PHP Doku:: Sendet eine Email Nachricht - function.imap-mail.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

IMAP Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

imap_mailSendet eine Email Nachricht


bool imap_mail ( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, string $additional_headers = NULL [, string $cc = NULL [, string $bcc = NULL [, string $rpath = NULL ]]]] )

Diese Funktion ermöglicht das Senden von Email inclusive der richtigen Behandlung von Cc und Bcc Kopffeldern.

Die Parameter to, cc und bcc sind Textstrings die als Adresslisten gemäß » RFC822 interpretiert werden.



Der Empfänger der Nachricht


Die Betreffzeile der Nachricht


Der Inhalt der Nachricht


Ein Textstring mit zusätzlichen Kopfzeilen.



Die mit bcc angegebenen weiteren Empfänger der Nachricht erhalten diese, werden aber nicht im Nachrichtenkopf aufgeführt.


Rückgabeadresse bei felgeschlagener Zustellung der Nachricht. Diese ist nützlich wenn PHP als Email Client für mehrere Benutzer genutzt wird.


Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

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7 BenutzerBeiträge:
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chris dot weatherby at microstravel dot com
29.04.2010 14:19
Note: this function is a local wrapper round sendmail (or the php win32 mail functions), rather than using the imap c-client smtp functionality to sendmail. Do not expect error handling by the c-client library to be returned by this as I did.
Mathias Rav
23.06.2009 18:07
As per the $rpath argument is ignored, and since the (as of now) 4 year old bug is tagged WONTFIX in the bug tracker, this function is effectively deprecated in favour of mail().
uphonesimon at gmail dot com
23.12.2005 8:45
make sure you've correctly setup the SMTP parameters in php.ini
and aslo make sure that the SMTP server accepts relay

for some mail servers, you have to open up an imap stream, log in, and then you can send mail through imap_mail
nick at divbyzero dot com
13.07.2005 5:24
FYI, to finish your message post over telnet, enter a period (".") by itself as the last line of the post. Took me a while to google this so I thought I'd share. Then you can disconnect with 'quit'.
bandpay at hotmail dot com
5.01.2001 15:01
Extending the above note.
When the socket connection is stablished, it works exactly as if you had openned a telnet connection to the news server. If you don't know what kind of headers you have to send to the news server, then I'll suggest that you better give it a try and play with a telnet connection like this:

telenet 119


telnet 119
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
200 (Typhoon v1.2.1)

then you'll receive confirmation from the server that you are connected. Now type "help" and enter, and you'll see what commands are supported.


100 Legal Commands
  article [<messageid>|number]
  authinfo type value
  body [<messageid>|number]
  group newsgroup
  head [<messageid>|number]
  list [active wildmat|active.times|counts wildmat]
  list [overview.fmt|newsgroups wildmat]
  listgroup newsgroup
  mode reader
  newgroups yyyymmdd hhmmss [GMT]
  newnews newsgroups yyyymmdd hhmmss [GMT]
  stat [<messageid>|number]
  xhdr field [range]
  xover [range]
  xpat field range pattern

If you want to post a message, you can start by entring the "post" command.


340 Send Article to be Posted

From here you can start to enter the header information.
The most important headers are:

after the ":" a "white space" must follow.

If you are posting the multipart message then remember
MIME-Version: 1.0

This one is also one of the important headers when you are posting a multipart message. The boundary must follow the content type in the same line.

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------4A11A9ABCFCA70DD4E0C3605"

Take a look at the article below to find out more about headers and packing of the message.
bandpay at hotmail dot com
28.12.2000 15:01
If you need to send messages to a NNTP server, and you don't find the function, which is sufficient for this job, then use this.

$stream = fsockopen($server,$port, &$errno, &$errstr);
fwrite($stream, "POST\r\n");
fwrite($stream, "Newsgoups "$newsgroup."\n");
$fwrite ($stream, " What ever you need to write\n");
fwrite($stream, "The rest of what you like to write\n");

There are ofcourse not so straight, but if you know which parameters your message needs, you can do it like this.

You can build up a message with imap_mail_compose ();

When you a complete message then U can write it to the server, and the server will take care of the time,  date, Massage-ID and so on, but you have to know the sturcture of the header which you make, and if you like to write a multipart message, then you better get to know it in details.

In case that you know a better way, please inform me.
Good luck.
mgsander at schaap dot dhs dot org
3.12.2000 19:09
You can change the From field in your message by specifying "From:" in the additional_headers field.

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