PHP Doku:: Use snapshot mode for the query - mongocursor.snapshot.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The MongoCursor class




(PECL mongo >=0.9.4)

MongoCursor::snapshotUse snapshot mode for the query


public MongoCursor MongoCursor::snapshot ( void )

Use snapshot mode for the query. Snapshot mode assures no duplicates are returned, or objects missed, which were present at both the start and end of the query's execution (if an object is new during the query, or deleted during the query, it may or may not be returned, even with snapshot mode).

Note that short query responses (less than 1MB) are always effectively snapshotted.

Currently, snapshot mode may not be used with sorting or explicit hints.


Diese Funktion hat keine Parameter.


Returns this cursor.


Throws MongoCursorException if this cursor has started iterating.

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