PHP Doku:: Beispiele - solr.examples.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Apache Solr


The SolrUtils class>>


Examples of how to use the Apache Solr extension in PHP

Beispiel #2 Contents of the BootStrap file


/* Domain name of the Solr server */

/* Whether or not to run in secure mode */

/* HTTP Port to connection */
define('SOLR_SERVER_PORT', ((SOLR_SECURE) ? 8443 8983));

/* HTTP Basic Authentication Username */

/* HTTP Basic Authentication password */

/* HTTP connection timeout */
/* This is maximum time in seconds allowed for the http data transfer operation. Default value is 30 seconds */

/* File name to a PEM-formatted private key + private certificate (concatenated in that order) */

/* File name to a PEM-formatted private certificate only */

/* File name to a PEM-formatted private key */

/* Password for PEM-formatted private key file */

/* Name of file holding one or more CA certificates to verify peer with*/

/* Name of directory holding multiple CA certificates to verify peer with */


Beispiel #3 Adding a document to the index


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$doc = new SolrInputDocument();


$updateResponse $client->addDocument($doc);



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 446


Beispiel #4 Merging one document into another document


include "bootstrap.php";

$doc = new SolrDocument();

$second_doc = new SolrDocument();


$doc->features "PHP Client Side";
$doc->features "Fast development cycles";

$doc['cat'] = 'Software';
$doc['cat'] = 'Custom Search';
$doc->cat   'Information Technology';

$second_doc->addField('cat''Lucene Search');




Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

    [document_boost] => 0
    [field_count] => 3
    [fields] => Array
            [0] => SolrDocumentField Object
                    [name] => cat
                    [boost] => 0
                    [values] => Array
                            [0] => Software
                            [1] => Custom Search
                            [2] => Information Technology


            [1] => SolrDocumentField Object
                    [name] => id
                    [boost] => 0
                    [values] => Array
                            [0] => 1123


            [2] => SolrDocumentField Object
                    [name] => features
                    [boost] => 0
                    [values] => Array
                            [0] => PHP Client Side
                            [1] => Fast development cycles




Beispiel #5 Searching for documents - SolrObject responses


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery();





$query_response $client->query($query);

$response $query_response->getResponse();



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 1
            [params] => SolrObject Object
                    [wt] => xml
                    [rows] => 50
                    [start] => 0
                    [indent] => on
                    [q] => lucene
                    [fl] => cat,features,id,timestamp
                    [version] => 2.2


    [response] => SolrObject Object
            [numFound] => 3
            [start] => 0
            [docs] => Array
                    [0] => SolrObject Object
                            [cat] => Array
                                    [0] => Software
                                    [1] => Lucene

                            [id] => 334456

                    [1] => SolrObject Object
                            [cat] => Array
                                    [0] => Software
                                    [1] => Lucene

                            [id] => 334455

                    [2] => SolrObject Object
                            [cat] => Array
                                    [0] => software
                                    [1] => search

                            [features] => Array
                                    [0] => Advanced Full-Text Search Capabilities using Lucene
                                    [1] => Optimized for High Volume Web Traffic
                                    [2] => Standards Based Open Interfaces - XML and HTTP
                                    [3] => Comprehensive HTML Administration Interfaces
                                    [4] => Scalability - Efficient Replication to other Solr Search Servers
                                    [5] => Flexible and Adaptable with XML configuration and Schema
                                    [6] => Good unicode support: héllo (hello with an accent over the e)

                            [id] => SOLR1000
                            [timestamp] => 2009-09-04T20:38:55.906




Beispiel #6 Searching for documents - SolrDocument responses


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery();





$query_response $client->query($query);


$response $query_response->getResponse();



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 1
            [params] => SolrObject Object
                    [wt] => xml
                    [rows] => 50
                    [start] => 0
                    [indent] => on
                    [q] => lucene
                    [fl] => cat,features,id,timestamp
                    [version] => 2.2


    [response] => SolrObject Object
            [numFound] => 3
            [start] => 0
            [docs] => Array
                    [0] => SolrDocument Object
                            [_hashtable_index:SolrDocument:private] => 19740

                    [1] => SolrDocument Object
                            [_hashtable_index:SolrDocument:private] => 25485

                    [2] => SolrDocument Object
                            [_hashtable_index:SolrDocument:private] => 25052




Beispiel #7 Simple TermsComponent example - basic


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery();



$updateResponse $client->query($query);



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 2

    [terms] => SolrObject Object
            [cat] => SolrObject Object
                    [electronics] => 14
                    [Lucene] => 4
                    [Software] => 4
                    [memory] => 3
                    [card] => 2
                    [connector] => 2
                    [drive] => 2
                    [graphics] => 2
                    [hard] => 2
                    [monitor] => 2



Beispiel #8 Simple TermsComponent example - using a prefix


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery();


/* Return only terms starting with $prefix */
$prefix 'c';


$updateResponse $client->query($query);



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 1

    [terms] => SolrObject Object
            [cat] => SolrObject Object
                    [card] => 2
                    [connector] => 2
                    [camera] => 1
                    [copier] => 1



Beispiel #9 Simple TermsComponent example - specifying a minimum frequency


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery();


/* Return only terms starting with $prefix */
$prefix 'c';

/* Return only terms with a frequency of 2 or greater */
$min_frequency 2;


$updateResponse $client->query($query);



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 0

    [terms] => SolrObject Object
            [cat] => SolrObject Object
                    [card] => 2
                    [connector] => 2



Beispiel #10 Simple Facet Example


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery('*:*');



$updateResponse $client->query($query);

$response_array $updateResponse->getResponse();

$facet_data $response_array->facet_counts->facet_fields;



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [cat] => SolrObject Object
            [electronics] => 14
            [memory] => 3
            [Lucene] => 2
            [Software] => 2
            [card] => 2
            [connector] => 2
            [drive] => 2
            [graphics] => 2
            [hard] => 2
            [monitor] => 2
            [search] => 2
            [software] => 2

    [name] => SolrObject Object
            [gb] => 6
            [1] => 3
            [184] => 3
            [2] => 3
            [3200] => 3
            [400] => 3
            [500] => 3
            [ddr] => 3
            [i] => 3
            [ipod] => 3
            [memori] => 3
            [pc] => 3
            [pin] => 3
            [pod] => 3
            [sdram] => 3
            [system] => 3
            [unbuff] => 3
            [canon] => 2
            [corsair] => 2
            [drive] => 2
            [hard] => 2
            [mb] => 2
            [n] => 2
            [power] => 2
            [retail] => 2
            [video] => 2
            [x] => 2


Beispiel #11 Simple Facet Example - with optional field override for mincount


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery('*:*');



$updateResponse $client->query($query);

$response_array $updateResponse->getResponse();

$facet_data $response_array->facet_counts->facet_fields;



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [cat] => SolrObject Object
            [electronics] => 14
            [memory] => 3
            [Lucene] => 2
            [Software] => 2
            [card] => 2
            [connector] => 2
            [drive] => 2
            [graphics] => 2
            [hard] => 2
            [monitor] => 2
            [search] => 2
            [software] => 2

    [name] => SolrObject Object
            [gb] => 6


Beispiel #12 Connecting to SSL-Enabled Server


include "bootstrap.php";

$options = array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,
'timeout'  => SOLR_SERVER_TIMEOUT,
'secure'   => SOLR_SECURE,
'ssl_cert' => SOLR_SSL_CERT_ONLY,
'ssl_key'  => SOLR_SSL_KEY,
'ssl_keypassword' => SOLR_SSL_KEYPASSWORD,
'ssl_cainfo' => SOLR_SSL_CAINFO,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$query = new SolrQuery('*:*');



$updateResponse $client->query($query);

$response_array $updateResponse->getResponse();

$facet_data $response_array->facet_counts->facet_fields;



Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

SolrObject Object
    [cat] => SolrObject Object
            [electronics] => 14
            [memory] => 3
            [Lucene] => 2
            [Software] => 2
            [card] => 2
            [connector] => 2
            [drive] => 2
            [graphics] => 2
            [hard] => 2
            [monitor] => 2
            [search] => 2
            [software] => 2

    [name] => SolrObject Object
            [gb] => 6


4 BenutzerBeiträge:
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jschwehn+php at IGNOrMEgmail dot com
29.10.2010 15:05
If you are using Solr's multicore feature, you can access the cores via the path parameter in the $options array.
= array(...., 'path' => 'solr/core0', ...);
19.10.2010 14:51
If you like to access a different RequestHander than '/select' you can change it via
bjorn at bjorn-erik dot biz
19.09.2010 9:47
If you're testing these examples on a fresh install of solr, you will need to run a commit statement after you add documents to receive results when searching.

For example, add this:
<?php $client->commit(); ?>

to example 3 to be able to get any results when doing a search using example 5.
trickito at yahoo
16.11.2009 18:08
if your path to solr is something other than: /solr

you should add this to the bootstrap file above:

define('SOLR_SERVER_PATH', 'my-solr-url');

and then a corresponding entry to the options array in your client php code like:

'path'     => SOLR_SERVER_PATH

I couldn't find this is in the documentation and had to peek at the source to figure it out.

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