PHP Doku:: Downloading PECL extensions - install.pecl.downloads.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Installation of PECL extensions

<<Introduction to PECL Installations

Installing a PHP extension on Windows>>

Downloading PECL extensions

There are several options for downloading PECL extensions, such as:

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mleer at clingendael dot nl
18.09.2009 13:11
If you get " is using a unsupported protocal" [sic!] do:
cd /usr/local/lib/php
rm -r .channels
pear update-channels
cweiske at php dot net
3.05.2009 12:58
When using "pecl install package", you might run into a memory limit problem. Solution is to use "pear install pecl/$extensionname" since it uses php.ini's memory limit.

See also:

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