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Das Verhalten dieser Funktionen wird durch Einstellungen in der php.ini beeinflusst.

Memtrack Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable
memtrack.enabled "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM
memtrack.soft_limit "0" PHP_INI_ALL
memtrack.hard_limit "0" PHP_INI_ALL
memtrack.vm_limit "0" PHP_INI_ALL
memtrack.ignore_functions "" PHP_INI_SYSTEM
Weitere Details und die Definitionen der PHP_INI_*-Konstanten finden Sie im php.ini Einstellungen.

Hier eine kurze Erklärung der Konfigurationsoptionen:

memtrack.enabled boolean

Disables or enables the extension. Default value is 0, i.e. disabled.

memtrack.soft_limit int

Soft memory limit.

The extension checks memory consumption before and after executing an op_array and produces a warning is the difference between the two values is equal to or greater than the soft limit, but only if the function is not ignored.

Setting this option to 0 also disables both soft and hard limit warnings. Default value is 0, i.e. no warnings is produced.

memtrack.hard_limit int

Hard memory limit.

The extension checks memory consumption before and after executing an op_array and produces a warning is the difference between the two values is equal to or greater than the hard limit, even if the function is ignored. Setting this option to 0 disables hard limit warnings completely. Default value is 0, i.e. no hard limit warnings is produced.

memtrack.vm_limit int

Virtual memory limit (set on a process).

This limit is checked only on shutdown and a warning is produced if the value is greater than or equal to the limit.

This option is currently supported only on OSes where mallinfo() function is available (i.e. Linux).

memtrack.ignore_functions string

A comma or whitespace-separated list of functions which are to be ignored by soft_limit. The values are case-insensitive, for class methods use class::method syntax.

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