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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The SoapClient class




(PHP 5 >= 5.0.1)

SoapClient::__doRequestFührt eine SOAP-Anfrage aus


public string SoapClient::__doRequest ( string $request , string $location , string $action , int $version [, int $one_way = 0 ] )

Führt eine SOAP-Anfrage über HTTP aus.

Diese Methode kann in einer vererbten Klasse überschrieben werden, um weitere Transportlayer, die Ausführung zusätzlichen XML-Processings oder andere Verwendungszwecke zu implementieren.



Die XML-SOAP-Anfrage.


Der anzufragende URL.


Die SOAP-Aktion.


Die SOAP-Version.


Wenn one_way auf 1 gesetzt ist, gibt diese Methode nichts zurück. Verwenden Sie diesen Parameter, wenn Sie keine Antwort erwarten.


Die XML-SOAP-Antwort.


Version Beschreibung
5.1.3 Der Parameter one_way wurde hinzugefügt.


Beispiel #1 SoapClient::__doRequest()-Beispiel

function Add($x,$y) {

LocalSoapClient extends SoapClient {

__construct($wsdl$options) {
$this->server = new SoapServer($wsdl$options);

__doRequest($request$location$action$version) {
$response ob_get_contents();


$x = new LocalSoapClient(NULL,array('location'=>'test://',

8 BenutzerBeiträge:
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psfere at hotmail dot com
21.09.2010 18:52
I was needing to add a blank soap header (<SOAP-ENV:Header /> and found no other place that has done this.  The only way I was able to support this was to extend SoapClient and re-define __doRequest.  Hope this helps someone or if there is support for this in the library, please point me in the right direction:

class MySoapCli extends SoapClient {
__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version) {
$dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$hdr = $dom->createElementNS('', 'SOAP-ENV:Header');
$dom->documentElement->insertBefore($hdr, $dom->documentElement->firstChild);
$request = $dom->saveXML();
parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version);
19.11.2009 11:59
If you happen to get an error during your request which says "SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Can't decode apache map, only Strings or Longs are allowd as keys", the reason seems to be the response xml using integer for keys and php failling to understand them

Here is something that worked for me (converts integer keys to strings):

class mySoap extends SoapClient
    public function
__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version)
$result = parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version);
$result = str_replace('<key xsi:type="xsd:int">', '<key xsi:type="xsd:string">', $result);

// $soap = new mySoap(...
Artur Graniszewski
8.11.2009 13:35
Beware of PHP incosistent behaviour in __doRequest() method. It seems that some arguments passed to this method are passed by reference!

If you try to create your own __doRequest() method and store it's arguments as SoapClient properties you will find that after __soapCall all of them will be null or unknown.

protected $__soapAction = '';

    public function
__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $oneWay = 0) {
$response = ob_get_contents();
$this->__soapAction = $action;

In above example $this->__soapAction will be null after $obj->__soapCall()..

To store $action value, you must cast it to a string (so PHP will be forced to create a new variable with different memory pointer):

public function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $oneWay = 0) {
$response = ob_get_contents();
$this->__soapAction = (string)$action;
james dot ellis at gmail dot com
4.02.2008 13:12
If your application interacts with SOAP services and you wish to cache the responses for consumption later, then overriding SoapClient::__doRequest is the way to go.

For instance, if you know that the information presented doesn't change that often and you don't want to do a superfluous HTTP request, you can grab a response from a local cache and let SoapClient do the transformation to PHP data types.

class YourNamespace_SoapClient_Local extends SoapClient {
$cacheDocument = "";
    public function
__construct($wsdl, $options) {
parent::__construct($wsdl, $options);

     * SetCacheDocument() sets the previously cached document contents
public function SetCacheDocument($document) {
$this->cacheDocument = $document;

     * __doRequest() overrides the standard SoapClient to handle a local request
public function __doRequest() {

//---- code snippet showing usage within a class
//$document is a cached SOAP response document from a previous request, saved with SoapClient::__getLastResponse() to some cache somewhere
//for the purpose of this example, it is assumed that $this->wsdl, $this->options, $this->method and $this->params are set.

public function SoapRequest($document) {
$method = $this->method;
$document == "") {
try {
//default options
$client = new SoapClient($this->wsdl, $this->options);
$result = $client->$method($this->params);
//send the response to the cache
        } catch(
SoapFault $fault) {
//log something
return FALSE;
    } else {
//cached document
try {
             * the WSDL needs to be set to allow the method to be called on the client object
             * and to trigger SoapClient to decode the response to native data types
$client = new YourNamespace_SoapClient_Local($this->wsdl, $this->options);
$result = $client->$method($this->params);
        } catch (
SoapFault $fault) {
//log something
return FALSE;

I'll leave you to work out the caching, plenty of options there.. ;)
albert at jool dot nl
26.03.2007 16:28
If you want to communicate with a default configured ASP.NET server with SOAP 1.1 support, override your __doRequest with the following code. Adjust the namespace parameter, and all is good to go.

class MSSoapClient extends SoapClient {

__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version) {
$namespace = "";

$request = preg_replace('/<ns1:(\w+)/', '<$1 xmlns="'.$namespace.'"', $request, 1);
$request = preg_replace('/<ns1:(\w+)/', '<$1', $request);
$request = str_replace(array('/ns1:', 'xmlns:ns1="'.$namespace.'"'), array('/', ''), $request);

// parent call
return parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version);

$client = new MSSoapClient(...);

Hope this will save people endless hours of fiddling...
jfitz at spacelink dot com
5.12.2006 18:56
Note that __getLastRequest() data are buffered _before_ the call to __doRequest().  Thus any modifications you make to the XML while in __doRequest() will not be visible in the output of __getLastRequest().   This is so in at least v5.2.0

6.07.2006 10:17
Do you have problems with the PHP5 SoapClient when you need to send a request to a service with a ComplexType parameter?
Maybe because my service is build in Delphi with REMObjects SDK 3.0 I had the problems, maybe not. Anyway, this was my remedy:
= new stdClass();//define a basic class object
$versie->versieID = $aVersie->versieID();//fill it with the exact attributes as your complextype Object in the wsdl is
$versie->versieNummer = $aVersie->versieNummer();
$versie->isActief = $aVersie->isActief();     
$soapVersieType = new SoapVar($versie , SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "Versie", ""); //create the complex soap type, Versie is the name of my complex type in the wsdl, the latter url beeing the location of my wsdl.
$result $soapClient->BewaarVersie($this->sessieId,$soapVersieType); //BewaarVersie is a function derived from my WSDL with two params.
SoapFault $e){
trigger_error('Something soapy went wrong: '.$e->faultstring,E_USER_WARNING);            }

After some more testing i found out that the conversion to the StdClass() object was not required. My 'Versie' local object has the attributes for the 'Versie' wsdl complex type defined as private vars and give no pain when i create the SoapVar with an instance of the local 'Versie' Object.
metator at netcabo dot pt
21.10.2005 1:32
You can use this method to correct the SOAP request before sending it, if necessary. You can use the DOM API to accomplish that.


public ExtendedClient extends SoapClient {

__construct($wsdl, $options = null) {
parent::__construct($wsdl, $options);

__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version) {
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');

      try {

//loads the SOAP request to the Document

      } catch (
DOMException $e) {
'Parse error with code ' . $e->code);

//create a XPath object to query the request
$path = new DOMXPath($dom);

//search for a node
$nodesToFix = $path->query('//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/SOAP-ENV:Body/path/to/node');

//check if nodes are ok
$this->checkNodes($path, $nodesToFix);

//save the modified SOAP request
$request = $dom->saveXML();
return parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version);

checkNodes(DOMXPath $path, DOMNodeList $nodes) {
//iterate through the node list
for ($i = 0; $ < $nodes->length; $i++) {
$aNode = $nodes->item($i);

//just an example
if ($node->nodeValue == null) {
//do something. For instance, let's remove it.

This gives the developer the chance to solve interoperability problems with a web service.

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