PHP Doku:: Verschlüsselt Daten mit einem öffentlichen Schlüssel - function.openssl-public-encrypt.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

OpenSSL Funktionen




(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)

openssl_public_encryptVerschlüsselt Daten mit einem öffentlichen Schlüssel


bool openssl_public_encrypt ( string $data , string &$crypted , mixed $key [, int $padding ] )

openssl_public_encrypt() verschlüsselt data mit dem öffentlichen Schlüssel key und speichert das Ergebnis in crypted. Verschlüsselte Daten können mittels openssl_private_decrypt() entschlüsselt werden.

Mit dieser Funktion können Sie beispielsweise eine Nachricht verschlüsseln so daß sie nur vom Eigentümer des privaten Schlüssels gelesen werden kann.




Hier werden die verschlüsselten Daten abgelegt.


Der öffentliche Schlüssel.


Für padding ist als Standard OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING voreingestellt, aber auch OPENSSL_SSLV23_PADDING, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING oder OPENSSL_NO_PADDING sind zulässige Werte.


Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

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14 BenutzerBeiträge:
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Mark Seecof
16.07.2010 9:37
If you need a message key, obtain it from the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() function.

DO NOT just hash the current time-- an attacker will guess any such key very easily (he'll just hash a bunch of likely time values and try them until he finds the right one.  The attacker can generate and test many millions of candidate hashes every minute using an ordinary PC).
public at grik dot net
25.12.2009 19:10
openssl_private_encrypt() has a low limit for the length of the data it can encrypt due to the nature of the algorithm.

To encrypt the larger data you can use openssl_encrypt() with a random password (like sha1(microtime(true))), and encrypt the password with openssl_public_encrypt().
This way the data can be encrypted with a public key and decrypted with the private one.
2.09.2005 23:53
T. Horsten explained the size limits on raw encryption. Here are two functions to encrypt/decrypt larger data when you can't use the envelope functions:

function ssl_encrypt($source,$type,$key){
//Assumes 1024 bit key and encrypts in chunks.

  $input= substr($source,0,$maxlength);
    $ok= openssl_private_encrypt($input,$encrypted,$key);
    $ok= openssl_public_encrypt($input,$encrypted,$key);
return $output;

function ssl_decrypt($source,$type,$key){
// The raw PHP decryption functions appear to work
// on 128 Byte chunks. So this decrypts long text
// encrypted with ssl_encrypt().

  $input= substr($source,0,$maxlength);
    $ok= openssl_private_decrypt($input,$out,$key);
    $ok= openssl_public_decrypt($input,$out,$key);
return $output;

Thomas Horsten
17.08.2005 1:21
chsnyder writes that the data is limited to 936 bits in his implementation.

Actually, it has nothing to do with RSA being CPU intensive, RAM or anything of the sort.

Basically when you encrypt something using an RSA key (whether public or private), the encrypted value must be smaller than the key (due to the maths used to do the actual encryption). So if you have a 1024-bit key, in theory you could encrypt any 1023-bit value (or a 1024-bit value smaller than the key) with that key.

However, the PKCS#1 standard, which OpenSSL uses, specifies a padding scheme (so you can encrypt smaller quantities without losing security), and that padding scheme takes a minimum of 11 bytes (it will be longer if the value you're encrypting is smaller). So the highest number of bits you can encrypt with a 1024-bit key is 936 bits because of this (unless you disable the padding by adding the OPENSSL_NO_PADDING flag, in which case you can go up to 1023-1024 bits). With a 2048-bit key it's 1960 bits instead.

But as chsnyder correctly wrote, the normal application of a public key encryption algorithm is to store a key or a hash of the data you want to respectively encrypt or sign. A hash is typically 128-256 bits (the PHP sha1() function returns a 160 bit hash). And an AES key is 128 to 256 bits. So either of those will comfortably fit inside a single RSA encryption.
kenashkov at gmail dot com
30.06.2005 14:04
The encrypted data can be stored in MySQL without use of base64. It must be properly escaped with mysql_real_escape_string(), and then saved to BLOB column. (In fact - this function must be used every time when you insert binary data in MySQL).
chsnyder at gmail dot com
19.02.2005 18:18
In comment below, Jeff says the input to this function is limited to "about 50 characters". On my PHP5 build, the limit is 117 characters (936 bits, strange number).

That's because public key encryption is CPU intensive, and meant to be used on short values. The idea is to use this function to encrypt a secret key that is in turn used to encrypt data using a more efficient algorithm, such as RC4 or TripleDES. The recipient uses their private key to decrypt the secret, and can then decrypt the data.

The openssl_seal() and openssl_open() functions do this internally, and are very well documented. You should probably use them instead.
pigo at ms5 dot url dot com dot tw
11.11.2004 21:33
openssl_public_encrypt and openssl_private_encrypt can't encrypt large data . so I write a class . this class can encrypt large data and decrypt.

look url :
rstinnett at bfmhconsulting dot com
7.10.2004 3:37
To store the encrypted data in a MySQL database, you first have to encode the data so it can safely be written. You can use a blob type for this, but it can make SELECTs really nasty. The easiest way I have found to do this is with base64_encode and base64_decode. The following example using code from a previous example and split into encrypt and decrypt functions.

function EncryptData($source)
   * NOTE:  Here you use the $pub_key value (converted, I guess)

function DecryptData($source)
  #print("number : $number");
  // $passphrase is required if your key is encoded (suggested)
  $res = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key,$passphrase);
   * NOTE:  Here you use the returned resource value
  $decoded_source = base64_decode($source);

Just use the return values to store the encrypted data or display the decrypted data.
11.05.2004 9:18
I figured it out.  This function is not intended for general encryption and decryption.  For that, you want openssl_seal() and openssl_open().
10.05.2004 11:15
It looks like there is a limit on the size of the string to be encrypted: about 50 characters.

This is due to the fact that the implementation allocates an output buffer of size EVP_PKEY_size(pkey), which is totally arbitrary and unrelated to the size of the input.  Also, it's not using a cipher envelope approach.  It's just RSAing the input string.
lonewolf at greyskydesigns dot com
17.04.2003 7:28
Easy way:


= "file://path/to/public/key-crt.pem";
$plaintext = "String to encrypt";

openssl_public_encrypt($plaintext, $encrypted, $publicKey);

$encrypted;   //encrypted string

webmaster at costarica-travelinfo dot com
13.03.2003 23:51
This example worked for me:

RedHat 7.2 / php 4.2.2 / Apache 1.3.7

// STEP 1: Encryption with Public Key (you will need Private Key to decrypt - see step2).

$string="Some Important Data";
$fp=fopen ("cert.pem","r");
$pub_key=fread ($fp,8192);
if (!$PK) {
    echo "Cannot get public key";
if (!empty($finaltext)) {
    echo "Encryption OK!";
    echo "Cannot Encrypt";

// STEP 2: Decription (Using Private Key)

$fp=fopen ("pk.pem","r");
$priv_key2=fread ($fp,8192);
if (!$Crypted) {
    $MSG.="<p class='error'>Cannot Decrypt ($CCID).</p>";
    echo "Decrypted Data: " . $Decrypted;
hromi at kyberia dot sk
7.10.2002 19:31
function description is wrong, you have to switch crypttext and text if you want it to work
this is correct:
bool openssl_public_encrypt ( string crypted, string data, mixed key [, int padding])
wfredkNOSPAM at L5DevelopmentNOSPAM dot com
9.03.2002 0:56
Encrypt using public key, decrypt using private key.

Use this to store stuff in your database: Unless someone
has your private key, the database contents are useless.

Also, use this for sending to a specific individual:  Get
their public key, encrypt the message, only they can use
their private key to decode it.

echo "Source: $source";
$fp=fopen ("/path/to/certificate.crt","r");
 * NOTE:  Here you use the $pub_key value (converted, I guess)
"String crypted: $crypttext";

// $passphrase is required if your key is encoded (suggested)
$res = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key,$passphrase);
 * NOTE:  Here you use the returned resource value
"String decrypt : $newsource";

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