PHP Doku:: Findet das letzte Vorkommen eines Zeichens innerhalb einer Zeichenkette - function.strrpos.html

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(PHP 4, PHP 5)

strrposFindet das letzte Vorkommen eines Zeichens innerhalb einer Zeichenkette


int strrpos ( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 ] )

Gibt die numerische Position des letzten Vorkommens von needle innerhalb der Zeichenkette haystack zurück. Beachten Sie, dass needle unter PHP 4 in diesem Fall nur ein einzelnes Zeichen sein kann. Wenn Sie eine Zeichenkette als needle übergeben, wird nur deren erstes Zeichen verwendet.

Wurde needle nicht gefunden, wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

Es liegt nahe, einen Fehler bei der Auswertung der Rückgabewerte von "Zeichen an Position 0 gefunden" und "Zeichen nicht gefunden" zu begehen. Am einfachsten finden Sie den Unterschied wie folgt heraus:


// in PHP 4.0.0 und neuer:
$pos strrpos($meinstring"b");
if (
$pos === false) { // Beachten sie die drei Gleichheitszeichen
    // nicht gefunden ...

// in Versionen aelter als 4.0.0:
$pos strrpos($meinstring"b");
if (
is_bool($pos) && !$pos) {
// nicht gefunden ...

Ist needle kein String, wird der Parameter in einen Integerwert konvertiert, der dem Ordinalwert des Zeichens entspricht.

Hinweis: Seit PHP 5.0.0 kann offset den Anfangspunkt der Suche ab einer beliebigen Anzahl Zeichen innerhalb des Strings angeben. Negative Werte beenden die Suche an einem beliebigen Punkt vor dem Ende der Zeichenkette.

Hinweis: Der Parameter needle kann seit PHP 5.0.0 auch ein String aus mehr als einem Zeichen sein.





Der optionale Parameter offset ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Startposition für die Suche innerhalb von haystack anzugeben. Die zurück gegebene Positions-Angabe ist dann relativ zum Anfang von haystack.


Siehe auch

  • strpos() - Sucht das erste Vorkommen des Suchstrings
  • strripos() - Findet das letzte Vorkommen der gesuchten Zeichenkette in einem String, unabhängig von Groß- und Kleinschreibung
  • strrchr() - Sucht das letzte Vorkommen eines Zeichens in einem String
  • substr() - Gibt einen Teil eines Strings zurück
  • stristr() - Wie strstr, aber unabhängig von Groß- bzw. Kleinschreibung
  • strstr() - Findet das erste Vorkommen eines Strings

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andre at admolin dot com
2.04.2010 16:57
An usage of strrpos() is to find the last space of a string. With this, we can cut an string without cutting any word.

function short_str( $str, $len, $cut = true ) {
    if (
strlen( $str ) <= $len ) return $str;
    return (
$cut ? substr( $str, 0, $len ) : substr( $str, 0, strrpos( substr( $str, 0, $len ), ' ' ) ) ) . '...';

Using the function:

# This is a test st...
echo short_str( 'This is a test string.', 17 );
# This is a test...
echo short_str( 'This is a test string.', 17, false );
jriddy at obfuscation dot isnt dot spam-safe dot com
1.10.2009 22:24
If you're trying to do what "Alexandre" did a few posts below this one, that is, removing trailing slashes, just use rtrim() for simple stuff, and a preg function for more complicated removals.

Either one of the following functions will remove a trailing slash unless it's a root folder.


function trimTrailingSlashes1( $str ) {
// It's always a good idea to do this just to make sure.
$str = trim($str);
// If it's root, don't rtrim() the only slash away.
    // Passing a character mask to rtrim makes it look for the
    // characters you specify.
return $str == '/' ? $str : rtrim($str, '/');

maxmike at gmail dot com
12.07.2009 7:05
I've got a simple method of performing a reverse strpos which may be of use.  This version I have treats the offset very simply:
Positive offsets search backwards from the supplied string index.
Negative offsets search backwards from the position of the character that many characters from the end of the string.

Here is an example of backwards stepping through instances of a string with this function:

function backwardStrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0){
$length = strlen($haystack);
$offset = ($offset > 0)?($length - $offset):abs($offset);
$pos = strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle), $offset);
    return (
$pos === false)?false:( $length - $pos - strlen($needle) );

$pos = 0;
$count = 0;
$pos = backwardStrpos("012340567890", "0", $pos)) !== false){
$pos < 0){
backwardStrpos("12341234", "1", 2)."<br/>";
backwardStrpos("12341234", "1", -2);


With Test2 the first line checks from the first 3 in "12341234" and runs backwards until it finds a 1 (at position 0)

The second line checks from the second 2 in "12341234" and seeks towards the beginning for the first 1 it finds (at position 4).

This function is useful for php4 and also useful if the offset parameter in the existing strrpos is equally confusing to you as it is for me.
alexandre at NOSPAM dot pixeline dot be
20.12.2008 17:35
I needed to check if a variable that contains a generated folder name based on user input had a trailing slash.

This did the trick:

// Detect and remove a trailing slash
$root_folder = ((strrpos($root_folder, '/') + 1) == strlen($root_folder)) ? substr($root_folder, 0, - 1) : $root_folder;
eagleeye at eeisi dot com
3.07.2008 2:44
I had a problem where I was using the following in my .htaccess file.

php_value auto_prepend_file "pre.php"
php_value auto_append_file "post.php"

Not knowing how to prevent the htaccess directives from cascading, without having to put an override .htaccess in each subfolder, I figured, just prevent output in my pre and post scripts if we weren't in the root folder!

I did it using this line of code:

if (strrpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/") != 0) return;

Prevents execution of the rest of the script, and most importantly, doesn't output anything before any other headers may be sent by things in other folders (like my wiki site).
dubayou [ot]
17.06.2008 19:37
not all code is the same.
it should be coded such as
= "abcd";

This is how you might expect it to work
, but it will fail;
$a = "abcd";

dixonmd at gmail dot com
24.12.2007 11:42
        $pos = strlen(string $haystack) - strpos (strrev(string $haystack), strrev(string $needle)) - strlen(string $needle);

         If in the needle there is more than one character then in php 4 we can use the above statement for finding the position of last occurrence of a substring in a string instead of strrpos. Because in php 4 strrpos uses the first character of the substring.

eg :
        $haystack = "you you you you you";
        $needle = "you";
        $pos1 = strlen($haystack) - strpos (strrev($haystack), strrev($needle)) - strlen($needle);
        echo $pos1 . "<br>";
        $pos2 strrpos($haystack, $needle);
        echo $pos2 . "<br>";
t dot hornberger at yatego dot com
17.10.2007 13:50
the function posted is false, hier the correction:

function rstrpos ($haystack, $needle, $offset)
    $size = strlen ($haystack);
    $pos = strpos (strrev($haystack), strrev($needle), $size - $offset);
    if ($pos === false)
        return false;
    return $size - $pos - strlen($needle);
Daniel Brinca
15.10.2007 14:41
Here is a simple function to find the position of the next occurrence of needle in haystack, but searching backwards  (lastIndexOf type function):

//search backwards for needle in haystack, and return its position
function rstrpos ($haystack, $needle, $offset){
    $size = strlen ($haystack);
    $pos = strpos (strrev($haystack), $needle, $size - $offset);
    if ($pos === false)
        return false;
    return $size - $pos;

Note: supports full strings as needle
pb at tdcspace dot dk
23.09.2007 16:26
what the hell are you all doing. Wanna find the *next* last from a specific position because strrpos is useless with the "offset" option, then....

ex: find 'Z' in $str from position $p,  backward...

while($p > -1 and $str{$p} <> 'Z') $p--;

Anyone will notice $p = -1 means: *not found* and that you must ensure a valid start offset in $p, that is >=0 and < string length. Doh
brian at enchanter dot net
16.07.2007 16:47
The documentation for 'offset' is misleading.

It says, "offset may be specified to begin searching an arbitrary number of characters into the string. Negative values will stop searching at an arbitrary point prior to the end of the string."

This is confusing if you think of strrpos as starting at the end of the string and working backwards.

A better way to think of offset is:

- If offset is positive, then strrpos only operates on the part of the string from offset to the end. This will usually have the same results as not specifying an offset, unless the only occurences of needle are before offset (in which case specifying the offset won't find the needle).

- If offset is negative, then strrpos only operates on that many characters at the end of the string. If the needle is farther away from the end of the string, it won't be found.

If, for example, you want to find the last space in a string before the 50th character, you'll need to do something like this:

strrpos($text, " ", -(strlen($text) - 50));

If instead you used strrpos($text, " ", 50), then you would find the last space between the 50th character and the end of the string, which may not have been what you were intending.
jafet at g dot m dot a dot i dot l dot com
13.04.2007 4:08
It would probably be good if someone would care to merge these little thoughts together...

function super_conforming_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0)
# Why does strpos() do this? Anyway...
if(!is_string($needle)) $needle = ord(intval($needle));
is_string($haystack)) $haystack = strval($haystack);
# Setup
$offset = intval($offset);
$hlen = strlen($haystack);
$nlen = strlen($needle);
# Intermezzo
if($nlen == 0)
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.'(): Empty delimiter.', E_USER_WARNING);
$offset < 0)
$haystack = substr($haystack, -$offset);
$offset = 0;
$offset >= $hlen)
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.'(): Offset not contained in string.', E_USER_WARNING);
# More setup
$hrev = strrev($haystack);
$nrev = strrev($needle);
# Search
$pos = strpos($hrev, $nrev, $offset);
$pos === false) return false;
    else return
$hlen - $nlen - $pos;
jafet at g dot m dot a dot i dot l dot com
12.04.2007 10:57
Full strpos() functionality, by yours truly.

function conforming_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0)
# Why does strpos() do this? Anyway...
if(!is_string($needle)) $needle = ord(intval($needle));
$haystack = strval($haystack);
# Parameters
$hlen = strlen($haystack);
$nlen = strlen($needle);
# Come on, this is a feature too
if($nlen == 0)
trigger_error(__FUNCTION__.'(): Empty delimiter.', E_USER_WARNING);
$offset = intval($offset);
$hrev = strrev($haystack);
$nrev = strrev($needle);
# Search
$pos = strpos($hrev, $nrev, $offset);
$pos === false) return false;
    else return
$hlen - $nlen - $pos;

Note that $offset is evaluated from the end of the string.

Also note that conforming_strrpos() performs some five times slower than strpos(). Just a thought.
6.03.2007 10:43
To begin, i'm sorry for my English.
So, I needed of one function which gives me the front last position of a character.
Then I said myself that it should be better to make one which gives the "N" last position.

$return_context = "1173120681_0__0_0_Mijsoot_Thierry";

// Here i need to find = "Mijsoot_Thierry"

//echo $return_context."<br />";// -- DEBUG

function findPos($haystack,$needle,$position){
    $pos = strrpos($haystack, $needle);
        $position --;
        $haystack = substr($haystack, 0, $pos);
        $pos = findPos($haystack,$needle,$position);
        // echo $haystack."<br />"; // -- DEBUG
        return $pos;
    return $pos;

var_dump(findPos($return_context,"_",2)); // -- TEST
Christ Off
29.01.2007 19:50
Function to truncate a string
Removing dot and comma
Adding ... only if a is character found

function TruncateString($phrase, $longueurMax = 150) {
    $phrase = substr(trim($phrase), 0, $longueurMax);
    $pos = strrpos($phrase, " ");
    $phrase = substr($phrase, 0, $pos);
    if ((substr($phrase,-1,1) == ",") or (substr($phrase,-1,1) == ".")) {
        $phrase = substr($phrase,0,-1);
    if ($pos === false) {
        $phrase = $phrase;
    else {
        $phrase = $phrase . "...";
return $phrase;
Guilherme Garnier
15.01.2007 11:44
Actually, there is a little problem on your code: if $needle is not found inside $haystack, the function should return FALSE, but it is actually returning strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle). Here is a corrected version of it:

function stringrpos($haystack,$needle,$offset=NULL)
   if (
strpos($haystack,$needle,$offset) === FALSE)

strpos( strrev($haystack) , strrev($needle) , $offset)
php NO at SPAMMERS willfris SREMMAPS dot ON nl
21.12.2006 3:48
 ** Maybe the shortest code to find the last occurence of a string, even in php4
function stringrpos($haystack,$needle,$offset=NULL)
strpos( strrev($haystack) , strrev($needle) , $offset)
// @return   ->   chopped up for readability.
27.11.2006 9:07
I was having some issues when I moved my code to run it on a different server.
The earlier php version didn't support more than one character needles, so tada, bugs. It's in the docs, i'm just pointing it out in case you're scratching your head for a while.
dmitry dot polushkin at gmail dot com
4.11.2006 7:05
Returns the filename's string extension, else if no extension found returns false.
Example: filename_extension('some_file.mp3'); // mp3
Faster than the pathinfo() analogue in two times.
function filename_extension($filename) {
$pos = strrpos($filename, '.');
$pos===false) {
    } else {
substr($filename, $pos+1);
kavih7 at yahoo dot com
8.06.2006 21:53
# This function returns the last occurance of a string,
# rather than the last occurance of a single character like
# strrpos does. It also supports an offset from where to
# start the searching in the haystack string.
# $haystack (required) -- the string to search upon
# $needle (required) -- the string you are looking for
# $offset (optional) -- the offset to start from
# returns integer on success
# returns false on failure to find the string at all

function strrpos_string($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0)
trim($haystack) != "" && trim($needle) != "" && $offset <= strlen($haystack))
$last_pos = $offset;
$found = false;
$curr_pos = strpos($haystack, $needle, $last_pos)) !== false)
$found = true;
$last_pos = $curr_pos + 1;
$last_pos - 1;
shimon at schoolportal dot co dot il
3.05.2006 20:31
In strrstr function in php 4 there is also no offset.
// by Shimon Doodkin
function chrrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset=false)
$l==0)  return false;
$offset>$l) $offset=$l-1;
$offset<0) return false;
clan_ghw2 at hotmail dot com
3.02.2006 8:28
Brian below is incorrect about strrpos on different platforms.

Tested on Home PC (win32 + PHP 5.1.2) and Web Server (linux + 4.4.1)

echo strrpos("blah.blahannila","blaha");
returns 5 on windows
returns 5 on linux

Could've been a bug with an earlier PHP version, however the latest version of PHP returns position of the beginning of the string we're trying to find.

22.09.2005 12:59
As noted in some examples below, strrpos does not act the same on every platform!

On Linux, it returns the position of the end of the target
On Windows, it returns the position of the start of the target

strrpos ("c:/somecity/html/t.php")

returns 11 on Windows
returns 16 on Linux

gordon at kanazawa-gu dot ac dot jp
14.09.2005 6:56
The "find-last-occurrence-of-a-string" functions suggested here do not allow for a starting offset, so here's one, tried and tested, that does:

function my_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) {
    // same as strrpos, except $needle can be a string
    $strrpos = false;
    if (is_string($haystack) && is_string($needle) && is_numeric($offset)) {
        $strlen = strlen($haystack);
        $strpos = strpos(strrev(substr($haystack, $offset)), strrev($needle));
        if (is_numeric($strpos)) {
            $strrpos = $strlen - $strpos - strlen($needle);
    return $strrpos;
genetically altered mastermind at gmail
22.08.2005 19:30
Very handy to get a file extension:
$this->data['extension'] = substr($this->data['name'],strrpos($this->data['name'],'.')+1);
10.08.2005 13:07
RE: hao2lian

There are a lot of alternative - and unfortunately buggy - implementations of strrpos() (or last_index_of as it was called) on this page. This one is a slight modifiaction of the one below, but it should world like a *real* strrpos(), because it returns false if there is no needle in the haystack.


function my_strrpos($haystack, $needle) {
$index = strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle));
$index === false) {
$index = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle) - $index;

6.08.2005 21:03
If you are a VBScript programmer ("ex-" of course), you will find that 'strrpos' doesn't work like the VBScript 'instrRev' function.

Here is the equivalent function:



PHP Equivalent of the above VBScript:



You might think (I did!) that the following PHP function call would be the equivant of the above VBScript call:


NOPE!  In the above PHP call, $j defines the position in the string that should be considered the BEGINNING of the string, whereas in the VBScript call, j is to be considered the END of the string, as far as this search is concerned.  Anyway, the above 'strrpos' with the 'substr' will work.
(Probably faster to write a for loop!)
3.08.2005 4:50
Yet another correction on the last_index_of function algorithm:

function last_index_of($haystack, $needle) {
    $index = strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle));
    $index = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle) - $index;
    return $index;

"strlen(index)" in the most recent one should be "strlen($needle)".
jonas at jonasbjork dot net
6.04.2005 10:25
I needed to remove last directory from an path, and came up with this solution:


= "/my/sweet/home/";
$path_up = substr( $path_dir, 0, strrpos( $path_dir, '/', -2 ) )."/";


Might be helpful for someone..

8.03.2005 20:14
In the below example, it should be substr, not strrpos.


$filename = substr($url, strrpos($url, '/') + 1);

escii at hotmail dot com ( Brendan )
11.01.2005 4:12
I was immediatley pissed when i found the behaviour of strrpos ( shouldnt it be called charrpos ?) the way it is, so i made my own implement to search for strings.

function proper_strrpos($haystack,$needle){
$ret = strrpos($haystack,$needle))
$needle,strlen($needle)) == 0 )
$haystack = substr($haystack,0,$ret -1 );
griffioen at justdesign dot nl
17.11.2004 19:57
If you wish to look for the last occurrence of a STRING in a string (instead of a single character) and don't have mb_strrpos working, try this:

    function lastIndexOf($haystack, $needle) {
        $index        = strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle));
        $index        = strlen($haystack) - strlen(index) - $index;
        return $index;
nexman at playoutloud dot net
7.10.2004 18:22
Function like the 5.0 version of strrpos for 4.x.
This will return the *last* occurence of a string within a string.

    function strepos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) {       
        $pos_rule = ($offset<0)?strlen($haystack)+($offset-1):$offset;
        $last_pos = false; $first_run = true;
        do {
            $pos=strpos($haystack, $needle, (intval($last_pos)+(($first_run)?0:strlen($needle))));
            if ($pos!==false && (($offset<0 && $pos <= $pos_rule)||$offset >= 0)) {
                $last_pos = $pos;
            } else { break; }
            $first_run = false;
        } while ($pos !== false);
        if ($offset>0 && $last_pos<$pos_rule) { $last_pos = false; }
        return $last_pos;

If my math is off, please feel free to correct.
  - A positive offset will be the minimum character index position of the first character allowed.
  - A negative offset will be subtracted from the total length and the position directly before will be the maximum index of the first character being searched.

returns the character index ( 0+ ) of the last occurence of the needle.

* boolean FALSE will return no matches within the haystack, or outside boundries specified by the offset.
harlequin AT gmx DOT de
26.05.2004 18:59
this is my function for finding a filename in a URL:

function getfname($url){
$pos = strrpos($url, "/");
        if (
$pos === false) {
// not found / no filename in url...
return false;
        } else {
// Get the string length
$len = strlen($url);
            if (
$len < $pos){
"$len / $pos";
// the last slash we found belongs to http:// or it is the trailing slash of a URL
return false;
            } else {
$filename = substr($url, $pos+1, $len-$pos-1);
tsa at medicine dot wisc dot edu
25.05.2004 2:17
What the heck, I thought I'd throw another function in the mix.  It's not pretty but the following function counts backwards from your starting point and tells you the last occurrance of a mixed char string:

function strrposmixed ($haystack, $needle, $start=0) {
// init start as the end of the str if not set
if($start == 0) {
$start = strlen($haystack);
// searches backward from $start
$currentStrPos != 0) {
strpos($haystack,$needle,$currentStrPos) === false)) {
$lastFoundPos === false) {
   } else {
dreamclub2000 at hotmail dot com
4.02.2004 21:17
This function does what strrpos would if it handled multi-character strings:

function getLastStr($hay, $need){
$getLastStr = 0;
$pos = strpos($hay, $need);
  if (
is_int ($pos)){ //this is to decide whether it is "false" or "0"
while($pos) {
$getLastStr = $getLastStr + $pos + strlen($need);
$hay = substr ($hay , $pos + strlen($need));
$pos = strpos($hay, $need);
$getLastStr - strlen($need);
  } else {
    return -
1; //if $need wasn´t found it returns "-1" , because it could return "0" if it´s found on position "0".
14.10.2003 20:06
this could be, what derek mentioned:

function cut_last_occurence($string,$cut_off) {
strrev(substr(strstr(strrev($string), strrev($cut_off)),strlen($cut_off)));

//    example: cut off the last occurence of "limit"
$str = "select delta_limit1, delta_limit2, delta_limit3 from table limit 1,7";
$search = " limit";
lee at 5ss dot net
29.08.2003 16:21
I should have looked here first, but instead I wrote my own version of strrpos that supports searching for entire strings, rather than individual characters.  This is a recursive function.  I have not tested to see if it is more or less efficient than the others on the page.  I hope this helps someone!

//Find last occurance of needle in haystack
function str_rpos($haystack, $needle, $start = 0){
$tempPos = strpos($haystack, $needle, $start);
$tempPos === false){
$start == 0){
//Needle not in string at all
return false;
//No more occurances found
return $start - strlen($needle);
//Find the next occurance
return str_rpos($haystack, $needle, $tempPos + strlen($needle));
ara at bluemedia dot us
14.07.2003 10:09 notes a great replacement for strrpos because of the single character needle limitation in the strrpos function. He made a slight error in the code. He adds the length of the needle string instead of subtracting it from the final position. The function should be:

function strlastpos($haystack, $needle) {
# flip both strings around and search, then adjust position based on string lengths
return strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle) - strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle));
24.04.2003 17:07
This function does what strrpos would if it handled multi-character strings:

//function recurses until it finds last instance of $needle in $haystack

function getLastStr($haystack, $needle, $first_time=1){

$test=strstr($haystack, $needle);//is the needle there?
if ($test) return getLastStr($test, $needle, 0);//see if there is another one?
else if ($first_time) return false;//there is no occurence at all
else return $haystack;//that was the last occurence

15.02.2003 14:03
refering to the comment and function about lastIndexOf()...
It seemed not to work for me the only reason I could find was the haystack was reversed and the string wasnt therefore it returnt the length of the haystack rather than the position of the last needle... i rewrote it as fallows:

function strlpos($f_haystack,$f_needle) {
$rev_str = strrev($f_needle);
$rev_hay = strrev($f_haystack);
$hay_len = strlen($f_haystack);
$ned_pos = strpos($rev_hay,$rev_str);
$result  = $hay_len - $ned_pos - strlen($rev_str);

this one fallows the strpos syntax rather than java's lastIndexOf.
I'm not positive if it takes more resources assigning all of those variables in there but you can put it all in return if you want, i dont care if i crash my server ;).

rob at pulpchat dot com
22.01.2003 23:23
For those of you coming from VBScript, I have
converted the instrrev function to PHP:

function instrrev($n,$s) {
  return ((
$x==0) ? 0 : strlen($n)-$x+1);

Remember that, unlike PHP and Javascript, VBScript
returns 0 for no string found and 1 for the first
character position, etc.

Hopefully this will save some time if you are
converting ASP pages to PHP.
php dot net at insite-out dot com
17.12.2002 20:47
I was looking for the equivalent of Java's lastIndexOf(). I couldn't find it so I wrote this:

Method to return the last occurrence of a substring within a
function last_index_of($sub_str,$instr) {
strstr($instr,$sub_str)!="") {

It returns the numerical index of the substring you're searching for, or -1 if the substring doesn't exist within the string.
su.noseelg@naes, only backwards
13.12.2002 19:39
Maybe I'm the only one who's bothered by it, but it really bugs me when the last line in a paragraph is a single word. Here's an example to explain what I don't like:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy

So that's why I wrote this function. In any paragraph that contains more than 1 space (i.e., more than two words), it will replace the last space with '&nbsp;'.

function no_orphans($TheParagraph) {
    if (
substr_count($TheParagraph," ") > 1) {
$lastspace = strrpos($TheParagraph," ");
$TheParagraph = substr_replace($TheParagraph,"&nbsp;",$lastspace,1);

So, it would change "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." to "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy&nbsp;dog." That way, the last two words will always stay together.
DONT SPAM vardges at iqnest dot com
30.10.2002 22:22
that function can be modified to this

function strrpos_str ($string, $searchFor, $startFrom = 0)
$addLen = strlen ($searchFor);
$endPos = $startFrom - $addLen;

    while (
        if ((
$newPos = strpos ($string, $searchFor, $endPos + $addLen)) === false) break;
$endPos = $newPos;

    return (
$endPos >= 0) ? $endPos : false;

// example
$str = "abcabcabc";
$search = "ab";

$pos = strrpos_str ($str, $search);
if (
$pos === false) echo "not found";
else echo
$pos; // returns 6 in this case

28.05.2002 21:46
Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string...
and I needed it, I hacked a little code to do this:

Maybe it is helpful for you.

function _strrpos_needle($sourcestring,$needle){

/* just for easier understanding */

    do {
    } while (!


derek at slashview dot com
2.02.2002 1:06
To find the position of the start of the last occurence of a string, we can do this:
$pos=strlen($haystack) - (strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($needle)) + strlen($needle));
The idea is to reverse both $needle and $haystack, use strpos to find the first occurence of $needle in $haystack, then count backwards by the length of $needle. Finally, subtract $pos from length of $haystack. A lot easier to figure out if you use a test string to visualize it.  :)

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