PHP Doku:: Gibt ein einzelnes Zeichen zurück - function.chr.html

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(PHP 4, PHP 5)

chrGibt ein einzelnes Zeichen zurück


string chr ( int $ascii )

Gibt einen Ein-Zeichen-String zurück, der dem angegebenen ascii-Wert entspricht.

Die Funktion ergänzt ord().



Der ASCII-Code.


Gibt das angegebene Zeichen zurück.


Version Beschreibung
6.0.0 Die Funktion verwendet jetzt Codepoints als Input.


Beispiel #1 chr()-Beispiel

"Dieser String endet mit einem Escape-Zeichen: ";
$str .= chr(27); /* fügt das Escape-Zeichen an das Ende von $str an */

/* Die häufig praktischere Lösung: */

$str sprintf("Dieser String endet mit einem Escape-Zeichen: %c"27);

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11.03.2010 17:31
Here is code for generation Russian alphabet:
for ($i=176;$i<=207;++$i) {
$i.'='.iconv('ISO-8859-5', 'UTF-8', chr($i)).'<br>';
This simple code generates all Russian capital letters, but without 'Ё'.
1.09.2009 16:36
Replaces special characters with non-special equivalents

function normalize_special_characters( $str )
# Quotes cleanup
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("`")), "'", $str );        # `
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("´")), "'", $str );        # ´
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("„")), ",", $str );        # „
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("`")), "'", $str );        # `
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("´")), "'", $str );        # ´
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("“")), "\"", $str );        # “
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("”")), "\"", $str );        # ”
$str = ereg_replace( chr(ord("´")), "'", $str );        # ´

$unwanted_array = array(    'Š'=>'S', 'š'=>'s', 'Ž'=>'Z', 'ž'=>'z', 'À'=>'A', 'Á'=>'A', 'Â'=>'A', 'Ã'=>'A', 'Ä'=>'A', 'Å'=>'A', 'Æ'=>'A', 'Ç'=>'C', 'È'=>'E', 'É'=>'E',
'Ê'=>'E', 'Ë'=>'E', 'Ì'=>'I', 'Í'=>'I', 'Î'=>'I', 'Ï'=>'I', 'Ñ'=>'N', 'Ò'=>'O', 'Ó'=>'O', 'Ô'=>'O', 'Õ'=>'O', 'Ö'=>'O', 'Ø'=>'O', 'Ù'=>'U',
'Ú'=>'U', 'Û'=>'U', 'Ü'=>'U', 'Ý'=>'Y', 'Þ'=>'B', 'ß'=>'Ss', 'à'=>'a', 'á'=>'a', 'â'=>'a', 'ã'=>'a', 'ä'=>'a', 'å'=>'a', 'æ'=>'a', 'ç'=>'c',
'è'=>'e', 'é'=>'e', 'ê'=>'e', 'ë'=>'e', 'ì'=>'i', 'í'=>'i', 'î'=>'i', 'ï'=>'i', 'ð'=>'o', 'ñ'=>'n', 'ò'=>'o', 'ó'=>'o', 'ô'=>'o', 'õ'=>'o',
'ö'=>'o', 'ø'=>'o', 'ù'=>'u', 'ú'=>'u', 'û'=>'u', 'ý'=>'y', 'ý'=>'y', 'þ'=>'b', 'ÿ'=>'y' );
$str = strtr( $str, $unwanted_array );

# Bullets, dashes, and trademarks
$str = ereg_replace( chr(149), "&#8226;", $str );    # bullet •
$str = ereg_replace( chr(150), "&ndash;", $str );    # en dash
$str = ereg_replace( chr(151), "&mdash;", $str );    # em dash
$str = ereg_replace( chr(153), "&#8482;", $str );    # trademark
$str = ereg_replace( chr(169), "&copy;", $str );    # copyright mark
$str = ereg_replace( chr(174), "&reg;", $str );        # registration mark

return $str;
sinfocol at sinfocol dot org
30.06.2009 11:38
The function chr() also accepts negative numbers as an ascii code, so chr(-number) is equal to chr((number%256)+256).
And for ascii code higher than 255 is chr(number%256)

We can test with a little script
for($i=-300; $i<300; $i++){
"Ascii $i\t" . ord(chr($i)) . "\n";
glen at glencooper dot com
10.03.2009 20:27
Thank you joeldegan for your termcolored function.  I write a lot of command-line scripts using PHP and like to colorize them.  I was having a problem with the termcolored function where the next character echo'ed after calling termcolored() was being dropped.  Turns out you don't need the extra chr(27) at the end of each term color code.

Here's my modified version of your function, renamed to echocolor.

function echocolor($text,$color="normal",$back=0)
$colors = array('light_red'  => "[1;31m", 'light_green' => "[1;32m", 'yellow'     => "[1;33m",
'light_blue' => "[1;34m", 'magenta'     => "[1;35m", 'light_cyan' => "[1;36m",
'white'      => "[1;37m", 'normal'      => "[0m",    'black'      => "[0;30m",
'red'        => "[0;31m", 'green'       => "[0;32m", 'brown'      => "[0;33m",
'blue'       => "[0;34m", 'cyan'        => "[0;36m", 'bold'       => "[1m",
'underscore' => "[4m",    'reverse'     => "[7m" );
$out = $colors["$color"];
$ech = chr(27)."$out"."$text".chr(27)."[0m";
31.01.2009 16:39
Another quick and short function to get unicode char by its code.

 * Return unicode char by its code
 * @param int $u
 * @return char
function unichr($u) {
mb_convert_encoding('&#' . intval($u) . ';', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
jacob at loggy punt nl
31.12.2008 14:46
This function creates a ascii table, and replaces all the ascii characters in the mail.
Deze functie maakt een ascii tabel, en zet alles juist om.

function makeASCII($a){
$find[] = "=\r\n";
$replace[] = "";
$i=0; $i < 256; $i++){
$find[] = "=".dechex($i)."";
$replace[] = chr($i);
$a = str_replace($find,$replace,$a);
scott at quinlan dot co dot nz
21.10.2008 6:51
Secure password generator with a variable maximum amount of symbols.


function passwdGen($minLength = 8, $maxLength = 12, $maxSymbols = 2)
$symbolCount = 0;

srand((double)microtime() * 1000003);

    for (
$i = 0; $i < rand($minLength, $maxLength); $i++)
$char = rand(33, 126);

$symbolCount += $isSymbol = (!in_array($char, range(48, 57)) && !in_array($char, range(65, 90)) && !in_array($char, range(97, 122)));

            if (
$symbolCount <= $maxSymbols || !$isSymbol)
        while (

$passwd = sprintf('%s%c', isset($passwd) ? $passwd : NULL, $char);


Josh B.
12.08.2008 23:06
In addition to replacing Microsoft Windows smart quotes, as sgaston demonstrated on 2006-02-13, I replace all other Microsoft Windows characters using suggestions[1] published by character code specialist[2] Jukka Korpela.

= str_replace(chr(130), ',', $str);    // baseline single quote
$str = str_replace(chr(131), 'NLG', $str);  // florin
$str = str_replace(chr(132), '"', $str);    // baseline double quote
$str = str_replace(chr(133), '...', $str);  // ellipsis
$str = str_replace(chr(134), '**', $str);   // dagger (a second footnote)
$str = str_replace(chr(135), '***', $str);  // double dagger (a third footnote)
$str = str_replace(chr(136), '^', $str);    // circumflex accent
$str = str_replace(chr(137), 'o/oo', $str); // permile
$str = str_replace(chr(138), 'Sh', $str);   // S Hacek
$str = str_replace(chr(139), '<', $str);    // left single guillemet
$str = str_replace(chr(140), 'OE', $str);   // OE ligature
$str = str_replace(chr(145), "'", $str);    // left single quote
$str = str_replace(chr(146), "'", $str);    // right single quote
$str = str_replace(chr(147), '"', $str);    // left double quote
$str = str_replace(chr(148), '"', $str);    // right double quote
$str = str_replace(chr(149), '-', $str);    // bullet
$str = str_replace(chr(150), '-', $str);    // endash
$str = str_replace(chr(151), '--', $str);   // emdash
$str = str_replace(chr(152), '~', $str);    // tilde accent
$str = str_replace(chr(153), '(TM)', $str); // trademark ligature
$str = str_replace(chr(154), 'sh', $str);   // s Hacek
$str = str_replace(chr(155), '>', $str);    // right single guillemet
$str = str_replace(chr(156), 'oe', $str);   // oe ligature
$str = str_replace(chr(159), 'Y', $str);    // Y Dieresis

[1] On the use of some MS Windows characters in HTML

[2] Unicode Explained by Jukka Korpela
markem at airmail dot net
10.07.2008 0:34
First, the linefeed versus carriage return confusion:

When typewriters were first invented they were manually moved.  You could do a couple of things with them.  You could type on it (which would move the carriage one space to the left as you typed each character), you could hit the backspace key (which would move the carriage one space to the right), press the line feed button (which would cause the carriage to roll up one line), and return (which would move the carriage all the way to the right again).  When electric typewriters came in to being these functions were made into their electronic counterparts. When terminals appeared they were given the same functions just as word processors, text editors, and everything else that deals with the typed word handles them.

When computers first came out though, the dopey people who invented them wanted to distinguish themselves.  One of the ways they did that was to only use some of the commands.  Which is why the Macintosh originally only used the carriage return command and why Linux/Unix only used the line feed command.  This is why there is "\r" (carriage return), "\l" (Line Feed), and "\n" (OS appropriate).  One of the few things that IBM got right was that it should really be <Carriage Return><Line Feed> and not just one or the other.

So like the reason our roads are a certain width is because that was the width of two horses pulling a Roman chariot, the reason we use these terms is because of the humble non-electronic typewriter and how it worked.

Second - I believe that PHP actually generates ANSI characters and not ASCII characters.  Although there were different extended character sets for the ASCII characters (ie: 128-255), the one depicted on the website clearly shows the IBM standardized ASCII extended table.  (ie: If you ran a BASIC program on your computer you would see the set shown on the above website.)  If, however, you print out the characters via the CHR() function in PHP it prints out the ANSI character set.  (ASCII and ANSI are the same for 0-127.)  Although you can get the characters to print (via Unicode) through the CHR() function - this is still simply showing it is using ANSI and not ASCII.  (Because Unicode is an extension of the ANSI character set and not the ASCII character set.)

If this is so (and my tests show it is) - should the documentation be changed to reflect this?  :-?
darkodemon at gmail dot com
27.04.2007 13:33
chr() with unicode support


function uchr ($codes) {
    if (
is_scalar($codes)) $codes= func_get_args();
$str= '';
    foreach (
$codes as $code) $str.= html_entity_decode('&#'.$code.';',ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8');

uchr(23383); echo '<br/>';
uchr(23383,215,23383); echo '<br/>';
uchr(array(23383,215,23383,215,23383)); echo '<br/>';

mwgamera at gmail dot com
22.08.2006 17:20
Unicode version of chr() using mbstring
function unichr($u) {
mb_convert_encoding(pack("N",$u), mb_internal_encoding(), 'UCS-4BE');
It returns a string in internal encoding (possibly more than one byte).
17.02.2006 4:34
I didn't see it here, so here's simple random string generation using char.

for($i=0; $i<7; $i++){
$random_string .= chr(rand(0,25)+65);
sgaston at mercy corps dot ()rg
13.02.2006 23:52
I found this function useful as a way to detect and to replace Microsoft Smart Quotes when desplaying info on a webpage.

The following lines seem to do the trick:

= "string containing Microsoft Smart Quotes...";
$chrs = array (chr(150), chr(147), chr(148), chr(146));
$repl = array ("-", "\"", "\"", "'");
$text = str_replace($chrs, $repl, $text);
plugwash at p10link dot net
14.01.2006 21:41
bear in mind that php doesn't really care about character sets. php strings are just arbitary byte sequences thier meaning (especailly when you go beyond code 127) depends entirely on whats interpreting the data (in the case of a browser the charset specified in the http headers).
admin at icstrategy dot midgetforhire dot com
8.01.2006 19:51
I made a password generator with this function...

= 8;
$pass = "";
$i = 0;
$i <= $passlength)
$pass .= chr(rand(33,126));

Ofcourse you can change passlength.

Example of an 8-char password:

I realise it isn't compatible for all sites, but most will accept :)
grey - greywyvern - com
19.08.2005 16:55
I spent hours looking for a function which would take a numeric HTML entity value and output the appropriate UTF-8 bytes.  I found this at another site and only had to modify it slightly; so I don't take credit for this.

<?php function unichr($dec) {
  if (
$dec < 128) {
$utf = chr($dec);
  } else if (
$dec < 2048) {
$utf = chr(192 + (($dec - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
$utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));
  } else {
$utf = chr(224 + (($dec - ($dec % 4096)) / 4096));
$utf .= chr(128 + ((($dec % 4096) - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
$utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));

So for example:


= "Chinese: &#20013;&#25991;";
$str = preg_replace("/&#(\d{2,5});/e", "unichr($1);", $str);


24.05.2005 16:15
If you want to increment your letter, which is stored as a string, you have to convert it back to an integer first.

=strtolower($_GET['letter']);    //You wanted this originally, but not decided you want the previous letter
$letter=ord($letter);            //Convert to an integer
$letter=chr($letter-1);            //Convert back to a string, but the previous letter (naturally won't work with A or a)
sarabas at itstudio dot pl
17.02.2005 13:26
The following function helped me to generate ascii-only usernames from firstname/lastname containing iso-8859-2 characters. The convertion array was based on contents of 'man iso-8859-2'.

Example: iso2ascii("b&#322;a&#380;ej.&#378;d&#378;b&#322;o") returns "blazej.zdzblo"

function iso2ascii($str) {
chr(161)=>'A', chr(163)=>'L', chr(165)=>'L', chr(166)=>'S', chr(169)=>'S',
chr(170)=>'S', chr(171)=>'T', chr(172)=>'Z', chr(174)=>'Z', chr(175)=>'Z',
chr(177)=>'a', chr(179)=>'l', chr(181)=>'l', chr(182)=>'s', chr(185)=>'s',
chr(186)=>'s', chr(187)=>'t', chr(188)=>'z', chr(190)=>'z', chr(191)=>'z',
chr(192)=>'R', chr(193)=>'A', chr(194)=>'A', chr(195)=>'A', chr(196)=>'A',
chr(197)=>'L', chr(198)=>'C', chr(199)=>'C', chr(200)=>'C', chr(201)=>'E',
chr(202)=>'E', chr(203)=>'E', chr(204)=>'E', chr(205)=>'I', chr(206)=>'I',
chr(207)=>'D', chr(208)=>'D', chr(209)=>'N', chr(210)=>'N', chr(211)=>'O',
chr(212)=>'O', chr(213)=>'O', chr(214)=>'O', chr(216)=>'R', chr(217)=>'U',
chr(218)=>'U', chr(219)=>'U', chr(220)=>'U', chr(221)=>'Y', chr(222)=>'T',
chr(223)=>'s', chr(224)=>'r', chr(225)=>'a', chr(226)=>'a', chr(227)=>'a',
chr(228)=>'a', chr(229)=>'l', chr(230)=>'c', chr(231)=>'c', chr(232)=>'c',
chr(233)=>'e', chr(234)=>'e', chr(235)=>'e', chr(236)=>'e', chr(237)=>'i',
chr(238)=>'i', chr(239)=>'d', chr(240)=>'d', chr(241)=>'n', chr(242)=>'n',
chr(243)=>'o', chr(244)=>'o', chr(245)=>'o', chr(246)=>'o', chr(248)=>'r',
chr(249)=>'u', chr(250)=>'u', chr(251)=>'u', chr(252)=>'u', chr(253)=>'y',
tenyou at gmail dot com
15.07.2004 8:05
When having to deal with parsing an IIS4 or IIS5 metabase dump I wrote a simple function for converting those MS hexidecimal values into their ascii counter parts. Hopefully someone will find use for it.

function hex_decode($string)  {
        for (
$i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i)  {
$decoded .= chr(hexdec(substr($string,$i,2)));
$i = (float)($i)+2;
jmartin at prescientsoftware dot com
13.04.2004 23:42
Here is a function that will convert column numbers in to a letters for use in a spreadsheet.  It is limited up to 'ZZ' but can easliy by modifed.

function col2chr($a){
$a > 26){
$a = $a-26;               
$b = strtoupper(chr($b+96));   
$a = strtoupper(chr($a+96));               
perrodin at laposte dot net
12.04.2004 1:20
Note that if the number is higher than 256, it will return the number mod 256.
For example :
chr(321)=A because A=65(256)
jgray at triangle dash solutions dot com
25.07.2003 19:20
Lowercase alphabet:
<?php for($a=97;$a<(97+26);$a++){ echo chr($a); } ?>
infoserv at chollian dot net
25.06.2003 5:16
Cutting Korean(2Byte)-String

function cutStr($str,$len){
strlen($str) > $len){
$str = substr($str,0,$len - 2);
strlen(substr(strrchr($str," "),1)) % 2)
$str = substr($str,0,strlen($str) - 1);
$str .= "..";
27.03.2003 3:12
A quick function that I use to make strings "XML" compliant, changing every special character into their #$... equivalent.

htmlentities doesn't get all of the chars above 127, so the second part of this (which I stole from one of the comments above) finishes the process, returning a nice, xml happy string.

function strictify ( $string ) {

$fixed = htmlentities( $string, ENT_QUOTES );

$trans_array = array();
        for (
$i=127; $i<255; $i++) {
$trans_array[chr($i)] = "&#" . $i . ";";

$really_fixed = strtr($fixed, $trans_array);



7.03.2003 5:19
Note that chr(10) is a 'line feed' and chr(13) is a 'carriage return' and they are not the same thing! I found this out while attempting to parse text from forms and text files for inclusion as HTML by replacing all the carriage returns with <BR>'s only to find after many head-scratchings that I should have been looking for line feeds. If anyone can shed some light on what the difference is, please do.

If you're planning on saving text from a form into a database for later display, you'll need to apply the following function so that it gets saved with the proper HTML tags.

= str_replace ( chr(10), "<BR>", $text );

When you want to plug it back into that form for editing you need to convert it back.

= str_replace ( "<BR>", chr(10), $text)

Hope this saves somebody some trouble. :)
joeldegan AT
14.12.2002 23:53
Want terminal colors in command line php scripts?

This should take care of that.

= array(
'LIGHT_RED'      => "[1;31m",
'LIGHT_GREEN'     => "[1;32m",
'YELLOW'     => "[1;33m",
'LIGHT_BLUE'     => "[1;34m",
'MAGENTA'     => "[1;35m",
'LIGHT_CYAN'     => "[1;36m",
'WHITE'     => "[1;37m",
'NORMAL'     => "[0m",
'BLACK'     => "[0;30m",
'RED'         => "[0;31m",
'GREEN'     => "[0;32m",
'BROWN'     => "[0;33m",
'BLUE'         => "[0;34m",
'CYAN'         => "[0;36m",
'BOLD'         => "[1m",
'UNDERSCORE'     => "[4m",
'REVERSE'     => "[7m",


termcolored($text, $color="NORMAL", $back=1){
$out = $_colors["$color"];
$out == ""){ $out = "[0m"; }
}// end function

echo termcolored("test\n", "BLUE");
gschafer at robandger dot com
9.11.2002 1:17
Here's a small function I wrote up to generate random passwords using the chr() function.

function randPass($len)
$pw = ''; //intialize to be blank
1: $pw.=chr(rand(48,57));  break; //0-9
case 2: $pw.=chr(rand(65,90));  break; //A-Z
case 3: $pw.=chr(rand(97,122)); break; //a-z


= randPass(10); //assigns 10-character password

I found this useful in my early coding days... I'm sure someone else will too :D

29.06.2002 5:05
This bit of code will convert all those lovely tilde,umlaut etc. etc. characters into safe character codes:

= array();
    for (
$i=127; $i<255; $i++) {
$trans_array[chr($i)] = "&#" . $i . ";";
$outtext = strtr($intext, $trans_array);
webmaster at project-enigma dot net
13.04.2002 21:51
\n == &#13;
Usefull if u want to display multi-line-alt-strings
e.g. <img src="/gifs/php_logo.gif" alt="Here u can see the&#13;PHPLogo&#13;3rd line">
27.03.2001 5:31
Here is a function that's help me find what chr(number) outputs what character quicker than typing out 256 echo tags.

function listChr(){
  for (
$i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
"chr($genNum) will output '";
  echo (
"'< br>\n";

Another helpful chr is #9, being a tab.  Quite using when making error logs.

 $tab = (chr(9));
 echo "<pre>error{$tab}date{$tab}time</pre>";

 -- HappyEvil
ddawsonNOSPAM at execpc dot com
10.05.2000 1:59
[Editor's note:

%c is defined as: "Print the character belonging to the ascii code given"

chr() just gives a string, so you need to use %s, even if the string consists of only one character. This is consistent with other languages.]

Learn from my mistake:
Do not expect this to work!

= chr(63);
$v_out = sprintf("<%cphp\n", $c_question);
//... more stuff being sprintf'd into v_out here ...
$v_out = sprintf("%s%c>\n", $v_out, $c_question);
$v_fp = fopen("foofile", "w");
if (
fwrite($v_fp, $v_out, strlen($v_out));

When I did this, foofile contained <NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL>.
I spun my wheels quite awhile looking at fputs, fwrite to verify I was calling those functions correctly.
My mistake was using $c_question = chr(63) instead of
$c_question = 63 (correct).  Then everything worked fine.

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