PHP Doku:: Tell the precision of a field - function.oci-field-precision.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

OCI8 Funktionen




(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_field_precisionTell the precision of a field


int oci_field_precision ( resource $statement , int $field )

Returns precision of the field.

For FLOAT columns, precision is nonzero and scale is -127. If precision is 0, then column is NUMBER. Else it's NUMBER(precision, scale).



A valid OCI statement identifier.


Can be the field's index (1-based) or name.


Returns the precision as an integer, or FALSE on errors.



In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ocicolumnprecision() instead. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_field_precision() for downwards compatability. This, however, is deprecated and not recommended.

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webmaster at smwebdesigns dot com
15.10.2007 14:58
I did not test well before posting previous code.  This if statement works and the other does not.

if( ocicolumnscale($R, $i ) != 129 )
    $int_decimal = ocicolumnscale($R, $i );
    $int_length = ocicolumnprecision($R, $i) - $int_decimal;
webmaster at smwebdesigns dot com
11.10.2007 21:39
I've found that when using ocicolumnprecision or oci_field_precision it will not show you the decimal places if you are are reading from tables with decimals.  You can use ocicolumnscale or oci_field_scale to find the decimal.

if( ocicolumnscale($R, $i ) > 0 )
    $int_decimal = ocicolumnscale($R, $i );
    $int_length = ocicolumnprecision($R, $i) - $int_decimal;

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