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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

MySQL Improved Extension

<<The MySQLi Extension Function Summary

mysqli->affected_rows -- mysqli_affected_rows>>


The MySQLi class


Represents a connection between PHP and a MySQL database.


MySQLi {
/* Eigenschaften */
int $affected_rows;
string $client_info;
int $client_version;
string $connect_errno;
string $connect_error;
int $errno;
string $error;
int $field_count;
int $client_version;
string $host_info;
string $protocol_version;
string $server_info;
int $server_version;
string $info;
mixed $insert_id;
string $sqlstate;
int $thread_id;
int $warning_count;
/* Methoden */
int MySQLi::mysqli_affected_rows ( mysqli $link )
bool mysqli::autocommit ( bool $mode )
bool mysqli::change_user ( string $user , string $password , string $database )
string mysqli_get_client_info ( mysqli $link )
bool mysqli::close ( void )
bool mysqli::commit ( void )
int mysqli_connect_errno ( void )
string mysqli_connect_error ( void )
mysqli mysqli_connect ([ string $host = ini_get("mysqli.default_host") [, string $username = ini_get("mysqli.default_user") [, string $passwd = ini_get("mysqli.default_pw") [, string $dbname = "" [, int $port = ini_get("mysqli.default_port") [, string $socket = ini_get("mysqli.default_socket") ]]]]]] )
bool mysqli::debug ( string $message )
int mysqli_errno ( mysqli $link )
string mysqli_error ( mysqli $link )
int mysqli_field_count ( mysqli $link )
object mysqli::get_charset ( void )
string mysqli::get_client_info ( void )
array mysqli_get_client_stats ( void )
string mysqli_get_host_info ( mysqli $link )
string mysqli_get_server_info ( mysqli $link )
mysqli_warning mysqli::get_warnings ( void )
string mysqli_info ( mysqli $link )
mysqli mysqli::init ( void )
mixed mysqli_insert_id ( mysqli $link )
bool mysqli::kill ( int $processid )
bool mysqli::more_results ( void )
bool mysqli::multi_query ( string $query )
bool mysqli::next_result ( void )
bool mysqli::options ( int $option , mixed $value )
bool mysqli::ping ( void )
public int mysqli::poll ( array &$read , array &$error , array &$reject , int $sec [, int $usec ] )
mysqli_stmt mysqli::prepare ( string $query )
mixed mysqli::query ( string $query [, int $resultmode ] )
bool mysqli::real_connect ([ string $host [, string $username [, string $passwd [, string $dbname [, int $port [, string $socket [, int $flags ]]]]]]] )
string mysqli::escape_string ( string $escapestr )
bool mysqli::real_query ( string $query )
public mysqli_result mysqli::reap_async_query ( void )
bool mysqli::rollback ( void )
bool mysqli::select_db ( string $dbname )
bool mysqli::set_charset ( string $charset )
bool mysqli::set_local_infile_handler ( mysqli $link , callback $read_func )
string mysqli_sqlstate ( mysqli $link )
bool mysqli::ssl_set ( string $key , string $cert , string $ca , string $capath , string $cipher )
string mysqli::stat ( void )
mysqli_stmt mysqli::stmt_init ( void )
mysqli_result mysqli::store_result ( void )
int mysqli_thread_id ( mysqli $link )
bool mysqli_thread_safe ( void )
mysqli_result mysqli::use_result ( void )


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