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(PHP 5)

str_splitKonvertiert einen String in ein Array


array str_split ( string $string [, int $split_length = 1 ] )

Konvertiert einen String in ein Array.



Die Eingabezeichenkette.


Maximale Länge eines Teilstücks.


Wenn der optionale Parameter split_length angegeben ist, enthält das zurückgegebene Array Elemente mit der in split_length definierten Länge, andernfalls enthält jedes Element ein einzelnes Zeichen.

FALSE wird zurückgegeben, wenn split_length kleiner als 1 ist. Wenn der Parameter split_length größer als string ist, wird der gesamte String als ein erstes (und einziges) Array-Element zurückgegeben.


Beispiel #1 Beispiel für die Verwendung von str_split()


"Hallo Freund";

$arr1 str_split($str);
$arr2 str_split($str3);



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

    [0] => H
    [1] => a
    [2] => l
    [3] => l
    [4] => o
    [5] =>
    [6] => F
    [7] => r
    [8] => e
    [9] => u
    [10] => n
    [11] => d

    [0] => Hal
    [1] => lo
    [2] => Fre
    [3] => und

Siehe auch

  • chunk_split() - Zerlegt einen String in Teile gleicher Länge
  • preg_split() - Zerlegt eine Zeichenkette anhand eines regulären Ausdrucks
  • explode() - Teilt einen String anhand einer Zeichenkette
  • count_chars() - Gibt Informationen über die in einem String enthaltenen Zeichen zurück
  • str_word_count() - Gibt Informationen über in einem String verwendete Worte zurück
  • for

42 BenutzerBeiträge:
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15.06.2010 17:53
I needed a function that could split a string from the end with any left over chunk being at the beginning of the array (the beginning of the string).

function str_rsplit($str, $sz)
// splits a string "starting" at the end, so any left over (small chunk) is at the beginning of the array.   
if ( !$sz ) { return false; }
    if (
$sz > 0 ) { return str_split($str,$sz); }    // normal split
$l = strlen($str);
$sz = min(-$sz,$l);
$mod = $l % $sz;
    if ( !
$mod ) { return str_split($str,$sz); }    // even/max-length split

    // split
return array_merge(array(substr($str,0,$mod)), str_split(substr($str,$mod),$sz));

$str = 'aAbBcCdDeEfFg';
str_split($str,5); // return: {'aAbBc','CdDeE','fFg'}
str_rsplit($str,5); // return: {'aAbBc','CdDeE','fFg'}
str_rsplit($str,-5); // return: {'aAb','BcCdD','eEfFg'}

3.05.2010 15:27
here an equivalent function for unicode string :

function uni_strsplit($string, $split_length=1)
preg_match_all('`.`u', $string, $arr);
$arr = array_chunk($arr[0], $split_length);
$arr = array_map('implode', $arr);
nemostein at hotmail dot com
28.08.2009 20:51
The manual don't says what is returned when you parse a different type of variable.

This is the example:


= "Long"; // More than 1 char
$str2 = "x"; // Only 1 char
$str3 = ""; // Empty String
$str4 = 34; // Integer
$str5 = 3.4; // Float
$str6 = true; // Bool
$str7 = null; // Null

$spl1 = str_split($str1);
$spl2 = str_split($str2);
$spl3 = str_split($str3);
$spl4 = str_split($str4);
$spl5 = str_split($str5);
$spl6 = str_split($str6);
$spl7 = str_split($str7);

count($spl1); // 4
echo count($spl2); // 1
echo count($spl3); // 1
echo count($spl4); // 2
echo count($spl5); // 3
echo count($spl6); // 1
echo count($spl7); // 1



    [0] => L
    [1] => o
    [2] => n
    [3] => g
    [0] => x
    [0] =>
    [0] => 3
    [1] => 4
    [0] => 3
    [1] => .
    [2] => 4
    [0] => 1
    [0] =>


mattias at lsahlin dot se
19.03.2009 15:46
For those it may concern:

We encountered trubble when trying to str_split a UTF-8 encoded string, containing such Swedish letters as å, å and ö.

It seems that this function splits according to byte-length and not character length. So if the letter "Å" takes 2 bytes, then str_split() will only return the first bite of the character "Å".

We ain't 100% sure that this is the case but this was anyhow the result we got. So we used the multi-byte functions instead.
24.11.2008 3:44
Regarding ricordatis comment on preg_match_all('/./u',...) instead of preg_split('//u',...):
You'll have to use the pattern '/./us' with preg_match_all to get exactly the same behaviour w.r.t. newlines. Don't know if this is still faster, though. Oh, and the expected result is in $array[0].
4.08.2008 16:20
revised function from tatsudoshi

Fixed some bugs, more php5 style compliant
if(!function_exists('str_split')) {
str_split($string,$string_length=1) {
strlen($string)>$string_length || !$string_length) {
            do {
$c = strlen($string);
$parts[] = substr($string,0,$string_length);
$string = substr($string,$string_length);
            } while(
$string !== false);
        } else {
$parts = array($string);
ricordati at web dot de
1.08.2008 16:21
To split unicode text, preg_match_all('/./u', $text, $array); seems faster for large strings than the use of preg_split('//u', $text); suggested by "edgaras dot janusauskas at gmail dot com" below.
vec [ at t] g dot com
21.06.2008 17:38
the fastast way (that fits my needs) to replace str_split() in php 4 i found is this:

if(!function_exists('str_split')) {
str_split($string, $split_length = 1) {
$array = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($string, $split_length));

i also tested the provided functions in the comments..

(the differences are 0.001 to 0.00001 sec)
21.05.2008 12:20
This function supportes utf8

(improvement of function str_split_php4)

i tried this function successfully with these languages
1- Chinese
2- Japanese
3- Arabic
4- Turkish
5- Urdu
6- Russian
7- Persian

function str_split_php4_utf8($str) {
// place each character of the string into and array
$array = array();
    for (
$i=0; $i < strlen( $str ); ){
$value = ord($str[$i]);
$value > 127){
$value >= 192 && $value <= 223)
$value >= 224 && $value <= 239)
$value >= 240 && $value <= 247)
$key = NULL;
        for (
$j = 0; $j < $split; $j++, $i++ ) {
$key .= $str[$i];
array_push( $array, $key );
lskatz at gmail dot com
7.05.2008 20:42
A good use of str_split is reverse translating an amino acid sequence.

/* reverse translate an aa sequence using its dna counterpart */
function reverseTranslate($aaSeq,$ntSeq){

// if the aa is a gap, then just put on a gap character
kevin at metalaxe dot com
15.03.2008 5:49
Response to "Richard Ayotte 18-Jan-2008 09:27":

Slight tweak to prevent the need to call another preg_replace, there were also some bugs in this that I'm surprised didn't get noticed (causing duplicate replaces between the preg_replace calls) :)

Please feel free to optimize further. I'm not the best with lookahead/behinds yet. I also removed the :upper/lower: and it seemed to speed things up too.

= 'CustomerIDWithSomeOtherJETWords';

preg_replace('/(?!^)[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z])|[A-Z][a-z]/', ' $0', $test));

Shaves off a little time anyway. :)
7.02.2008 13:20
Syntax corrected version:-

if(! function_exists('str_split'))
str_split($text, $split = 1)
$array = array();
            for (
$i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i += $split)
$array[] = substr($text, $i, $split);
Richard Ayotte
18.01.2008 15:27
Slight mod to the CamelCaseFormat regex that behaves better with strings with multiple upper case letters immediately following each other.

CustomerID -> Customer ID and not Customer I D

= 'CustomerIDWithSomeOtherJETWords';

preg_replace('/(?!^)[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]/', ' $0', preg_replace('/(?!^)[[:upper:]]+/', ' $0', $test));

Customer ID With Some Other JET Words
3.01.2008 21:04
Version of str_split by rlpvandenberg at hotmail dot com is god-damn inefficient and when $i+$j > strlen($text) [last part of string] throws a lot of notice errors. This should work better:

    if(! function_exists('str_split'))
        function str_split($text, $split = 1)
            $array = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text);)
                $array[] = substr($text, $i, $split);
                $i += $split;
            return $array;
rlpvandenberg at hotmail dot com
19.12.2007 20:22
The previous suggestion is almost correct (and will only working for strlen=1. The working PHP4 function is:

function str_split($text, $split = 1){
    //place each character of the string into and array
    $array = array();
    for ($i=0; $i < strlen($text); $i++){
        $key = "";
        for ($j = 0; $j < $split; $j++){
            $key .= $text[$i+$j]; 
        $i = $i + $j - 1;
        array_push($array, $key);
    return $array;
skore at skore dot de
30.11.2007 18:16
dacmeaux at gmail dot com's version might work well for a $split value of 1, but above that, it just repeats the one character per array field and based on the $split value. The following does it right:

function str_split_php4( $text, $split = 1 ) {
// place each character of the string into and array
$array = array();
    for (
$i=0; $i < strlen( $text ); ){
$key = NULL;
        for (
$j = 0; $j < $split; $j++, $i++ ) {
$key .= $text[$i];
array_push( $array, $key );
mohd at ba7rain dot net
29.11.2007 11:24
this function can perform a reverse str_split. I write it for PHP4 but you can rename It for other versions..

if ( !function_exists('str_split') ) {
function str_split($string,$split_length=1){
    $sign = (($split_length<0)?-1:1);
    $strlen = strlen($string);
    $split_length = abs($split_length);
    if ( ($split_length==0) || ($strlen==0) ){
            $result = false;
            //$result[] = "";
    elseif ($split_length >= $strlen){
        $result[] = $string;
    else {
        $length = $split_length;
        for ($i=0; $i<$strlen; $i++){
            $result[] = substr($string,$sign*$i,$length);
            if ( ($i+$split_length) > ($strlen) ){
                $length = $strlen-($i+1);
            else {
                $length = $split_length;
    return $result;
www dot wesley at gmail dot com
26.11.2007 1:12
in response to Sam's CamelCase function:

= 'CamelCaseFormat';

preg_replace('/(?!^)[[:upper:]]/',' \0',$test);
atolia at gmail----- dot com
10.11.2007 22:48
i use this in PHP4

function str_split($str){
   return preg_split('//',$str);
magisano at cs dot unibo dot it
6.11.2007 17:14
Even shorter version:

//place each character (or group of) of the
string into and array

function str_split_php4($sText, $iSplit = 1)
    $iSplit=(integer) $iSplit;       // sanity check
    if ($iSplit < 1) {  return false; }
    $aResult = array();
    for($i=0, $limit=strlen($sText); $i < $limit; $i+=$iSplit) {
        $aResult[]=substr($sText, $i, $iSplit);
    return $aResult;
dacmeaux at gmail dot com
1.11.2007 22:57
I was looking for a function that would split a string into an array like str_split() and found Razor's function above. Just though that I would simplify the code a little.

function str_split_php4($text, $split = 1){
//place each character of the string into and array
$array = array();
$i=0; $i < strlen($text); $i++){
$key = NULL;
        for (
$j = 0; $j < $split; $j++){
$key .= $text[$i]; 
array_push($array, $key);

Both mine and worksRazor's work well, I just prefer to use less code. I could have written one myself, but I was just being lazy.
25.09.2007 10:24
A good way to use this method to convert CamelCase text into nice text would be-

         Returns a formatted string based on camel case.
         e.g. "CamelCase" -> "Camel Case".
function FormatCamelCase( $string ) {
$output = "";
str_split( $string ) as $char ) {
strtoupper( $char ) == $char and $output and $output .= " ";
$output .= $char;
edgaras dot janusauskas at gmail dot com
22.08.2007 14:30
To split unicode text, use preg_split('//u', $text);
kjensen at iaff106 dot com
11.08.2007 21:59
Here is what I use. I started with examples here but modified to my own version:

if (phpversion () < "5"){ // define PHP5 functions if server uses PHP4

function str_split($text, $split = 1)
if (!
is_string($text)) return false;
if (!
is_numeric($split) && $split < 1) return false;
$len = strlen($text);
$array = array();
$s = 0;
while (
$s <$len)
$e=($e <$len)?$e:$len;
$array[] = substr($text, $s,$e);
$s = $s+$e;
l0c4lh0st DOT nl AT gmail DOT com
12.06.2007 14:28
how I can conwert
 '1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 23'
from ENUM at mySQL to

[0] -> false
[1] -> true
[2] -> true
[3] -> false
[4] -> false
[5] -> true
[6] -> true
[7] -> false
[8] -> false
[9] -> false
[10] -> true
[11] -> false
[12] -> false
[13] -> true
[14] -> false
[15] -> false
[23] -> true

function enum_to_array($psEnum)
$aReturn = array();
$aTemp = explode(', ', $psEnum);
    for (
$i = $aTemp[0]; $i <= $aTemp[count($aTemp)-1]; $i++)
$aReturn[$i] = in_array($i, $aTemp);
7.06.2007 21:17
@razor: this'll work for php4
= 'two words';
$array = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($str,1));
10.05.2007 21:02
heres my version for php4 and below


function str_split_php4($text, $split = 1)
    if (!
is_string($text)) return false;
    if (!
is_numeric($split) && $split < 1) return false;
$len = strlen($text);
$array = array();
$i = 0;
    while (
$i < $len)
$key = NULL;
        for (
$j = 0; $j < $split; $j += 1)
$key .= $text{$i};
$i += 1;   
$array[] = $key;


26.02.2007 17:32
Problem with the post below me is, that the string can not contain the splitter "-1-".

Btw, here's my version.
function strsplit($str, $l=1) {
    do {
$ret[]=substr($str,0,$l); $str=substr($str,$l); }
$str != "");
webmaster at nsssa dot ca
28.10.2006 16:45
I noticed in the post below me that his function would return an array with an empty key at the end.

So here is just a little fix for it.


//Create a string split function for pre PHP5 versions
function str_split($str, $nr) {  
//Return an array with 1 less item then the one we have
return array_slice(split("-l-", chunk_split($str, $nr, '-l-')), 0, -1);


5.10.2006 14:14
//fast & short version od str_split PHP3, 4x
function string_split($str, $nr){    
    return split("-l-", chunk_split($str, $nr, '-l-'));
//example :
print_r(string_split('123412341234', 4));
ference at super_delete_brose dot co dot uk
31.08.2006 21:22
If you are looking for a way to split multibyte strings then this may come in handy:

= "süpérbrôsé";

mb_str_split($str, $length = 1) {
  if (
$length < 1) return FALSE;

$result = array();

  for (
$i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($str); $i += $length) {
$result[] = mb_substr($str, $i, $length);


$solo = mb_str_split($text);
$quintet = mb_str_split($text, 5);


Spits out:

    [0] => s
    [1] => ü
    [2] => p
    [3] => é
    [4] => r
    [5] => b
    [6] => r
    [7] => ô
    [8] => s
    [9] => é
    [0] => süpér
    [1] => brôsé
fstorm2 at gmail dot com
29.08.2006 11:08
If you use PHP 4 and don't need the split_length parameter, here's the shortest replacement:


('#(?<=.)(?=.)#s', $str);

21.08.2006 13:44
A simple way to split credit card numbers into chunks of four numbers:

echo implode(' ',str_split($card_number,4));
malmsteenforce at tlen dot pl
20.07.2006 7:52
//fast & short version od str_split

function string_split($str)
$i=0;$i<$len;$i++) $str_array[]=$str{$i};
//example :
var_dump (string_split("split this"));
user at mockme dot com
25.03.2006 14:53
found this great example on a php board for those not using php5, as an alternative to the posts below this

$count = strlen($string); 
$split_length < 1){
        } elseif(
$split_length > $count){
            return array(
        } else {
$num = (int)ceil($count/$split_length); 
$ret = array(); 
$ret[] = substr($string,$i*$split_length,$split_length); 
16.03.2006 4:54
if (!function_exists("str_split")) {
    function str_split($string, $length = 1) {
        if ($length <= 0) {
            trigger_error(__FUNCTION__."(): The the length of each segment must be greater then zero:", E_USER_WARNING);
            return false;
        $splitted  = array();
        while (strlen($string) > 0) {
            $splitted[] = substr($string, 0, $length);
            $string = substr($string, $length);
        return $splitted;

14.03.2006 14:49
Note to function by carlosreche at yahoo dot com.

The while:
               while (
$str_length--) {
$splitted[$i] = $string[$i++];
.. result in index starting at 1.
Ie: str_split("ABC") gives
    [1] => A
    [2] => B
    [3] => C
While php5's str_split("ABC") gives
    [0] => A
    [1] => B
    [2] => C
And his str_split("ABC",2) gives index starting at 0.
Change to this (or something similar):
               while (
$str_length--) {
$splitted[$i] = $string[$i];
.... or use heavyraptor's function. A bit more sclick,..
10.03.2006 23:07
I think that the last post by carlosreche at yahoo dot com is too complicated.
It's much easier if you do it like this:

if (!function_exists("str_split")) {
str_split($str,$length = 1) {
    if (
$length < 1) return false;
$strlen = strlen($str);
$ret = array();
    for (
$i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i += $length) {
$ret[] = substr($str,$i,$length);

I hope it helps for those with PHP <5
carlosreche at yahoo dot com
15.02.2006 13:23
For those who work with PHP < 5:


if (!function_exists("str_split")) {
str_split($string, $length = 1) {
        if (
$length <= 0) {
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__."(): The the length of each segment must be greater then zero:", E_USER_WARNING);
$splitted  = array();
$str_length = strlen($string);
$i = 0;
        if (
$length == 1) {
            while (
$str_length--) {
$splitted[$i] = $string[$i++];
        } else {
$j = $i;
            while (
$str_length > 0) {
$splitted[$j++] = substr($string, $i, $length);
$str_length -= $length;
$i += $length;

Hage Yaapa
4.02.2006 15:27
The very handy str_split() was introduced in PHP 5, but a lot of us are still forced to use PHP 4 at our host servers. And I am sure a lot of beginners have looked or are looking for a function to accomplish what str_split() does.

Taking advantge of the fact that strings are 'arrays' I wrote this tiny but useful e-mail cloaker in PHP, which guarantees functionality even if JavaScript is disabled in the client's browser. Watch how I make up for the lack of str_split() in PHP 4.3.10.


// cloackEmail() accepts a string, the email address to be cloaked
function cloakEmail($email) {

// We create a new array called $arChars, which will contain the individula characters making up the email address. The array is blank for now.
$arChars = array();

// We extract each character from the email 'exploiting' the fact that strings behave like an array: watch the '$email[$i]' bit, and beging to fill up the blank array $arChars
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($email); $i++) { $arChars[] = $email[$i]; }

// Now we work on the $arChars array: extract each character in the array and print out it's ASCII value prefixed with '&#' to convert it into an HTML entity
foreach ($arChars as $char) { print '&#'.ord($char); }

// The result is an email address in HTML entities which, I hope most email address harvesters can't read.



function cloakEmail($email) {
$arChars = array();
    for (
$i = 0; $i < strlen($email); $i++) { $arChars[] = $email[$i]; }
    foreach (
$arChars as $char) { print '&#'.ord($char); }

In creating this little utility, I demonstrated how the lack of str_split() can be made up in PHP < 5. If you got how it was accomplished, you could write a function to do exactly what str_split() does in PHP 5 and even name it 'str_split()'. :)
organek at hektor dot umcs dot lublin dot pl
21.05.2005 13:57
[Editor's Note: Or just:]
This is a little function to split a string into shorter strings with max lenght $n in such way, that it don't split words (it search for spaces), it's usefull for articles or sth.
Result is put in $ttab variable, and function result is number of "pages".

function divide_text($text, $n, &$ttab) {
$ttab = array();
$l = strlen($text); // text length
$cb = 0;    //copy begin from..
$p = 0; // parts
if ($l  <= $n) {
$ttab[0] = $text;
    } else {
$ctrl = 1;
$p-1) * $n) < $l) && ($ctrl < 100)) {
$crtl++; // control variable, to protect from infinite loops
$tmp = substr($text, $cb, $n);
// we're looking for last space in substring
$lastpos = strrpos($tmp," ");   
        if ( (
is_bool($lastbool) && !$lastpos) || ( $l - $cb <= $n)) {
$ttab[$p] = $tmp;
        } else  {
$tmpgood = trim(substr($tmp, 0,$lastpos));  // if they were another spaces at the end..
$ttab[$p] = $tmpgood;
$cb += $lastpos + 1 ;
// if
return $p;
// if

} // divide text

aidan at php dot net
20.05.2004 18:53
This functionality is now implemented in the PEAR package PHP_Compat.

More information about using this function without upgrading your version of PHP can be found on the below link:

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