Not implemented yet, always return NULL
The element name
The DOM extension uses UTF-8 encoding. Use utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to work with texts in ISO-8859-1 encoding or Iconv for other encodings.
you can use DOMNode::nodeValue
DOMElement inherits this public property.
Combining all th comments, the easiest way to get inner HTML of the node is to use this function:
function get_inner_html( $node ) {
$innerHTML= '';
$children = $node->childNodes;
foreach ($children as $child) {
$innerHTML .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML( $child );
return $innerHTML;
A quick an easy way to get a string representation of any XML value is as follows:
echo $elem->property->__toString();
This is a very simple way to get the innerHTML of a node:
function getNodeInnerHTML($elem) {
return simplexml_import_dom($elem)->asXML();
I had trouble making other suggestions works, but this works perfectly for me.
I spent ages figuring out how to get a string representation of a DOMElement (that wasn't the entire DOMDocument), finally I came across this snippet:
<?php $string = $domDocument->saveXML($node); ?>
where $domDocument is the entire document, and $node is the particular node/element/whatever you want a string XML representation of.
The following code shows can text-only content be extracted from a document.
function getTextFromNode($Node, $Text = "") {
if ($Node->tagName == null)
return $Text.$Node->textContent;
$Node = $Node->firstChild;
if ($Node != null)
$Text = getTextFromNode($Node, $Text);
while($Node->nextSibling != null) {
$Text = getTextFromNode($Node->nextSibling, $Text);
$Node = $Node->nextSibling;
return $Text;
function getTextFromDocument($DOMDoc) {
return getTextFromNode($DOMDoc->documentElement);
$Doc = new DOMDocument();
echo getTextFromDocument($Doc)."\n";
It would be nice to have a function which converts a document/node/element into a string.
Anyways, I use the following code snippet to get the innerHTML value of a DOMNode:
function getInnerHTML($Node)
$Body = $Node->ownerDocument->documentElement->firstChild->firstChild;
$Document = new DOMDocument();
return $Document->saveHTML();
Although it may be preferable to use the dom to manipulate elements, sometimes it's useful to actually get the innerHTML from a document element (e.g. to load into a client-side editor).
To get the innerHTML of a specific element ($elem_id) in a specific html file ($filepath):
$innerHTML = '';
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$elem = $doc->getElementById($elem_id);
// loop through all childNodes, getting html
$children = $elem->childNodes;
foreach ($children as $child) {
$tmp_doc = new DOMDocument();
$innerHTML .= $tmp_doc->saveHTML();
Hi to get the value of DOMElement just get the nodeValue public parameter (it is inherited from DOMNode):
echo $domElement->nodeValue;
Everything is obvious if you now about this thing ;-)
It took me almost an hour to figure this out, so I hope it saves at least one of you some time.
If you want to debug your DOM tree and try var_dump() or similar you will be fooled into thinking the DOMElement that you are looking at is empty, because var_dump() says: object(DOMElement)#1 (0) { }
After much debugging I found out that all DOM objects are invisible to var_dump() and print_r(), my guess is because they are C objects and not PHP objects. So I tried saveXML(), which works fine on DOMDocument, but is not implemented on DOMElement.
The solution is simple (if you know it):
$xml = $domElement->ownerDocument->saveXML($domElement);
This will give you an XML representation of $domElement.
I wanted to find similar Elements - thats why I built an Xpath-String like this - maybe somebody needs it... its not very pretty - but neither is domdocument :)
$xpathQuery = '//*';
$xmlNodes = $xpath->query($xpathQuery);
$pathlist = array();
$attrlist = array();
foreach ($xmlNodes as $node) {
$depth = $this->_getDomDepth($node); //get Path-Depth (for array key)
$pathlist[$depth] = $node->tagName; // tagname
$attrs = $node->attributes;
foreach ($attrs as $attrName => $attrNode) // attributes
if ($attrName !='reg')
if ($a++!=0) $attr .= ' and ';
$attr .= '@'.$attrName.'='."'".$attrNode->value."'";
$attrlist[$depth] = $attr?'['.$attr.']':'';
$path = ''; for ($i=0;$i<=$depth;$i++) $path .= '/'.$pathlist[$i].$attrlist[$i]; // the xpath of the actual Element
// ... now you can go on and user $path to find similar elements
private function _getDomDepth(DomNode $node)
$r = -2;
while ($node) {
$node = $node->parentNode;
return $r;
Hi there.
Remember to append a DOMNode (or any of its descendants) to a DOMDocument __BEFORE__ you try to append a child to it.
I don't know why it has to be this way but it can't be done without it.