(PHP 4, PHP 5)
compact — Erstellt ein Array mit Variablen und deren Werten
compact() übernimmt eine variable Anzahl von Parametern. Jeder Parameter kann entweder ein String mit einem Variablennamen, oder ein Array mit Variablennamen sein. Dieses Array kann auch andere Arrays mit Variablennamen enthalten; compact() behandelt sie rekursiv.
Für alle diese sucht compact() nach einer Variablen in der aktuellen Symboltabelle, und fügt diese dem zurückzugebenden Array hinzu, wobei der Variablenname als Schlüssel, und der Inhalt der Variablen als Wert gespeichert wird. Kurz, diese Funktion tut das Gegenteil von extract(). Sie gibt ein Array mit allen Variablen zurück.
Strings, welche nicht gesetzt sind, werden einfach ignoriert.
Hinweis: Achtung
Weil variable Variablen nicht mit PHPs superglobalen Arrays verwendet werden dürfen, können die superglobalen Arrays nicht an compact() übergeben werden.
Beispiel #1 compact()
$stadt = "San Francisco";
$staat = "CA";
$ereignis = "SIGGRAPH";
$location_vars = array("stadt", "staat");
$result = compact("ereignis", "nichts_hier", $location_vars);
Danach wird $result:
Array ( [ereignis] => SIGGRAPH [stadt] => San Francisco [staat] => CA )
Siehe auch extract().
Please note that compact() will _not_ issue a warning if the specified variable name is undefined.
Compact does not work with references, but there is a short way to resolve this:
foreach( array('apple','banana') as $v) $foo[$v] = &$v;
You can check whether a variable is defined by using array_key_exists()!
First, you may ask that no reserved array (would be called $LOCALS) is predefined in function scope (contrast to reserved array $GLOBALS in global scope. To solve it, you can use compact().
Then, you may ask that why property_exists() cannot be used. This is because no reserved function is predefined to create OBJECT containing variables and their values, and no reserved function is predefined to import variables into the current symbol table from an OBJECT. In addition, property_exists() breaks the naming convention of reserved function.
Finally, I show how to check whether a variable is defined by using array_key_exists():
function too(){
$roo = array_key_exists('foo', compact('foo'));
echo ($roo?'1':'0').'<br/>';
$foo = null;
$roo = array_key_exists('foo', compact('foo'));
echo ($roo?'1':'0').'<br/>';
The output will be:
Can also handy for debugging, to quickly show a bunch of variables and their values:
print_r(compact(explode(' ', 'count acw cols coldepth')));
[count] => 70
[acw] => 9
[cols] => 7
[coldepth] => 10
You might could think of it as ${$var}. So, if you variable is not accessible with the ${$var} it will not working with this function. Examples being inside of function or class where you variable is not present.
$foo = 'bar';
function blah()
// this will no work since the $foo is not in scope
$somthin = compact('foo'); // you get empty array
PS: Sorry for my poor english...
The compact function doesn't work inside the classes or functions.
I think its escope is local...
Above it is a code to help about it.
Comments & Suggestions are welcome.
PS: Sorry for my poor english...
function x_compact()
{ if(func_num_args()==0)
{ return false; }
function attach($val)
{ global $m;
if((!is_numeric($val)) && array_key_exists($val,$GLOBALS))
{ $m[$val]=$GLOBALS[$val];}
function sub($par)
{ global $m;
{ foreach($par as $cel)
{ if(is_array($cel))
{ sub($cel); }
{ attach($cel); }
{ attach($par); }
return $m;
{ $arg=func_get_arg($i);
return sub($arg);
Use the following piece of code if you want to insert a value into an array at a path that is extracted from a string.
You have a syntax like 'a|b|c|d' which represents the array structure, and you want to insert a value X into the array at the position $array['a']['b']['c']['d'] = X.
function array_path_insert(&$array, $path, $value)
$path_el = split('\|', $path);
$arr_ref =& $array;
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($path_el); $i++)
$arr_ref =& $arr_ref[$path_el[$i]];
$arr_ref = $value;
$array['a']['b']['f'] = 4;
$path = 'a|b|d|e';
$value = 'hallo';
array_path_insert($array, $path, $value);
/* var_dump($array) returns:
array(1) {
&array(1) {
&array(2) {
&array(1) {
string(5) "hallo"
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