(PHP 4, PHP 5)
getdate — Gibt Datums- und Zeitinformationen zurück
Gibt ein assoziatives array mit Datums- und Zeitangaben des angegebenen timestamp zurück. Ist kein Timestamp angegeben, wird die lokal gültige Zeit verwendet.
Gibt ein assoziatives Array mit Informationen zum timestamp zurück. Die Elemente des zurückgegebenen assoziativen Arrays sind folgende:
Key | Beschreibung | Beispiel für Rückgabewerte |
"seconds" | Numerische Repräsentation der Sekunden | zwischen 0 und 59 |
"minutes" | Numerische Repräsentation der Minuten | zwischen 0 und 59 |
"hours" | Numerische Repräsentation der Stunden | zwischen 0 und 23 |
"mday" | Numerische Repräsentation des Monatstags | zwischen 1 und 31 |
"wday" | Numerische Repräsentation des Wochentags | zwischen 0 (für Sonntag) und 6 (für Sonnabend) |
"mon" | Numerische Repräsentation des Monats | zwischen 1 und 12 |
"year" | Eine vollständige numerische Repräsentation der Jahreszahl (vierstellig) | Beispiele: 1999 oder 2003 |
"yday" | Numerische Repräsentation des Tages des Jahres | zwischen 0 und 365 |
"weekday" | Eine vollständige textuelle Repräsentation des Wochentags | zwischen Sonntag und Sonnabend |
"month" | Eine vollständige textuelle Repräsentation des Monatsnamens, wie Januar oder März | zwischenJanuar und Dezember |
0 | Sekunden seit der Unix Epoche, ähnlich den Werten, die von der Funktion time() zurückgegeben und von der Funktion date() verwendet werden. | Abhängig vom System, typischerweise ein Wert zwischen -2147483648 und 2147483647. |
Beispiel #1 getdate()-Beispiel
$heute = getdate();
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:
Array ( [seconds] => 40 [minutes] => 58 [hours] => 21 [mday] => 17 [wday] => 2 [mon] => 6 [year] => 2003 [yday] => 167 [weekday] => Tuesday [month] => June [0] => 1055901520 )
A function/method to calculate the next workday, taking into account US federal holidays:
function getNextWorkDayTime($date=null)
$time = is_string($date) ? strtotime($date) : (is_int($date) ? $date : time());
$y = date('Y', $time);
// calculate federal holidays
$holidays = array();
// month/day (jan 1st). iteration/wday/month (3rd monday in january)
$hdata = array('1/1'/*newyr*/, '7/4'/*jul4*/, '11/11'/*vet*/, '12/25'/*xmas*/, '3/1/1'/*mlk*/, '3/1/2'/*pres*/, '5/1/5'/*memo*/, '1/1/9'/*labor*/, '2/1/10'/*col*/, '4/4/11'/*thanks*/);
foreach ($hdata as $h1) {
$h = explode('/', $h1);
if (sizeof($h)==2) { // by date
$htime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $h[0], $h[1], $y); // time of holiday
$w = date('w', $htime); // get weekday of holiday
$htime += $w==0 ? 86400 : ($w==6 ? -86400 : 0); // if weekend, adjust
} else { // by weekday
$htime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $h[2], 1, $y); // get 1st day of month
$w = date('w', $htime); // weekday of first day of month
$d = 1+($h[1]-$w+7)%7; // get to the 1st weekday
for ($t=$htime, $i=1; $i<=$h[0]; $i++, $d+=7) { // iterate to nth weekday
$t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $h[2], $d, $y); // get next weekday
if (date('n', $t)>$h[2]) break; // check that it's still in the same month
$htime = $t; // valid
$holidays[] = $htime; // save the holiday
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++, $time+=86400) { // 5 days should be enough to get to workday
if (in_array(date('w', $time), array(0, 6))) continue; // skip weekends
foreach ($holidays as $h) { // iterate through holidays
if ($time>=$h && $time<$h+86400) continue 2; // skip holidays
break; // found the workday
return $time;
[EDIT BY danbrown AT php DOT net: Contains a bugfix by (yhbeh888 AT yahoo DOT com) on 24-FEB-2010 to address a bug in the "7th line counted from the bottom."]
/* Function to find the first and last day of the month from the given date.
* Author Binu v Pillai binupillai2003@yahoo.com
* @Param String yyyy-mm-dd
function findFirstAndLastDay($anyDate)
//$anyDate = '2009-08-25'; // date format should be yyyy-mm-dd
list($yr,$mn,$dt) = split('-',$anyDate); // separate year, month and date
$timeStamp = mktime(0,0,0,$mn,1,$yr); //Create time stamp of the first day from the give date.
$firstDay = date('D',$timeStamp); //get first day of the given month
list($y,$m,$t) = split('-',date('Y-m-t',$timeStamp)); //Find the last date of the month and separating it
$lastDayTimeStamp = mktime(0,0,0,$m,$t,$y);//create time stamp of the last date of the give month
$lastDay = date('D',$lastDayTimeStamp);// Find last day of the month
$arrDay = array("$firstDay","$lastDay"); // return the result in an array format.
return $arrDay;
print $dayArray[0];
print $dayArray[1];
Here is another gmgetdate that is a little faster/suscint (no loops).
function gmgetdate2($ts = null){
$k = array('seconds','minutes','hours','mday',
It also returns the values in the same order as getdate.
I couldn't get the last 2 examples of gmgetdate() to work, so here's a modification that did work for me that behaves exactly like getdate() :
function gmgetdate($timestamp = null) {
if (is_null($timestamp)) { $timestamp = time(); }
$dateParts = array(
'mday' => 'j',
'wday' => 'w',
'yday' => 'z',
'mon' => 'n',
'year' => 'Y',
'hours' => 'G',
'minutes' => 'i',
'seconds' => 's',
'weekday' => 'l',
'month' => 'F',
0 => 'U'
while (list($part, $format) = each($dateParts)) {
$GMdateParts[$part] = gmdate($format, $timestamp);
return $GMdateParts;
For those who want the gmgetdate function that matches the behaviour of getdate:
function gmgetdate($timestamp = null) {
if (is_null($timestamp)) { $timestamp = time(); }
$dateParts = array(
'mday' => 'j',
'wday' => 'w',
'yday' => 'z',
'mon' => 'n',
'year' => 'Y',
'hours' => 'G',
'minutes' => 'i',
'seconds' => 's',
'weekday' => 'l',
'month' => 'F',
0 => 'U'
while (list(, $value) = each($dateParts)) {
$value = gmdate($value, $timestamp);
if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = (int)$value; }
return $dateParts;
It's worth noting that this is local time, not UTC/GMT - gmgetdate doesn't exist :(.
The most logical way to handle date arithmetic without hitting DST problems is to work in UTC...
function add_days($my_date,$numdays) {
$date_t = strtotime($my_date.' UTC');
return gmdate('Y-m-d',$date_t + ($numdays*86400));
[it's even faster if you use gmmktime instead of strtotime]
I thought best to show a posseble way to go about bypassing the end month issue where the first day in a new month will have the monday of the week that it falls in - in the old month. Use the numbering of days as the constant and work you way from there.
$now = time();
$num = date("w");
if ($num == 0)
{ $sub = 6; }
else { $sub = ($num-1); }
$WeekMon = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $now) , date("d", $now)-$sub, date("Y", $now)); //monday week begin calculation
$todayh = getdate($WeekMon); //monday week begin reconvert
$d = $todayh[mday];
$m = $todayh[mon];
$y = $todayh[year];
echo "$d-$m-$y"; //getdate converted day
Allot less code makes everyone happy..
A nice little function I wrote to determine what number occurrence weekday it is of the month for a given timestamp. (I.e. 2nd Friday, or the 3rd Thursday)
Eg: print_r(getWeekdayOccurrence(mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 2006)));
Outputs: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => Friday ) [The first friday]
Eg. print_r(getWeekdayOccurrence(mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 17, 2009)));
Outputs: Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => Monday ) [The third Monday]
function getWeekdayOccurrence($time) {
$month = intval(date("m", $time)); $day = intval(date("d", $time));
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$days[] = date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, ($i+1), date("Y", $time)));
$posd = array_search(date("l", $time), $days);
$posdm = array_search($days[0], $days) - $posd; /
return array((($day+$posdm+6)/7), $days[$posd]);
* This function is similar to getdate() but it returns
* the month information.
* Returns an associative array containing the month
* information of the parameters, or the current month
* if no parameters are given.
function getmonth ($month = null, $year = null)
// The current month is used if none is supplied.
if (is_null($month))
$month = date('n');
// The current year is used if none is supplied.
if (is_null($year))
$year = date('Y');
// Verifying if the month exist
if (!checkdate($month, 1, $year))
return null;
// Calculating the days of the month
$first_of_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
$days_in_month = date('t', $first_of_month);
$last_of_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $days_in_month, $year);
$m = array();
$m['first_mday'] = 1;
$m['first_wday'] = date('w', $first_of_month);
$m['first_weekday'] = strftime('%A', $first_of_month);
$m['first_yday'] = date('z', $first_of_month);
$m['first_week'] = date('W', $first_of_month);
$m['last_mday'] = $days_in_month;
$m['last_wday'] = date('w', $last_of_month);
$m['last_weekday'] = strftime('%A', $last_of_month);
$m['last_yday'] = date('z', $last_of_month);
$m['last_week'] = date('W', $last_of_month);
$m['mon'] = $month;
$m['month'] = strftime('%B', $first_of_month);
$m['year'] = $year;
return $m;
// Output
print_r(getmonth(11, 1978));
// This functions calculates the next date only using business days
// 2 parameters, the startdate and the number of businessdays to add
function calcduedate($datecalc,$duedays) {
$i = 1;
while ($i <= $duedays) {
$datecalc += 86400; // Add a day.
$date_info = getdate( $datecalc );
if (($date_info["wday"] == 0) or ($date_info["wday"] == 6) ) {
$datecalc += 86400; // Add a day.
return $datecalc ;
getting weekday(actual date) from any give date.
function cal_date($wday,$tstamp)
return $tstamp-($wday*(24*3600));
function getweekday($m,$d,$y)
$Tdate = getdate($tstamp);
case 0;
//echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp);
case 1;
//echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp);
case 2;
//echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp);
case 3;
//echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp);
case 4;
//echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp);
case 5;
//echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp);
case 6;
//echo date("Y-m-d",$wstamp);
return $w;
getdate does not convert week numbers. this function relies on strftime to find a timestamp that falls on the monday of specified year and ISO week:
<?php function getisomonday($year, $week) {
# check input
$year = min ($year, 2038); $year = max ($year, 1970);
$week = min ($week, 53); $week = max ($week, 1);
# make a guess
$monday = mktime (1,1,1,1,7*$week,$year);
# count down to week
while (strftime('%V', $monday) != $week)
$monday -= 60*60*24*7;
# count down to monday
while (strftime('%u', $monday) != 1)
$monday -= 60*60*24;
# got it
return $monday;
} ?>
In addition to canby23 at ms19 post:
It's a very bad idea to consider day having 24 hours (86400 secs), because some days have 23, some - 25 hours due to daylight saving changes. Using of mkdate() and strtotime() is always preferred. strtotime() also has a very nice behaviour of datetime manipulations:
echo strtotime ("+1 day"), "\n";
echo strtotime ("+1 week"), "\n";
echo strtotime ("+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds"), "\n";
echo strtotime ("next Thursday"), "\n";
echo strtotime ("last Monday"), "\n";