Es ist möglich für jede Klasse konstante Werte zu definieren, die gleich und unabänderlich bleiben. Konstanten weichen darin von normalen Variablen ab, dass man nicht das $ Symbol benutzt, um sie zu deklarieren oder zu benutzen.
Der Wert kann nur ein konstanter Ausdruck sein, keine (zum Beispiel) Variablen, Klassenmamber, Ergebnisse einer mathematischen Operation oder Funktionsaufrufe.
Ein Interface kann ebenfalls constants enthalten. Die Interface-Dokumentation enthält Beispiele dazu.
Beginnend mit PHP 5.3.0 ist es möglich eine Variable als Klassenreferenz zu nutzen. Der Variablenwert kann kein Schlüsselwort (wie self, parent oder static) sein.
Beispiel #1 Eine Konstante definieren und benutzen
class MyClass
const constant = 'Konstanter Wert';
function showConstant() {
echo self::constant . "\n";
echo MyClass::constant . "\n";
$classname = "MyClass";
echo $classname::constant . "\n"; // Ab PHP 5.3.0
$class = new MyClass();
echo $class::constant; // Ab PHP 5.3.0
Beispiel #2 Beispiel für statische Daten
class foo {
// Ab PHP 5.3.0
const bar = <<<'EOT'
Nowdocs können, anders als heredocs, in jedem statischen Datenkontext verwendet werden.
Unterstützung von Nowdocs wurde in PHP 5.3.0 eingeführt.
Suprisingly consts are lazy bound even though you use self instead of static:
class A{
const X=1;
const Y=self::X;
class B extends A{
const X=1.0;
var_dump(B::Y); // float(1.0)
Most people miss the point in declaring constants and confuse then things by trying to declare things like functions or arrays as constants. What happens next is to try things that are more complicated then necessary and sometimes lead to bad coding practices. Let me explain...
A constant is a name for a value (but it's NOT a variable), that usually will be replaced in the code while it gets COMPILED and NOT at runtime.
So returned values from functions can't be used, because they will return a value only at runtime.
Arrays can't be used, because they are data structures that exist at runtime.
One main purpose of declaring a constant is usually using a value in your code, that you can replace easily in one place without looking for all the occurences. Another is, to avoid mistakes.
Think about some examples written by some before me:
1. const MY_ARR = "return array(\"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"D\");";
It was said, this would declare an array that can be used with eval. WRONG! This is just a string as constant, NOT an array. Does it make sense if it would be possible to declare an array as constant? Probably not. Instead declare the values of the array as constants and make an array variable.
2. const magic_quotes = (bool)get_magic_quotes_gpc();
This can't work, of course. And it doesn't make sense either. The function already returns the value, there is no purpose in declaring a constant for the same thing.
3. Someone spoke about "dynamic" assignments to constants. What? There are no dynamic assignments to constants, runtime assignments work _only_ with variables. Let's take the proposed example:
* Constants that deal only with the database
class DbConstant extends aClassConstant {
protected $host = 'localhost';
protected $user = 'user';
protected $password = 'pass';
protected $database = 'db';
protected $time;
function __construct() {
$this->time = time() + 1; // dynamic assignment
Those aren't constants, those are properties of the class. Something like "this->time = time()" would even totally defy the purpose of a constant. Constants are supposed to be just that, constant values, on every execution. They are not supposed to change every time a script runs or a class is instantiated.
Conclusion: Don't try to reinvent constants as variables. If constants don't work, just use variables. Then you don't need to reinvent methods to achieve things for what is already there.
A handy workaround to create a constant that contains array data using eval():
class MyClass
const MY_ARR = "return array(\"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"D\");";
public function __construct()
return eval(MY_ARR);
// Test implementation
$myClass = new MyClass();
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
It's worth noting that with v5.3, the problem mentioned a few times in these notes of referencing a childs const within a parent is solved!
class MyClass {
const MY_CONST = "yonder";
public function __construct() {
$c = get_class( $this );
echo $c::MY_CONST;
class ChildClass extends MyClass {
const MY_CONST = "bar";
$x = new ChildClass(); // prints 'bar'
$y = new MyClass(); // prints 'yonder'
Note that since constants are tied to the class definition, they are static by definition and cannot be accessed using the -> operator.
A side effect of this is that it's entirely possible for a class constant to have the same name as a property (static or object):
class Foo
const foo = 'bar';
public $foo = 'foobar';
const bar = 'foo';
static $bar = 'foobar';
var_dump(foo::$bar); // static property
var_dump(foo::bar); // class constant
$bar = new Foo();
var_dump($bar->foo); // object property
var_dump(bar::foo); // class constant
How to get good constant when you extend the class?
Check this out...
class A {
private $a;
const NAME = "AAA";
public function __construct() {
$this->a = "aaa";
public function myName() {
$class = get_class($this);
eval("\$a = $class::NAME;");
return $a;
class B extends A {
private $a;
const NAME = "BBB";
public function __construct() {
$this->a = "bbb";
$b = new B();
echo B::NAME;
echo "\n";
echo $b->myName();
echo "\n";
A useful technique I've found is to use interfaces for package- or application-wide constants, making it easy to incorporate them into any classes that need access to them:
interface AppConstants
const FOOBAR = 'Hello, World.';
class Example implements AppConstants
public function test()
echo self::FOOBAR;
$obj = new Example();
$obj->test(); // outputs "Hello, world."
I realize the same could be done simply by defining the constant in a class and accessing it via "class_name::const_name", but I find this a little nicer in that the class declaration makes it immediately obvious that you accessing values from the implemented interface.
If you have code that accepts user input or you just need to make sure input is acceptable, you can use constants to set upper and lower limits. Note: a static function that enforces your limits is highly recommended... sniff the clamp() function below for a taste.
class Dimension
const MIN = 0, MAX = 800;
public $width, $height;
public function __construct($w = 0, $h = 0){
$this->width = self::clamp($w);
$this->height = self::clamp($h);
public function __toString(){
return "Dimension [width=$this->width, height=$this->height]";
protected static function clamp($value){
if($value < self::MIN) $value = self::MIN;
if($value > self::MAX) $value = self::MAX;
return $value;
echo (new Dimension()) . '<br>';
echo (new Dimension(1500, 97)) . '<br>';
echo (new Dimension(14, -20)) . '<br>';
echo (new Dimension(240, 80)) . '<br>';
- - - - - - - -
Dimension [width=0, height=0] - default size
Dimension [width=800, height=97] - width has been clamped to MAX
Dimension [width=14, height=0] - height has been clamped to MIN
Dimension [width=240, height=80] - width and height unchanged
- - - - - - - -
Setting upper and lower limits on your classes also help your objects make sense. For example, it is not possible for the width or height of a Dimension to be negative. It is up to you to keep phoney input from corrupting your objects, and to avoid potential errors and exceptions in other parts of your code.
I don't understand the issues you all seem to be having with class constants.
For me they are simply another method of grouping related functions and data together in a logical package, and keeping things out of global scope.
Class constants were something I felt very much missing from PHP4 (I have a background in C++).
You can use them like this
class mySql
const ERR_CONN = 'Connection attempt failed';
const ERR_SELECT_DB = 'Database selection attempt failed';
const ERR_QUERY = 'Invalid SQL query';
// .... etc
Later, you could then use the constants like this
$err = $db->getErr();
echo "<!-- DB failure : $err -->";
case mySql::ERR_CONN: // Do this
case mySql::ERR_SELECT_DB: // Do that
case mySql::ERR_QUERY: // Do something else
and if you need to find what other constants the class uses, you just find the class !
The major problem of constants is for me, you cant use them for binary flags.
class constant {
const MODE_FLAG_1 = 1;
const MODE_FLAG_2 = 2;
const MODE_FLAG_3 = 4;
const DEFAULT_MODE = self::FLAG_1 | self::FLAG_2
private function foo ($mode=self::DEFAULT_MODE) {
// some operations
This code will not work because constants can't be an calculation result. You could use
const DEFAULT_MODE = 3;
instead, but we use flags to be value indipendent. So you would miss target with it. Only way is to use defines like ever before.
pre 5.3 can refer a class using variable and get constants with:
function get_class_const($class, $const){
return constant(sprintf('%s::%s', $class, $const));
class Foo{
const BAR = 'foobar';
$class = 'Foo';
echo get_class_const($class, 'BAR');
If you have a class which defines a constant which may be overridden in child definitions, here are two methods how the parent can access that constant:
class Weather
const danger = 'parent';
static function getDanger($class)
// Code to return the danger field from the given class name
class Rain extends Weather
const danger = 'child';
The two options to place in the parent accessor are:
eval('$danger = ' . $class . '::danger;');
$danger = constant($class . '::danger');
I prefer the last option, but they both seem to work.
So, why might this be useful? Well, in my case I have a page class which contains various common functions for all pages and specific page classes extend this parent class. The parent class has a static method which takes an argument (class name) and returns a new instantiation of the class.
Each child class has a constant which defines the access level the user must have in order to view the page. The parent must check this variable before creating and returning an instance of the child - the problem is that the class name is a variable and $class::danger will treat $class as an object.
gt at
You miss the point. Allowing dynamically assigned class constants will prevent the cluttering of global constants and allow you to even protect the accessibility of said constants to prevent conflicts. For example, the constants for class MySQL won't be directly available to the class Display. So I don't have to worry about prefixing all of my constants (which shouldn't be necessary and is just plain ugly).
Either way, class constants simply do not follow the global constant operation. You are allowed to set a global constant at any time during the script, yet class constants are only allowed to be set in the class header and are processed prior to script execution.
michikono at symbol gmail dot com:
This is an interesting solution and I think I will implement it as a temporary "solution" to the constant issue. Thank you for taking the time to post!
In realizing it is impossible to create dynamic constants, I opted for a "read only" constants class.
abstract class aClassConstant {
* Setting is not permitted.
* @param string constant name
* @param mixed new value
* @return void
* @throws Exception
final function __set($member, $value) {
throw new Exception('You cannot set a constant.');
* Get the value of the constant
* @param string constant name
* @return void
final function __get($member) {
return $this->$member;
The class would be extended by another class that would compartmentalize the purpose of the constants. Thus, for example, you would extend the class with a DbConstant class for managing database related constants, that might look like this:
* Constants that deal only with the database
class DbConstant extends aClassConstant {
protected $host = 'localhost';
protected $user = 'user';
protected $password = 'pass';
protected $database = 'db';
protected $time;
* Constructor. This is so fully dynamic values can be set. This can be skipped and the values can be directly assigned for non dynamic values as shown above.
* @return void
function __construct() {
$this->time = time() + 1; // dynamic assignment
You would use the class like thus:
$dbConstant = new DbConstant();
echo $dbConstant->host;
The following would cause an exception:
$dbConstant = new DbConstant();
$dbConstant->host = ''; // EXCEPTION
It's not pretty, nor ideal, but at least you don't pollute the global name space with long winded global names and it is relatively elegant.
Variables must be *protected*, not public. Public variables will bypass the __get and __set methods!! This class is, by design, not meant to be extended much further than one level, as it is really meant to only contain constants. By keeping the constant definition class seperate from the rest of your classes (if you are calling this from a class), you minimize the possibility of accidental variable assignment.
Managing this instance may be a slight pain that requires either caching a copy of the instance in a class variable, or using the factory pattern. Unfortunately, static methods can't detect the correct class name when the parent name is used during the call (e.g., DbConstant::instance()). Thus there is no elegant, inheriting solution to that problem. Thus, it is easier to simply manage a single instance that is declared using conventional notation (e.g., new DbConstant...).
- Michi Kono
In response to anon on 31-May-2006 02:03:
If you can define a global constant based on the return of a function, please explain why you do not see it justifiable that a class constant should be able to be assigned in the same manner.
This affects ALL members of a class, not just constants and, for the sake of class constants, I see this as quite severe limitation to PHP. Take the following class for example:
class parser
private $magic_quotes = false;
public function __construct()
$this->magic_quotes = (bool)get_magic_quotes_gpc();
public my_stripslashes( $str )
if( $this->magic_quotes )
$str = stripslashes( $str );
return $str;
Wouldn't this be much cleaner and easier to impliment like this?
class parser
const magic_quotes = (bool)get_magic_quotes_gpc();
public my_stripslashes( $str )
if( self::magic_quotes_gpc )
$str = stripslashes( $str );
return $str;
In the second iteration, there isn't a need to scour through the script to find where magic_quotes is assigned a value and there is no confusion as to EXACTLY what magic_quotes is. More so, there is no worry that some silly end user will be able to change the value of magic_quotes in any of their "modifications" to your code as constants are a read only property. Personally I find this practical for script operation., but completely impossible in PHP.
In the same way "define()" can be used to create a GLOBAL constant that can be assigned as the value of a CLASS constant (like anonymous (31-May-2006 10:03) noted a few posts back), MAGIC constants (__LINE__, __FILE__, etc.) can also be assigned to a CLASS constant :-) Note that an instance of ReflectionClass can be used to obtain the exact same info that magic constants can offer you...
class MyClass
const FILE_I_AM_IN = __FILE__;
echo MyClass::FILE_I_AM_IN;
This outputs the file the class definition is located in, as expected.
Notes on the other magic constants:
__LINE__ = does output the correct line but... is of course completely useless...
__FUNCTION__ = does not output anything.
__METHOD__ = outputs the class name!
Since constants of a child class are not accessible from the parent class via self::CONST and there is no special keyword to access the constant (like this::CONST), i use private static variables and these two methods to make them read-only accessible from object's parent/child classes as well as statically from outside:
class b extends a {
private static $CONST = 'any value';
public static function getConstFromOutside($const) {
return self::$$const;
protected function getConst($const) {
return self::$$const;
With those methods in the child class, you are now able to read the variables from the parent or child class:
class a {
private function readConst() {
return $this->getConst('CONST');
abstract public static function getConstFromOutside($const);
abstract protected function getConst($const);
From outside of the object:
echo b::getConstFromOutside('CONST');
You maybe want to put the methods into an interface.
However, class b's attribute $CONST is not a constant, so it is changeable by methods inside of class b, but it works for me and in my opinion, it is better than using real constants and accessing them by calling with eval:
protected function getConst($const) {
eval('$value = '.get_class($this).'::'.$const.';');
return $value;
It might be obvious,
but I noticed that you can't define an array as a class constant.
Insteed you can define AND initialize an static array variable:
class AClass {
const an_array = Array (1,2,3,4);
//this WILL NOT work
// and will throw Fatal Error:
//Fatal error: Arrays are not allowed in class constants in...
public static $an_array = Array (1,2,3,4);
//this WILL work
//however, you have no guarantee that it will not be modified outside your class
In addition to what "tobias_demuth at web dot de" wrote:
Assigning the return value of a function to a constant does not work. Thus you may assign the return value of a function to a global constant defintion using "define()" and assign this global constant to the class constant.
The following example works as expected.
define("MYTIME", time());
class test {
const time = MYTIME;
print test::time;
Will output the current timestamp. Whatsoever: IMHO this is "bad style" and so I suggest NOT to use this as "workaround".
"Lest anyone think this is somehow an omission in PHP, there is simply no point to having a protected or private constant. Access specifiers identify who has the right to *change* members, not who has the right to read them"
I do see this as an omission. They are not only access modifiers, but they limit visibility as well. As it is, I can not make a constant that is private to my class, which I see as a problem. I would settle for multiple modifiers like private const $var = 'me'; but that is not allowed either.
It's important to note that constants cannot be overridden by an extended class, if you with to use them in virtual functions. For example :
class abc
const avar = "abc's";
function show()
echo self::avar . "\r\n";
class def extends abc
const avar = "def's";
function showmore ()
echo self::avar . "\r\n";
$bob = new def();
Will display:
However, if you use variables instead the output is different, such as:
class abc
protected $avar = "abc's";
function show()
echo $this->avar . "\r\n";
class def extends abc
protected $avar = "def's";
function showmore ()
echo $this->avar . "\r\n";
$bob = new def();
Will output:
Refering to caliban at darklock dot com's article:
The whole idea of visibility is implementing the concept of data hiding and encapsulation. This means exposing as little as possible of the class variables/methods, in order to maintain loose coupling. If you reference all your variables in your class directly, you've probably missed the point of OOP.
If the variable visibility is set to private it shouldn't be readable outside the class (performing tricks to read it is pointless, if you want to read something, make it public, it's your code). This is not used to obfuscate/hide a variable from someone but to enforce good coding practice of maintaining the loose coupling between objects.
Re: caliban at darklock dot com
most people are not going to do all of this:
echo "\"$b\" is private: {$y["@$classname@$b"]}<br/>";
to read an object variable.
My point is: what you said is true, however access specifiers do have an effect on who gets to read the variables when you are not trying to bypass encapsulation:
class Foo
private $varname=2;
$obj=new Foo();
echo $obj->varname; // accessing in the usual way doesn't work
So: const gives you a constant that is public in terms of reading them the usual way. A private const would mean you could not read the variable using the 2nd method above. Not to say it's an "omission in PHP," but, realize that there would be some value added in allowing consts to be made private.
Lest anyone think this is somehow an omission in PHP, there is simply no point to having a protected or private constant. Access specifiers identify who has the right to *change* members, not who has the right to read them:
// define a test class
class Test
public static $open=2;
protected static $var=1;
private static $secret=3;
// reflect class information
$x=new ReflectionClass($classname);
foreach($x->GetStaticProperties() as $k=>$v)
// define the variables to search for
foreach($a as $b)
echo "\"$b\" is public: {$y["$b"]}<br/>";
echo "\"$b\" is protected: {$y["@*@$b"]}<br/>";
echo "\"$b\" is private: {$y["@$classname@$b"]}<br/>";
echo "\"$b\" is not a static member of $classname<br/>";
As you can see from the results of this code, the protected and private static members of Test are still visible if you know where to look. The protection and privacy are applicable only on writing, not reading -- and since nobody can write to a constant at all, assigning an access specifier to it is just redundant.