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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

COM Funktionen




(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5)


$obj = new DOTNET("assembly", "classname")


The DOTNET class allows you to instantiate a class from a .Net assembly and call its methods and access its properties.


string DOTNET::DOTNET ( string $assembly_name , string $class_name [, int $codepage ] )

DOTNET class constructor. assembly_name specifies which assembly should be loaded, and class_name specifices which class in that assembly to instantiate. You may optionally specify a codepage to use for unicode string transformations; see the COM class for more details on code pages.

The returned object is an overloaded object, which means that PHP does not see any fixed methods as it does with regular classes; instead, any property or method accesses are passed through to COM and from there to DOTNET. In other words, the .Net object is mapped through the COM interoperability layer provided by the .Net runtime.

Once you have created a DOTNET object, PHP treats it identically to any other COM object; all the same rules apply.

Beispiel #1 DOTNET example

= new DOTNET("mscorlib""System.Collections.Stack");
$stack->Push("Hello ");
$stack->Pop() . $stack->Pop();


You need to install the .Net runtime on your web server to take advantage of this feature.

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5.07.2010 2:17
As suggested before, you'll likely have to use a full assembly string including the assembly name, the assembly version (not the dll file version), the culture, and the public key token.  Otherwise, you'll get a 'file not found' catchable error.  To quickly find this on your own system to get the ball rolling, open C:\Windows\assembly in explorer (not in cmd as that shows a different view), scroll down the list until you find the assembly you want to work with, hover the mouse over it, and the tooltip shows the exact string to use (though processcorArchitecture if shown is optional).  You'll have to use .net utilities or other methods to automate collecting this info on other machines.

You'll also have to use the fully-qualified class name.  In other words, if you want to use the 'Form' class within 'System.Windows.Forms', you have to use the full class hierarchy 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'.  Otherwise you'll get an unhelpful 'Failed to instantiate .Net object' catchable error.

The following example shows the correct syntax to use the 'Form' class to pop up a blank form from php-cli, which can be used in leu of many Windows GUI PHP extensions out there.  Replace Version with your local version, and PublicKeyToken with your own local key token.


= 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a8425bc35256e463';
$full_class_name = 'System.Windows.Forms.Form';
$form = new DOTNET($full_assembly_string, $full_class_name);

// code to add buttons, menus, text, etc


$form_event = '';
$form_event !== 'close') {

// handle form functions and events

murat at muratyaman dot co dot uk
12.02.2010 2:46
First, I hit the same mine:

"... Failed to instantiate .Net object [Unwrapped, QI for IDispatch] [0x80004002] No such interface supported ..."

In order to load the assembly and class in it successfully, I had to change my AssemblyInfo.cs file regarding the visibility of the types in it.

// some code above

// This sets the default COM visibility of types in the assembly to invisible.
// If you need to expose a type to COM, use [ComVisible(true)] on that type.
[assembly: ComVisible(true)]

// some code below
m holmes at windowlogic dot com dot au
22.09.2009 6:31
For strongly-named NET assemblies that are registered in the GAC, you can just use the assembly name
e.g: $x = new DOTNET ("myAssembly", "myClass");

For strongly-named NET assemblies that aren't registered in the GAC, you need to use the full assembly string
e.g. $x = new DOTNET('myAssembly, Version=X.X.X.X, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ZZZZZZZZZZZZ', 'myClass');

You can't instantiate assemblies that haven't been strongly named.

"Strongly named" means that the assembly has a public key. To strongly name your own classes in Visual Studio, go to the Signing tab in the project properties and click the 'sign the assembly' box and choose a key file name.

To register an assembly in the GAC, there are various tools around to do that, but the easiest method is to drag-and-drop the compiled assembly into c:\windows\assembly using windows explorer (a shell extension is installed by default that handles registering dragged files).
kschroeder at mirageworks dot com
8.04.2009 20:55
In order to find out what the PublicKeyToken value is, open up Explorer and go to c:\windows\assembly.  In that directory you will see all of the registered assemblies along with their PublicKeyToken value.
Kai Sellgren
26.03.2009 18:14
My HTTPD crashed everytime I used this feature. To fix it, I had to switch to CGI and now everything works fine.
G dot B dot Yahav at Gmail dot com
5.03.2009 9:30
Here is a simple example using .NET Framework in PHP

= new DOTNET("mscorlib", "System.Console");
$varible = $console->ReadLine();
$console->WriteLine( "Varible: " . $varible );

$varible );
$console );
sam at bitopia dot co dot uk
2.05.2008 17:54
If you want to load any other assembly apart from mscorlib, you'll need to include it like the following

$x = new DOTNET('The.Assembly.Name, Version=X.X.X.X, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ZZZZZZZZZZZZ', 'The.Class.Name');

Replace all relevant details.

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