(PHP 4, PHP 5)
set_magic_quotes_runtime — Setzt magic_quotes_runtime
Setzt magic_quotes_runtime. (0 für aus, 1 für an).
Siehe auch get_magic_quotes_gpc() und get_magic_quotes_runtime().
Since this function is depracted as of PHP 5.3, use ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0); instead.
This function seems to be deprecated in PHP 5.3.
I got and error message : Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated
get_magic_quotes runtime and set_magic_quotes_runtime are useful when you want to read some data in a binary file using fread() and some bytes in such file may be interpreted as \ (backslash), " (double quotes), ' (simple quote) or any "special" character that has a meaning for string processing.
set_magic_quote_runtime(1) is very userful for copying data from one table to another table in mysql when there are many columns need addslashes