PHP Doku:: Register and return default file extensions for spl_autoload - function.spl-autoload-extensions.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

SPL Funktionen




(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2)

spl_autoload_extensionsRegister and return default file extensions for spl_autoload


string spl_autoload_extensions ([ string $file_extensions ] )

This function can modify and check the file extensions that the built in __autoload() fallback function spl_autoload() will be using.



When calling without an argument, it simply returns the current list of extensions each separated by comma. To modify the list of file extensions, simply invoke the functions with the new list of file extensions to use in a single string with each extensions separated by comma.


A comma delimited list of default file extensions for spl_autoload().

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Jeremy Cook
3.09.2010 15:46
A quick note for anyone using this function to add their own autoload extensions. I found that if I included a space in between the different extensions (i.e. '.php, .class.php') the function would not work. To get it to work I had to remove the spaces between the extensions (ie. '.php,.class.php'). This was tested in PHP 5.3.3 on Windows and I'm using spl_autoload_register() without adding any custom autoload functions.

Hope that helps somebody.
Kerry Kobashi
12.05.2010 2:50
Extensions include the period. For example:

spl_autoload_extensions(".inc, .php, .lib, .lib.php ");

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