PHP Doku:: The PHP 5 build system - internals2.buildsys.html

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Doku-StartseitePHP-HandbuchPHP im Kern: Das Entwicklerhandbuch für die Zend EngineThe PHP 5 build system

Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

PHP im Kern: Das Entwicklerhandbuch für die Zend Engine


Building PHP for extension development>>


The PHP 5 build system


With all the functionality and flexibility available in PHP 5, it is no surprise that it consists of several thousand files and over one million lines of source code. Equally unsurprising is the necessity of a build system to manage so much data. This section describes how to set PHP up for extension development, the layout of an extension within the PHP source tree, and how to interface your extension with the build system.

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