PHP Doku:: Compiling shared PECL extensions with the pecl command - install.pecl.pear.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Installation of PECL extensions

<<Installing a PHP extension on Windows

Compiling shared PECL extensions with phpize>>

Compiling shared PECL extensions with the pecl command

PECL makes it easy to create shared PHP extensions. Using the » pecl command, do the following:

$ pecl install extname

This will download the source for extname, compile, and install into your extension_dir. may then be loaded via php.ini

By default, the pecl command will not install packages that are marked with the alpha or beta state. If no stable packages are available, you may install a beta package using the following command:

$ pecl install extname-beta

You may also install a specific version using this variant:

$ pecl install extname-0.1


After enabling the extension in php.ini, restarting the web service is required for the changes to be picked up.

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zir dot echo at gmail dot com
4.06.2008 8:43
Install pecl for gentoo:

emerge dev-php/PEAR-PEAR
pedro dot fonini at gmail dot com
30.03.2008 15:27
to use the pecl, pear, or phpize commands in fedora, install the php-devel package:
$ yum install php-devel

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