PHP Doku:: HP-UX specific installation notes - install.unix.hpux.html

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Installation auf Unix-Systemen

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HP-UX specific installation notes

This section contains notes and hints specific to installing PHP on HP-UX systems.

There are two main options for installing PHP on HP-UX systems. Either compile it, or install a pre-compiled binary.

Official pre-compiled packages are located here: »

Until this manual section is rewritten, the documentation about compiling PHP (and related extensions) on HP-UX systems has been removed. For now, consider reading the following external resource: » Building Apache and PHP on HP-UX 11.11

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23.03.2006 13:14
Installing PHP 5.x with Apache 2.x on HP UX 11i and configuring
PHP 5.x with Oracle 9i

I am very glad to share this information to configure PHP 5.x work
with Apache 2.x and Oracle 9i on HP UX 11i.

Step 1: Install Apache 2.x with DSO support:

This is a stratight forward Apache installation with
--enable-so option

gzip -d httpd-2_0_NN.tar.gz
tar xvf httpd-2_0_NN.tar
cd httpd-2_0_NN

./configure \
--prefix=/var/apps/apache2 \
--enable-so \
--enable-mods-shared=most \

You can add other options as required.


make install

Step 2: Install and configure PHP 5.x with Oracle 9i

Edit the ./configure file to change "$OCI8_DIR/lib" as "$OCI8_DIR/lib32"

By default, with Oracle 9i, "$OCI8_DIR/lib" will be poiting to
Oracle 64 bit libraries in "$OCI8_DIR/lib64" directory.
Unfortunately, PHP 5.x does not work with 64 bit oracle shared libraries.

Run configure..
$ ./configure \
--prefix=/var/apps/php \
--with-apxs2=/var/apps/apache2/bin/apxs \
--with-oci8=/oracle/app/product/9.0.2 \
--disable-libxml \
--enable-libgcc \
--enable-ftp \
--enable-calendar \
--enable-track-vars \
--enable-trans-sid \
--enable-sigchild \
--libexecdir=/var/apps/apache2/libexec \

--enable-libgcc \
--enable-sigchild \
You can add other options as required. You can use the --help
option to configure to get a complete list.
After configure runs, you must edit the file libtool.
$ vi ./libtool
At line 184, you should change the line from:
so that PHP and mod_php are properly compiled.
3. Compile and install the files.
Run make. This should complete normally.
$ make
Run make install. This will fail when it attempts to call apxs.
$ make install

Step 3: Configure Apache 2.x

Edit httpd.conf file to include

For PHP 5:
LoadModule php5_module modules/
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml

Set environment variables in $APACHE_ROOT/bin/envvars file




After lot of hard work, by following the above procedure,
we were able to make PHP 5.x is work with Apache 2.x
and Oracle 9i on HP UX 11i OS.

Hope this will save your time!!
flconseil at yahoo dot fr
23.01.2006 15:47
If hpws is not an option for you, or if you want to build Apache and PHP with your own options and extensions, I have written a step by step tutorial.

It explains how to build Apache 2.0 and PHP 5 from scratch on HP-UX 11i (11.11), including most modules and extensions (zlib, SSL, LDAP, iconv, expat, xml, xslt, gd, png, Xpm, jpeg, freetype, bzip2, curl, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, AdoDB) :
Marcus dot Reimann at reimann-systemberatung dot de
29.08.2003 16:50
If you need an Apache2-Server with PHP4 under HP-UX 11.x, it's a good way to download the HP-WebServer from the HP-Website ( The HP-Webserver comes with numerous moduls. First install the HP-Webserver (swinstall -s /absolute_path_to_depot_file/name_of_depot_file). After that, download the newest PHP-Version from (HP ships the HP-Webserver with an old PHP-Version) and unpack the tar-file in a working-directory.

Use the following parameters for configure PHP:
./configure --with-apxs2=/opt/hpws/apache/bin/apxs --prefix=/opt/hpws/apache/php [and so on...]

If configure prints the error "expr: An integer value was expected.", than you have to edit the Script "configure". Replace the line:
APACHE_VERSION=`expr $4 \* 1000000 + $5 \* 1000 + $6`
with the following (correct and very long) line:
APACHE_VERSION=`$APXS_HTTPD -v | head -1 | cut -f3 -d' ' | cut -f2 -d'/' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "."; } { printf "%d", ($1 * 1000 + $2) * 1000 + $3;}'`

Why? The output of "httpd -v" prints the following string:
Server version: HP-UX_Apache-based_Web_Server/2.0.46
Server built:   Jun 26 2003 04:41:28
But the configure-Script can't deal with this string.
jason dot sheets at hp dot com
27.02.2003 23:45
In order to use PHP 4.3.0 on HP-UX 11 I've found I must compile it statically with Apache, it does not build as a module.
jsheets at shadotech dot com
30.09.2002 20:42
To clarify the my $dso_ext = "so"; comment, you can find my $dso_ext = "so";  in your apxs script you need to change that line to my $dso_ext = "sl"; otherwise make install will fail.
nikrou at ifrance dot com
8.08.2002 13:32
On HP-UX 11.00, there's a problem to compiling PHP as a DSO module. The script apxs is looking fot instead of Change the line  in the script (search "extension").
Write : my $dso_ext = "sl";
instead of : my $dso_ext = "so"; // old line

ichoudhury007 at yahoo dot com
31.05.2002 6:11
On HP-UX 11 ... When you are compiling PHP as DSO, you will encounter an error during "make install"

        /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -i -a -n php4 libs/
apxs:Error: file libs/ is not a DSO
*** Error exit code 1

---- This is because installation is looking for instead of sl.  You can rename or link as and run
james at nospam dot hp dot com
29.01.2002 4:46
To build for HP-UX 10.X/11.X (and some other UNIX variants) with '--enable-sockets', you'll get an error about 'u_int' being redefined in /usr/include/netinet/in.h and ext/sockets/sockets.c will fail to compile.  The problem is this line from main/php_config.h:
#define in_addr_t u_int

The above define is a problem because HP-UX (and some other UNIXs) typedef in_addr_t.  A good workaround is to replace this define in main/php_config.h with the lines from the HP-UX 11.X netinet/in.h header file (which will work for 10.X as well):
#ifndef _IN_ADDR_T
#define _IN_ADDR_T
#ifdef  __LP64__
   typedef unsigned int   in_addr_t;
   typedef unsigned long  in_addr_t;
spam at adhocinc dot com
11.10.2001 23:35
For PHP 4.0.6 under HP-UX 11.00, I ran into errors during the compilation related to "LC_CTYPE" and other "LC_" vars.  The compilation complained that "LC_" such and such first used in such and such function.  (I think the error first came up in php_pcre.c, then in basic_functions.c).  The solution was to add "#include <locale.h>" to the php.h file.  Compilation was successful after that was added, with no other issues.  Used gcc 2.95.3, apache 1.3.20, bison 1.28, flex 2.5.4.a.
steven at oakleafconsultancy dot com
23.07.2001 17:28
Just a quick point to those of you (like me!) who might not be sharp enough to notice this: If you want to install PHP on an HP-UX 11.x box then you'll need to download and install the 11.x (not 10.20) versions of the software (like gcc and bison).  I didn't notice this and spent a large proportion of a day trying to figure out why the software wouldn't install!
marshalm at ebrd dot com
17.05.2001 19:58
HP-UX 11.X PA-RISC installation with oracle (oci8). You need to install the HP-UX patch PHSS_22514 patch (updated, otherwise you will get errors with dlopen() and dlclose() not found during the apache integration stage.
jonas__linden at hotmail dot com
23.01.2001 6:05
Building under HP-UX11
If you are using HP ANSI C you have to add +e i.e -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE +e

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