PHP Doku:: Transformierung zu einem XML-String - xsltprocessor.transformtoxml.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Die XSLTProcessor-Klasse




(PHP 5)

XSLTProcessor::transformToXMLTransformierung zu einem XML-String


string XSLTProcessor::transformToXML ( DOMDocument $doc )

Transformiert die Quell-DOMNode unter Verwendung des mittels xsltprocessor::importStylesheet() importierten Stylesheets in einen String.



Die zu verarbeitende DOMNode.


Das Ergebnis der Transformierung als String oder FALSE im Fehlerfall.


Beispiel #1 Transformierung in einen String


// XML-Quellen laden
$xml = new DOMDocument;

$xsl = new DOMDocument;

// Prozessor instanziieren und konfigurieren
$proc = new XSLTProcessor;
$proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // XSL Document importieren

echo $proc->transformToXML($xml);


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<h1>Fight for your mind</h1><h2>by Ben Harper - 1995</h2><hr>
<h1>Electric Ladyland</h1><h2>by Jimi Hendrix - 1997</h2><hr>

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10 BenutzerBeiträge:
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zweibieren at yahoo dot com
15.09.2010 20:15
Entities are omitted from the output with the code above. 
The symptom was that &nbsp;
-- which should work with UTF-8 encoding --
did not even get to XSLTProcessor, let alone through it.
After too much hacking I discovered the simple fix:
set substituteEntities to true in the DOMDocument for the XSL file.
That is, replace the loading of the xsl document with

= new DOMDocument;
$xsl->substituteEntities = true;    // <===added line
michael dot weibel at tilllate dot com
3.12.2009 10:33
If you retrieve "false" from the transformToXML method, use libxml_get_last_error() or libxml_get_errors() to retrieve the errors.
Charlie Murder
29.11.2009 16:43
To prevent your xsl file from automatically prepending

<?xml version="1.0"?>

whilst keeping the output as xml, which is preferable for a validated strict xhtml file, rather specify output as

<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
5.02.2008 20:09
If your xsl doesn't have <html> tags. The output will contain <?xml version="1.0"?>. To fix this you can add the following to your xsl stylesheet:

method="html" />
smubldg4 at hotmail dot com
3.10.2007 5:58
How to fix:: *Fatal error: Call to undefined method domdocument::load()*

If you get this error, visit the php.ini file and try commenting out the following, like this:


Suddenly, the wonderfully simple example above works as advertised.
jeandenis dot boivin at gmail dot com
14.03.2007 1:59
$domTranObj = $xslProcessor->transformToDoc($domXmlObj);
$domHtmlText = $domTranObj->saveHTML();

Do fix the <meta> for valid XHTML but do not correctly end empty node like <br /> which ouput like this : <br></br>

Some browser note this as 2 different <br /> ...

To fix this use

$domTranObj = $xslProcessor->transformToDoc($domXmlObj);
$domHtmlText = $domTranObj->saveXML();
Thomas Praxl
22.01.2007 22:36
I noticed an incompatibility between libxslt (php4) and the transformation through XSLTProcessor.
Php5 and the XSLTProcessor seem to add implicit CDATA-Section-Elements.
If you have an xslt like

<script type="text/javascript">
foo('<xsl:value-of select="bar" />');

It will result in

<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[

(at least for output method="xml" in order to produce strict xhtml with xslt1)

That brings up an error (at least) in Firefox 1.5 as it is no valid javascript.
It should look like that:

<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[

As the CDATA-Section is implicit, I was not able to disable the output or to put a '//' before it.

I tried everything about xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"

I also tried to disable implicit adding of CDATA with <output cdata-section-elements="" />
(I thought that would exclude script-tags. It didn't).

The solution:

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
  foo('</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="bar" /><xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">');

Simple, but it took me a while.
15.08.2006 10:53
The transformToXML function can produce valid XHTML output - it honours the <xsl:output> element's attributes, which defines the format of the output document.

For instance, if you want valid XHTML 1.0 Strict output, you can provide the following attribute values for the <xsl:output> element in your XSL stylesheet:

doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" />
lsoethout at hotmail dot com
19.02.2006 11:35
The function transformToXML has a problem with the meta content type tag. It outputs it like this:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

which is not correct X(HT)ML, because it closes with '>' instead of with '/>'.

A way to get the output correct is to use instead of transformToXML first transformToDoc anf then saveHTML:

    $domTranObj = $xslProcessor->transformToDoc($domXmlObj);
    $domHtmlText = $domTranObj->saveHTML();
jlipps at mac
6.01.2005 17:05
transformToXML, if you have registered PHP functions previously, does indeed attempt to execute these functions when it finds them in a php:function() pseudo-XSL function. It even finds static functions within classes, for instance:

<xsl:value-of select="php:function('MyClass::MyFunction', string(@attr), string(.))" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>

However, in this situation transformToXML does not try to execute "MyClass::MyFunction()". Instead, it executes "myclass:myfunction()". In PHP, since classes and functions are (I think) case-insensitive, this causes no problems.

A problem arises when you are combining these features with the __autoload() feature. So, say I have MyClass.php which contains the MyFunction definition. Generally, if I call MyClass::MyFunction, PHP will pass "MyClass" to __autoload(), and __autoload() will open up "MyClass.php".

What we have just seen, however, means that transformToXML will pass "myclass" to __autoload(), not "MyClass", with the consequence that PHP will try to open "myclass.php", which doesn't exist, instead of "MyClass.php", which does. On case-insensitive operating systems, this is not significant, but on my RedHat server, it is--PHP will give a file not found error.

The only solution I have found is to edit the __autoload() function to look for class names which are used in my XSL files, and manually change them to the correct casing.

Another solution, obviously, is to use all-lowercase class and file names.

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