PHP Doku:: Prüft ob eine Variable NULL enthält -

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Funktionen zur Behandlung von Variablen




(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5)

is_null Prüft ob eine Variable NULL enthält


bool is_null ( mixed $var )

Prüft ob die gegebene Variable NULL enthält



Die zu prüfende Variable.


Liefert TRUE wenn var null enthält, sonst FALSE.


Beispiel #1 is_null()-Beispiel



$foo NULL;
var_dump(is_null($inexistent), is_null($foo));

Notice: Undefined variable: inexistent in ...

Siehe auch

  • Der NULL-Typ
  • isset() - Prüft, ob eine Variable existiert und ob sie nicht NULL ist
  • is_bool() - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ boolean ist
  • is_numeric() - Prüft, ob eine Variable eine Zahl oder ein numerischer String ist
  • is_float() - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ float ist
  • is_int() - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ int ist
  • is_string() - Prüft, ob Variable vom Typ string ist
  • is_object() - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ object ist
  • is_array() - Prüft, ob die Variable ein Array ist

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claude dot pache at gmail dot com
9.05.2009 18:38
A small but important difference between "is_null" and "isset" is the following: "is_null" tests if an *expression* (not a *variable*) is null, while "isset" tests if a *variable* has null value or is undefined. The difference is manifested in the two following experiments:

Experiment 1:
function test() { return null; }
var_dump(is_null(test())); // displays "true"
var_dump(isset(test())); // parse error, because "test()" is not a variable

Experiment 2:
var_dump(isset($an_undefined_variable)); // displays "false" since "$an_undefined_variable" is not defined
var_dump(is_null($an_undefined_variable)); // displays "true" (as expected), but throws a notice because "$an_undefined_variable" is not defined.
george at fauxpanels dot com
1.12.2008 22:58
See how php parses different values. $var is the variable.

$var        =    NULL    ""    0    "0"    1

strlen($var)    =    0    0    1    1    1
is_null($var)    =    TRUE    FALSE    FALSE    FALSE    FALSE
$var == ""    =    TRUE    TRUE    TRUE    FALSE    FALSE
!$var        =    TRUE    TRUE    TRUE    TRUE    FALSE
!is_null($var)    =    FALSE    TRUE    TRUE    TRUE    TRUE
$var != ""    =    FALSE    FALSE    FALSE    TRUE    TRUE
$var        =    FALSE    FALSE    FALSE    FALSE    TRUE

mdufour at gmail dot com
20.08.2008 6:31
Testing for a NULL field/column returned by a mySQL query.

Say you want to check if field/column “foo” from a given row of the table “bar” when returned by a mySQL query is null.
You just use the “is_null()” function:

$qResult=mysql_query("Select foo from bar;");
while ($qValues=mysql_fetch_assoc($qResult))
     if (is_null($qValues["foo"]))
         echo "No foo data!";
         echo "Foo data=".$qValues["foo"];
1.07.2008 16:54
Micro optimization isn't worth it.

You had to do it ten million times to notice a difference, a little more than 2 seconds

$a===NULL; Took: 1.2424390316s
 is_null($a); Took: 3.70693397522s

difference = 2.46449494362
difference/10,000,000 = 0.000000246449494362

The execution time difference between ===NULL and is_null is less than 250 nanoseconds. Go optimize something that matters.
strrev xc.noxeh@ellij
3.06.2008 14:42
$var===NULL is much faster than is_null($var) (with the same result)

I did some benchmarking with 10 million iterations:

 isset($a); Took: 1.71841216087s
 $a==NULL; Took: 1.27205181122s
 $a===NULL; Took: 1.2424390316s
 is_null($a); Took: 3.70693397522s
 isset($a); Took: 1.15165400505s
 $a==NULL; Took: 1.41901302338s
 $a===NULL; Took: 1.21655392647s
 is_null($a); Took: 3.78501200676s
 isset($a); Took: 1.51441502571s
 $a==NULL; Took: 16.5414860249s
 $a===NULL; Took: 16.1273870468s
 is_null($a); Took: 23.1918480396s

Please note, that isset is only included because it gives a good performance in any case; HOWEVER isset is NOT the same, or the opposite.
But you might be able to use isset() instead of null-checking.

You should not use is_null, except when you need a callback-function, or for conformity with is_int, is_float, etc.
ai dot unstmann at combase dot de
14.01.2008 21:17
For what I realized is that  is_null($var)  returns exactly the opposite of  isset($var) , except that is_null($var) throws a notice if $var hasn't been set yet.

the following will prove that:


= array(null, true, false, 0, 1, '', "\0", "unset");

$quirks as $var) {
    if (
$var === "unset") unset($var);

is_null($var) ? 1 : 0;
    echo isset(
$var) ? 1 : 0;


this will print out something like:

10    // null
01    // true
01    // false
01    // 0
01    // 1
01    // ''
01    // "\0"
Notice:  Undefined variable: var in /srv/www/htdocs/sandbox/null/nulltest.php on line 8
10    // (unset)

For the major quirky types/values is_null($var) obviously always returns the opposite of isset($var), and the notice clearly points out the faulty line with the is_null() statement. You might want to examine the return value of those functions in detail, but since both are specified to return boolean types there should be no doubt.

A second look into the PHP specs tells that is_null() checks whether a value is null or not. So, you may pass any VALUE to it, eg. the result of a function.
isset() on the other hand is supposed to check for a VARIABLE's existence, which makes it a language construct rather than a function. Its sole porpuse lies in that checking. Passing anything else will result in an error.

Knowing that, allows us to draw the following unlikely conclusion:

isset() as a language construct is way faster, more reliable and powerful than is_null() and should be prefered over is_null(), except for when you're directly passing a function's result, which is considered bad programming practice anyways.
powderz at gmail dot com
12.08.2006 6:41
Actually, since a wrapper is going to be written, you can check for your own version null values...if you want to be creative for some reason.

function isnull($data)
/** only if you need this
  if (is_string($data)) {
    $data = strtolower($data);
switch ($data) {
// Add whatever your definition of null is
    // This is just an example
case 'unknown': // continue
case 'undefined': // continue
case 'null': // continue
case 'NULL': // continue
case NULL:
// return false by default
return false;
31.07.2005 16:54
I've tested different values in order to compare 'em with NULL with the help of different operators...

=array(0, 0.0, '0', '0.0', '',FALSE,'false',NULL, 'NULL');
for (
$i=0; $i<count($arr); $i++)


it gave the following results:

0 : ==NULL
0.0 : ==NULL
'0' : nothing worked =)
'0.0' : nothing...
'' : ==NULL
'false' : nothing
NULL : ==NULL, ===NULL, is_null()
'NULL' : nothing

enjoy =)
michael at cannonbose dot com
30.12.2003 18:42
Regarding avoidance of NULLs in your MySQL queries, why not use  IS NULL and IS NOT NULL in your WHERE clauses.

FROM someDatabase
WHERE someAttribute IS NOT NULL


uioreanu at hotmail dot com
23.03.2001 15:36
Don't try to test
if ($intSomething==NULL) {
use is_null() instead.
The first statement misses 0 values.


[Ed. note: this is because == tests for equivalence of value, but not type. NULL evaluates to
false, as does 0, so NULL == 0 is true--even though 0 is type int and NULL is type null.
You should use either is_null() as noted or ===, which returns true only if its operands are
equal and of the same type.]

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