(PECL geoip >= 1.0.3)
geoip_continent_code_by_name — Get the two letter continent code
The geoip_continent_code_by_name() function will return the two letter continent code corresponding to a hostname or an IP address.
The hostname or IP address whose location is to be looked-up.
Returns the two letter continent code on success, or FALSE if the address cannot be found in the database.
Beispiel #1 A geoip_continent_code_by_name() example
This will print where the host example.com is located.
$continent = geoip_continent_code_by_name('www.example.com');
if ($continent) {
echo 'This host is located in: ' . $continent;
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:
This host is located in: NA
The return values are not really documented anywhere in a straight-forward fashion.
The best I could find is a list of all countries and their associated continent codes, here: http://www.maxmind.com/app/country_continent
Leaving us with 7 possible continents:
AS for Asia
EU for Europe
SA for South America
AF for Africa
AN for µAntartica
OC for Oceania
NA for North America
As mentioned above, if the host/IP is not found in the database, the function returns FALSE.