PHP Doku:: Verbindet Array-Elemente zu einem String - function.implode.html

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(PHP 4, PHP 5)

implodeVerbindet Array-Elemente zu einem String


string implode ( string $glue , array $pieces )
string implode ( array $pieces )

Verbindet die Elemente eines Array mittels glue zu einer Zeichenkette.


implode() akzeptiert die Parameter aus historischen Gründen in beiden Reihenfolgen. Dennoch sollten Sie schon wegen der Übereinstimmung mit explode() die dokumentierte und wahrscheinlich weniger verwirrende Reihenfolge der Argumente verwenden.



Standardmäßig eine leere Zeichenkette. Es ist ideal, implode() ohne die Angabe von glue zu verwenden, da dies als zweiter Parameter erwartet wird und daher bei Nichtvorhandensein der falsche Prototype verwendet würde.


Das Array mit den zusammenzufügenden Zeichenketten.


Gibt einen String mit einer String-Repräsentation aller Array-Elemente in der gleichen Reihenfolge wie in dem Array zurück, bei dem die einzelnen Array-Elemente mit dem im Parameter glue angegebenen String verbunden werden.


Version Beschreibung
4.3.0 Der glue wurde optional.


Beispiel #1 implode()-Beispiel


= array('lastname''email''phone');
$comma_separated implode(","$array);

$comma_separated// lastname,email,phone



Hinweis: Diese Funktion ist binary safe.

Siehe auch

  • explode() - Teilt einen String anhand einer Zeichenkette
  • split() - Zerlegt eine Zeichenkette anhand eines regulären Ausdrucks in ein Array

71 BenutzerBeiträge:
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stefan at efectos dot nl
9.11.2010 10:38
Small function when you just want to implode on the keys of an array. Especially helpful when you for instance create an array for database inserting in which the keys point to table row names.

Uses same function argument names as this documentation states for implode.

function implode_key($glue = "", $pieces = array()) {
$arrK = array_keys($pieces);
implode($glue, $arrK);
jords at NOSPAMshadowservices dot biz
3.09.2010 6:09
You don't need to do anything funny with implode() to get a php array into javascript - just use json_encode().
26.04.2010 16:17
If you need to output an array of strings inclosed in quotes (to convert it from php to JavaScript for instance), you can use this simple method:

var js_array = new Array("<?php echo implode('","',$php_array)?>");
kromped at yahoo dot com
9.02.2010 1:29
Recursive Implode


function r_implode( $glue, $pieces )
$pieces as $r_pieces )
is_array( $r_pieces ) )
$retVal[] = r_implode( $glue, $r_pieces );
$retVal[] = $r_pieces;
implode( $glue, $retVal );

$test_arr = array( 0, 1, array( 'a', 'b' ), array( array( 'x', 'y'), 'z' ) );
r_implode( ',', $test_arr ) . "\n";
$test_arr = array( 0 );
r_implode( ',', $test_arr ) . "\n";
mwwaygoo AT hotmail DOT com
18.11.2009 16:54
I was a little worried about the multi-dimensional array implodes listed here, as they are using 'for' loops, which is bad programming practice as arrays are not always nice and neat.

I hope this helps

function multi_implode($glue, $pieces)
$string.=$glue.multi_implode($glue, $value);
trim($string, $glue);

ravenswd at gmail dot com
7.08.2009 13:21
As "john" pointed out on 2004 Apr 26, implode does not always work in a way that could be considered intuitive.

You may need to sort your elements with ksort, or write a longer routine to fill in any "gaps". See this example:

= array(1=>'one', 7=>'seven', 5=>'five');

$b = implode (',', $a);

ksort ($a);

$c = implode (',', $a);

$highest = max(array_keys($a));
for (
$i = 0; $i <= $highest; ++$i):
  if (! isset(
$a[$i] = '';
ksort ($a);

$d = implode (',', $a);

"\$b = '$b'<br>\n";
"\$c = '$c'<br>\n";
"\$d = '$d'<br>\n";

$b = 'one,seven,five'
$c = 'one,five,seven'
$d = ',one,,,,five,,seven'

Or, as a function:

function ensure (&$a, $filler = '') {

// given: array $a with numerical keys
  // return: $a with keys sorted numerically and any gaps filled-in

$highest = max(array_keys($a));
   for (
$i = 0; $i <= $highest; ++$i):
     if (! isset(
$a[$i] = $filler;
ksort ($a);

// end function ensure

// usage:
// ensure($foo);
// ensure($bar, 0);
adam82s at gmail dot com
4.08.2009 14:39
Found it very useful when inserting sql/mysql rows,

= array('firstname'=>'firstname_value','lastname'=>'lastname_value');

sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES ("%s")', 'table_name', implode(', ', array_map('mysql_escape_string', array_keys($values))), implode('", "',array_map('mysql_escape_string', $values)));

//that gives you: INSERT INTO table_name (firstname, lastname) VALUES ("firstname_value", "lastname_value")

Very useful when dealing with tables with many columns.
houston_roadrunner at yahoo dot com
7.04.2009 20:50
it should be noted that an array with one or no elements works fine. for example:

= array("1","2","3");
$a2 = array("a");
$a3 = array();
"a1 is: '".implode("','",$a1)."'<br>";
"a2 is: '".implode("','",$a2)."'<br>";
"a3 is: '".implode("','",$a3)."'<br>";

will produce:
a1 is: '1','2','3'
a2 is: 'a'
a3 is: ''
vega at terzapersona dot com
13.03.2009 10:26
I have improved crashinside's function for db use

function mt_implode($char,$array,$fix='',$addslashes=false)
    $lem = array_keys($array);
    $char = htmlentities($char);
    for($i=0;$i<sizeof($lem);$i++) {
        $str .= $fix.(($i == sizeof($lem)-1) ? addslashes($array[$lem[$i]]).$fix : addslashes($array[$lem[$i]]).$fix.$char);
        $str .= $fix.(($i == sizeof($lem)-1) ? $array[$lem[$i]].$fix : $array[$lem[$i]].$fix.$char);
    return $str;

$array = array("apple", "orange", "tree", "Sant' Anna");
echo mt_implode(', ', $array,'"',true);

// "apple", "orange", "tree", "Sant\' Anna"
6.01.2009 11:57
I've implemented the function implode (it's easy):
function mt_implode($char,$array)
$lem = array_keys($array);
$char = htmlentities($char);
$i=0;$i<sizeof($lem);$i++) {
$str .= ($i == sizeof($lem)-1) ? $array[$lem[$i]] : $array[$lem[$i]].$char;

Have fun
crazytonyi at example dot com
29.12.2008 8:04
For anyone looking for a good method to wrap each element before imploding it, I use this method:

function wrap_each(&$item)
$item = "'$item'";

array_walk($array, 'wrap_each');
$array_csv = implode(",", $array);
pr at technoparkcorp dot com
6.11.2008 9:48
This function is much more elegant and fast. It converts array to the list with 'and' at the end:

function ImplodeToEnglish ($array) {
// sanity check
if (!$array || !count ($array))

// get last element   
$last = array_pop ($array);

// if it was the only element - return it
if (!count ($array))

implode (', ', $array).' and '.$last;
php at emanaton dot com
10.10.2008 5:27
I was fiddling around on a project and created an associative array implosion function that incorporates several of the ideas from this page, but which also adds a whack of nifty options. Unfortunately, the documentation for it made the post to long to display on this page, so I've provided the example on my site. Enjoy!
12.09.2008 14:09
Here's my version of the english implode function, it's quite crafty so I thought I'd share it...

    # Transforms an array to an english list:
    # This, This and This
function array_to_english ( $list, $glueword='and' ) {
$string = false;
        foreach (
array_reverse ( $list ) as $index=>$value ) {
$string = "$value$glue$string";
            if (
$index == 0 ) $glue = " $glueword ";
            if (
$index == 1 ) $glue = ', ';
16.08.2008 17:51
superstuntguy below would save himself and his server a lot of time just by using $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] (see, as in:

echo '<form action=', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '?', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], ' method=post>';

Note: using commas instead of full-stops (periods) between strings for echo is marginally more efficient as echo can then simply pop the substrings off the stack avoiding the tincy-wincy extra overhead of string concatenation.
mjong at magnafacta dot nl
30.07.2008 13:30
Many of the functions below can be simplified using this short function:

function array_implode($arrays, &$target = array()) {
    foreach (
$arrays as $item) {
        if (
is_array($item)) {
array_implode($item, $target);
        } else {
$target[] = $item;

$a = array('a', 'b', array('c', 'd', array('e'), 'f'), 'g', array('h'));

join(' - ', array_implode($a));

The outputs:


- b - c - d - e - f - g - h

superstuntguy at gmail dot com
25.07.2008 14:38
I found this pretty useful so I wouldn't have to hardcode things:
function implode_get() {
$first = true;
$output = '';
$_GET as $key => $value) {
        if (
$first) {
$output = '?'.$key.'='.$value;
$first = false;
        } else {
$output .= '&'.$key.'='.$value;   

'<form action='.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].implode_get()' method=post>';
theuedimaster at gmail dot com
23.07.2008 15:36
This is a recursive implode function that can be used on multi-dimensional arrays. The explode function has also obeen included.

//  Can implode an array of any dimension
        //  Uses a few basic rules for implosion:
        //        1. Replace all instances of delimeters in strings by '/' followed by delimeter
        //        2. 2 Delimeters in between keys
        //        3. 3 Delimeters in between key and value
        //        4. 4 Delimeters in between key-value pairs
function implodeMDA($array, $delimeter, $keyssofar = '') {
$output = '';
$array as $key => $value) {
                if (!
is_array($value)) {
$value = str_replace($delimeter, '/'.$delimeter, $value);
$key = str_replace($delimeter, '/'.$delimeter, $key);
                    if (
$keyssofar != '') $key = $key.$delimeter.$delimeter;
$pair = $key.$keyssofar.$delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter.$value;
                    if (
$output != '') $output .= $delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter;
$output .= $pair;
                else {
                    if (
$output != '') $output .= $delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter;
                    if (
$keyssofar != '') $key = $key.$delimeter.$delimeter;
$output .= $this->implodeMDA($value, $delimeter, $key.$keyssofar);
//  Can explode a string created by corresponding implodeMDA function
        //  Uses a few basic rules for explosion:
        //        1. Instances of delimeters in strings have been replaced by '/' followed by delimeter
        //        2. 2 Delimeters in between keys
        //        3. 3 Delimeters in between key and value
        //        4. 4 Delimeters in between key-value pairs
function explodeMDA($string, $delimeter) {
$output = array();
$pair_delimeter = $delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter;
$pairs = explode($pair_delimeter, $string);
            foreach (
$pairs as $pair) {
$keyvalue_delimeter = $delimeter.$delimeter.$delimeter;
$keyvalue = explode($keyvalue_delimeter, $pair);
$key_delimeter = $delimeter.$delimeter;
$keys = explode($key_delimeter, $keyvalue[0]);
$value = str_replace('/'.$delimeter, $delimeter, $keyvalue[1]);
$keys[0] = str_replace('/'.$delimeter, $delimeter, $keys[0]);
$pairarray = array($keys[0] => $value);
                for (
$counter = 1; $counter < count($keys); $counter++) {
$pairarray = array($keys[$counter] => $pairarray);
$output = array_merge_recursive($output, $pairarray);
webmaster at tubo-world dot de
16.07.2008 4:47
Refering to the previous post, here an optimized version:


function implode_wrapped($before, $after, $glue, $array){
$output = '';
$array as $item){
$output .= $before . $item . $after . $glue;
substr($output, 0, -strlen($glue));

mr dot bloar at gmail dot com
27.05.2008 16:12
A usefull version of implode() when you need to surround values, for example when you are working with nodes (HTML, XML)

function myImplode($before, $after, $glue, $array){
$nbItem = count($array);
$i = 1;
$array as $item){
$i < $nbItem){
$output .= "$before$item$after$glue";
$output .= "$before$item$after";

$an_array = array('value1','value2');
myImplode("<a href=\"#\">","</a>"," > ", $an_array);

output : <a href="#">value1</a> > <a href="#">value2</a>
wesleys at opperschaap dot net
2.04.2008 2:36
I'm new to PHP, coming from Perl and I already had a problem once when I wanted to join some strings. In perl you can use join to join a list (which can be an array and/or a list of strings and/or hashes), where PHP does this only with arrays. That annoyed me.
I could not find any code which did this, so I created my own join, based on Perl's join function. It is called p_join().


/* is_assoc_array and is_sequential_array are STOLEN from:
 * */
function is_assoc_array($var) {
        return (
array_merge($var) !== $var || !is_numeric(implode(array_keys($var))));

is_sequential_array($var) {
        return (
array_merge($var) === $var && is_numeric(implode(array_keys($var))));

_p_join_assoc($sep, $hash) {
$result = "";
        foreach (
$hash as $k => $v) {
$result .= $sep . $k $sep . $v ;

_p_join_array($sep, $array) {
# Turn off notices and return to the old loglevel once we're done.
        # This is because we stringify an array in some cases..
$old_error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$result = join($sep, $array);

p_join() {

$args = func_get_args();

        if (
count($args) > 1) {
$result     = "";
$sep = array_shift($args);

                foreach (
$args as $val) {
                        if (
is_array($val)) {
                                if (
is_assoc_array($val)) {
$result .= _p_join_assoc($sep, $val);
                                } else {
$result .= $sep  . _p_join_array($sep, $val);
$result .= $sep . $val;
# $result will always start with a $sep, so remove it..
return substr_replace($result, "" ,0, strlen($sep));

trigger_error(sprintf("%s requires at least 2 parameters",

/* And some example code */

print p_join(",", "string", array("Key" => "Value", "Key 2" => "Value 2"),
"Hello", array("in", "hello", "world"), "array"), "string 2") . "\n";

/* Watch out, prints de indices when it you supply a mixed array */
print p_join(",", array(1,2,"Green" => "Apple" , array(1,2))) . "\n";

"Warning.. ";
ngkongs at gmail dot com
19.03.2008 19:39
implode() can't be used for simplexml's array but foreach() does the thing, make new implode function with foreach() will resolve this problem. use strval() to reset SimpleXMLElement object to a simple string variable.

function implode2($glue="", $var){
    if (
        foreach (
$var as $value){
implode($glue, $array);
    else return
19.02.2008 0:41
So I looked through all the problem solutions  posted here, and combined them into one nice recursive function.


function implode_md( $glue, $array, $key = NULL, $list = NULL )
    if( !
is_array( $array ) )
    if( !
sizeof( $array ) )
    if( !
is_null( $key ) )
strpos( $key, "." ) )
$keys = array_reverse( explode( ".", $key ) );
$currentKey = array_pop( $keys );
sizeof( $keys ) ) $keys = implode( ".", $keys );
$keys = implode( "", $keys );
$currentKey = $key;
$keys = NULL;
array_key_exists( $currentKey, $array ) )
implode_md( $glue, $array[$currentKey], $keys, $list );
    if( !empty(
$list ) )
$last = array_pop( $array );
count( $array ) )
implode_md( $glue, $array, $key ) . " $list $last";
$ret = array();
$i = 0; $i < sizeof( $array ); $i++ )
is_array( $array[$i] ) ) $ret[] = implode_md( $glue, $array[$i], $key, $list );
$ret[] = $array[$i];
implode( $glue, $ret );

13.01.2008 5:00
My take on a simple english list function - it's similar to what's already here, but calls count less

function x_implode_eng_list($array, $glue=', ', $final=' and '){
    //takes an array and outputs an English style list
    //perform the count once
    $count = count($array);
    //make sure it's an array and has content
    if((!is_array($array)) || ($count == 0)) {
        return '';
    } else {
        //pop off the end regardless of length
        $end = array_pop($array);
        //if there's more than one, implode the remainder using glue and append $end
            return implode($glue, $array) . $final . $end;
        } else {
            //only one value, return the popped end element
            return $end;
$names[] = 'bob';
$names[] = 'john';
$names[] = 'lucy';
echo x_implode_eng_list($names); //will output bob, john and lucy

echo x_implode_eng_list($names, ', ', ' or '); //will output bob, john or lucy
datacompboy at call2ru dot com
9.11.2007 20:50
suppose we have array $content with total size of 10Mb of text.

  $content = join($content);
will run about 23 sec (on my machine -- athlon xp 2600+, 1.5 Gb ram)

  file_put_contents("tempfile", $content);
  $content = file_get_contents("tempfile");
will run for 0.12 sec (same machine).

so, think carefully about speed.
1413 at blargh dot com
11.10.2007 0:42
Below is the function for making an English-style list from an array, seems to be simpler than some of the other examples I've seen.

function ImplodeProper($arr, $lastConnector = 'and')
  if( !
is_array($arr) or count($arr) == 0) return '';
$last = array_pop($arr);
implode(', ',$arr).", $lastConnector $last";

print ImplodeProper(array()).'<br>';


foo, and bar
for, bar, and bleh
sinatosk at gmail dot com
7.10.2007 14:42
This code implodes same as the PHP built in except it allows you to do multi dimension arrays ( similar to a function below but works dynamic :p.


function implode_md($glue, $array, $array_path='')
    if ( !empty(
$array_path) )
$array_path = explode('.', $array_path);
        if ( (
$array_path_sizeof = sizeof($array_path) ) < 1 )
implode($glue, $array);
implode($glue, $array);
$str = '';
$array_sizeof = sizeof($array) - 1;
    for (
$i = 0; $i < $array_sizeof; $i++ )
$value = $array[ $i ];
        for (
$j = 0; $j < $array_path_sizeof; $j++ )
$value =& $value[ $array_path[ $j ] ];
$str .= $value . $glue;
$value = $array[ $array_sizeof ];
    for (
$j = 0; $j < $array_path_sizeof; $j++ )
$value =& $value[ $array_path[ $j ] ];
$str .= $value;


And heres an example on how to use this


= array();
$arr[]['data']['id'] = 'a';
$arr[]['data']['id'] = 'b';
$arr[]['data']['id'] = 'c';
$arr[]['data']['id'] = 'd';
$arr[]['data']['id'] = 'e';
$arr[]['data']['id'] = 'f';
$arr[]['data']['id'] = 'g';

implode_md(',', $arr, '');


The output of this code should be


When you want to work with more dimensions... say for example you have an array that is like this


$arr[0]['game']['pc']['fps']['idsoftware'] = 'Quake';
$arr[1]['game']['pc']['fps']['idsoftware'] = 'Quake II';
$arr[2]['game']['pc']['fps']['idsoftware'] = 'Quake III Arena';


on the third parameter... as a string you simply type in


echo implode_md(', ', $arr, 'game.pc.fps.idsoftware');


and the output should be

'Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena'

Enjoy ;)
thomas at tgohome dot com
9.07.2007 22:05
This is my quick function to create a list, English style, but will accept any glue, so you could use 'or', or even 'or though, it could be', etcetera. It should also support PHP 4, although I haven't tested it; it doesn't use the PHP 5 negative substr() trick.


 * Quick script to join items in an array, English
 * style; using the "one, two and three" style.
 * Copyright 2007 Thomas O. Feel free to redistribute
 * so long as this copyright remains.

function implode_ea($glue_punct, $glue_word, $array) {
// Implode the entire array
$result = implode($glue_punct, $array);

// Check the length of the array
if(count($array) > 1) {
// Calculate the amount needed to trim
$trimamount = strlen($array[count($array) - 1]) + strlen($glue_punct);

// Trim the imploded string
$result = substr($result, 0, strlen($result) - $trimamount); // PHP 4 compatible
$result = "$result $glue_word " . $array[count($array) - 1];

// Return the result
return $result;
    } else {
// In this case, the array cannot be splitted by a
        // word or punctuation, because it is too small.
return $result;

implode_ea(", ", "and", array("one", "two", "three"));

(implode_ea stands for 'Implode, English And style')

Hope this helps,
peter dot goodman at gmail dot com
4.07.2007 19:36
I came up with this nifty function to implode an Iterator or class that implements IteratorAggregate:

function implode_iterator($sep = '', $it) {
    $a = array();
    if(!$it instanceof Traversable) {
        throw new UnexpectedValueException('$it must implement Traversable.');
    if($it instanceof IteratorAggregate) {
        $a = iterator_to_array($it, FALSE);
    } else if($it instanceof Iterator) {
        foreach($it as $val) {
            $a[] = $val;
    return implode($sep, $a);
Dennis Day
2.07.2007 23:39
I have resolved an issue in SquirrelMail.  The problem seemed to be with the implode command.  Apparently you do not want to use this function with a large array as SquirellMail attempted to do.  This only was an issue with some of the email attachments larger that 2MB.

In /src/move_messages.php, replace the line line that says

$body = implode('', $body_a);

With :

// Dennis Day's custom code
                $body = "";
                foreach($body_a as $body_a_key=>$body_a_value){
                                $body .= $body_a_value;
// End Dennis Day's custom code

// Original Bad Code
//              $body = implode('', $body_a);
14.06.2007 17:46
in response to Brian, building a POST/GET string from an assoc array is easily done with the builtin the example from its doc page shows:

= array('foo'=>'bar',
'php'=>'hypertext processor');

http_build_query($data); // foo=bar&baz=boom&cow=milk&php=hypertext+processor

of course, the builtin function also urlencodes the string it returns, which Brian's function did not.
darwinkid at gmail dot com
20.03.2007 21:09
this is a little function i made to implode an array based on key. its main purpose is to implode elements within
a multi-dimensional array. its slightly different than some of the other examples because it makes use of some
PHP SPL features. if your not using PHP5, this definitely won't work for you.

let me know what you think!

function implode_by_key($glue, $keyname, $pieces)

// create a new recursive iterator to get array items
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($pieces));

$arr = array();

$it AS $element) {

        if (
$it->key() == $keyname) {

$arr[] = $it->current();



implode($glue, $arr);


// here is an example

$array = array(
'somekey' => 'somevalue'),
'key2' => 'anoter value'),
'key2' => 'another sub value'),
'key3' => 'asdlkfs jdafajdshf aoufiahsdlkfjsadf'),
'key4' => 'this is key 4 - 1'),
'key4' => 'this is key 4 - 2'),
'key4' => 'this is key 4 - 3'),
'key5' => 'asdfkajsdflkasjdfklajshfkljasfhasdfasdf'),
'key5' => 'asdfkajsdflkasjdfklajshfkljasfhasdfasdf'),


implode_by_key('<br/>', 'key4', $array);

This outputs:

this is key 4 - 1
this is key 4 - 2
this is key 4 - 3
19.03.2007 23:52
And adding one more case to drewish at katherinehouse dot com's code to deal with the two-element case "a and b":

case 2:
reset($array).' and '.end($array);

Of course, then one can start considering Oxford rules again, and maybe testing that the argument really is an array....

function english_list($array, $useOxfordComma=false)
// This may not be a normal numerically-indexed array.
return reset($array);
reset($array).' and '.end($array);
$last = array_pop($array);
implode(', ', $array).($useOxfordComma?',':'').' and '.$last;
ahigerd at stratitec dot com
4.01.2007 15:43
Note that PHP uses copy-on-write so passing parameters (even array parameters) by reference gains you no performance benefit, and in fact in some cases can HURT performance.

For example:

php > $array = array('a','s','d','f');
php > $start = microtime(true); for($i=0; $i<1000000; $i++) byref($array); echo microtime(true)-$start;
php > $start = microtime(true); for($i=0; $i<1000000; $i++) byval($array); echo microtime(true)-$start;
23.11.2006 15:33
The english_list() implementation of davidpk212 at gmail dot com, Andy Morris, and tshort at cisco dot com does not handle the case of a two-element array with Oxford comma.  Example:

(array ('a', 'b'), true) // == 'a, and b'
// should be 'a and b'

Here's another implementation that addresses this issue, uses pass-by-reference without modifying the array, and illustrates yet another approach to solving the problem:

function english_list(&$array, $useOxfordComma = false) {
$count = (is_array($array) ? count($array) : 0);
    if (
3 <= $count) {
$last = end($array);
$list = prev($array) . ($useOxfordComma ? ', and ' : ' and ') . $last;
        while (
$v = prev($array)) {
$list = $v . ', ' . $list;
    } else if (
2 == $count) {
$last = end($array);
$list = prev($array) . ' and ' . $last;
    } else if (
1 == $count) {
$list = end($array);
    } else {

Run times for this version are comparable to the run times for heir earlier posted versions.
richard at happymango dot me dot uk
23.11.2006 13:43
This is a simple function that is the same as implode except it allows you to specify two glue parameters instead of one so an imploded array would output "this, this, this and this" rather than "this, this, this, this, this".

This is useful if you want to implode arrays into a string to echo as part of a sentence.

It uses the second glue between the last two items and the first glue between all others. It will use the second glue if there are only two items to implode so it would output "this and this".


function implode2($glue1, $glue2, $array)
    return ((
sizeof($array) > 2)? implode($glue1, array_slice($array, 0, -2)).$glue1 : "").implode($glue2, array_slice($array, -2));

//example below

$array = array("Monday", "Tuesday");
"1: ".implode2(', ', ' and ', $array)."<br />";

$array = array("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri");
"2: ".implode2(', ', ' &amp; ', $array)."<br />";

$array = array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 10);
"3: ".implode2(' + ', ' = ', $array)."<br />";


This outputs

1: Monday and Tuesday
2: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri
3: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
5.10.2006 11:11
Very simple function for imploding a certain column in a 2D array. Useful if you have fetched records from a database in an associative array and want to store all the values in a certain column as a string, for use with JavaScript or passing values from page to page.

$sep = the separator, such as " ", "," or "&amp;"
$array = the 2D associative array
$key = the column key, such as "id"

Feel free to add error protection

function implodeArray2D ($sep, $array, $key)
    $num = count($array);
    $str = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
        if ($i)
            $str .= $sep;
        $str .= $array[$i][$key];
    return $str;
triptripon at gmail dot com
5.09.2006 23:18
Here's my 2 matching (implode|explode)_with_key functions.
Notice, the inglue, outglue cannot appear within the keys\values.

function implode_with_key($assoc, $inglue = '>', $outglue = ',')
        $return = '';
        foreach ($assoc as $tk => $tv)
            $return .= $outglue . $tk . $inglue . $tv;
        return substr($return,strlen($outglue));
    function explode_with_key($str, $inglue = ">", $outglue = ',')
        $hash = array();
        foreach (explode($outglue, $str) as $pair)
            $k2v = explode($inglue, $pair);           
            $hash[$k2v[0]] = $k2v[1];           
        return $hash;

-- Tomer Levinboim
worldwideweb dot C-Kling dot de
12.08.2006 21:15
A Script for imploding a multideimensional Array. You give an array of separators in the first argument, and a (multidimensional) array in the second. The script will return the imploded array.

function multimplode($spacer,$array)
    if (!
    if (empty(
        while (list(
$key,$val) = each($array))
            if (
adnan at barakatdesigns dot net
23.05.2006 18:17
An easier way of achieving the same result as implode_with_keys() - and quicker execution time:

/* NOTE: $glue is not used if $is_query is true */
function implode_with_keys($array, $glue, $is_query = false) {
$is_query == true) {
str_replace(array('[', ']', '&'), array('%5B', '%5D', '&amp;'), http_build_query($array));

    } else {
urldecode(str_replace("&", $glue, http_build_query($array)));



implode_with_keys(array('a[1]' => 'some text', 'a[2]' => 'even more text'), false, true);
/* Will output 'a%5B1%5D=some+text&amp;a%5B2%5D=even+more+text' */
/* This won't break html validation */

echo implode_with_keys(array('a[1]' => 'foo bar', 'b' => 'more text'), '|');
/* Will output 'a[1]=foo bar|b=more text' */
dabduster at gmail dot com
3.01.2006 17:39
an implementation of adrian at foeder dot de implode_with_keys function for input and update sql statement.

function implode_param($glue, $array, $valwrap='', $mode = 0)
    if mode = 0 output is key and values
    if mode = 1 output only keys
    if mode = 2 output only values
    switch ($mode){
        case 1:
               foreach($array AS $key => $value) {
                   $ret[] = $valwrap.$key.$valwrap;
        case 2:
               foreach($array AS $key => $value) {
                   $ret[] = $valwrap.$value.$valwrap;

        case 0:
               foreach($array AS $key => $value) {
                   $ret[] = $key."=".$valwrap.$value.$valwrap;
    return implode($glue, $ret);
adrian at foeder dot de
31.10.2005 13:53
...and a mysql-update-statement-compatible implementation of implode_with_keys:

function implode_with_keys($glue, $array, $valwrap='')
$array AS $key => $value) {
$ret[] = $key."=".$valwrap.$value.$valwrap;
implode($glue, $ret);

so implode_with_keys(", ", $array, "'") will output:

key1='value1', key2='value2'

and so on. Useful for UPDATE table SET key1='value1', key2='value2'
Peter Hopfgartner
27.09.2005 16:26
Correctly initializing all variables, this would become:

function implode_with_key($assoc, $inglue = '=', $outglue = '&'){
    $return = '';
    foreach ($assoc as $tk => $tv) {
        $return = ($return != '' ? $return . $outglue : '') .
            $tk . $inglue . $tv;
    return $return;

Note, the return value is also well defined if $assoc is empty.

php at josh dot jeppsons dot org
9.09.2005 18:22
Another variation on implode_with_key:

function implode_with_key($assoc, $inglue = '=', $outglue = '&')
    foreach (
$assoc as $tk => $tv) {
$return = (isset($return) ? $return . $outglue : '') . $tk . $inglue . $tv;
pr10n at spymac dot com
29.08.2005 18:46
A little tweak on info at urbits dot com's suggestion just incase someone changes their value of $outglue:

function implode_with_key($assoc, $inglue = '=', $outglue = '&')
$return = null;
   foreach (
$assoc as $tk => $tv) $return .= $outglue.$tk.$inglue.$tv;
info at urbits dot com
20.08.2005 3:06
I liked memandeemail's (27-Apr-2005) neat code for imploding an associative array. I have done a mod so that, by default, it returns a url query string.

function implode_with_key($assoc, $inglue = '=', $outglue = '&')
$return = null;
   foreach (
$assoc as $tk => $tv) $return .= $outglue.$tk.$inglue.$tv;

= array("a" => "foo", "b" => "bar", "c" => "foobar");
echo (

ouput: a=foo&b=bar&c=foobar

usage: After altering the $HTTP_GET_VARS values, I pass $HTTP_GET_VARS to the function to easily build variation urls for links and header redirects.

note: This function doesn't encode the url string or check for empty variables.
cristianDOTzuddas [AT] gmailDOTcom
7.07.2005 9:22
...and another variation of "implode_assoc" function. Just added the boolean parameter $urlencoded; if TRUE returns the array value in URL encod format. If the parameter is not given it behaves like the original function.

function implode_assoc($inner_glue, $outer_glue, $array, $skip_empty=false, $urlencoded=false) {
$output = array();
$array as $key=>$item) {
        if (!
$skip_empty || isset($item)) {
            if (
$output[] = $key.$inner_glue.urlencode($item);
$output[] = $key.$inner_glue.$item;
implode($outer_glue, $output);
sam dot bledsoe at nosp at nn dot gmail dot com
1.06.2005 5:57
The function below recursively outputs an array in a format condusive to parsing it in php or another scripting language.  It does NOT output the name of the original array, for that see note 1.  It handles all the cases I could think of elegantly.  Comments and criticisms are welcome.

For an array constructed with:

$arr = array("foo" => array('bar' => array(0 => "value 0", 1 => "value 1")), "foo two" => array(0 => array("bar" => "value2")));

The line below:

echo implode_parseable("=", ";<br>$", $arr, "$", ";");

Will produce:

$foo["bar"][0]="value 0";
$foo["bar"][1]="value 1";

1)  If the leading identifier on a line is a number, the output will most likely be unusable since variable names cannot begin with numbers.  You can get around this by doing something like:
$arr = array('arr' => $arr);
This will output the array as it actually is (because the key is the same name as the array) instead of just its fields.
2)  Since spaces are not allowed in variable names, they are replaced in lines' leading identifiers by the $space_replace_char parameter, '_' by default.

Hopefully someone will find this useful, if so drop me a line.  Credit and thanks go out to the people who posted their code on this manual page, especially davidpk212 at gmail dot com and phpWalter at torres dot ws.

function implode_parseable($inner_glue = "=", $outer_glue = "\n", $array = null, $prefix = "", $suffix = "", $space_replace_char = '_', $skip_empty = false, $current_loc = "", $recursion_level = 0){
  return $prefix . implode_parseable_r($inner_glue, $outer_glue, $array, $space_replace_char, $skip_empty, $current_loc, $recursion_level) . $suffix;

function implode_parseable_r($inner_glue = "=", $outer_glue = "\n", $array = null, $space_replace_char = '_', $skip_empty = false, $current_loc = "", $recursion_level = 0)
    $output = array();
    foreach( $array as $key => $item ){
      if ( is_array ($item) ){
        //don't quote numeric indicies
          $quoted_key = "\"" . $key . "\"";
          $quoted_key = $key;

        // This is value is an array, go and do it again!
        $level = $recursion_level + 1;
        if($recursion_level == 0){
          // can't have spaces in a variable name!
          $current_loc .= str_replace(' ', $space_replace_char, $key);
          $output[] = implode_parseable_r ($inner_glue, $outer_glue, $item,  '_', $skip_empty, $current_loc, $level);
          //start the position tracker over after every run from level 0
          $current_loc = '';
          $current_loc .= "[" . $quoted_key . "]";
          $output[] = implode_parseable_r ($inner_glue, $outer_glue, $item,  '_', $skip_empty, $current_loc, $level);
          //remove the last index from the position tracker string after using it
          $current_loc = ereg_replace('\[[^]]*\]$', '', $current_loc);

        //  don't quote or []ify the base variable name,
        //  but do for all else as appropriate
        if($recursion_level != 0){
              $key = "\"" . $key . "\"";
            $key = "[" . $key . "]";
//        echo "<br>";
//        var_dump($item);
//        echo "<br>";

        $skip_this = false;
        if($skip_empty && (!isset($item) || $item == NULL || $item == '')) $skip_this = true;

        //quote the item (which is the value of the array index) if it is a string
        if(is_string($item)) $item = "\"" . $item . "\"";

        if(!$skip_this) $output[] = $current_loc . $key . $inner_glue . $item;
    return implode($outer_glue, $output);
    return $array;
31.05.2005 14:42
in case of value $item==0 but is set is necessary use function isset()

function implode_assoc($inner_glue,$outer_glue,$array,$skip_empty=false){
 foreach($array as $key=>$item)
  if(!$skip_empty || isset($item)){$output[]=$key.$inner_glue.$item;}
 return implode($outer_glue,$output);
killroy at g m a i l dot c o m
16.05.2005 10:29
Here is another variation on Chris' function. I added a $skip_empty parameter. if it's set to TRUE the result string will not contain keys whose values are empty. Great for building query_strings. If the parameter is not given it behaves like the original function:


INPUT: implode_assoc('=','&',array('a'=>$a,'b'=>$b,'c'=>$c),true);
OUTPUT: a=1&c=3

INPUT: implode_assoc('=','&',array('a'=>$a,'b'=>$b,'c'=>$c));
OUTPUT: a=1&b=&c=3

function implode_assoc($inner_glue,$outer_glue,$array,$skip_empty=false){
 foreach($array as $key=>$item)
  if(!$skip_empty || $item){$output[]=$key.$inner_glue.$item;}
 return implode($outer_glue,$output);
tshort at cisco dot com
29.04.2005 16:20
Correction: I meant "passed by value", not "pass by reference". My mistake. Passing by reference would speed up any of these functions by avoiding the copy necessary for "by value.

Other solutions have problems with non-arrays as well. But it demonstrates that there are many ways to solve this problem. Adding checks for non-arrays and short arrays makes the solution less elegant, but safer. Other solutions should have included similar protections.

function english_list($array, $oxfordComma=0)
  if (!is_array($array)) return $array;
  if (count($array) <= 1) return join(", ", $array);
  $last = array_pop($array);
  return join(", ", $array) . ($oxfordComma ? "," : "") . " and " . $last;
Andy Morris
29.04.2005 2:27
It's always dangerous to give sweeping statements like "this will always work!". Your solution is much more elegant than mine, but perhaps it's a little too elegant for its own good! Try giving it an array with zero or one elements in it for example. You could say that folks shouldn't call it in that case, but you know folks... they like pushing the boundaries. :-)

Perhaps you meant to say that the array can be altered inside the function because it is passed "by value" rather than "by reference", or is that just a mixture of terminology from my C++ upbringing? Passing by reference would imply that you could alter the array inside the function and have that alter its value outside. Passing by value implies that any changes inside the function affect the local function copy only. In PHP, the latter is clearly the case, unless a variable is explicitly declared as global.

OK, that's my 2c.
tshort at cisco dot com
28.04.2005 22:54
This one works with anything, since the array is passed by reference, modifying it in the function via pop has no effect on the array outside the function. But it can't be done on one line, because the array_pop() must occur before the join().

function english_list($array, $oxfordComma=0)
  $last = array_pop($array);
  return join(", ", $array) . ($oxfordComma ? "," : "") . " and " . $last;
Andy Morris
28.04.2005 19:19
Similar to a previous note, but this works for any length array, plus also works for arrays with key strings instead of integer keys! I know it's not strictly an implode() example, but it concerns what you might be considering using implode() to help you to do achieve...

// Return array as a comma separated list; final two elements separated
// by 'and' with an optional "Oxford" comma preceding the 'and'.
function english_list($array, $oxfordComma=0)
$optionalComma = ( $oxfordComma ) ? "," : "";
$str = "";
$size = count( $array );
$i = 0;
  foreach (
$array as $item ) {
$str .= $item;
    if (
$i < $size - 1) $str .= ", ";
    elseif (
$i == $size - 1) $str .= $optionalComma." and ";

// test the comma separated list function
echo english_list( array(), 1 )."<br>";
english_list( array("foo"), 1 )."<br>";
english_list( array("foo", "bar"), 0 )."<br>";
english_list( array("a" => "foo", "b" => "bar", "c" => "foobar"), 1 )."<br>";
english_list( array("foo", "bar", "foobar", "barfoo"), 0 )."<br>";
memandeemail at gmail dot com
27.04.2005 15:06
     * Like implode but with keys
     * @param string[optional] $glue
     * @param array $pieces
     * @param string[optional] $hifen
     * @return string
    function implode_with_key($glue = null, $pieces, $hifen = ',') {
        $return = null;
        foreach ($pieces as $tk => $tv) $return .= $glue.$tk.$hifen.$tv;
        return substr($return,1);
davidpk212 at gmail dot com
14.04.2005 17:36
I made this function to create an english-readable list from an array.

function english_list($array, $oxfordcomma=1) {
$count = count($array)-1;
$last = $array[$count];
$str = join(", ", $array);
  if (
$oxfordcomma) {
$str .= ",";
$str .= " and $last";

The optional parameter "oxfordcomma" indicates whether or not to use the Oxford comma (a comma before the "and").


print english_list(array("foo", "bar", "foobar", "barfoo"));
Would produce:

foo, bar, foobar, and barfoo

2.04.2005 4:07
Here is another varriation on the below code. This is useful if you are trying to store data as a string to be returned to an array later.  It allows unlimited nested arrays to be both stored and extracted, but does not print out as pretty.

function implode_assoc_r2($inner_glue = "=", $outer_glue = "\n", $recusion_level = 0, $array = null)
   $output = array();

   foreach( $array as $key => $item )
       if ( is_array ($item) )
           // This is value is an array, go and do it again!
           $level = $recusion_level + 1;
           $output[] = $key . $inner_glue . $recusion_level . $inner_glue . implode_assoc_r ($inner_glue, $outer_glue, $level, $item, $keepOuterKey);
           $output[] = $key . $inner_glue . $recusion_level . $inner_glue . $item;

   return implode($outer_glue . $recusion_level . $outer_glue, $output);

function explode_assoc_r2($inner_glue = "=", $outer_glue = "\n", $recusion_level = 0, $string = null)
       $array=explode($outer_glue.$recusion_level.$outer_glue, $string);
       foreach ($array as $value)
               $level = $recusion_level + 1;
                       $output[$row[0]] = explode_with_keys_a($inner_glue,$outer_glue,$level,$output[$row[0]]);

       return $output;
} {at} nr78 {dot} net
30.03.2005 16:50
Also quite handy in INSERT statements:


// array containing data
$array = array(
"name" => "John",
"surname" => "Doe",
"email" => ""

// build query...
$sql  = "INSERT INTO table";

// implode keys of $array...
$sql .= " (`".implode("`, `", array_keys($array))."`)";

// implode values of $array...
$sql .= " VALUES ('".implode("', '", $array)."') ";

// execute query...
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

3.03.2005 18:47
Even handier if you use the following:

= array(1,6,12,18,24);

$id_nums = implode(", ", $id_nums);
$sqlquery = "Select name,email,phone from usertable where user_id IN ($id_nums)";

// $sqlquery becomes "Select name,email,phone from usertable where user_id IN (1,6,12,18,24)"
Geoff Eby
3.03.2005 17:29
A handy use of implode in a MySQL query

= array(1,6,12,18,24);

$id_nums = implode(" OR user_id=", $id_nums);
$sqlquery = "Select name,email,phone from usertable where user_id=$id_nums";

// $sqlquery becomes "Select name,email,phone from usertable where user_id=1 OR user_id=6 OR user_id=12 OR user_id=18 OR user_id=24"
phpWalter at torres dot ws
14.09.2004 20:45
Chris Ross (17-Aug-2004 11:18) gave us a great function 'implode_assoc'.

But it didn't handle multi-level array.

I know, a few others here added this "feature", but...

I've modified Chirs' function to be recursive.

Hope it helps someone.

  * Method to recursivly implode a multi-dimensional array
  * Orginal: Chris Ross - 17-Aug-2004
  * Modified: Walter Torres - 09-14-2004
function implode_assoc_r($inner_glue = "=", $outer_glue = "\n", $array = null, $keepOuterKey = false)
    $output = array();

    foreach( $array as $key => $item )
        if ( is_array ($item) )
            if ( $keepOuterKey )
                $output[] = $key;

            // This is value is an array, go and do it again!
            $output[] = implode_assoc_r ($inner_glue, $outer_glue, $item, $keepOuterKey);
            $output[] = $key . $inner_glue . $item;

    return implode($outer_glue, $output);
Chris Ross
17.08.2004 20:18
I took static's implode_with_keys, and converted into something I considered a little more programatically useful.  I would argue that this sort of functionality should maybe be added to PHP.

/* This isn't really DB function, but it's general...  This will */
/* act like the PHP implode() function, but for assoc. arrays... */
function implode_assoc($inner_glue, $outer_glue, $array) {
$output = array();
$array as $key => $item )
$output[] = $key . $inner_glue . $item;

implode($outer_glue, $output);

  It's the same as static's, really, but allows you to join the keys to the values with any arbitrary string, rather than hard-coding a '='.
26.04.2004 23:15
to prevent implode from putting the zero at the end, I use ksort().


echo implode(":",$val);
//will return "zero:one:two"
chris at hitcatcher dot com
28.10.2003 10:50
I found it neccesary to create a function that joins the contents of a single dimension from a 2-d array. Here's the code in case anyone else should need to do the same:

function join_2d($glue, $pieces, $dimension = 0){
//joins the values of a single dimension in a 2-d array
$rtn = array();
$piece as $key => $value){
$rtn[] = $value[$dimension];
join($glue, $rtn);

The dimension argument can be a positive integer or a named index. Here is an example:

= array(array(1 => 'a', 'three' => 1),
1 => 'b', 'three' => 2),
1 => 'c', 'three' => 3),
1 => 'd', 'three' => 4),
1 => 'e', 'three' => 5));

"<pre>"; print_r($testarray); print "</pre>";
join_2d(", ", $testarray, 1) . "<br>";
join_2d(", ", $testarray, 'three') . "<br>";
dan at danposluns dot com
23.08.2003 20:04

First of all, it should be noted that the function in the previous note is not technically correct, as it glues the outside of the first piece. This is the problem faced by any function that wants to construct a set out of an array without the overhead of handling the boundary indexes. It also doesn't preserve the dimensional architecture.

Use this function when you want to call implode() on a multi-dimensional array and want the resulting string to preserve the architecture of the different dimensions. For example:

array ( 5, array (2, 4, 6), array (3, 6, 9, array (12)))

would be reduced to:

[ 5, [ 2, 4, 6 ], [ 3, 6, 9, [ 12 ] ] ]

Note that this does not preserve key values. If you need those, you are probably better off using serialize() and then replacing the tokens with your own symbols using the string functions.

Anyway, here is the code:

function mdImpode($x, $y)
    $a = (is_array($x)) ? '[ ' . array_reduce($x, 'mdImplode') . ' ]' : $x;
    $b = (is_array($y)) ? '[ ' . array_reduce($y, 'mdImplode') . ' ]' : $y;
    return $a . ', ' . $b;

Then to call it, use:

$result = '[ ' . array_reduce($pieces, 'mdImplode') . ' ]';

Note that you have to make manual changes if you want different glue or set symbols. There may be a more elegant solution, but this should be a good compromise between efficiency and simplicity (the manual says that array_reduce is iterative, so this should be pretty speedy).
19.06.2003 19:10
This function will implode a multi-dimension array

function implode_r ($glue, $pieces){
 $out = "";
 foreach ($pieces as $piece)
  if (is_array ($piece)) $out .= implode_r ($glue, $piece); // recurse
  else                   $out .= $glue.$piece;
 return $out;
james at globalmegacorp dot org
31.05.2003 4:13
As a followup to the implode_with_keys function posted by 'static', here's a corresponding explode_with_keys function I wrote:

function explode_with_keys($seperator, $string)
        $array=explode($seperator, $string);
        foreach ($array as $value) {
        return $output;
ulderico at maber dot com dot br
7.10.2002 19:39
'Implode' does not implodes recursively... It might quite useful implode recursively when you get a many Arrays values with keys that replaces themselves as:


If you build this URL progressively it would a great a idea that the newest value indeed took the place of any older ones, thus:


would be a better option;

If one uses $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], this sanitation would not happen, the URL string would be greater and greater everytime.

With implode_r (see below) it becomes easier to build a "sanitised" URL, the one that less likely will overflow the browser.

$tmp = implode_r("&", $_REQUEST); /* So as to allow to get ANY VALUE (G/P) from the Browser... */
$URL .= "?".$tmp;

/* implode_r */
function implode_r($glue, $array, $array_name = NULL){
while(list($key,$value) = @each($array))
                        $return[] = implode_r($glue, $value, (string) $key);
                        if($array_name != NULL)
                                $return[] = $array_name."[".(string) $key."]=".$value;
                                $return[] = $key."=".$value;
        return(implode($glue, $return));
sorry I couldn't format the code.
Cedric at isoca dot com
11.07.2002 19:39
Implode with an unset array will made a warning and fail, but is ok with an empty array.
So if you don't trust the content of the array, allways initialize it before :
  $param = array();
  echo implode('&', $param);
14.05.2002 9:43
The one thing missing with this function is a way to add the keys. So I wrote this little function:

function implode_with_keys($glue, $array) {
        $output = array();
        foreach( $array as $key => $item )
                $output[] = $key . "=" . $item;

        return implode($glue, $output);
php at woodenpickle dot com
15.03.2002 7:55
Hey, I found a good use for implode() today. It came from a need to have a <select name=state multiple> box on the page that a person could select multiple states from and send those to a >SELECT * FROM customers WHERE state='$state'; query. But they need to be able to send just one state also. Well, I changes the html select box to say <select name=state[] multiple>. This turns $state into an array as you may know. I then, later on in the script, did this:

$count = count( $state );
if( $count > 1 ) {
     $states = implode( "'.'", $state );
     $result = $database->query( "SELECT * FROM currentOrders WHERE date>=$from AND date <=$to AND state IN ('$states')" );

//This takes care of multiple states, but if the user sent only one state, I catch it here:

foreach( $state as $value );
if( $value )
     $result = $database->query( "SELECT * FROM currentOrders WHERE date>=$from AND date<=$to AND state='$value'" );
else //This one will catch the ALL states option if they choose that.
     $result = $database->query( "SELECT * FROM currentOrders WHERE date>=$from AND date<=$to" );

Anyway, I thought I'd post this up here in case it might help someone. Or maybe someone could figure out a better way and enlighten us all.. Have fun.. Bob

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