PHP Doku:: Liefert einen Datensatz als assoziatives Array, als numerisches Array oder beides - function.mysql-fetch-array.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

MySQL Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

mysql_fetch_array Liefert einen Datensatz als assoziatives Array, als numerisches Array oder beides


array mysql_fetch_array ( resource $Ergebnis-Kennung [, int $Ergebnistyp ] )

Liefert ein Array das dem aktuellen Datensatz entspricht oder FALSE, wenn keine weiteren Datensätze vorliegen.

mysql_fetch_array() ist eine erweiterte Version von mysql_fetch_row(). Die Daten werden sowohl unter numerischen Indizes des Ergebnis-Arrays abgelegt, als auch unter assoziativen Indizes. Als Schlüssel für die assoziativen Indizes werden die Feldnamen benutzt.

Falls zwei oder mehrere Spalten des Ergebnisses den gleichen Feldnamen haben, dann wird nur der Wert der letzten Spalte im Array unter diesem Feldnamen abgelegt. Um auch auf die anderen gleichnamigen Spalten zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie den numerischen Index der Spalte verwenden oder einen Alias für die Spalte vergeben. Falls Sie Aliase für Spalten verwenden, können Sie auf die Inhalte dieser Spalten nicht über ihren ursprünglichen Namen zugreifen. (In folgendem Beispiel können Sie 'field' nicht benutzen).

Beispiel #1 Abfrage mit alias für identische Feldnamen

SELECT table1.field AS foo, table2.field AS bar FROM table1, table2

Zu betonen ist, dass der Gebrauch von mysql_fetch_array() nicht signifikant langsamer ist als mysql_fetch_row(), obwohl die Funktion einen sichtlichen Mehrwert bietet.

Das optionale zweite Argument Ergebnistyp in mysql_fetch_array() ist eine Konstante und kann die folgenden Werte annehmen: MYSQL_ASSOC, MYSQL_NUM und MYSQL_BOTH. Diese Eigenschaft steht seit PHP 3.0.7 zur Verfügung. MYSQL_BOTH ist der Standard für diesen Paramater.

Verwenden Sie MYSQL_BOTH, erhalten Sie ein Array mit assoziativen und numerischen Indizes. Bei MYSQL_ASSOC erhalten Sie nur asoziative Indizes (genau wie bei mysql_fetch_assoc()). Verwenden Sie MYSQL_NUM erhalten Sie nur numerische Indizes (genau wie bei mysql_fetch_row()).

Hinweis: Feldnamen, die von dieser Funktion zurückgegeben werden, unterscheiden sich in der Groß-/Kleinschreibung.

Hinweis: Diese Funktion setzt NULL-Felder auf den PHP Wert-NULL.

Beispiel #2 mysql_fetch_array() mit MYSQL_NUM

    or die(
"Keine Verbindung möglich: " mysql_error());

$result mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM mytable");

while (
$row mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_NUM)) {
printf ("ID: %s  Name: %s"$row[0], $row[1]);  


Beispiel #3 mysql_fetch_array() mit MYSQL_ASSOC

    or die(
"Keine Verbindung möglich: " mysql_error());

$result mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM mytable");

while (
$row mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC)) {
printf ("ID: %s  Name: %s"$row["id"], $row["name"]);


Beispiel #4 mysql_fetch_array() mit MYSQL_BOTH

    or die(
"Keine Verbindung möglich: " mysql_error());

$result mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM mytable");

while (
$row mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_BOTH)) {
printf ("ID: %s  Name: %s"$row[0], $row["name"]);


Siehe auch mysql_fetch_row() und mysql_fetch_assoc()

40 BenutzerBeiträge:
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sftranna at yahoo dot com
16.08.2010 12:34
I would like to select strings from a table and return them as an array
For example,
select new_array(name) from my_tbl
would return
String[] { name1, name2, name3, etc }

Is this possible with built-in SQL/MSSql Server functions?

im Currently working php with SQL SERVER 2005
Sebastian K
2.03.2010 21:56
To put the full result in one array, I wrote this function:


="select * from table_xyz";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
        while (
$c < mysql_num_fields($result)) {       
$col = mysql_fetch_field($result, $c);   
$arr_row[$col -> name] = $row[$col -> name];           
$table_result[$r] = $arr_row;


coldfire_hx at yahoo dot co dot in
7.02.2010 13:27
Hey this is a simple function where you pass your table name and any number of coloumns you want and it will fetch the coloumns and return as a table.


function fetch_records($table_name, $fields){
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
$select_db = mysql_select_db("db", $conn);
"Not able to connect to dabase....";
$table = "<table border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5'>";
$cols = implode (', ', $fields);
$sql = "select $cols from $table_name";   
$run = mysql_query($sql);   
mysql_num_rows($run) == 0){
"Sorry. No records found in the database";                       
                        else {
$arr = mysql_fetch_array($run, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$table .= "\t\t<tr>\n";
                                    foreach (
$arr as $val_col) {
$table .= "\t\t\t".'<td>'.$val_col.'</td>'."\n";
$table .= "\t\t</tr>\n";                                       
$table .= "</table>";
"There was an error while fetching the records. Please contact site administrator.";

//how to call the function

$table = "product_master";
$cols = array("product_name", "product_image", "product_price");
fetch_records($table, $cols);
buddy at databoysoftware dot com
3.08.2009 19:24
In the note entered by Typer85, concerning the use of mysql_data_seek(), it should be noted that there are two parameters, both of which are required.

If you have already iterated through a result array (for instance, using mysql_fetch_array()), and have a need to start from the top, the proper syntax is:

mysql_data_seek({result set},{record#})

("0" represents the first record in the array.)

This will reset your result to the top of the array so that you can then re-process with
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) or other array processing.
28.07.2009 2:42
Here's a quicker way to clone a record.  Only 3 lines of code instead of 4.  But the table must have an auto-incremented id.
I took the code from Tim and altered it. Props to Tim.

// copy content of the record you wish to clone
$entity = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id='$id_to_be cloned'"), MYSQL_ASSOC) or die("Could not select original record");

// set the auto-incremented id's value to blank. If you forget this step, nothing will work because we can't have two records with the same id
$entity["id"] = "";

// insert cloned copy of the original  record
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table_name (".implode(", ",array_keys($entity)).") VALUES ('".implode("', '",array_values($entity))."')");

// if you want the auto-generated id of the new cloned record, do the following
$newid = mysql_insert_id();

There you go.
mehdi dot haresi at gmail dot com
20.07.2009 9:44
For all of you having problems accessing duplicated field names in queries with their table alias i have implemented the following quick solution:

function mysql_fetch_alias_array($result)
    if (!(
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result)))

$assoc = Array();
$rowCount = mysql_num_fields($result);
    for (
$idx = 0; $idx < $rowCount; $idx++)
$table = mysql_field_table($result, $idx);
$field = mysql_field_name($result, $idx);
$assoc["$table.$field"] = $row[$idx];

Lets asume we have 2 tables student and contact each having fID as the index field and want to access both fID fields in php.

The usage of this function will be pretty similar to calling mysql_fetch_array:

= mysql_query("select * from student s inner join contact c on c.fID = s.frContactID");

while (
$row = mysql_fetch_alias_array($result))
"StudenID: {$row['s.fID']}, ContactID: {$row['c.fID']}";

Voila, that's it :)

Please be aware that by using this function, you have to access all fields with their alias name (e.g. s.Name, s.Birhtday) even if they are not duplicated.

If you have questions, just send me a mail.

Best regards,
Mehdi Haresi
info at o08 dot com
6.12.2008 15:33
As opposite of mysql_fetch_array:

function mysql_insert_array ($my_table, $my_array) {
$keys = array_keys($my_array);
$values = array_values($my_array);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $my_table . '(' . implode(',', $keys) . ') VALUES ("' . implode('","', $values) . '")';
24.11.2008 14:49
I have found a way to put all results from the select query in an array in one line.

// Read records
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table;") or die(mysql_error());
// Put them in array
for($i = 0; $array[$i] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $i++) ;
// Delete last empty one

You need to delete the last one because this will always be empty.

By this you can easily read the entire table to an array and preserve the keys of the table columns. Very handy.
23.11.2008 20:04
If you notice that the first row is not appearing in PHP when you're looking at the data make sure you're not executing the mysql_fetch_array function twice on the same query. I hope that helps break some other people from the frustration of missing rows.
noagbodjivictor at gmail dot com
10.11.2007 5:53
Little improvement to the previous function.

function mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result, $numass=MYSQL_BOTH) {
  $got = array();

  if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
    return $got;

  mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, $numass)) {
    array_push($got, $row);
  return $got;
joaocosta at zonalivre dot org
22.07.2007 4:29
You can make the function on the previous note slightly more efficient by using php's built in array_push function instead of a foreach loop:

function mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result, $numass=MYSQL_BOTH) {
mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
    while (
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, $numass)) {
array_push($got, $row);
devinivy at gmail dot com
16.07.2007 6:02
function mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result, $numass=MYSQL_BOTH) {
$keys=array_keys(mysql_fetch_array($result, $numass));
mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
    while (
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, $numass)) {
      foreach (
$keys as $speckey) {

Ever found it a bit of a pain to use mysql_fetch_array()? I find this function much easier to receive data, and to be in a more accessible manner when accessing various data from several rows. It is practical when more than one row is expected to be returned from a SELECT query. It returns a 2-dimensional array in the form of $arr[number_row_returned][column_desired]. So, if there is some column 'password', and you want the password from the third returned row:
= mysql_query($query);
$arr = mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result);
$password = $arr[2]['password'];

The function also has the ability to return the columns numerically, associatively, or both, just as mysql_fetch_array() does. It uses MYSQL_NUM, MYSQL_ASSOC, and MYSQL_BOTH (MYSQL_BOTH being the default)- exactly like mysql_fetch_array(). So, if the column 'password' is the 4th column which is returned in the query, then password of the 1st returned row could be accessed like so:
= mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result, MYSQL_NUM);
$password = $arr[0][3];

I hope you find it useful!
badulla at kaboom dot com
26.02.2007 23:15
Just a real world example from a post below. I found it very useful for creating a table I needed from hundreds of proprietary colors. I added formatting so HTML source is clean and thought someone might be able to use or modify as I did.

// Query
$sql = "select colors_id, colors_type, colors_name, colors_number, R, G, B, colors_wetsample from products_colors where colors_type = 'Color Canvas' order by colors_number asc limit 40";

$result = mysql_query($sql ,$db);

// Change display for number of columns. Do not change cols as it is needed for counting.
$display = 7;
$cols = 0;
"   <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>\n";
$C = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$cols == 0){
"    <tr>\n";
// Display each cell here
echo "     <td align=\"center\">\n"
. "\t<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=\"100\" height=\"100\">\n"
. "\t <tr>\n"
. "\t  <td height=\"85\" align=center valign=middle" . " "
. "style=" . "\"" . "background-color: rgb("
. $C['R'] . "," .$C['G'] . "," . $C['B'] . ")\"" . ">\n"
. "\t   <span class=\"smcolor\">" . $C['colors_number'] . "</span>\n"
. "\t  </td>\n"
. "\t </tr>\n"
. "\t <tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">\n"
. "\t  <td align=center valign=middle>\n"
. "\t   <span class=\"smcolor\">"
. "<a href=\"javascript:colorPop('../colors.php?colors_type=Color Canvas&colors_number="
. $C['colors_number'] . "')\"" . ">". $C['colors_name'] . "</span>\n"
. "\t  </td>\n"
."\t </tr>\n"
. "\t</table>\n"
. "     </td>\n";
$cols == $display){
"    </tr>\n";
$cols = 0;
// Display the correct HTML
if($cols != $display && $cols != 0){
$neededtds = $display - $cols;
"     <td></td>\n";
"    </tr>\n"
. "   </table>\n";
   } else {
"   </table>\n";
joshmish at haanmc dot com
11.12.2006 17:29
A simple function that returns the next auto index. I recommend you use a unique id and not a relative row index, but if the need arises, here's how to get that id before you INSERT without the error-prone MAX(id) approach.

function nextautoindex ($table) {
$res=mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
    if (@
mysql_num_rows($res)>0) { while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        if (
$table == $row["name"]) return $row["Auto_increment"];

/* Example usage:
$newID = nextautoindex("user"); // output: 12

// Now you can insert multiple related records without guessing the id

Typer85 at gmail dot com
1.12.2006 2:22
Please be advised that the resource result that you pass to this function can be thought of as being passed by reference because a resource is simply a pointer to a memory location.

Because of this, you can not loop through a resource result twice in the same script before resetting the pointer back to the start position.

For example:


// Assume We Already Queried Our Database.

// Loop Through Result Set.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];

// We looped through the resource result already so the
// the pointer is no longer pointing at any rows.

// If we decide to loop through the same resource result
// again, the function will always return false because it
// will assume there are no more rows.

// So the following code, if executed after the previous code
// segment will not work.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];

// Because $queryContent is now equal to FALSE, the loop
// will not be entered.


The only solution to this is to reset the pointer to make it point at the first row again before the second code segment, so now the complete code will look as follows:


// Assume We Already Queried Our Database.

// Loop Through Result Set.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];

// Reset Our Pointer.

mysql_data_seek( $queryResult );

// Loop Again.

while( $queryContent = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult ) {

// Display.

echo $queryContent[ 0 ];


Of course you would have to do extra checks to make sure that the number of rows in the result is not 0 or else mysql_data_seek itself will return false and an error will be raised.

Also please note that this applies to all functions that fetch result sets, including mysql_fetch_row, mysql_fetch_assos, and mysql_fetch_array.

5.06.2006 23:14
Note that as unlikely as it might be, queries like the following will mess up an array that is of result_type MYSQL_BOTH:

SELECT 'hello', 'world' AS '0';
hdixonish at deltabravo dot com
18.05.2006 12:39
Just a fairly useful (to me at least!) "implementation" of mysql_fetch_assoc to stop the clobbering of identical column names and allow you to work out which table produced which result column when using a JOIN (or simple multiple-table) SQL query:
(assuming a live connection ...)
= "SELECT a.*, b.* from table1 a, table2 b WHERE"; // example sql
$r = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
if (!
$r) die(mysql_error());
$numfields = mysql_num_fields($r);
$tfields = Array();
for (
$field mysql_fetch_field($r,$i);
$tfields[$i] = $field->table.'.'.$field->name;
while (
$row = mysql_fetch_row($r))
$rowAssoc = Array();
    for (
$rowAssoc[$tfields[$i]] = $row[$i];
//    do stuff with $rowAssoc as if it was $rowAssoc = mysql_fetch_assoc($r) you had used, but with table. prefixes
let's you refer to $rowAssoc['a.fieldname'] for example.

[for real email addr, remove the ish]
tilmauder at yahoo dot com
16.02.2006 10:18
Remember that using a while() loop for traversing your result array is significantly slower than using a foreach() loop. Read the comments in the control structures section of this site for further details.
john at skem9 dot com
21.01.2006 13:13
my main purpose was to show the fetched array into a table, showing the results side by side instead of underneath each other, and heres what I've come up with.

just change the $display number to however many columns you would like to have, just dont change the $cols number or you might run into some problems.

= 4;
$cols = 0;
$fetched = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$cols == 0){
// put what you would like to display within each cell here
echo "<td>".$fetched['id']."<br />".$fetched['name']."</td>\n";
$cols == $display){
$cols = 0;
// added the following so it would display the correct html
if($cols != $display && $cols != 0){
$neededtds = $display - $cols;
    } else {

Hopefully this will save some of you a lot of searching.

any kind of improvements on this would be awesome!
andrea at 3site dot it
28.12.2005 16:51
alternative mysql_fetch_all

// array mysql_fetch_all(query:resource [, kind:string (default:'assoc' | 'row')])
function mysql_fetch_all($query, $kind = 'assoc') {
    $result = array();
    $kind = $kind === 'assoc' ? $kind : 'row';
    eval('while(@$r = mysql_fetch_'.$kind.'($query)) array_push($result, $r);');
    return $result;

// Example
$query = mysql_query($myquery) or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_fetch_all($query);
echo '<pre>'.print_r($result, true).'</pre>';
info at modulotech dot ch
23.11.2005 11:37
I think using a for loop to display fetched rows from a table is more convenient than a while loop, since one have directely access to the record number:

$reclist = mysql_query("SELECT field FROM table",$db)
               or die(mysql_errno()." : ".mysql_error());

for ($j=0; $rec=mysql_fetch_array($reclist); $j++){
     printf("%s - %s<br>\n",$j,$rec["field"]);   

Hope this is usefull. Ali
tim at wiltshirewebs dot com
14.11.2005 14:49
Here's a quick way to duplicate or clone a record to the same table using only 4 lines of code:

// first, get the highest id number, so we can calc the new id number for the dupe
// second, get the original entity
// third, increment the dupe record id to 1 over the max
// finally insert the new record - voila - 4 lines!

$id_max = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM table_name"),0,0) or die("Could not execute query");
$entity = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table." WHERE id='$id_original'),MYSQL_ASSOC) or die("Could not select original record"); // MYSQL_ASSOC forces a purely associative array and blocks twin key dupes, vitally, it brings the keys out so they can be used in line 4
mysql_query("INSERT INTO it_pages (".implode(", ",array_keys($Entity)).") VALUES ('".implode("', '",array_values($Entity))."')");

Really struggled in cracking this nut - maybe there's an easier way out there?  Thanks to other posters for providing inspiration. Good luck - Tim
eddie at nailchipper dot com
3.11.2005 19:58
mob AT stag DOT ru has a nice function for getting simple arrays from MySQL but it has a serious bug. The MySQL link being set as an argument is NULL when no link is supplied meaning that you're passing NULL to the mysql funcctions as a link, which is wrong. I am not using multitple connections so I removed the link and using the global link. If you want to support multiple links check to see if its set first.

* to support multiple links add the $link argument to function then
* test it before you use the link
* if(isset($link))
*   if($err=mysql_errno($link))return $err;
* else
*   if($err=mysql_errno())return $err;

function mysql_fetch_all($query){
 if($err=mysql_errno())return $err;
 return $result;
function mysql_fetch_one($query){
 if($err=mysql_errno())return $err;
 return mysql_fetch_array($r);
kunky at mail dot berlios dot de
1.10.2005 12:41
This is very useful when the following query is used:


Different versions of MySQL give different responses to this.

Therefore, it is better to use mysql_fetch_array() because the numeric references given my mysql_fetch_row() give very different results.
joelwan at gmail dot com
6.09.2005 0:14
Try Php Object Generator:

It's kind of similar to Daogen, which was suggested in one of the comments above, but simpler and easier to use.

Php Object Generator generates the Php Classes for your Php Objects. It also provides the database class so you can focus on more important aspects of your project. Hope this helps.
yashiro at esfera dot cl
30.06.2005 3:36
This is a simple function that outputs a String with a table with the name of fields and their respective values, pretty useful
u insert a result like this : $result = mysql_query("select * from table", $db)

    /*Esta funcion genera automaticamente una tabla que muestra el resultado de un mysql_query,
    basta con invocar la funcion y con echo imprimirla*/
    function muestra_select($result){
        $tabla = "\n\t".'<table border="2" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">'."\n";
        for($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++){
            $aux = mysql_field_name($result, $i);
            $tabla .= "\t\t<th>".$aux."</th>\n";
        while ($linea = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $tabla .= "\t\t<tr>\n";
            foreach ($linea as $valor_col) {
                $tabla .= "\t\t\t".'<td>'.$valor_col.'</td>'."\n";
            $tabla .= "\t\t</tr>\n";
        $tabla .= "\t</table>\n";
        return $tabla;
romans at servidor dot unam dot mx
13.05.2005 7:31
Regarding duplicated field names in queries, I wanted some way to retrieve rows without having to use alias, so I wrote this class that returns rows as 2d-arrays

= $drow['table']['column'];

Here is the code:

class mysql_resultset
$results, $map;

$this->results = $results;
$this->map = array();

$index = 0;
      while (
$column = mysql_fetch_field($results))
$this->map[$index++] = array($column->table, $column->name);

      if (
$row = mysql_fetch_row($this->results))
$drow = array();

        foreach (
$row as $index => $field)
$table, $column) = $this->map[$index];
$drow[$table][$column] = $row[$index];


The class is initialized with a mysql_query result:

= new mysql_resultset(mysql_query($sql));

The constructor builds an array that maps each field index to a ($table, $column) array so we can use mysql_fetch_row and access field values by index in the fetch() method. This method then uses the map to build up the 2d-array.

An example:

"select orders.*, clients.*, productos.* ".
"from orders, clients, products ".
"where join conditions";

$resultset = new mysql_resultset(mysql_query($sql));

  while (
$drow = $resultset->fetch())
'No.: '.$drow['orders']['number'].'<br>';
'Client: '.$drow['clients']['name'].'<br>';
'Product: '.$drow['products']['name'].'<br>';

I hope others find this useful as it has been to me.
mob AT stag DOT ru
24.01.2005 8:16
I wrote some utility functions to improve usability and readability, and use them everywhere in my code. I suppose they can help.

function mysql_fetch_all($query,$MySQL=NULL){
 if($err=mysql_errno($MySQL))return $err;
 return $result;
function mysql_fetch_one($query,$MySQL=NULL){
 if($err=mysql_errno($MySQL))return $err;
 return mysql_fetch_array($r);

Example use:
if(is_array($rows=mysql_fetch_all("select * from sometable",$MySQL))){
 //do something
 if(!is_null($rows)) die("Query failed!");
joey at clean dot q7 dot com
19.04.2004 4:47
The issue of NULL fields seems to not be an issue anymore (as of 4.2.2 at least).  mysql_fetch_* now seems to fully populate the array and put in entries with values of NULL when that is what the database returned.  This is certainly the behaviour I expected, so I was concerned when i saw the notes here, but testing shows it does work the way I expected.
6.04.2004 20:59
One of the most common mistakes that people make with this function, when using it multiple times in one script, is that they forget to use the mysql_data_seek() function to reset the internal data pointer.

When iterating through an array of MySQL results, e.g.

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    foreach (
$line as $col_value) {
$col_value . '<br />';

the internal data pointer for the array is advanced, incrementally, until there are no more elements left in the array. So, basically, if you copy/pasted the above code into a script TWICE, the second copy would not create any output. The reason is because the data pointer has been advanced to the end of the $line array and returned FALSE upon doing so.

If, for some reason, you wanted to interate through the array a second time, perhaps grabbing a different piece of data from the same result set, you would have to make sure you call

($result, 0);

This function resets the pointer and you can re-iterate through the $line array, again!
sigit at djpkpd dot go dot id, harris at djpkpd dot go dot id
25.03.2003 7:28
if you have to use the field name with number like 1,2,..etc, it cause a problem when you fetch it with mysql_fetch_array.
An index array will contain a field name.
The solusion is:
1. Use mysql_fetch_assoc to escape the result to html;
2. Use alias and choose another name of field in mysql_query
hanskrentel at yahoo dot de
8.01.2003 22:25
for the problem with fields containing null values in an associated array, feel free to use this function. i've got no more problems with it, just drop it in your script:

*    mysql_fetch_array_nullsafe
*    get a result row as an enumerated and associated array
*    ! nullsafe !
*    parameter:    $result
*                    $result:    valid db result id
*    returns:    array | false (mysql:if there are any more rows)
function mysql_fetch_array_nullsafe($result) {

    $num = mysql_num_fields($result);
    if ($num==0) return $ret;

    $fval = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
     if ($fval === false) return false;

            $fname[$i] = mysql_field_name($result,$i);           
            $ret[$i] = $fval[$i];            // enum
            $ret[''.$fname[$i].''] = $fval[$i];    // assoc

    return $ret;
juancri at tagnet dot org
12.11.2002 10:41
An example with mysql_fetch_array():

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM table WHERE id=8");
    $array = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$array will be:

    array ([0] => "John", ['name'] => "John")

Then you can access to the results:

    echo "The name is " . $array[0];
    // or
    echo "The name is " . $array['name'];

But the array is not referential. $array[0] is not a reference to $array['name'] or $array['name'] to $array[0], they are not relationed between. Because of that, the system will use excesive memory. With large columns, try to use mysql_fetch_assoc() or mysql_fetch_row() only.
dkantha at yahoo dot com
11.11.2002 1:27
I did find 'jb at stormvision's' code useful above, but instead of the number of rows you need the number of fields; otherwise you get an error.

So, it should read like the following:

$result=mysql_query("select * from mydata order by 'id'")or die('died');
$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);
   $name = mysql_field_name($result, $j);

For Later in the script you may use the below array to gain access to your data

$ii=count($object);        //quick access function
echo $object[$i]['your_field_name'];

I have tested this in my apps and it works great! :-)
glenn dot hoeppner at yakhair dot com
9.10.2002 23:04
Just another workaround for columns with duplicate names...

Modify your SQL to use the AS keyword.

Instead of:
$sql = "SELECT t1.cA, t2.cA FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.cA = t2.cA";
$sql = "SELECT t1.cA AS foo1, t2.cA AS foo2 FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.cA = t2.cA";

Then you can reference the results by name in the array:
  $row[foo1], $row[foo2]
tslukka at cc dot hut dot fi
25.09.2002 23:20
If you think MySQL (or other) database
handling is difficult and requires lot's of
code, I recommend that you try

DaoGen is a program source code generator
that supports PHP and Java. It makes database
programming quick and easy. Generated sources
are released under GPL.
robjohnson at black-hole dot com
15.06.2002 0:22
Benchmark on a table with 38567 rows:

MYSQL_BOTH: 6.01940000057 secs
MYSQL_NUM: 3.22173595428 secs
MYSQL_ASSOC: 3.92950594425 secs

mysql_fetch_row: 2.35096800327 secs
mysql_fetch_assoc: 2.92349803448 secs

As you can see, it's twice as effecient to fetch either an array or a hash, rather than getting both.  it's even faster to use fetch_row rather than passing fetch_array MYSQL_NUM, or fetch_assoc rather than fetch_array MYSQL_ASSOC.  Don't fetch BOTH unless you really need them, and most of the time you don't.
barbieri at NOSPAMzero dot it
31.05.2002 15:21
Here is a suggestion to workaround the problem of NULL values:

// get associative array, with NULL values set
$record = mysql_fetch_array($queryID,MYSQL_ASSOC);

// set number indices
    $i = 0;
    foreach($record as $element)
        $record[$i++] = $element;

This way you can access $result array as usual, having NULL fields set.
mjm at porter dot appstate dot edu
13.03.2002 4:48
If you perform a SELECT query which returns different columns with duplicate names, like this:

$sql_statement = "SELECT tbl1.colA, tbl2.colA FROM tbl1 LEFT JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.colC = tbl2.colC";

$result = mysql_query($sql_statement, $handle);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);


$row[0] is equivalent to $row["colA"]


$row[1] is not equivalent to $row["colA"].

Moral of the story: You must use the numerical index on the result row arrays if column names are not unique, even if they come from different tables within a JOIN. This would render mysql_fetch_assoc() useless.

[Ed. note - or you could do the usual 'select tbl1.colA as somename, tbl2.colA as someothername. . .' which would obviate the problem. -- Torben]
some at gamepoint dot net
10.01.2002 20:13
I never had so much trouble with null fields but it's to my understanding that extract only works as expected when using an associative array only, which is the case with mysql_fetch_assoc() as used in the previous note.

However a mysql_fetch_array will return field values with both the numerical and associative keys, the numerical ones being those extract() can't handle very well.
You can prevent that by calling mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC) which will return the same result as mysql_fetch_assoc and is extract() friendly.

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