(PECL pecl_http >= 0.10.0)
HttpRequest::addQueryData — Add query data
Add parameters to the query parameter list, leaving previously set unchanged.
Affects any request type.
an associative array as parameter containing the query fields to add
Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.
Litte example :
/Tests/get.php :
header('Content-Type: text/plain') ;
print_r($_GET) ;
/Tests/http.php :
header('Content-Type: text/plain') ;
$request = new HttpRequest('') ;
$request->addQueryData(array('baz' => 'qux')) ;
$response = new HttpMessage($request->send( )) ;
echo $response->getBody( ) ;
Run /Test/http.php display :
[foo] => bar
[baz] => qux
So HttpRequest::addQueryData( ) deals with hard-coded GET data and complete them.