PHP Doku:: Connect to an Oracle database - function.oci-connect.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

OCI8 Funktionen




(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_connectConnect to an Oracle database


resource oci_connect ( string $username , string $password [, string $connection_string [, string $character_set [, int $session_mode ]]] )

Returns a connection identifier needed for most other OCI8 operations.

See Connection Handling for general information on connection management and connection pooling.

From PHP 5.1.2 (PECL OCI8 1.1) oci_close() can be used to close the connection.

The second and subsequent calls to oci_connect() with the same parameters will return the connection handle returned from the first call. This means that transactions in one handle are also in the other handles, because they use the same underlying database connection. If two handles need to be transactionally isolated from each other, use oci_new_connect() instead.



The Oracle user name.


The password for username.


Beinhaltet die Oracle-Instanz, mit der verbunden werden soll. Dies kann eine » Easy Connect Zeichenkette, ein Connect-Name aus der Datei tnsnames.ora oder der Name einer lokalen Oracle-Instanz sein.

Wenn dies nicht angegebe wird, verwendet PHP Umgebungsvariablen wie TWO_TASK (unter Linux), LOCAL (unter Windows) oder ORACLE_SID um die Oracle-Instanz mit der verbunden werden soll zu ermitteln.

Um die benannte Easy Connect Methode zu verwenden, muss PHP gegen die Clientbibliotheken von Oracle 10g oder höher gelinkt sein. Die Easy Connect Zeichenfolge für Oracle 10g hat den Aufbau: [//]host_name[:port][/service_name]. Für Oracle 11g ist die Syntax: [//]host_name[:port][/service_name][:server_type][/instance_name]. Service name kann bestimmt werden, indem man das Oracle-Hilfswerkzeug lsnrctl status auf dem Datenbankserver ausführt.

Die Datei tnsnames.ora kann sich im Oracle Net Suchpfad befinden, welcher $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin sowie /etc beinhaltet. Alternativ kann TNS_ADMIN auf einen Wert gesetzt werden, damit $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora gelesen wird. Es muss sichergestellt sein, dass der Webserver Leseberechtigung für die Datei besitzt.


Bestimmt den Zeichensatz, der von den Oracle Client Bibliotheken verwendet wird. Dieser Zeichensatz muss nicht dem von der Datenbank verwendeten Zeichensatz entsprechen. Wenn diese nicht übereinstimmen, wird Oracle bestmöglich versuchen, die Daten in den Datenbankzeichensatz zu übersetzen. Abhängig von den Zeichensätzen kann dies zu unbrauchbaren Ergebnissen führen. Diese Konvertierung führt auch zu einem erhöhten Zeitbedarf.

Falls nicht angegeben, werden die Oracle Client Bibliotheken versuchen, den Zeichensatz aus der Umgebungsvariablen NLS_LANG auszulesen.

Die Übergabe dieses Parameters verringert die Zeit für den verbindungsaufbau.


Dieser Parameter ist seit PHP 5 (PECL OCI8 1.1) verfügbar und akzeptiert die folgenden Werte: OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_SYSOPER und OCI_SYSDBA. Falls entweder OCI_SYSOPER oder OCI_SYSDBA angegeben wurden wird diese Funktion versuchen die priviligierte Verbindung mit externen Credentials aufzubauen. Um diese einzuschalten muss man oci8.privileged_connect auf On setzen.

PHP 5.3 (PECL OCI8 1.3.4) hat den Wert OCI_CRED_EXT eingeführt. Dies konfiguriert Oracle dazu eine externe oder Os-Authentifizierung vorzunehmen, welche in der Datenbank konfiguriert werden muss. Der Schalter OCI_CRED_EXT kann nur mit dem Benutzernamen "/" und einem leeren Passwort verwendet werden. oci8.privileged_connect kann entweder On oder Off sein.

OCI_CRED_EXT kann mit OCI_SYSOPER oder OCI_SYSDBA kombiniert werden.

OCI_CRED_EXT ist auf Windows-Systemen aus sicherheitsgründen nicht unterstützt.


Returns a connection identifier or FALSE on error.


Beispiel #1 Basic oci_connect() using Easy Connect syntax


// Connects to the XE service (i.e. database) on the "localhost" machine
$conn oci_connect('hr''welcome''localhost/XE');
if (!
$conn) {
$e oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR);

$stid oci_parse($conn'SELECT * FROM employees');

"<table border='1'>\n";
while (
$row oci_fetch_array($stidOCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
    foreach (
$row as $item) {
"    <td>" . ($item !== null htmlentities($itemENT_QUOTES) : "&nbsp;") . "</td>\n";


Beispiel #2 Basic oci_connect() using a Network Connect name


// Connects to the MYDB database described in tnsnames.ora file,
// One example tnsnames.ora entry for MYDB could be:
//   MYDB =
//       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
//       (CONNECT_DATA =
//         (SERVER = DEDICATED)
//         (SERVICE_NAME = XE)
//       )
//     )

$conn oci_connect('hr''welcome''MYDB');
if (!
$conn) {
$e oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR);

$stid oci_parse($conn'SELECT * FROM employees');

"<table border='1'>\n";
while (
$row oci_fetch_array($stidOCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
    foreach (
$row as $item) {
"    <td>" . ($item !== null htmlentities($itemENT_QUOTES) : "&nbsp;") . "</td>\n";


Beispiel #3 oci_connect() with an explicit character set


if (!
$conn) {
$e oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), E_USER_ERROR);

$stid oci_parse($conn'SELECT * FROM employees');

"<table border='1'>\n";
while (
$row oci_fetch_array($stidOCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
    foreach (
$row as $item) {
"    <td>" . ($item !== null htmlentities($itemENT_QUOTES) : "&nbsp;") . "</td>\n";


Beispiel #4 Using multiple calls to oci_connect()


$c2 oci_connect("hr""welcome"'localhost/XE');

// Both $c1 and $c2 show the same PHP resource id meaning they use the
// same underlying database connection
echo "c1 is $c1<br>\n";
"c2 is $c2<br>\n";

$stmt oci_parse($conn"create table hallo (test varchar2(64))");
"Created table<br>\n";

$stmt oci_parse($conn"drop table hallo");
"Dropped table<br>\n";

$stmt oci_parse($conn"insert into hallo
              values(to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'))"
"$connname inserted row without committing<br>\n";

"$connname rollback<br>\n";

$stmt oci_parse($conn"select * from hallo");
"$connname ----selecting<br>\n";
    while (
oci_fetch($stmt)) {
"    " oci_result($stmt"TEST") . "<br>\n";
"$connname ----done<br>\n";


insert_data('c1'$c1);   // Insert a row using c1
sleep(2);                 // sleep to show a different timestamp for the 2nd row
insert_data('c2'$c2);   // Insert a row using c2

select_data('c1'$c1);   // Results of both inserts are returned
select_data('c2'$c2);   // Results of both inserts are returned

rollback('c1'$c1);      // Rollback using c1

select_data('c1'$c1);   // Both inserts have been rolled back


// Closing one of the connections makes the PHP variable unusable, but
// the other could be used
"c1 is $c1<br>\n";
"c2 is $c2<br>\n";

// Output is:
//    c1 is Resource id #5
//    c2 is Resource id #5
//    Created table
//    c1 inserted row without committing
//    c2 inserted row without committing
//    c1 ----selecting
//        09-DEC-09 12:14:43
//        09-DEC-09 12:14:45
//    c1 ----done
//    c2 ----selecting
//        09-DEC-09 12:14:43
//        09-DEC-09 12:14:45
//    c2 ----done
//    c1 rollback
//    c1 ----selecting
//    c1 ----done
//    c2 ----selecting
//    c2 ----done
//    Dropped table
//    c1 is 
//    c2 is Resource id #5




An incorrectly installed or configured OCI8 extension will often manifest itself as a connection problem or error. See Installing/Configuring for troubleshooting information.


In PHP versions before 5.0.0 use ocilogon() instead. Der alte Funktionsname kann noch immer verwendet werden, dies ist jedoch veraltet und wird nicht empfohlen.

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10 BenutzerBeiträge:
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dali at dali dot net dot nz
6.12.2010 12:04
If you have issues connecting to an Oracle database from a script that's run via cron, make sure that your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set correctly.



to the top of your cron file
Jonathon Robinson
15.06.2010 20:12
Regarding the following statement in the documentation:
"The second and subsequent calls to oci_connect() with the same parameters will return the connection handle returned from the first call."

There's one caveat here.  Subsequent calls to oci_connect() will only return the same connection handle as the first call as long as a reference is held to the original handle.

For example, the following code will generate *one* connection handle:

= oci_connect($username, $password, $conn_info);
// Do stuff
$dbh = oci_connect$username, $password, $conn_info);
// Do more stuff

The follow code will generate *two* connection handles:
// Do stuff
// Do more stuff

getData() {
$dbh = oci_connect($username, $password, $conn_info);
// Do stuff

This is the result of PHP garbage collecting the handle at the end of the method scope.

If you want to isolate your DB layer through function calls but still want to leverage the fact that oci_connect can return the same handle, just keep a reference to the handle like so:

($username, $password, $conn_info) {
$dbh = oci_connect($username, $password, $conn_info);
$key = hash('md5', "$username|$password|$conn_info");
$GLOBALS[$key] = $dbh;
// Do stuff

I originally logged this as a bug but apparently this is the expected behaviour, likely because oci_close($dbh) just calls unset($dbh).
webmaster at moisesjafet dot com
19.04.2010 8:57
In order to use UTF8 charset in Oracle, just indicate the bespoke charset in the connection function.


= oci_connect('hr', 'welcome', 'localhost/XE', 'AL32UTF8');

Please look on the manual page of oci_connect for details.

If you also want to on the fly localize your app (date formatting, decimal separator, and so on) additionally use NLS values by alter session statements.

Never forget to indicate the app's charset to the browser for proper display.
drew dot carmichael at gmail dot com
3.07.2009 22:55
When using the OCI_CRED_EXT in php
if the ENV $ORACLE_SID is set the DB does not need to be specified explicitly and the connection will fail unless you provide a NULL DB value when creating the connection.

The $ORACLE_SID trumps the TNS name look up for the connection. So even a manual connection string in the DB parameter will fail.

So when the $ORACLE_SID Env is set a NULL passed instead of the DB name connects successfully.

Hope this saves some hair pulling when moving to %.3 and OS Authentications
Leandro da Cunha Campos
11.05.2009 20:04


(SERVICE_NAME = banco)
(INSTANCE_NAME = banco1)))"
$dbstr1 ="(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST =ip2)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = banco)
(INSTANCE_NAME = banco2)))"
$conn = oci_connect('user','password',$dbstr1)))
$conn = oci_connect('user','password',$dbstr) or die (ocierror()); }
sixd at php dot net
21.07.2008 22:16
From PHP 5.3 onwards:

A new OCI_CRED_EXT flag can be passed as the "session_mode" parameter
to oci_connect(), oci_new_connect() and oci_pconnect().

  $c1 = oci_connect("/", "", $db, null, OCI_CRED_EXT);

This tells Oracle to do external or OS authentication, if configured
in the database.

OCI_CRED_EXT can only be used with username of "/" and a empty
password.  Oci8.privileged_connection may be On or Off. 

OCI_CRED_EXT is not supported on Windows for security reasons.

The new flag may be combined with the existing OCI_SYSOPER or
OCI_SYSDBA modes (note: oci8.privileged_connection needs to be On for

  $c1 = oci_connect("/", "", $db, null, OCI_CRED_EXT+OCI_SYSOPER);
sixd at php dot net
1.07.2008 1:33
If you want to specify a connection timeout in case there is network problem, you can edit the client side (e.g. PHP side) sqlnet.ora file and set SQLNET.OUTBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT. This sets the upper time limit for establishing a connection right through to the DB, including the time for attempts to connect to other services.   It is available from Oracle onwards.

In Oracle 11.1, a slightly lighter-weight solution TCP.CONNECT_TIMEOUT was introduced.  It also is a sqlnet.ora parameter.  It bounds just the TCP connection establishment time, which is mostly where connection problem are seen.

The client sqlnet.ora file should be put in the same directory as the tnsnames.ora file.
sebastien.barbieri _at_ gmail dot com
13.09.2006 18:42
When you are using Oracle 9.2+ I would say that you MUST use the CHARSET parameter.

Of course, you will not notice it until there is accented character... so just specify it and you will avoid a big headache.

So for example here is our Oracle internal conf:
select * from nls_database_parameters;
PARAMETER                      VALUE
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------

NLS_LANGUAGE                   AMERICAN
NLS_TERRITORY                  AMERICA
NLS_CHARACTERSET               WE8ISO8859P15

And there our oci_connect call:


Without that, you will get question mark (inversed), squares… instead of most accented character.

Don’t forget to use that for writing as well as for reading.
ben at onshop dot co dot uk
14.07.2005 14:25
There is a useful solution to the problem of securing connection information in the PHP Cookbook (O'Reilly) by David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg. They propose using 'SetEnv' in the Apache configuration and then accessing the values from within a script using $_SERVER.

Unfortunately using the 'SetEnv' solution exposes your connection information to all users of that virtual host. If they run phpinfo.php or display $_SERVER, I found that they will see the password from any file under the root of that virtual host.

To restrict exposure to a particular directory or specific file:

1. First put an 'Include' to the secret file in httpd.conf. For example:

Include "/web/private/secret.txt"

2. In the password file, use the 'SetEnvIf' directive to enable the Environment variables by directory only or within a specific file. For example:

- For all files in the directory:

SetEnvIf Request_URI "/path/to/my/directory" ORACLE_PASS=5gHj790j

- For a specific file in the directory

SetEnvIf Request_URI "/path/to/my/directory/" ORACLE_PASS=5gHj790j
M0no at ethonfusino dot com
21.11.2002 19:04
If your oracle database is on a remote system within your local network and you don't want to worry about the tnsnames file you can try this.


$c1 = ocilogon("name","password",$db);

Hope this helps someone.

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