(PHP 4, PHP 5)
in_array — Prüft, ob ein Wert in einem Array existiert
Diese Funktion sucht in haystack nach needle.
Der gesuchte Wert.
Ist needle ein String so wird bei der Suche Groß- und Kleinschreibung beachtet.
Das zu durchsuchende Array.
Wenn der dritte Parameter auf TRUE gesetzt wird vergleicht in_array() nicht nur den Wert sondern auch den Typ des gesuchten Wertes needle mit den Elementen des Arrays.
Gibt TRUE zurück wenn needle im Array gefunden wird, sonst FALSE.
Version | Beschreibung |
4.2.0 | needle kann nun selbst ein Array sein. |
Beispiel #1 in_array() Beispiel
$os = array("Mac", "NT", "Irix", "Linux");
if (in_array("Irix", $os)) {
echo "Irix enthalten";
if (in_array("mac", $os)) {
echo "mac enthalten";
Der zweite Vergleich schlägt fehl da in_array() Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterscheidet, die Ausgabe sieht daher so aus:
Irix enthalten
Beispiel #2 in_array() Beispiel mit 'strict'
$a = array('1.10', 12.4, 1.13);
if (in_array('12.4', $a, true)) {
echo "'12.4' bei strenger Prüfung gefunden\n";
if (in_array(1.13, $a, true)) {
echo "1.13 Bei strenger Prüfung gefunden\n";
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:
1.13 bei strenger Prüfung gefunden
Beispiel #3 in_array() mit Array als Suchwert
$a = array(array('p', 'h'), array('p', 'r'), 'o');
if (in_array(array('p', 'h'), $a)) {
echo "'ph' gefunden\n";
if (in_array(array('f', 'i'), $a)) {
echo "'fi' gefunden\n";
if (in_array('o', $a)) {
echo "'o' gefunden\n";
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:
'ph' gefunden 'o' gefunden
Here's another way to get around the case-sensitive issue with in_array:
function in_arrayi($needle, $haystack)
for($h = 0 ; $h < count($haystack) ; $h++)
$haystack[$h] = strtolower($haystack[$h]);
return in_array(strtolower($needle),$haystack);
This is good for parsing URI's or preventing SQL injection.
If you have an array like:
$arr = array(0,1,2,3,4,5);
in_array(NULL, $arr) returns true because you have 0 in your array. That is, in_array does not use === for equal check.
Here is a function which returns TRUE if a value exists in a multi array or in a multi object
function in_multiarray($elem, $array)
// if the $array is an array or is an object
if( is_array( $array ) || is_object( $array ) )
// if $elem is in $array object
if( is_object( $array ) )
$temp_array = get_object_vars( $array );
if( in_array( $elem, $temp_array ) )
return TRUE;
// if $elem is in $array return true
if( is_array( $array ) && in_array( $elem, $array ) )
return TRUE;
// if $elem isn't in $array, then check foreach element
foreach( $array as $array_element )
// if $array_element is an array or is an object call the in_multiarray function to this element
// if in_multiarray returns TRUE, than return is in array, else check next element
if( ( is_array( $array_element ) || is_object( $array_element ) ) && $this->in_multiarray( $elem, $array_element ) )
return TRUE;
// if isn't in array return FALSE
return FALSE;
I wrote a function that search for a property value of an object in an array of objects:
function property_value_in_array($array, $property, $value) {
$flag = false;
foreach($array as $object) {
if(!is_object($object) || !property_exists($object, $property)) {
return false;
if($object->$property == $value) {
$flag = true;
return $flag;
$obj1 = new StdClass();
$obj2 = new StdClass();
$obj3 = new StdClass();
$obj1->name = 'Object 1';
$obj1->age = 12;
$obj2->name = 'Object 2';
$obj2->age = 13;
$obj3->name = 'Object 3';
$obj3->age = 14;
/* It returns true because there is the "14" value in the "age" property of an object within the array. */
echo property_value_in_array(array($obj1, $obj2, $obj3), 'age', 14);
in_array() will always return true if a value in the haystack is of type bool(true).
This always hold except when the needle is of type bool(false).
$haystack = array(true);
$needle = "anything except bool(false)";
$result = in_array($needle, $haystack);
var_dump($result); #Will always be true
run in_array() with strict set to true.
in_array($needle, $haystack, true);
Tested on PHP 5.2.6
If you found yourself in need of a multidimensional array in_array like function you can use the one below. Works in a fair amount of time
function in_multiarray($elem, $array)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom] == $elem)
return true;
if(in_multiarray($elem, ($array[$bottom])))
return true;
return false;
If you're working with very large 2 dimensional arrays (eg 20,000+ elements) it's much faster to do this...
$needle = 'test for this';
$flipped_haystack = array_flip($haystack);
if ( isset($flipped_haystack[$needle]) )
print "Yes it's there!";
I had a script that went from 30+ seconds down to 2 seconds (when hunting through a 50,000 element array 50,000 times).
Remember to only flip it once at the beginning of your code though!
If you're trying to find out whether or not at least a single value of an array matches a value in your haystack then use "array_intersect" instead of "in_array".
$needle = array(1,2);
$haystack = array(0,1,2);
echo "in_array: ".(int)in_array($needle, $haystack); // returns 0
echo "array_intersect: ".(int)array_intersect((array)$needle, $haystack); // returns 1
This function has Problem with UTF-8. To solve this Problem use:
in_array( mb_strtolower($tag, "UTF-8"), $arr)
If you're creating an array yourself and then using in_array to search it, consider setting the keys of the array and using isset instead since it's much faster.
$slow = array('apple', 'banana', 'orange');
if (in_array('banana', $slow))
print('Found it!');
$fast = array('apple' => 'apple', 'banana' => 'banana', 'orange' => 'orange');
if (isset($fast['banana']))
print('Found it!');
in case your haystack is undefined or not set:
$fruitExists = in_array('mango', (array) $_SESSION["fruits"]);
will return false if the haystack is not an array.
This function is five times faster than in_array(). It uses a binary search and should be able to be used as a direct replacement:
function fast_in_array($elem, $array)
$top = sizeof($array) -1;
$bot = 0;
while($top >= $bot)
$p = floor(($top + $bot) / 2);
if ($array[$p] < $elem) $bot = $p + 1;
elseif ($array[$p] > $elem) $top = $p - 1;
else return TRUE;
return FALSE;
I just struggled for a while with this, although it may be obvious to others.
If you have an array with mixed type content such as:
$ary = array (
be sure to use the strict checking when searching for a string in the array, or it will match on the 0 int in that array and give a true for all values of needle that are strings strings.
var_dump( in_array( 2, $ary ) );
// outputs FALSE
var_dump( in_array( 'Not in there', $ary ) );
// outputs TRUE
var_dump( in_array( 'Not in there', $ary, TRUE ) );
// outputs FALSE
This function will generate a PHP_NOTICE if you are looking for data of type A in an array containing data of type B if casting A to B would generate a PHP_NOTICE. This may not be obvious. For example:
$o = new stdClass;
$a = array(1, 2, $o);
in_array(5, $a);
The output here is:
Notice: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to int in /some/script.php on line 5
A little function to use an array of needles:
function array_in_array($needles, $haystack) {
foreach ($needles as $needle) {
if ( in_array($needle, $haystack) ) {
return true;
return false;
If made a in_array function that checks if the specified key matches. It works recursivly so it doesn't matter how deep your input array is.
function myInArray($array, $value, $key){
//loop through the array
foreach ($array as $val) {
//if $val is an array cal myInArray again with $val as array input
return true;
//else check if the given key has $value as value
return true;
return false;
For a case-insensitive in_array(), you can use array_map() to avoid a foreach statement, e.g.:
function in_arrayi($needle, $haystack) {
return in_array(strtolower($needle), array_map('strtolower', $haystack));
Removes same text with in_array in a string.
// alots of same stings
$t= array();
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($x);$i++){ // this for remove its
//echo $x[$i]."\n";
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($t);$i++){ // rebuilding $hizmet strings.
echo $t[$i].",";
Here's a simple little function I wrote that is a case insensitive version of in_array():
function in_arrayi( $needle, $haystack ) {
$found = false;
foreach( $haystack as $value ) {
if( strtolower( $value ) == strtolower( $needle ) ) {
$found = true;
return $found;
function similar to in_array but implements LIKE '<string>%'
function in_array_like($referencia,$array){
foreach($array as $ref){
if (strstr($referencia,$ref)){
return true;
return false;
I found out that in_array will *not* find an associative array within a haystack of associative arrays in strict mode if the keys were not generated in the *same order*:
$needle = array(
'fruit'=>'banana', 'vegetable'=>'carrot'
$haystack = array(
array('vegetable'=>'carrot', 'fruit'=>'banana'),
array('fruit'=>'apple', 'vegetable'=>'celery')
echo in_array($needle, $haystack, true) ? 'true' : 'false';
// Output is 'false'
echo in_array($needle, $haystack) ? 'true' : 'false';
// Output is 'true'
I had wrongly assumed the order of the items in an associative array were irrelevant, regardless of whether 'strict' is TRUE or FALSE: The order is irrelevant *only* if not in strict mode.
Be aware of oddities when dealing with 0 (zero) values in an array...
This script:
$array = array('testing',0,'name');
//this will return true
var_dump(in_array('foo', $array));
//this will return false
var_dump(in_array('foo', $array, TRUE));
It seems in non strict mode, the 0 value in the array is evaluating to boolean FALSE and in_array returns TRUE. Use strict mode to work around this peculiarity.
This only seems to occur when there is an integer 0 in the array. A string '0' will return FALSE for the first test above (at least in 5.2.6).
Small method i built for my Array module, after looking through the manual I wanted a small compact way of making a wildcard search through an arrays values, and returning only those that it found.
* Takes a needle and haystack (just like in_array()) and does a wildcard search on it's values.
* @param string $string Needle to find
* @param array $array Haystack to look through
* @result array Returns the elements that the $string was found in
function find ($string, $array = array ())
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
unset ($array[$key]);
if (strpos($value, $string) !== false) {
$array[$key] = $value;
return $array;
Here's a function that does an in_array, but takes wildcards in the needle, and also can be case sensitive/insensitive...
A few points:
-It doesn't use foreach, but for, which is quicker
-I didn't use regex to search with a wildcard for the reason that the needle could be unpredictable if it's user-input, and rather than having to escape metacharacters, I decided it would be easier to do a plain text comparison.
-Needles with wildcards can come in many forms such as:
so a split is being done on that string, and each part is then compared with the current item. If the first part is not found, the comparison is done, and we move on. If it IS found, we move on to the next part of the needle, while chopping off the initial part of the haystack string. This is to ensure that each comparison of a needle part is looking at the next part of the haystack string.
For example:
needle: "Bo*bo"
haystack[0] = "Bob is lazy"
On the first pass, when searching "Bo", we then modify the haystack[0] to be: "b is lazy" so that "bo" is compared with that. Otherwise, we'd be comparing "bo" with "Bob is lazy", and returning true incorrectly.
I haven't fully tested the function, so let me know if you spot any bugs, or have any questions.
function in_wildarray($needle, $haystack, $case_sensitive=true) {
$is_wild = (strpos($needle,"*")===true)? true : false;
$needles = ($is_wild)? explode("*", $needle) : array();
$needle = ($case_sensitive)? $needle : strtolower($needle);
for($i=0;$i<count($haystack);$i++) {
$haystack_str = ($case_sensitive)? haystack[$i] : strtolower($haystack[$i]);
if ($is_wild) {
$found = false;
for($x=0;$x<count($needles);$x++) {
$needle_part = trim($needles[x]);
$needle_index = strpos($haystack_str, $needle_part);
if ($needle_index===false) {
$found = false;
break; //break out of the loop, because string part is not found in the haystack string
} else {
$found = true;
//chop off the start of the string to the needle_index
//so we can be sure that the found items are in the correct order
//and we are avoiding the potential of finding duplicate characters
$haystack_str = substr($haystack_str, 0, $needle_index);
if ($found) { return true; }
} elseif (!$is_wild && $haystack_str == $needle) {
return true;
return false;
As the code is right now, when there are wild cards, it will treat the initial segment as though it's preceded with a wild card. In other words, the first segment will be searched, not simply at the beginning of the string, but anywhere. Because it's a simple fix, I'll leave it to others. :)
Recursive in array using SPL
function in_array_recursive($needle, $haystack) {
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($haystack));
foreach($it AS $element) {
if($element == $needle) {
return true;
return false;
When using numbers as needle, it gets tricky:
Note this behaviour (3rd statement):
in_array(0, array(42)) = FALSE
in_array(0, array('42')) = FALSE
in_array(0, array('Foo')) = TRUE
in_array('0', array('Foo')) = FALSE
A first idea for a function that checks if a text is in a specific column of an array.
It does not use in_array function because it doesn't check via columns.
Its a test, could be much better. Do not use it without test.
function in_array_column($text, $column, $array)
if (!empty($array) && is_array($array))
for ($i=0; $i < count($array); $i++)
if ($array[$i][$column]==$text || strcmp($array[$i][$column],$text)==0) return true;
return false;
In PHP 4, the first argument seems not allowed to be an object. In PHP 5, also objects are allowed as $needle.
In case you have to check for unknown or dynamic variables in an array, you can use the following simple work-around to avoid misleading checks against empty and zero values (and only these "values"!):
in_array($value, $my_array, empty($value) && $value !== '0');
The function empty() is the right choice as it turns to true for all 0, null and ''.
The '0' value (where empty() returns true as well) has to be excluded manually (as this is handled by in_array correctly!).
$val = 0;
$res = in_array($val, array('2007'));
leads incorrectly to true where
$val = 0;
$res = in_array($val, array('2007'), empty($val) && $val !== '0');
leads correctly to false (strict check!) while
$val = 2007;
$res = in_array($val, array('2007'), empty($val) && $val !== '0');
still correctly finds the '2007' ($res === true) because it ignores strict checking for that value.
Be careful with checking for "zero" in arrays when you are not in strict mode.
in_array(0, array()) == true
in_array(0, array(), true) == false
A simple function to type less when wanting to check if any one of many values is in a single array.
function array_in_array($needle, $haystack) {
//Make sure $needle is an array for foreach
if(!is_array($needle)) $needle = array($needle);
//For each value in $needle, return TRUE if in $haystack
foreach($needle as $pin)
if(in_array($pin, $haystack)) return TRUE;
//Return FALSE if none of the values from $needle are found in $haystack
return FALSE;
Be careful!
in_array(null, $some_array)
seems to differ between versions
with 5.1.2 it is false
but with 5.2.1 it's true!
I needed a version of in_array() that supports wildcards in the haystack. Here it is:
function my_inArray($needle, $haystack) {
# this function allows wildcards in the array to be searched
foreach ($haystack as $value) {
if (true === fnmatch($value, $needle)) {
return true;
return false;
$haystack = array('*krapplack.de');
$needle = 'www.krapplack.de';
echo my_inArray($needle, $haystack); # outputs "true"
Unfortunately, fnmatch() is not available on Windows or other non-POSIX compliant systems.
Here's another deep_in_array function, but this one has a case-insensitive option :)
function deep_in_array($value, $array, $case_insensitive = false){
foreach($array as $item){
if(is_array($item)) $ret = deep_in_array($value, $item, $case_insensitive);
else $ret = ($case_insensitive) ? strtolower($item)==$value : $item==$value;
if($ret)return $ret;
return false;
Sorry, that deep_in_array() was a bit broken.
function deep_in_array($value, $array) {
foreach($array as $item) {
if(!is_array($item)) {
if ($item == $value) return true;
else continue;
if(in_array($value, $item)) return true;
else if(deep_in_array($value, $item)) return true;
return false;
Here's a gotcha, and another reason to always use strict with this function.
$x= array('this');
$test= in_array(0, $x);
var_dump($test); // true
$x= array(0);
$test= in_array('that', $x);
var_dump($test); // true
$x= array('0');
$test= in_array('that', $x);
var_dump($test); // false
It's hard to think of a reason to use this function *without* strict.
This is important for validating user input from a set of allowed values, such as from a <select> tag.
in_arrayr -- Checks if the value is in an array recursively
bool in_array (mixed needle, array haystack)
function in_arrayr($needle, $haystack) {
foreach ($haystack as $v) {
if ($needle == $v) return true;
elseif (is_array($v)) return in_arrayr($needle, $v);
return false;
// i think it works
hope this function may be useful to you, it checks an array recursively (if an array has sub-array-levels) and also the keys, if wanted:
function rec_in_array($needle, $haystack, $alsokeys=false)
if(!is_array($haystack)) return false;
if(in_array($needle, $haystack) || ($alsokeys && in_array($needle, array_keys($haystack)) )) return true;
else {
foreach($haystack AS $element) {
$ret = rec_in_array($needle, $element, $alsokeys);
return $ret;
Beware of type conversion!
This snippet will unset every 0 key element form the array, when cycling an array which contains at least one _num value.
This is because php tries to convert every element of $forbidden_elements to integer when encountering a numeric index into array.
So $array[0] it's considered equal to (int)'_num'.
foreach ($array as $key=>$value){
if (in_array($key,$forbidden_elements)){
unset ($array[$key]);
The following example works, anway you can use strict comparison as well.
foreach ($array as $key=>$value){
if (in_array($key,$forbidden_elements) && is_string($key)){
unset ($array[$key]);
If you have a multidimensional array filled only with Boolean values like me, you need to use 'strict', otherwise in_array() will return an unexpected result.
$error_arr = array('error_one' => FALSE, 'error_two' => FALSE, array('error_three' => FALSE, 'error_four' => FALSE));
if (in_array (TRUE, $error_arr)) {
echo 'An error occurred';
else {
echo 'No error occurred';
This will return 'An error occurred' although theres no TRUE value inside the array in any dimension. With 'strict' the function will return the correct result 'No error occurred'.
Hope this helps somebody, cause it took me some time to figure this out.
case-insensitive version of in_array:
function is_in_array($str, $array) {
return preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($str, '/') . '$/i', $array);
if the needle is only a part of an element in the haystack, FALSE will be returned, though the difference maybe only a special char like line feeding (\n or \r).
I searched the general mailing list and found that in PHP versions before 4.2.0 needle was not allowed to be an array.
Here's how I solved it to check if a value is in_array to avoid duplicates;
$myArray = array(array('p', 'h'), array('p', 'r'));
$newValue = "q";
$newInsert = array('p','q');
$itBeInThere = 0;
foreach ($myArray as $currentValue) {
if (in_array ($newValue, $currentValue)) {
$itBeInThere = 1;
if ($itBeInThere != 1) {
array_unshift ($myArray, $newInsert);
Sometimes, you might want to search values in array, that does not exist. In this case php will display nasty warning:
Wrong datatype for second argument in call to in_array() .
In this case, add a simple statement before the in_array function:
if (sizeof($arr_to_searchin) == 0 || !in_array($value, $arr_to_searchin)) { /*...*/ }
In this case, the 1st statement will return true, omitting the 2nd one.
If you want to search a multiple array for a value - you can use this function - which looks up the value in any of the arrays dimensions (like in_array() does in the first dimension).
Note that the speed is growing proportional with the size of the array - why in_array is best if you can determine where to look for the value.
Copy & paste this into your code...
function in_multi_array($needle, $haystack)
$in_multi_array = false;
if(in_array($needle, $haystack))
$in_multi_array = true;
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($haystack); $i++)
if(in_multi_array($needle, $haystack[$i]))
$in_multi_array = true;
return $in_multi_array;