PHP Doku:: Liefert die UID für die gegebene Nachrichtennummer - function.imap-uid.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

IMAP Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imap_uidLiefert die UID für die gegebene Nachrichtennummer


int imap_uid ( resource $imap_stream , int $msg_number )

Diese Funktion liefert die UID für eine gegebene Nachrichtennummer. Eine UID ist ein eindeutiger Bezeichner für eine Nachricht der sich nicht mit der Zeit ändert während eine Nachrichtennummer sich bei jeder Veränderung des Postfachinhalts ändern kann. content of the mailbox changes.

Diese Funktion ist das Gegenstück zu imap_msgno().



Eine von imap_open() zurückgegebene IMAP-Verbindung.


Die Nachrichtennummer.


Die UID der gewünschten Nachricht.



Diese Funktion wird bei POP3 Postfächern nicht unterstützt.

Siehe auch

  • imap_msgno() - Liefert die Nachrichtennummer für eine gegebene UID

7 BenutzerBeiträge:
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15.07.2010 2:27
Be aware that the uid is unique in a single mailbox. That means a message can have as much uids as mailboxes
anon et mouse
28.01.2009 20:57
clarification for Andreas' note about imap_expunge()...

imap_expunge() does indeed change the UID, but only *after* the IMAP stream has closed and then reconnects.

You can use imap_expunge() as many times as you want within one IMAP stream (no reconnects) and the UID stays the same while the Msgno will change with imap_delete() followed by imap_expunge().
Andreas Seeger
24.07.2008 19:26
The uid will change in case of unsing imap_expunge. Be shure that
all work ist done before using imap_expunge.
roger at sdr dot com dot au
2.05.2008 4:34
A little quirk of UIDs in a PUBLIC folder in MDaemon (and perhaps other servers?). The UIDs may be unsynchronised between users if the server's option to store flags on a per-user basis is turned on. That is, a message may have a UID of 5 for one user (meaning it was the 5th message to enter the box) but 3 for another user (who perhaps subscribed to the box later). If this is a problem, turn off the per-user option for the mailbox.
steve_foley at excite dot com
5.09.2002 7:27
Please note that message_id in the header is NOT the UID - and its dangerous to use as many mail progs don't put a message id in
robert dot blanch at hsc dot utah dot edu
17.07.2002 4:25
Another way to get the UID without using imap_uid that works with pop3:

$header = imap_headerinfo( $mbox, $msgno );
$UID = $header->message_id;

20.06.2002 22:53
For those using a POP3 mailbox, this function, as noted, does not work.

One way around this is to use direct FTP communication with the mail server.  For example, the following function takes a mailbox/password and message sequence number, and from this returns the message UID.

function fetch_UID($account, $password, $message_number)
    $retval = 0;
    $fp = fsockopen($POPMAILSERVER, 110);
    if ($fp > 0)
        $buf = fgets($fp, 1024);

        fputs($fp, "USER $account\r\n");
        $buf = fgets($fp, 1024);

        fputs($fp, "PASS $password\r\n");
        $buf = fgets($fp, 1024);

        fputs($fp, "UIDL $message_number\r\n");
        $retval=fgets($fp, 1024);

        fputs($fp, "QUIT\r\n");
        $buf = fgets($fp,1024);

    return substr($retval,6,30);

Note: 110 is the TCP port commonly associated with a POP3 mailbox.  Also the substr() function is used to trim the +OK and the message number from the beginning of the server's response.

I'm sure there are other (better) ways to do this.  But after a fruitless search of the internet, this is what I came up with, and it seems to work for me.

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