PHP Doku:: Indisch - timezones.indian.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Liste unterstützter Zeitzonen




Indian/Antananarivo Indian/Chagos Indian/Christmas Indian/Cocos Indian/Comoro
Indian/Kerguelen Indian/Mahe Indian/Maldives Indian/Mauritius Indian/Mayotte

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khumaer at rediffmail dot com
18.05.2009 18:36
One must set date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Calcutta'); if one needs to develop time specific applications or websites.Do not go for indian time as you wont get GMT+0530 over there.Even Asia/Calcutta is not mentionaed anywhere.but when i put it it worked for me.
12.06.2007 21:44
India itself is handled by Asia/Calcutta

The "Indian" zone is for islands at the Indic Ocean.
25.10.2006 22:34
Mumbai, a very common timezone for defining a large market when it comes to financial applications. Would be the same as IST (India Standard Time). Hence if you which to set this one, until they implement a gmt +5.5, perhaps the IST is useable.

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