PHP Doku:: The "counter" Extension - A Continuing Example - internals2.counter.html

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Doku-StartseitePHP-HandbuchPHP im Kern: Das Entwicklerhandbuch für die Zend EngineThe "counter" Extension - A Continuing Example

Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

PHP im Kern: Das Entwicklerhandbuch für die Zend Engine




The "counter" Extension - A Continuing Example



Throughout this Zend documentation, references are made to an example module in order to illustrate various concepts. The "counter" extension is this example, a fictional yet functional Zend module which strives to use as much of the Zend API as is reasonably possible. This short chapter describes the userland interface to the completed extension.

Hinweis: "counter" serves no practical purpose whatsoever, as the functionality it provides is far more effectively implemented by appropriate userland code.

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