]);
$len[1] = $pos[2] - $pos[1] + 3;
$x = substr($s,$pos[1],$len[1]);
$s = str_replace($x,'',$s);
/**///remove tags with content between them
if(strlen($expand) > 0){
$e = explode('|',$expand);
stripos($s,'<' . $e[$i]) > 0){
$len[1] = strlen('<' . $e[$i]);
$pos[1] = stripos($s,'<' . $e[$i]);
$pos[2] = stripos($s,$e[$i] . '>', $pos[1] + $len[1]);
$len[2] = $pos[2] - $pos[1] + $len[1];
$x = substr($s,$pos[1],$len[2]);
$s = str_replace($x,'',$s);
/**///remove remaining tags
while(stripos($s,'<') > 0){
$pos[1] = stripos($s,'<');
$pos[2] = stripos($s,'>', $pos[1]);
$len[1] = $pos[2] - $pos[1] + 1;
$x = substr($s,$pos[1],$len[1]);
$s = str_replace($x,'',$s);
/**///finalize keep tag
$s = str_replace('[{(' . $k[$i],'<' . $k[$i],$s);
$s = str_replace('[{(/' . $k[$i],'</' . $k[$i],$s);
1.03.2010 16:07
Here is support for stripping content for the reverse strip_tags function:

function strip_only($str, $tags, $stripContent = false) {
$content = '';
is_array($tags)) {
$tags = (strpos($str, '>') !== false ? explode('>', str_replace('<', '', $tags)) : array($tags));
end($tags) == '') array_pop($tags);
$tags as $tag) {
        if (
$content = '(.+</'.$tag.'[^>]*>|)';
$str = preg_replace('#</?'.$tag.'[^>]*>'.$content.'#is', '', $str);

$str = '<font color="red">red</font> text';
$tags = 'font';
$a = strip_only($str, $tags); // red text
$b = strip_only($str, $tags, true); // text

Note this function always assumed no two tags start the same way (e.g. <bla> and <blas>) and therefore censors blas along with bla.
16.09.2009 19:03
Here is a function like strip_tags, only it removes only the tags (with attributes) specified:

function strip_only($str, $tags) {
is_array($tags)) {
$tags = (strpos($str, '>') !== false ? explode('>', str_replace('<', '', $tags)) : array($tags));
end($tags) == '') array_pop($tags);
$tags as $tag) $str = preg_replace('#</?'.$tag.'[^>]*>#is', '', $str);

$str = '<p style="text-align:center">Paragraph</p><strong>Bold</strong><br/><span style="color:red">Red</span><h1>Header</h1>';

strip_only($str, array('p', 'h1'));
strip_only($str, '<p><h1>');

Both return:
Paragraph<strong>Bold</strong><br/><span style="color:red">Red</span>Header

Hope this helps somebody else
dan at micamedia dot com
9.09.2009 5:11
re-wrote the strip_selected_tags function below to work for XHML self closing tags.

function strip_selected_tags($str, $tags = "", $stripContent = false)
preg_match_all("/<([^>]+)>/i", $tags, $allTags, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
    foreach (
$allTags[1] as $tag) {
$replace = "%(<$tag.*?>)(.*?)(<\/$tag.*?>)%is";
$replace2 = "%(<$tag.*?>)%is";
        if (
$stripContent) {
$str = preg_replace($replace,'',$str);
$str = preg_replace($replace2,'',$str);
$str = preg_replace($replace,'${2}',$str);
$str = preg_replace($replace2,'${2}',$str);
nauthiz693 at gmail dot com
12.06.2009 22:31
Wanted a function to do what nick's was supposed to do: "strip tags and attributes, but with allowable attributes." but I couldn't get his to work properly, I think it had something to do with greedy / non greedy searching.  Anyway, I modified his a bit:

function strip_tags_attributes($string,$allowtags=NULL,$allowattributes=NULL){
$string = strip_tags($string,$allowtags);
    if (!
is_null($allowattributes)) {
$allowattributes = explode(",",$allowattributes);
$allowattributes = implode(")(?<!",$allowattributes);
        if (
strlen($allowattributes) > 0)
$allowattributes = "(?<!".$allowattributes.")";
$string = preg_replace_callback("/<[^>]*>/i",create_function(
'return preg_replace("/ [^ =]*'.$allowattributes.'=(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\')/i", "", $matches[0]);'   

[EDIT BY danbrown AT php DOT net: Original function by (nick AT optixsolutions DOT co DOT uk) on 31-MAR-09 with the following note:]

Function to strip tags and attributes, but with allowable attributes.


Allowable attributes can be comma seperated or array


<?php strip_tags_attributes($string,'<strong><em><a>','href,rel'); ?>
roly426 at gmail dot com
9.06.2009 12:41
To check for broken tags an easier approach would be to use xml_parse(). You can also get a descriptive error with xml_get_error_code().
magus at otserv dot com dot br
7.06.2009 9:41
Here's a function that verify if in a string have broken HTML tags, returning true if do. Useful for previning broken tags to affect the page.

# Example usage: broken_tags("<b>This is a string</u>") returns TRUE, broken_tags("<b>This is a string</b>") returns FALSE.
function broken_tags($str)
preg_match_all("/(<\w+)(?:.){0,}?>/", $str, $v1);
preg_match_all("/<\/\w+>/", $str, $v2);
$open = array_map('strtolower', $v1[1]);
$closed = array_map('strtolower', $v2[0]);
    foreach (
$open as $tag)
$end_tag = preg_replace("/<(.*)/", "</$1>", $tag);
        if (!
in_array($end_tag, $closed)) return true;
$closed[array_search($end_tag, $closed)]);
brettz9 AAT yah
5.04.2009 17:10
Works on shortened <?...?> syntax and thus also will remove XML processing instructions.
hongong at webafrica dot org dot za
26.03.2009 21:52
An easy way to clean a string of all CDATA encapsulation.

function strip_cdata($string)
preg_match_all('/<!\[cdata\[(.*?)\]\]>/is', $string, $matches);
str_replace($matches[0], $matches[1], $string);

Example: echo strip_cdata('<![CDATA[Text]]>');
Returns: Text
8.03.2009 19:55
Improperly formatted javascript being add to tags and the limit of 15 instences of recursion before memory allocation runs out are some of the concerns involved in coding.  Here is the code that I created to leave tags intact but strip scripting from only inside the tags...

function strip_javascript($filter){
// realign javascript href to onclick
$filter = preg_replace("/href=(['\"]).*?javascript:(.*)?
, "onclick=' $2 '", $filter);

//remove javascript from tags
while( preg_match("/<(.*)?javascript.*?\(.*?((?>[^()]+)
, $filter))
$filter = preg_replace("/<(.*)?javascript.*?\(.*?((?>
, "<$1$3$4$5>", $filter);
// dump expressions from contibuted content
if(0) $filter = preg_replace("/:expression\(.*?((?>[^
, "", $filter);

, $filter))
$filter = preg_replace("/<(.*)?:expr.*?\(.*?((?>[^()]
, "<$1$3$4$5>", $filter);
// remove all on* events   
while( preg_match("/<(.*)?\s?on.+?=?\s?.+?(['\"]).*?\\2
, $filter) )
$filter = preg_replace("/<(.*)?\s?on.+?=?\s?.+?
, "<$1$3>", $filter);


As you can see this does not clean up correctly... it does
however remove dangerous stuff...

<a href=javascript: { {({}{}()())}alert('xss') ) ) }>

<div onload..;,;..'alert(\"xss_attack\");'>

<a href='javascript:{ alert(\"xss_attack\"); otherxss();}'
 onclick= 'alert(\"xss_attack\");' onhover='alert
(\"xss_attack\");' onmouseout=alert(\"xss_attack\")
class='thisclass'> link</a>


This can be completed before using strip_tags().
kai at froghh dot de
6.03.2009 17:45
a function that decides if < is a start of a tag or a lower than / lower than + equal:

function lt_replace($str){
preg_replace("/<([^[:alpha:]])/", '&lt;\\1', $str);

It's to be used before strip_slashes.
mehul dot g12 at gmail dot com
3.03.2009 12:22
Strip tags doesn't work fine if we have '<' symbol in the string followed immediately by any letter. but it doed work fine if there is a space after '<' symbol. e.g.

('<p>1<4</p>');  //won't work fine
strip_tags('<p>1 < 4</p>');  //will work fine

to solve this problem, I used a simple logic. This code will replace '<' by html char, if it not a part of html tag.

My version of strip_tags is as follow:

function my_strip_tags($str) {
$res = $res.'&lt;'.$strs[$i];
$res = $res.'<'.$strs[$i];
CEO at CarPool2Camp dot org
17.02.2009 20:10
For some reason, this note got removed, perhaps because a moderator thought it was a bug report.  I hope awareness of this
"Interesting Behavior" can save someone from an unpleasant surprise.  Note the different outputs from different versions of the same tag:

<?php // striptags.php
$data = '<br>Each<br/>New<br />Line';
$new  = strip_tags($data, '<br>');
var_dump($new);  // OUTPUTS string(21) "<br>EachNew<br />Line"

<?php // striptags.php
$data = '<br>Each<br/>New<br />Line';
$new  = strip_tags($data, '<br/>');
var_dump($new); // OUTPUTS string(16) "Each<br/>NewLine"

<?php // striptags.php
$data = '<br>Each<br/>New<br />Line';
$new  = strip_tags($data, '<br />');
var_dump($new); // OUTPUTS string(11) "EachNewLine"
Leendert W
26.01.2009 23:51
Maybe also a usefull function for someone.

function removeUnsafeAttributesAndGivenTags($input, $validTags = '')
$regex = '#\s*<(/?\w+)\s+(?:on\w+\s*=\s*(["\'\s])?.+?
preg_replace($regex, '<${1}>',strip_tags($input, $validTags));
phzzyzhou at gmail dot com
17.01.2009 11:01
strip_tags will strip '<' and the string behind, like this

= <<<EOF
123 < 456


will output:

this function will repiar this

function will_strip_tags($str) {
    do {
$count = 0;
$str = preg_replace('/(<)([^>]*?<)/' , '&lt;$2' , $str , -1 , $count);
    } while (
$count > 0);
$str = strip_tags($str);
$str = str_replace('>' , '&gt;' , $str);


will output:
123 &lt; 456
tleblan at pricegrabber dot com
14.01.2009 4:03
I think it is worth mentioning that if some tags are allowed using the second parameter, this function does not allow to strip attributes within the allowed tags and hence should not be used against XSS vulnerabilities.

One can still execute javascript by 2 means:
- by inserting attributes that typically accept javascript
  >> onClick="alert('XSS');"
- by using styles
  >> style="width:expression(alert('XSS'));" (works on IE7 and probably other versions)
mariusz.tarnaski at wp dot pl
12.11.2008 17:05
Hi. I made a function that removes the HTML tags along with their contents:

function strip_tags_content($text, $tags = '', $invert = FALSE) {

preg_match_all('/<(.+?)[\s]*\/?[\s]*>/si', trim($tags), $tags);
$tags = array_unique($tags[1]);
is_array($tags) AND count($tags) > 0) {
$invert == FALSE) {
preg_replace('@<(?!(?:'. implode('|', $tags) .')\b)(\w+)\b.*?>.*?</\1>@si', '', $text);
    else {
preg_replace('@<('. implode('|', $tags) .')\b.*?>.*?</\1>@si', '', $text);
$invert == FALSE) {
preg_replace('@<(\w+)\b.*?>.*?</\1>@si', '', $text);

Sample text:
$text = '<b>sample</b> text with <div>tags</div>';

Result for strip_tags($text):
sample text with tags

Result for strip_tags_content($text):
 text with

Result for strip_tags_content($text, '<b>'):
<b>sample</b> text with

Result for strip_tags_content($text, '<b>', TRUE);
 text with <div>tags</div>

I hope that someone is useful :) The exact explanation for Polish PHP programmers at
lucky760 at VideoSift dot com
20.10.2008 19:21
It's come to my attention that PHP's strip_tags has been doing something funky to some video embed codes that our members submit. I'm not sure the exact situation, but whenever there is a <param> tag that is very long, strip_tags() will completely remove the tag even though it's specified as an allowable tag.

Here's an example of the existing problem:
// a single very long <param> tag
$html =<<<EOF
<param name="flashVars" value="skin=http%3A//cdn-i.dmdentertainm

strip_tags($html, '<param>');
// this outputs an empty string

This is the function I built to fix and extend the functionality of strip_tags(). The args are:
- $i_html - the HTML string to be parsed
- $i_allowedtags - an array of allowed tag names
- $i_trimtext - whether or not to strip all text outside of the allowed tags


function real_strip_tags($i_html, $i_allowedtags = array(), $i_trimtext = FALSE) {
  if (!
$i_allowedtags = !empty($i_allowedtags) ? array($i_allowedtags) : array();
$tags = implode('|', $i_allowedtags);

  if (empty(
$tags = '[a-z]+';

preg_match_all('@</?\s*(' . $tags . ')(\s+[a-z_]+=(\'[^\']+\'|"[^"]+"))*\s*/?>@i', $i_html, $matches);

$full_tags = $matches[0];
$tag_names = $matches[1];

  foreach (
$full_tags as $i => $full_tag) {
    if (!
in_array($tag_names[$i], $i_allowedtags))
      if (
$i_html = str_replace($full_tag, '', $i_html);

$i_trimtext ? implode('', $full_tags) : $i_html;

And here's an example with the a block of full video embed code with <object><embed><param> and some extraneous HTML:

<em><div><object type="application/x-shock
me.html">Wal-Mart Makes The Worst Movie of All-Time</a> -- powered by whatever</div></em>

$good_html = real_strip_tags($html, array('object', 'embed', 'param'), TRUE);


Now $good_html contains only the specified tags and none of the "powered by" type text. I hope someone finds this as useful as I needed it to be. :)
southsentry at yahoo dot com
25.09.2008 18:15
I was looking for a simple way to ban html from review posts, and the like. I have seen a few classes to do it. This line, while it doesn't strip the post, effectively blocks people from posting html in review and other forms.

if (strlen(strip_tags($review)) < strlen($review)) {

If you want to further get by the tricksters that use & for html links, include this:

if (strlen(strip_tags($review)) < strlen($review)) {
} elseif (
strpos($review, "&") !== false) {

I hope this helps someone out!
Liam Morland
24.08.2008 2:58
Here is a suggestion for getting rid of attributes: After you run your HTML through strip_tags(), use the DOM interface to parse the HTML. Recursively walk through the DOM tree and remove any unwanted attributes. Serialize the DOM back to the HTML string.

Don't make the default permit mistake: Make a list of the attributes you want to ALLOW and remove any others, rather than removing a specific list, which may be missing something important.
Kalle Sommer Nielsen
31.03.2008 0:05
This adds alot of missing javascript events on the strip_tags_attributes() function from below entries.

Props to MSDN for lots of them ;)

function strip_tags_attributes($sSource, $aAllowedTags = array(), $aDisabledAttributes = array('onabort', 'onactivate', 'onafterprint', 'onafterupdate', 'onbeforeactivate', 'onbeforecopy', 'onbeforecut', 'onbeforedeactivate', 'onbeforeeditfocus', 'onbeforepaste', 'onbeforeprint', 'onbeforeunload', 'onbeforeupdate', 'onblur', 'onbounce', 'oncellchange', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'oncontextmenu', 'oncontrolselect', 'oncopy', 'oncut', 'ondataavaible', 'ondatasetchanged', 'ondatasetcomplete', 'ondblclick', 'ondeactivate', 'ondrag', 'ondragdrop', 'ondragend', 'ondragenter', 'ondragleave', 'ondragover', 'ondragstart', 'ondrop', 'onerror', 'onerrorupdate', 'onfilterupdate', 'onfinish', 'onfocus', 'onfocusin', 'onfocusout', 'onhelp', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onlayoutcomplete', 'onload', 'onlosecapture', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseenter', 'onmouseleave', 'onmousemove', 'onmoveout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onmousewheel', 'onmove', 'onmoveend', 'onmovestart', 'onpaste', 'onpropertychange', 'onreadystatechange', 'onreset', 'onresize', 'onresizeend', 'onresizestart', 'onrowexit', 'onrowsdelete', 'onrowsinserted', 'onscroll', 'onselect', 'onselectionchange', 'onselectstart', 'onstart', 'onstop', 'onsubmit', 'onunload'))
        if (empty(
$aDisabledAttributes)) return strip_tags($sSource, implode('', $aAllowedTags));

preg_replace('/<(.*?)>/ie', "'<' . preg_replace(array('/javascript:[^\"\']*/i', '/(" . implode('|', $aDisabledAttributes) . ")[ \\t\\n]*=[ \\t\\n]*[\"\'][^\"\']*[\"\']/i', '/\s+/'), array('', '', ' '), stripslashes('\\1')) . '>'", strip_tags($sSource, implode('', $aAllowedTags)));
bstrick at gmail dot com
15.01.2008 18:52
This will strip all PHP and HTML out of a file.  Leaves only plain txt.

// Open the search file
$file = fopen($filename, 'r');
// Get rid of all PHP code.       
$search = array('/<\?((?!\?>).)*\?>/s');
$text = fread($file, filesize($filename));

$new = strip_tags(preg_replace($search, '', $text));



- Strick
15.01.2008 17:59
An improved version of tREXX and Tony Freeman's code, this keeps the code clean while removing unwanted attributes, including the javascript: protocol. Unlike the built-in strip_tags() function, this takes an array for allowed tags, rather than a string. For example: array('<a>', '<object>');

I don't understand why the built-in function uses a string.. oh well =)

function strip_tags_attributes($sSource, $aAllowedTags = array(), $aDisabledAttributes = array('onclick', 'ondblclick', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onload', 'onmousedown', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onunload'))
        if (empty(
$aDisabledEvents)) return strip_tags($sSource, implode('', $aAllowedTags));

preg_replace('/<(.*?)>/ie', "'<' . preg_replace(array('/javascript:[^\"\']*/i', '/(" . implode('|', $aDisabledAttributes) . ")=[\"\'][^\"\']*[\"\']/i', '/\s+/'), array('', '', ' '), stripslashes('\\1')) . '>'", strip_tags($sSource, implode('', $aAllowedTags)));
Matthieu Larcher
27.06.2007 17:44
I noticed some problems with the strip_selected_tags() function below, sometimes big chunks of contents where suppressed...
Here is a modified version that should run better.

function strip_selected_tags($text, $tags = array())
$args = func_get_args();
$text = array_shift($args);
$tags = func_num_args() > 2 ? array_diff($args,array($text))  : (array)$tags;
    foreach (
$tags as $tag){
preg_match('/<'.$tag.'(|\W[^>]*)>(.*)<\/'. $tag .'>/iusU', $text, $found)){
$text = str_replace($found[0],$found[2],$text);

preg_replace('/(<('.join('|',$tags).')(|\W.*)\/>)/iusU', '', $text);

birwin at suddensales dot com
23.06.2007 9:18
This is an upgrade to the illegal characters script by rodt [on 16-JAN-07]. This script will handle the input, even if the one or all of the fileds include arrays. Of course another loop could be added to handle compound arrays within arrays, but if you are savvy enough to be using compound arrays, you don't need me to rewrite the program.

function screenForm($ary_check_for_html)
// check array - reject if any content contains HTML.
foreach($ary_check_for_html as $field_value)
$field_value as $field_array// if the field value is an array, step through it
$stripped = strip_tags($field_array);
// something in the field value was HTML
return false;
$stripped = strip_tags($field_value);
// something in the field value was HTML
return false;
bermi ferrer
27.11.2006 10:40
Here is a faster and tested version of strip_selected_tags.

Previous example had a small bug that has been fixed now.


function strip_selected_tags($text, $tags = array())
$args = func_get_args();
$text = array_shift($args);
$tags = func_num_args() > 2 ? array_diff($args,array($text))  : (array)$tags;
        foreach (
$tags as $tag){
preg_match_all( '/<'.$tag.'[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/'.$tag.'>/iu', $text, $found) ){
$text = str_replace($found[0],$found[1],$text);

preg_replace( '/(<('.join('|',$tags).')(\\n|\\r|.)*\/>)/iu', '', $text);

5.11.2006 20:29

     * strip_selected_tags ( string str [, string strip_tags[, strip_content flag]] )
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Like strip_tags() but inverse; the strip_tags tags will be stripped, not kept.
     * strip_tags: string with tags to strip, ex: "<a><p><quote>" etc.
     * strip_content flag: TRUE will also strip everything between open and closed tag
public function strip_selected_tags($str, $tags = "", $stripContent = false)
        foreach (
$allTags[1] as $tag){
            if (
$stripContent) {
$str = preg_replace("/<".$tag."[^>]*>.*<\/".$tag.">/iU","",$str);
$str = preg_replace("/<\/?".$tag."[^>]*>/iU","",$str);

jausions at php dot net
19.09.2006 8:57
To sanitize any user input, you should also consider PEAR's HTML_Safe package.
admin at automapit dot com
9.08.2006 19:01
function html2txt($document){
$search = array('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si'// Strip out javascript
'@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si',            // Strip out HTML tags
'@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU',    // Strip style tags properly
'@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@'         // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA
$text = preg_replace($search, '', $document);

This function turns HTML into text... strips tags, comments spanning multiple lines including CDATA, and anything else that gets in it's way.

It's a frankenstein function I made from bits picked up on my travels through the web, thanks to the many who have unwittingly contributed!
7.04.2006 22:57
A simple little function for blocking tags by replacing the '<' and '>' characters with their HTML entities.  Good for simple posting systems that you don't want to have a chance of stripping non-HTML tags, or just want everything to show literally without any security issues:


function block_tags($string){
$replaced_string = str_ireplace('<','&lt',$string);
$replaced_string = str_ireplace('>','&gt',$replaced_string);

block_tags('<b>HEY</b>'); //Returns &ltb&gtHEY&lt/b&gt

cesar at nixar dot org
7.03.2006 20:44
Here is a recursive function for strip_tags like the one showed in the stripslashes manual page.

function strip_tags_deep($value)
is_array($value) ?
array_map('strip_tags_deep', $value) :

// Example
$array = array('<b>Foo</b>', '<i>Bar</i>', array('<b>Foo</b>', '<i>Bar</i>'));
$array = strip_tags_deep($array);

// Output
salavert at~ akelos
13.02.2006 11:21
    * Works like PHP function strip_tags, but it only removes selected tags.
    * Example:
    *     strip_selected_tags('<b>Person:</b> <strong>Salavert</strong>', 'strong') => <b>Person:</b> Salavert

function strip_selected_tags($text, $tags = array())
$args = func_get_args();
$text = array_shift($args);
$tags = func_num_args() > 2 ? array_diff($args,array($text))  : (array)$tags;
        foreach (
$tags as $tag){
preg_match_all('/<'.$tag.'[^>]*>(.*)<\/'.$tag.'>/iU', $text, $found)){
$text = str_replace($found[0],$found[1],$text);



Hope you find it useful,

Jose Salavert
webmaster at tmproductionz dot com
2.02.2006 4:28

function remove_tag ( $tag , $data ) {
    while (
eregi ( "<" . $tag , $data ) ) {
$it    = stripos ( $data , "<" . $tag   ) ;
$it2   = stripos ( $data , "</" . $tag . ">" ) + strlen ( $tag ) + 3 ;
$temp  = substr ( $data , 0    , $it  ) ;
$temp2 = substr ( $data , $it2 , strlen ( $data ) ) ;
$data = $temp . $temp2 ;
$data ;


this code will remove only and all of the specified tag from a given haystack.

10.08.2005 21:08
/**removes specifed tags from the text where each tag requires a
     *closing tag and if the later
     *is not found then everything after will be removed
     *typical usage:
     *some html text, array('script','body','html') - all lower case*/
public static function removeTags($text,$tags_array){
$length = strlen($text);
$pos =0;
$tags_array = $array_flip($tags_array);
        while (
$pos < $length && ($pos = strpos($text,'<',$pos)) !== false){
$dlm_pos = strpos($text,' ',$pos);
$dlm2_pos = strpos($text,'>',$pos);
            if (
$dlm_pos > $dlm2_pos)$dlm_pos=$dlm2_pos;
$which_tag = strtolower(substr($text,$pos+1,$dlm_pos-($pos+1)));
$tag_length = strlen($srch_tag);
            if (!isset(
//if no tag matches found
//find the end
$sec_tag = '</'.$which_tag.'>';
$sec_pos = stripos($text,$sec_tag,$pos+$tag_length);
//remove everything after if end of the tag not found
if ($sec_pos === false) $sec_pos = $length-strlen($sec_tag);
$rmv_length = $sec_pos-$pos+strlen($sec_tag);
$text = substr_replace($text,'',$pos,$rmv_length);
//update length
$length = $length - $rmv_length;
27.05.2005 21:45
Someone can use attributes like CSS in the tags.
Example, you strip all tagw except <b> then a user can still do <b style="color: red; font-size: 45pt">Hello</b> which might be undesired.

Maybe BB Code would be something.
eric at direnetworks dot com
21.12.2004 3:36
the strip_tags() function in both php 4.3.8 and 5.0.2 (probably many more, but these are the only 2 versions I tested with) have a max tag length of 1024.  If you're trying to process a tag over this limit, strip_tags will not return that line (as if it were an illegal tag).   I noticed this problem while trying to parse a paypal encrypted link button (<input type="hidden" name="encrypted" value="encryptedtext">, with <input> as an allowed tag), which is 2702 characters long.  I can't really think of any workaround for this other than parsing each tag to figure out the length, then only sending it to strip_tags() if its under 1024, but at that point, I might as well be stripping the tags myself.
29.09.2004 14:41
if you  only want to have the text within the tags, you can use this function:

function showtextintags($text)


$text = preg_replace("/(\<script)(.*?)(script>)/si", "dada", "$text");
$text = strip_tags($text);
$text = str_replace("<!--", "&lt;!--", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/(\<)(.*?)(--\>)/mi", "".nl2br("\\2")."", $text);



it will show all the text without tags and (!!!) without javascripts
Anonymous User
22.08.2004 18:24
Be aware that tags constitute visual whitespace, so stripping may leave the resulting text looking misjoined.

For example,

"<strong>This is a bit of text</strong><p />Followed by this bit"

are seperable paragraphs on a visual plane, but if simply stripped of tags will result in

"This is a bit of textFollowed by this bit"

which may not be what you want, e.g. if you are creating an excerpt for an RSS description field.

The workaround is to force whitespace prior to stripping, using something like this:

= getTheText();
$text = preg_replace('/</',' <',$text);
$text = preg_replace('/>/','> ',$text);
$desc = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($text));
$desc = preg_replace('/[\n\r\t]/',' ',$desc);
$desc = preg_replace('/  /',' ',$desc);
Isaac Schlueter php at isaacschlueter dot com
17.08.2004 4:32
steven --at-- acko --dot-- net pointed out that you can't make strip_slashes allow comments.  With this function, you can.  Just pass <!--> as one of the allowed tags.  Easy as pie: just pull them out, strip, and then put them back.

function strip_tags_c($string, $allowed_tags = '')
$allow_comments = ( strpos($allowed_tags, '<!-->') !== false );
$allow_comments )
$string = str_replace(array('<!--', '-->'), array('&lt;!--', '--&gt;'), $string);
$allowed_tags = str_replace('<!-->', '', $allowed_tags);
$string = strip_tags( $string, $allowed_tags );
$allow_comments ) $string = str_replace(array('&lt;!--', '--&gt;'), array('<!--', '-->'), $string);
Isaac Schlueter php at isaacschlueter dot com
16.08.2004 8:16
I am creating a rendering plugin for a CMS system ( that wraps certain bits of text in acronym tags.  The problem is that if you have something like this:
<a href="" title="PHP is cool!">PHP</a>

then the plugin will mangle it into:

<a href="http://www.<acronym title="PHP: Hypertext Processor">php</acronym>.net" title="<acronym title="PHP: Hypertext Processor">PHP</acronym> is cool!>PHP</a>

This function will strip out tags that occur within other tags.  Not super-useful in tons of situations, but it was an interesting puzzle.  I had started out using preg_replace, but it got riduculously complicated when there were linebreaks and multiple instances in the same tag.

The CMS does its XHTML validation before the content gets to the plugin, so we can be pretty sure that the content is well-formed, except for the tags inside of other tags.

if( !function_exists( 'antiTagInTag' ) )
// $content is the string to be anti-tagintagged, and $format sets the format of the internals.
function antiTagInTag( $content = '', $format = 'htmlhead' )
        if( !
function_exists( 'format_to_output' ) )
// Use the external function if it exists, or fall back on just strip_tags.
function format_to_output($content, $format)
$contentwalker = 0;
$length = strlen( $content );
$tagend = -1;
$tagstart = strpos( $content, '<', $tagend + 1 ) ; $tagstart !== false && $tagstart < strlen( $content ); $tagstart = strpos( $content, '<', $tagend ) )
// got the start of a tag.  Now find the proper end!
$walker = $tagstart + 1;
$open = 1;
$open != 0 && $walker < strlen( $content ) )
$nextopen = strpos( $content, '<', $walker );
$nextclose = strpos( $content, '>', $walker );
$nextclose === false )
// ERROR! Open waka without close waka!
                    // echo '<code>Error in antiTagInTag - malformed tag!</code> ';
return $content;
$nextopen === false || $nextopen > $nextclose )
// No more opens, but there was a close; or, a close happens before the next open.
                    // walker goes to the close+1, and open decrements
$open --;
$walker = $nextclose + 1;
$nextopen < $nextclose )
// an open before the next close
$open ++;
$walker = $nextopen + 1;
$tagend = $walker;
$tagend > strlen( $content ) )
$tagend = strlen( $content );
$tagend --;
$tagstart ++;
$tag = substr( $content, $tagstart, $tagend - $tagstart );
$tags[] = '<' . $tag . '>';
$newtag = format_to_output( $tag, $format );
$newtags[] = '<' . $newtag . '>';
$newtag = format_to_output( $tag, $format );
$content = str_replace($tags, $newtags, $content);
leathargy at hotmail dot com
26.10.2003 19:15
it seems we're all overlooking a few things:
1) if we replace "</ta</tableble>" by removing </table, we're not better off. try using a char-by-char comparison, and replaceing stuff with *s, because then this ex would become "</ta******ble>", which is not problemmatic; also, with a char by char approach, you can skip whitespace, and kill stuff like "< table>"... just make sure <&bkspTable> doesn't work...
2) no browser treats { as <.[as far as i know]
3) because of statement 2, we can do:

$repairSeek = array("{[pre]}", "</pre>","{[b]}","{[/b]}","{[br]}");
// and so forth...

// and so forth...

$unclean=...;//get variable from somewhere...
$unclean=str_replace($repairSeek, $repairChange, $unclean);
$clean=str_replace($maltags, $nontags, $unclean);

////end example....

4) we can further improve the above by using explode(for our ease):

function purifyText($unclean, $fixme)
//... and so forth for each of the above arrays...
// or you could just pass the arrays..., or a giant string
//put above here...
return $clean
dougal at gunters dot org
10.09.2003 22:03
strip_tags() appears to become nauseated at the site of a <!DOCTYPE> declaration (at least in PHP 4.3.1). You might want to do something like:

$html = str_replace('<!DOCTYPE','<DOCTYPE',$html);

before processing with strip_tags().
guy at datalink dot SPAMMENOT dot net dot au
15.03.2002 7:19
Strip tags will NOT remove HTML entities such as &nbsp;
chrisj at thecyberpunk dot com
18.12.2001 21:57
strip_tags has doesn't recognize that css within the style tags are not document text. To fix this do something similar to the following:

$htmlstring = preg_replace("'<style[^>]*>.*</style>'siU",'',$htmlstring);

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