PHP Doku:: Removes one of the sort fields - solrquery.removesortfield.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The SolrQuery class




(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)

SolrQuery::removeSortFieldRemoves one of the sort fields


publicSolrQuery SolrQuery::removeSortField ( string $field )

Removes one of the sort fields



The name of the field


Returns the current SolrQuery object, if the return value is used.

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hasbridge at gmail dot com
23.07.2010 23:16
This method will generate a notice if you try and remove a sort field that isn't set. This can happen if you call getSortFields, which will return an array like:

[0] => 'fieldName asc',
[1] => 'fieldName desc

But if you try and call:

->removeSortField('fieldName asc');

You will get a notice. Instead, you need to truncate the sort order (' asc', ' desc') part of it. Something like:

= trim(str_replace(array('asc', 'desc')), '', $fieldName);

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