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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

MySQL Funktionen




(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)

mysql_info liefert Informationen über die zuletzt ausgeführte Anfrage zurück


string mysql_info ([ resource $Verbindungs-Kennung ] )

mysql_info() gibt genaue Informationen über die zuletzt ausgeführte Abfrage zurück, die über den Parameter Verbindungs-Kennung ausgeführt wurde. Wird der optionale Parameter Verbindungs-Kennung nicht angegeben, so wird die letzte offene Verbindung benutzt.

mysql_info() gibt für alle unten aufgeführten Befehle einen String zurück, für alles andere liefert die Funktion FALSE. Das Zeichenformat hängt von der gegebenen Anweisung ab.

Beispiel #1 Relevante MySQL Anweisungen

String format: Records: 23 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 

INSERT INTO ... VALUES (...),(...),(...)...
String format: Records: 37 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 

String format: Records: 42 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0 

String format: Records: 60 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 

String format: Rows matched: 65 Changed: 65 Warnings: 0
Die Nummern dienen nur zur Illustration; die tatsächlichen Werte entsprechen der jeweiligen Abfrage.


mysql_info() liefert bei INSERT...VALUES Befehlen nur dann einen gültigen (nicht-FALSE) Wert, wenn mehrfache Werte angegeben wurden.

Siehe auch mysql_affected_rows(), mysql_insert_id() und mysql_stat().

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tomas at matfyz dot cz
7.12.2008 0:57
Please note that the information on warning count cannot be taken from the mysql_info() due to mysql bugs #41283 and #41285:
bdobrica at gmail dot com
24.04.2006 21:18
As a solution to the problem pointed in the post reffering to mysql_affected_rows() returning 0 when you are making an update query and the fields are not modified although the query is valid, i'm posting the following function. It is very simple and based on a previous post.

function mysql_modified_rows () {
        $info_str = mysql_info();
        $a_rows = mysql_affected_rows();
        ereg("Rows matched: ([0-9]*)", $info_str, $r_matched);
        return ($a_rows < 1)?($r_matched[1]?$r_matched[1]:0):$a_rows;

Hope you'll find it usefull.
info at granville dot nl
9.11.2005 12:25
Imade a quick conversion of eric's function just to count matched or affected rows from a query.

/**GD gdf_db_count_query_v1: returns the amount of rows matched or affected by the last query. Must be used immediately after the concerned query.

function gdf_db_count_query($link = 'dbh') {
    $info_str = mysql_info($$link);

       if (ereg("Records: ([0-9]*)", $info_str, $count) == false) {
        ereg("Rows matched: ([0-9]*)", $info_str, $count);
    return $count;

eric at projectsatellite dot com
22.09.2003 23:54
I agree that this is a useful function to use when trying to check on whether an update query matched a particular row. I created a simple function that returns an associative array with the values delineated in the returned string.

function get_mysql_info($linkid = null){
    $linkid? $strInfo = mysql_info($linkid) : $strInfo = mysql_info();
    $return = array();
    ereg("Records: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $records);
    ereg("Duplicates: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $dupes);
    ereg("Warnings: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $warnings);
    ereg("Deleted: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $deleted);
    ereg("Skipped: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $skipped);
    ereg("Rows matched: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $rows_matched);
    ereg("Changed: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $changed);
    $return['records'] = $records[1];
    $return['duplicates'] = $dupes[1];
    $return['warnings'] = $warnings[1];
    $return['deleted'] = $deleted[1];
    $return['skipped'] = $skipped[1];
    $return['rows_matched'] = $rows_matched[1];
    $return['changed'] = $changed[1];
    return $return;

After trying to update a row that may or may not exist, you can use the above function like so:

$vals = get_mysql_info($linkid);
if($vals['rows_matched'] == 0){
     mysql_query("INSERT INTO table values('val1','val2', 'valetc')", $linkid);
carl at NOSPAMthep dot lu dot se
7.09.2002 1:44
This function can be used as a workaround for a misfeature of MySQL: on an UPDATE, rows that aren't updated _solely because they looked the same before_ will not be seen in mysql_affected_rows(). This causes problems when you want to use the result of the update to determine if there's need to do an INSERT. With MySQL you can do an INSERT IGNORE if there's no risk of if failing because of a duplicate key other than the one used in the UPDATE. However, if this isn't the case or you want a bit of RDBMS independence, there's no easy/pretty workaround. I think I'll resort to doing a SELECT to determine the primary key before doing the update/insert, as using the CVS version of PHP isn't an option for me.

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