(PECL pecl_http >= 0.1.0)
http_chunked_decode — Decode chunked-encoded data
Decodes a string which is HTTP-chunked encoded.
chunked encoded string
Returns the decoded string on successIm Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben..
Beispiel #1 A http_chunked_decode() example
$string = "".
"this \r\n".
"string \r\n".
"is chunked encoded\r\n".
echo http_chunked_decode($string);
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:
this string is chunked encoded
Here's a PHP implementation for those less interested in installing a pecl module. It's a bit naive (doesn't handle multiple byte encodings), but it works. I'm also including my is_hex() implementation at no additional cost.
if (!function_exists('http-chunked-decode')) {
* dechunk an http 'transfer-encoding: chunked' message
* @param string $chunk the encoded message
* @return string the decoded message. If $chunk wasn't encoded properly it will be returned unmodified.
function http_chunked_decode($chunk) {
$pos = 0;
$len = strlen($chunk);
$dechunk = null;
while(($pos < $len)
&& ($chunkLenHex = substr($chunk,$pos, ($newlineAt = strpos($chunk,"\n",$pos+1))-$pos)))
if (! is_hex($chunkLenHex)) {
trigger_error('Value is not properly chunk encoded', E_USER_WARNING);
return $chunk;
$pos = $newlineAt + 1;
$chunkLen = hexdec(rtrim($chunkLenHex,"\r\n"));
$dechunk .= substr($chunk, $pos, $chunkLen);
$pos = strpos($chunk, "\n", $pos + $chunkLen) + 1;
return $dechunk;
* determine if a string can represent a number in hexadecimal
* @param string $hex
* @return boolean true if the string is a hex, otherwise false
function is_hex($hex) {
// regex is for weenies
$hex = strtolower(trim(ltrim($hex,"0")));
if (empty($hex)) { $hex = 0; };
$dec = hexdec($hex);
return ($hex == dechex($dec));