PHP Doku:: Falls die angegebene Funktion definiert ist, wird TRUE zurück gegeben - function.function-exists.html

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Function handling Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

function_exists Falls die angegebene Funktion definiert ist, wird TRUE zurück gegeben


bool function_exists ( string $function_name )

Prüft in der Liste der definierten Funktionen (enthält sowohl die in PHP eingebauten als auch die vom Benutzer selbst geschriebenen Funktionen), ob eine Funktion mit dem Namen function_name existiert.



Der Funktionsname (als String).


Gibt TRUE zurück, wenn function_name existiert und es sich um eine Funktion handelt, sonst FALSE.


Diese Funktion gibt FALSE für Sprachkonstrukte wie include_once() und echo() zurück.


Beispiel #1 function_exists()-Beispiel

if (function_exists('imap_open')) {
"IMAP-Funktionen sind verfügbar.<br />\n";
} else {
"IMAP-Funktionen sind nicht verfügbar.<br />\n";



Bitte beachten Sie, dass ein Funktionsname existieren kann, auch wenn die Funktion selbst nicht genutzt werden kann, weil Konfigurations- oder Kompilierungsoptionen dies verhindern können (z.B. kann dies der Fall bei den Grafik-Funktionen sein).

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tinelbarb at yahoo dot com
31.08.2010 9:36
I had a problem with VARIANT set of functions, which are not implemented in some custom compilations of php (like LAMP), so I had to define my own "VARIANT" functions.
Like the users in this page have noticed ( eddiec, for example ), the code
if ( !function_exists('SOME_FUNCTION')) {
//my run
will not work, since the PHP first parse the script for defined functions/classes (the IF statement will not stop it to find the declaration) and then it runs the script.

So, I noticed the good observation of [neelam_ab2003] and the solution is to create a test function which include the declaration of the custom function. And that's working!
Here is an example for "variant_xor" PHP function:
function DEFINE_variant_xor () {
variant_xor($a=0, $b=0) {
        return ( (
$a!=$b) && ($a||$b) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

if ( !
function_exists(' variant_xor')) {
DEFINE_variant_xor () ;
//which will pass back to the script the declaration of my function

Of course, when clone PHP functions, always make sure that your functions works entirely like the original ones with the type of arguments you need :-)
zach at bygeekz dot com
21.09.2008 3:20
to php at fluidthoughts dot com

you aren't comparing against false, that if compares against true, so it's going to return that, as false != true
true being 1, True, (bool)True, etc.
false being 0, False, Null, etc

if (
$foo) { echo 'yay'; } //does not echo yay, because null is not True

if (
$foo) { echo 'yay'; } //does not echo yay, because false is not True

if (!
$foo) { echo 'yay'; } //echoes yay!

if (!
$foo) { echo 'yay'; } //echoes yay!


if (!function_exists('')) {
"empty string function doesnt exist as compared as negative\n";

        if (!
function_exists(NULL)) {
"NULL function doesnt exist as compared as negative\n";

Alternatively, to enter upon existance..

Use your code. Since they dont exist, it wont enter..
php at fluidthoughts dot com
19.03.2008 19:18
function_exists returns false on NULL and empty string:

if (function_exists('')) {
"empty string function exists\n";

        if (
function_exists(NULL)) {
"NULL function exists\n";

Neither of the echo statements happen when I run this.
jeremiah at jkjonesco dot com
1.10.2007 20:56
If you are trying to use this for testing a "function" within a class, then you need to use method_exists().  A "function" within an object is a method, not a function.
webmaster at mamo-net dot de
22.09.2007 14:43
If you use suhosin.executor.func.blacklist instead of disabled_functions in your php.ini, function_exists will return true for a disabled function. I used this to have the same beahviour with suhosin.executor.func.blacklist and disabled_functions:

function suhosin_function_exists($func) {
    if (
extension_loaded('suhosin')) {
$suhosin = @ini_get("suhosin.executor.func.blacklist");
        if (empty(
$suhosin) == false) {
$suhosin = explode(',', $suhosin);
$suhosin = array_map('trim', $suhosin);
$suhosin = array_map('strtolower', $suhosin);
            return (
function_exists($func) == true && array_search($func, $suhosin) === false);
13.09.2007 16:26
I stumbled over the same problem as "eddiec" (users not able or not willing to use "_once"-suffixes).

A possible alternative explanation for the behavior:

If a file is included, it is possibly parsed every include-time.(?)
While parsing, every function in global scope is tried to register. THIS gets wrong, when multiple times included, and it produces an error.

If functions are defined within block scopes, their registration seems to be delayed until execution of such a block. Thus, not the function "function_exists" functions wrong, but simply the philosophy of the interpreter produces such results.

Thus, the same effect can be achieved by simply putting block braces around the contents of an include_once file:

if (function_exists('function_in_question')) return;
    function function_in_question(...)
    ...other stuff

...which is equivalent to...

if (!function_exists('function_in_question'))
    function function_in_question(...)
    ...other stuff
dieter at edarta dot be
16.02.2007 12:09
to brooklynphil at hotmail dot com:

Your post is misleading, namely the 3rd and last speedtest you describe is an unfair comparison:


The value of the 2nd parameter $syntax_only is 'test' and this evaluates to boolean true. In other words, this is exactly the same as calling the function like this:


Of course this will be faster because is_callable only does a very basic syntaxcheck. From the documentation: 'It will only reject simple variables that are not strings, or an array that does not have a valid structure to be used as a callback.'

If you omit this erroneous 3rd test, then according to your examples function_exists is 2 to 4 times faster.

I hope you can see that loop-testing functions is not so simple. :)

eddiec at stararcher dot com
9.02.2007 18:58
Note that function_exists will return TRUE in the following situation, presumably because the function "testfunc" was defined when the script was PARSED/ITERPRETED, before the function_exists call was made at RUNTIME:

if (function_exists('testfunc')) return;
testfunc() { }

So, this construction is not useful for preventing testfunc from being multiply defined if the script is muliply included or required.

However, the following construction DOES work to prevent multiple defines of testfunc:

if (!function_exists('testfunc')) {
testfunc() { }

CONTRAST this with similar uses of defined() which is completely runtime evaluated.  These both work:

if (defined('testfunc_defined')) return;
define('testfunc_defined', 1);
testfunc() { }


if (!defined('testfunc_defined')) {
define('testfunc_defined', 1);
testfunc() { }
brooklynphil at hotmail dot com
30.01.2007 20:02
to bob at thethirdshift dot net
regarding is_callable vs function_exists.

using your code
is_callable = TRUE, function_exists = FALSE

Did 10000 is_callables in 0.0443360805511 seconds
Did 10000 function_exists in 0.0111110210419 seconds

then we replace
$callarray = array('test','test'); // place this outside for-loop

is_callable = TRUE, function_exists = FALSE

Did 10000 is_callables in 0.0314660072327 seconds
Did 10000 function_exists in 0.0120670795441 seconds

then we replace

is_callable = TRUE, function_exists = FALSE

Did 10000 is_callables in 0.00991606712341 seconds
Did 10000 function_exists in 0.0113790035248 seconds

I hope you can see that loop-testing functions is not so simple. :)
17.07.2006 17:49
I would like to comment on the following post:

A note of caution: function_exists() appears to be case-insensitive (at least as of PHP 4.3.8).  e.g.:

function MyCasedFunction() {

// Will return true, even though casing is "wrong"
if (function_exists("mYcAsEdFuNcTiOn"))
"I see it!";

I believe that function calls itself are case insensitve, so this function is returning a valid truth. PHP doesn't care about cases.
andi at splitbrain dot org
7.07.2006 12:48
function_exists will return false for functions disabled with the disable_functions ini directive. However those functions are still declared so trying to define them yourself will fail.

    echo @

The above will issue a "Cannot redeclare readfile()" fatal error if readfile was disabled with disable_functions.
neelam_ab2003 at yahoo dot co dot in
11.05.2006 9:06
/*PHP doesn't Support nested functions. I have tried following in PHP_VERSION - 5.1.2*/

function A(){}



function_exists($funcName)?" $funcName exist <br>":" $funcName doesn't exist <br>";

/*O U T P U T
A exist
B exist
C doesn't exist
D doesn't exist
16.07.2005 14:46
to avoid direct calls this can be better than function_exists
in the parent file:
and in the target file:
if(!defined("IN_MODULE")) die("Can't access the file directly");
fili at fili dot nl
8.06.2005 18:24
To prevent direct calls to included files i use the following technique.

In the main file create an empty function with a random name. Like so:

function hjudejdjiwe() { return true; }

Then check for the existence of this function within your include:

if (!function_exists('hjudejdjiwe')) { die('!'); }

Simple but effective.
bob at thethirdshift dot net
23.06.2004 18:55
I, too, was wondering whether is_callable or function exists is faster when checking class methods.  So, I setup the following test:

function doTimes($start, $end)
$start_time = explode (" ", $start);
$start_time = $start_time[1] + $start_time[0];
$end_time = explode (" ", $end);
$end_time = $end_time[1] + $end_time[0];
$time = $end_time - $start_time;

$callableIsTrue = false;
$startIsCallable = microtime();
$i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
is_callable(array('test', 'test'))) { $callableIsTrue = true; }
$endIsCallable = microtime();

$existsIsTrue = false;
$startExists = microtime();
$i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
function_exists('test::test')) { $existsIsTrue = true; }
$endExists = microtime();

$timeIsCallable = doTimes($startIsCallable, $endIsCallable);
$timeExists     = doTimes($startExists, $endExists);

"<b>is_callable = ".($callableIsTrue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."</b>, \n";
"<b>function_exists = ".($existsIsTrue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."</b><br>\n";

"<br>Did 10000 is_callables in ".$timeIsCallable." seconds";
"<br>Did 10000 function_exists in ".$timeExists." seconds";

This gives the output :

is_callable = TRUE, function_exists = FALSE

Did 10000 is_callables in 0.0640790462494 seconds
Did 10000 function_exists in 0.0304429531097 seconds

So the fact that function_exists is twice as fast is slightly over shadowed by the fact that it doesn't work on class methods, at least not as far as I can tell.
ckrack at i-z dot de
9.03.2004 21:22
i was wondering whether is_callable or function exists is faster when checking class methods.

is_callable(array('foo', 'bar'));

my results when doing each operation 10000 times with a simple test class were the following:

is_callable: 0.28671383857727 seconds
function_exists: 0.14569997787476 seconds

(following tests have proved this to be true).

thus you can see, function_exists is twice as fast as is_callable.
30.07.2003 2:17
Functions within a function are better off as anonymous returns from create_function(), unless you want to be able to call it elsewhere.

However, I have used this in skinning:  I use alert_box() to display certain errors, like a faulty SQL query.  This simply calls display_alert(), which is defined in my skin scripts.  However, alert_box() is sometimes called before I know which skin to load, so it has its own functionality which it uses if function_exists('display_alert') returns false.
dshearin at excite dot com
9.07.2003 0:15
This can be used to conditionally define a user function. In this sense, it can act as a sort of inline include_once().

For example, suppose you have a function A that calls function B. B is only used inside function A and is never called from anywhere else in the script. It's logical (and perfectly legal in PHP) to define B inside of A's definition, like so:

function A($inputArray)
   if (!
// Do something with $item
         // and return result
return $result;
   foreach (
$inputArray as $nextItem) $outputArray[] = B($nextItem);

Without the function_exists test, you would get a fatal error the second time you called A, as PHP would think you were trying to redefine B (not legal in PHP). The placement of the test is also important. Since the if block is executed sequentially, like any other block of code, it must come before any call to the function defined within.

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