PHP Doku:: Installation/Konfiguration - ming.setup.html

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Ming (flash)






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uwe dot feldmann at tas-gruppe dot de
15.12.2010 13:43
Installation on Ubuntu is quite simple, tested with version 5.2.10 on Apache2 / Ubuntu 6.4:

Install with (sudo) apt-get install php5-ming
Restart apache

You can check the installation with phpinfo(), it should show a chapter called "ming".
13.10.2008 0:31
The installation notes for ming 0.3.0 say:
"Feb 2006: This module is for PHP4, not PHP5. Use the ming module that
comes with PHP5 if you are running PHP5."

This is a little confusing as the installation notes here don't explain how to do this with php5.


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